Of course, what makes her more fortunate is that she doesn't have many close friends with her immediate boss.

First of all, in Xu Wan's eyes, Mr. Yun Jinyun is Master Hanxiao's childhood sweetheart, and he is a master who must not be neglected.

Then there are the two young adults Xingqiu and Keqing, Xiangling from Wanmin Hall, Chongyun from the Alchemist Family, and Hutao from Shengsheng Hall.

These few are either Lord Hanxiao's disciples or good friends.

Only the Hutao Hall Master of the Rebirth Hall, Xu Wan, always felt that the way the two of them got along was a little strange in the information she obtained.

Why do some people these days entertain their friends with chokeholds whenever they meet?

Could it be because of Mr. Zhongli?

Han Xiao had no objection at all to Han Xiao's large sum of money to hire Mr. Zhongli Xu Wan. After all, the other party was too knowledgeable and could tell anything about anything.

Could it be that Hall Master Hu was dissatisfied with Han Xiao poaching the corner of the Hall of Purity?

But after thinking about it carefully, she still felt that something was wrong. After all, before Mr. Zhongli came to Guilicheng to serve as the principal, Hall Master Hu would use the chokehold technique every time he saw Mr. Han Xiao.

According to Xu Wan's sixth sense, the reason why Hall Master Hu behaved like this was probably because his immediate superior said something outrageous that offended him, and it was some sensitive topics about women.

Hey, I was out on a patrol in the city a few days ago, what a coincidence.

Hearing Xu Wan's explanation, Hu Tao curled her lips in displeasure. It might be true that Han Xiao went out to the city, but it was definitely not for a business trip.

Very good, this Hall Master will follow you to see how long you can hide.

Miss Xu Wan, where is Zhongli now?

Mr. Zhongli's words should be at school now.

Okay, then I'll leave first. When Han Xiao comes back, tell him that this hall master will come again!

After saying that, Hu Tao ran out of Kuixing Tower and ran towards the school.


At this time, Han Xiao didn't know that Hu Tao had come to Guili City. After finishing Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun's machine arts course, he had some ideas in his mind.

As a cheap master, I have very strong machine skills. If she joins the current team of machine masters in Guili City as a leader, will the research and development efficiency be greatly increased?

Thinking of this, Han Xiao opened her mouth and stopped Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng who was about to leave.

Master Liuyun, I wonder if you are interested in improving the lathe.

Improve the lathe?

Please tell me in detail, I am very interested.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who was about to leave, immediately stopped after hearing this. She wanted to hear what Han Xiao was planning.

I established a mechanism research and development team in Mingyun Town, specializing in mechanisms that improve the lifestyle of Liyue residents through mechanism techniques.

But after all, they still lack a capable leader and their progress has been very slow. I think that with Master Liuyun's level of machine skills, you are more than enough to hold this leadership position.

And sometimes sparks of inspiration can only come from a collision of ideas, right?

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought about it carefully and felt that Han Xiao's proposal seemed good.

Since her death, her two apprentices, Gan Yu and Shen He, have not shown much interest in the art of mechanism, so she has been basically the only one studying the art of mechanism for so many years.

It's just that a person's thinking still has limitations after all, even if he is an immortal.

After teaching Han Xiao these past few days, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun gained a lot of inspiration from the other party's certain ways of thinking about machines.

Even though she didn't like those mortal mechanics, Han Xiao was right. Sometimes a collision of ideas would bring inspiration.

In that case, I will go to Mingyun Town to have a look.

In the end, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun agreed to Han Xiao's suggestion, but soon the conversation changed and he said in an arrogant tone:

But I'll have to say something ugly first. If those group of machine masters are all a bunch of rotten wood, I will be able to curse people.

It's okay, just scold them, maybe you can make them happy!

Seeing that Lord Liuyun Jiefeng agreed to his suggestion, Han Xiao quickly patted her chest and promised.

I am a master of machine arts, but he is an immortal. The group of machine masters must be very honest after seeing him. Even if they are scolded, they may be scolded and some of them will come out.

This is the thousand-mile sound transmission conch that I made with my immortal power. If you have any questions, just contact me through it.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun took out a conch engraved with talismans out of thin air and threw it to Han Xiao, then flew directly to Mingyun Town.

Since she agreed to her apprenticeship, she will now go and see how good those mechanics masters are.

Master Liuyun, walk slowly!

Waving to the departing Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, Han Xiao put the conch of the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission into the jade pendant, with a fox-like smile on her face.

Today, he brought another industry boss to return to Licheng.

Just thinking about it makes you happy.


Just when Han Xiao was still immersed in the joy of successfully abducting someone, a scream suddenly came from outside the alchemy workshop, and then Hutao, whose whole body was glowing with flames, rushed in.

Zhuo, how did Hutao find me?

The moment she heard the sound, Han Xiao felt her scalp numb. Just as she was about to run, she felt a slender arm wrap around her neck like a python.

The next moment, the familiar tingling feeling of ribs came from the back of his head again, and at the same time, Hu Tao's delicate little face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling came into view.

Holding Hu Tao's arm firmly with both hands, Han Xiao said speechlessly:

Hu Xiaotao, you choked me again!

Nonsense, you owe the lock!

Can you tell me how you knew I was here?

Looking at Hu Tao, who was not about to let go, and the hot and humid breath hitting her face, Han Xiao turned her head slightly, wondering how the other party knew that she was hiding in the alchemy workshop.

But he soon found out why.

Ahem, Hall Master, you'd better let little friend Han Xiao go first.

Outside the alchemy workshop, Zhongli walked in slowly with his hands behind his back, still speaking words of persuasion, but a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

Gan, I knew it was you, Zhong Erzhu!

Chapter 115 The first battle between Hu and Han

Perhaps because she thought it was a bit unseemly for the two of them to be entangled in front of Zhongli, Hu Tao hesitated and chose to release her arm from Han Xiao's neck.

Then he jumped back a little, and came to Zhongli's side, folding his hands on his chest like he usually did, while his pair of gorgeous plum-blossom eyes still stared at Han Xiao 'viciously'.

Mr. Zhongli...

With one hand rubbing her neck, which was a little tight due to the strangulation, Han Xiao looked at Zhongli with resentful eyes.

Although the words were not spoken, the meaning was clear.

My dear friend Hanxiao, I am a guest at the Hall of Rebirth, so naturally I have to listen to the hall master.

Seemingly understanding what Han Xiao's eyes revealed, Zhong Li raised his eyebrows and explained with a matter-of-fact expression.

He is the guest of the Palace of the Past Life, Hu Tao is the master of the Hall of the Past Life, and the other party is his 'boss'.

So Hu Tao asked him to help find Han Xiao. Is it reasonable for him to help?

This is very reasonable!

Hmph, that's right.

Hutao on the side snorted triumphantly.

Zhongli is my guest at the Rebirth Hall, so naturally he must listen to the words of the hall master.

If Zhongli hadn't told me, I would have never known that you went out of the city during the day and hid back at night.

As he said that, Hutao glared at Han Xiao with dissatisfaction and deliberately said in a vicious tone:

Tell me, Master Tianshuxing, why did you empty out my Death Hall when you built a museum?

Uh...Hu Xiaotao, is that Mr. Zhongli's collection?

Putting aside the facts, Zhongli is from the Hall of Purity, so naturally his things belong to the Hall of Purity!

Hutao said while turning her gaze to Zhongli beside her:

Zhongli, you think so?

Based on universal rationality, the Hall Master is right.

Zhongli assumed the same posture as Hu Tao with his hands folded across his chest. Under Han Xiao's 'horrified' gaze, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and nodded in recognition.

God just ignores the facts!

Hearing Zhong Erzhu's deliberately rhythmic words, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Although he wanted to continue to refute, considering that Zhongli had already made it clear that he was on Hutao's side, he just waited to see the two of them face off.

After some consideration, Han Xiao decided to take a step back because he couldn't afford to offend her father and daughter.

Okay, okay, Hu Xiaotao, what kind of compensation do you want!

Han Xiao, who finally decided to avoid the fight, made a French military salute with both hands, obviously intending to surrender.

Seeing Han Xiao's decision to surrender, Zhongli, the 'black hand' behind all this, expressed his happiness. As expected, using unlucky children to control unlucky children is very effective.

Well, there is a similar strategy in the military book, but there is no specific name.

I think it’s better to just call it ‘Driving Hu Tunxiao’.

For a moment, Han Xiao and Hu Tao shuddered in unison, and an ominous premonition filled their hearts.

It's just that this feeling came and went quickly. Hu Tao, who couldn't find the reason, regarded the feeling just now as an illusion. At the moment, it was more important to give Han Xiao a hard blow.

Let me think about it, Master. First of all, Goshen Hall will open a branch in Guili City, and you will pay for it!

no problem.

Han Xiao agreed to Hu Tao's request without even thinking about it.

Birth, old age, illness and death are common occurrences. The Goshen Hall has been a funeral faucet since the Demon God War, so there is no problem at all in opening a branch in Guili City.

In fact, even if Hutao didn't say this, Hanxiao still had plans to let Shengshengtang open a branch in Guili City.

And not only Goshengtang, he also plans to attract time-honored brands such as Manmintang and Chunxiang Kiln to open branches in the city.

Especially Xiangling, who is still traveling abroad, leaves Liyue Port to Master Mao. She can definitely open another Wanmin Tang in Guili City with her as the chef.

Thinking about it, Han Xiao became distracted in front of Hu Tao.

By the way, Xiangling has been traveling for such a long time. Calculated by time, I am afraid she will soon arrive in Mondstadt.

Hey! Hey!

Seeing Han Xiao's eyes gradually becoming vacant, Hu Tao quickly jumped in front of him, waved his hand back and forth in front of Han Xiao's eyes, and his tone became much louder.

Shi Hanxiao, come to my senses, ow!

Oh, sorry for getting distracted.

Han Xiao, who was awakened by Hu Tao's roar, apologized repeatedly.

Huh, I haven't finished my conditions yet.

You say it, you say it.

This hall master feels that as compensation, all the staff of Kuixing Tower must order a set meal from Laosheng Hall.

Hu Xiaotao, aren't you? Are you thinking about performance?

Why not?

I don't think so. Many people are taboo about discussing issues of life and death!

Han Xiao and Hu Tao soon got into a heated 'argument' about the set meal. Although Zhongli, who had not spoken for a long time, looked calm, the smile in his eyes betrayed him.

Thinking about it, as his comrades left one by one, he hadn't been as happy as he was now for a long time.

Watching the bickering between Hu Tao and Han Xiao, Zhong Li couldn't help but recall the scene when Fa Nan and the others bickered with Liu Yun.

Well... let's go back and have one more drink today.

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