At this moment, Hanxue was breaking out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that the idea he came up with to sell books would alarm Qixing, and he even went to major aristocratic families to borrow classics and ask Miss Gan Yu for confirmation.

It seems you have nothing to say, Mr. Hanxue, come with us to the General Affairs Department!

Facing the evidence presented by Feng Yan, Hanxue lost the arrogance of the 'scholar' before and followed Qian Yanjun towards the General Affairs Department in dejection.

I didn't see it. Didn't you say that Mr. Hanxue is a famous historian?

Yeah, who would have thought that everything in his book was made up by himself. If Qixing hadn't gone out of his way to verify it, I'm afraid we would all have been kept in the dark.

Who made him insist on saying that what he wrote was history? It would have been better if he had said that what he wrote was a novel from the beginning.

Seeing Han Xue being taken away by Qian Yan's army, the few people who had been praising each other immediately changed their faces and began to gloat over each other's misfortune.

Although there are some fictitious stories about King Yan in their books, they still want to be shameless. When talking to others, they always say that what they wrote is a novel.

It's not like Han Xue bragging that what he records is history when he meets anyone.

It's fine now, I guess there will never be anyone like him again in history.

The fall of Hanxue was like a fuse. Before other historians could laugh at it, the fire suddenly spread to the entire historical circle.

A large number of Brothers who fabricated history under the guise of the emperor, but in fact they were just trying to sell the books they wrote, were all taken away for investigation.

At the same time, a building called the History Museum by Tianshu Star was built in Liyue Port. It is filled with cultural relics and copies of books that have been preserved for thousands of years.

As long as people pay a certain amount of mora, they can enter the building to visit and learn about the history of Liyue Port, and there are dedicated commentators inside the building to tell them the stories behind it.

Of course, more than 70% of the cultural relics come from a certain principal's private collection and are suspected of being donated after being 'coaxed'.

In addition, according to gossip, a few nights someone heard the screams of the current hall leader, Hu Tao, crying like a wolf and howling like a wolf from the Purity Hall.

In this regard, many people think that after walking so many night walks in the Rebirth Hall, it is possible that they really encountered ghosts.


So Mr. Zhongli, did you really move most of the ancient books from the Hall of Rebirth?

On the pavilion on the rooftop of the school, Han Xiao was drinking with Zhong Li. He froze when he heard that the other party had donated all the cultural relics that had been stored in the Hall of Purity for many years.

His eyes were wide open, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Although Han Xiao and Zhong Li mentioned that they would build a history museum in Liyue Port to copy and store historical documents of various major families, they also hinted that the other party would provide some funding.

But he really didn't expect that Zhongli would send all the historical relics he had in the Hall of Rebirth to the museum.

Obviously, what Hanxiao wants is just some of the ancient relics that Zhongli collected in the original secret realm of Guili.

Now, if Hutao found out that he was the one instigating Zhongli, why not rush to Guili City to fight him?

The history recorded in the cultural relics of Guiliyuan's secret realm is too fragmented, so it would be a bit unsatisfactory to put them in a museum like this.

Seeing Han Xiao's confused look, Old God Zhongli picked up his wine glass and took a sip, and then slowly explained:

The Hall of the Past contains objects that I have saved over the years. Many of them can make up for the fragmentary history. Wouldn't it be better to display them together.

Then Hall Master Hu...what do you say?

Hall Master, she was a little reluctant to give up, but she smiled happily when she learned that it was your request.

...Mr. Zhongli, I suddenly remembered that I have encountered some alchemical problems recently and may have to retreat for a period of time. I won't disturb you for now and take my leave!

After hearing Zhongli's explanation, Han Xiao stood up instantly, spoke in such a hurry that she left the pavilion in a hurry.

Looking at Han Xiao's somewhat flustered back as he left, Zhong Li, who was holding the wine glass, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Hu Tao and Han Xiao were both unlucky children that he couldn't handle. If these two monkeys fought, there might be something exciting to watch.

Chapter 111 The goals of the group members

Very good... Han Xiao, this hall master remembers you!

Seeing that the huge hall of rebirth was now empty, Hu Nuo's silver teeth were clenched secretly, and the plum blossom-shaped pupils also flashed with 'murderous intent'.

The already flat upper body kept rising and falling, playing baseball and bowling.

Although those objects all belong to Zhongli, Zhongli is a guest at the Purity Hall, so if you round them up, don’t those things belong to the Purity Hall?

It's good now. Just because of Han Xiao's words, Zhongli donated all the things.

Hu Tao felt that her heart was bleeding.

I usually go out often and send the bills back, but this time I even gave away my own things. It was so wasteful. This Zhongli was so wasteful!

Of course, Hu Tao focused on Han Xiao, the 'mastermind behind the scenes'.

Lao Meng!

What did the hall master call me for?

I'm going to Guili City in the next few days, and I'll leave the Wuwanpo side to you.

After saying that, Hu Tao picked up the Humo Zhan standing by the wall, and turned into a gust of wind and rushed out, leaving only the extremely messy Lao Meng in place.


Ever since Han Xiao learned from Zhongli that Hu Tao might be 'laughing very happily', he told Xu Wan to go out on business for a few days, and then left Guili City in front of his subordinates.

It wasn't until late at night that Han Xiao secretly sneaked back into the city with Albedo's help, and then plunged into the alchemy workshop under the puzzled eyes of the other party.

What on earth did you do and why are you so mysterious?

In the alchemy workshop, Abedo stood in front of the experimental table without making a move for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but asked Han Xiao beside him out of curiosity.

He was really curious. Hanxiao suddenly found him during the day and asked him to pick him up at night, but said nothing else.

So Abedo wanted to know why Han Xiao went to so much trouble to create an alibi for himself.

Oh, it's hard to put it into words.

Hearing this, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh, with a melancholy look on her face.

He didn't react at first, but it wasn't until he calmed down a little that Han Xiao realized that this was basically a trap set up by Zhongli.

It's probably because he has added too much work to Zhongli recently.

However, Han Xiao felt that she was quite capable if the other party could not help but fight back.

Shocked, a 6,000-year-old man was actually angered by a young man less than 20 years old, and ended up hurting him? 》

This is probably the title in the past life shock department.

However, Han Xiao also thinks that Zhongli like this is quite good. He usually looks too old-fashioned and cold. Since he is about to retire, why not have a sunset red to make his old heart feel agitated again.

Although it was already clear that she was being 'calculated' by Zhongli, Han Xiao was not discouraged but instead became more motivated.

This time it was because he accidentally got into the other person's trap. Next time he would definitely give Zhongli his whole body back.

Not only did Han Xiao think this way, he had even asked his friends in the chat group how to give Zhongli a big one.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Just do it and just stare at Zhongli all day long.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: That's wrong! Who in Liyue is as knowledgeable as Zhongli? How can such a powerful boss let him wander around every day!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: You can't beat Zhongli now, but if you can beat him, Zhongli will definitely become a 996 overtime worker by you.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Have you not noticed that since becoming the Tianshu Star, Yuanxiao has been running towards the street lights?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: I agree. I think the white street lamp in the mall suits you very well. It looks very beautiful when hung up.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Tsk, let's change the topic. I think you all agree that the function of randomly searching group members in the chat group has been suspended?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: We all plan to save some points and choose a better tag to search the world.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: What world do you plan to choose? Tell me and I will be happy.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: I plan to find a world where you can increase your magic power through practice. People at night parties are getting more and more perverted. If you don't increase your magic power, I might not be able to survive.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: It's a pity that Jixiao didn't find Dayuan. It seems that he can't use the magic circuit here. I have the same idea as him, but I want to find a few of us from the magic world to superimpose my magic. Qualifications.”

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: It's better to be here. The plot is led by the big boss, so I don't have to worry about it at all. Whatever you choose, I will just follow it and be done with it.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Actually, I want to choose Hakodeni. The third type of perpetual motion machine is too great for the body. Unfortunately, it requires too many points. I can only find some world that can increase my physical strength and endurance.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Haha, you are as miserable as me. Now Chromie is still chasing me. Do you think if there are more things from the other world on me, the other party will probably take them with me? All bronze dragons come to cut me down.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: My situation is similar to that of Mo Xiao. Maybe it's just a little bit better. I can take action when the twins appear. I currently feel that the food cells are good and my telekinesis ability is okay. Anyway, as long as it's not Just Honkai Impact.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: It's impossible to say, Yuanxiao, Teyvat may have been artificially nailed to the tree. Imaginary internal energy or Honkai energy can collide with each other according to the M-theory, which corresponds to the world bubble. It can be grafted back onto the tree.”

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: What you said is too complicated, let me explain it. If Hanxiao your future goal is to save Teyvat, or even cross the quantum sea, finding a way to control Honkai energy may not be a bad thing.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Well, even if I want to master the Honkai Impact, I have to wait until I can resist the erosion, so I'd better polish it first.

After closing the chat group, Han Xiao fell into thinking.

Honkai Impact will definitely not be considered for the time being. He does not want to be the leader.

But Xingyue and the Pirate King themselves are right. If Teyvat really comes to an end in the future, perhaps learning from Hollandelle to invert the World Bubble into his own body is also a way.

Not only can it temporarily save Teyvat, but it can also greatly enhance its own strength.

But before that, Han Xiao decided to improve his physical fitness and willpower first. He was not a talented player like Youlandel.

The reason why he is interested in gourmet cells and mind ability is that one of them focuses on physical development, and the other four elements are the practice of enhancing the process of self-will.

Are you Han Xiao?

Just when Han Xiao was still thinking about which abilities he would choose to lay the foundation for in the future, a female voice he had never heard before suddenly came from the alchemy workshop.

Chapter 112 The woman is here

The sudden sound surprised both Han Xiao and Abedo. After all, the alchemy workshop was located in the innermost corner of Guili City, not far from Kuixing Tower in the center.

This is a place with the strictest management in the city. Now someone can sneak in quietly. Do you think Han Xiao and Abedo can't be shocked?


Han Xiao subconsciously took out the rock star from the jade pendant, and Albedo on the side also had a long sword in his hand out of thin air. The two of them turned around and prepared to attack the moment the sound rang out.

But when the two of them saw the person who made the noise, they were both stunned.

Contrary to what they imagined, what appeared in front of them was not a woman but a blue, blue and white crane.

Isn't this that woman?

Seeing the crane appearing in front of him, Han Xiao's eyes twitched, and he quickly took Yan Xing back and waved to Albedo to put away the weapon.

Then he asked in a 'hesitant' tone:

You can't be Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, right?

Oh? Boy, do you know me?

Hearing Han Xiao accurately report her name, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was a little surprised. She hadn't appeared in front of the people of Liyue for a long time. She didn't expect that the boy opposite could recognize her at a glance.

Hanjia Hanxiao has met the true king.

Seeing Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun admitting her identity, Han Xiao immediately performed an ancient ritual to her, and then explained:

True Lord, I don't know. There is a record of the immortal's appearance in the Han family's classics.

I see, the Han family is really interested.

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun suddenly understood, and his tone became more intimate. After all, the Han family was the first family to follow the emperor in raising an army, so it was normal for her appearance to be recorded.

You're a very good boy, much better than Han Xiang, that idiot who only knows how to blacksmith and doesn't like studying.


Han Xiao's mouth twitched at Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun's praise. He knew that this woman had no control over her words. Good guy, when she evaluated him, she even brought out the first generation head of the Han family.

How do you ask him to answer the call?

After much deliberation, Han Xiao could only pretend to be humble and thank her:

Thank you for the compliment, True Lord. How can I compare with my ancestors?

There's no need to be self-effacing. I saw that puppet just now. It's a pretty good skill.

As an immortal with three eyes and five manifestations, even if Han Xiao released Yan Xing for a short time, it was enough for Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhenjun to notice.

As soon as she saw it, she knew that Han Xiao was already quite accomplished in alchemy.

As for who he learned it from, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun saw Albedo turning to the side:

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