If the current water god hadn't stood up and vouched for it in the name of the god, Steam Bird would have been almost banned from being published in the six countries for this reason.

Ningguang didn't want Liyue to fall into the same crisis of trust as Fengdan because of the newspaper's problems.

After understanding Ningguang's concerns, Han Xiao immediately made a guarantee that reporters would only collect public intelligence information from various countries and would never deliberately spy on other countries' secrets.

Since you said so, I'm relieved.

After receiving Han Xiao's assurance, Ningguang nodded with satisfaction, and then gave him a meaningful look.

Hanxiao, the newspaper office can only be a regular business, but now that you are a Seven Star, you should cultivate some capable subordinates.

Just like Miss Ye Lan?

Haha, who knows.

Leaving behind an ambiguous sentence, Ningguang left Kuixing Tower with a smile, leaving only Han Xiao who was thoughtful.

Good guy, really good guy.

It wasn't until a long time later that Han Xiao came back from her thoughts and couldn't help but shake her head in surprise at Ning Guang's bold suggestion.

According to Ningguang's hint, the newspaper office opened in Guili City must be a regular newspaper office, but spies sent to other countries can also have spies, but the premise is that Han Xiao must have subordinates with similar abilities as Ye Lan.

If there are no such capable talents, then simply don’t send them out, otherwise they will be easily discovered by other countries.

As expected of Qixing, a self-made man who considers details.

After understanding this, Han Xiao immediately changed the newspaper's goal of collecting intelligence and changed it to only collect intelligence published by various countries.

As for exploring the secrets of other countries, let's wait until we have capable subordinates.

Chapter 107 Zhongli laughed angrily

Under Han Xiao's order, Guilicheng quickly recruited a group of editors and reporters with strong writing skills from Liyue Port to establish a newspaper.

Liyue Daily also started printing and publishing as the employees joined the company.

Han Xiao personally read the first issue of Liyue Daily and determined the content of each edition.

For example, the Seven Countries column, which is dedicated to introducing overseas windows to residents, published news about the Mondstadt dragon disaster.

Not only that, the newspaper also contained an interview with Qin, the current acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

Through interviews in newspapers, many people knew that Captain Qin and the Knights were trying to peacefully solve the problem of the Wind Demon Dragon, and called on the people of Mondstadt not to panic.

Well, it was precisely because there was a window to speak out to the public that Qin agreed to Han Xiao's request and accepted the interview.

In addition to the Seven Kingdoms column, Han Xiao also specially asked Abedo to design the cover of Liyue Daily and published a paper on the alchemy of creation.

The same goes for Yan Fei. Originally, she was not willing to be a columnist. It was not until Han Xiao wrote a popular science article using the classic Zhang Sannu ghost case that Teacher Luo had said that Yan Fei felt greatly inspired. Agree.

After taking care of Yan Fei and Abedo, Han Xiao personally approached Zhongli with good wine and food, and with his sharp tongue, he finally made the other party agree to write about some people and events that were rarely recorded in history.

Incidentally, Xingqiu, who had been promoted to secretary-general, was also moved by the outline provided by Han Xiao and took the initiative to write and publish a new martial arts novel in Liyue Daily.

It can be said that because of Han Xiao's efforts in all aspects, Liyue Daily has received praise from the people of Guilicheng and businessmen from various countries as soon as it was published.

After all, except for businessmen who travel around the world all year round, others may not have the opportunity to contact other countries in their lives.

With the Seven Countries Window in Liyue Daily, they can learn about the customs and customs of other countries without leaving home, which greatly broadens their horizons.

Abedo's alchemy thesis is relatively hard-core, but it has also been strongly sought after by many people with alchemical foundations.

Contrary to Abedo's situation, the legal story polished by Han Xiao, that is, the case of the female ghost, made the people of Guili City become very interested in the law for the first time.

As for the synopsis provided by Han Xiao, the new martial arts novel The Legend of the Desert Heroes written by Xingqiu became the biggest hot topic in the newspaper.

For the first time, the name of Teacher Zhenyu gained considerable popularity in Liyue.

As the Liyue Daily became more and more popular in Guili City, the newspaper was also taken to other countries on the Teyvat continent by businessmen from various countries.

Han Xiao believed that it wouldn't take long for Liyue Daily to catch up with Steam Bird News and become one of the top newspapers in the Teyvat continent.


I don't understand why there are archaeologists like Han Xue in Liyue who don't tell the truth!

Looking at the comments sent from Liyue Port, Zhong Li looked at Han Xiao sitting in front of him with a serious face, with a hint of anger in his sharp eyes.

Because he couldn't stand Han Xiao's persistent pursuit, Zhongli accepted the job of writing an article for Liyue Daily and personally wrote about the interesting things that happened to his old friend Mark Hughes, the God of Stoves.

As a result, he soon received a reply from an archaeologist named Han Xue in Liyue Port.

Originally, Zhongli was interested in a reader replying to him, but when he opened it, he saw that the other person was scolding him for making things up.

He also said that there is no God of Stoves at all, and that Liyue’s Earth God is the King of Rocks. He hoped that he would stop publishing articles to mislead people.

The whole reply made Zhongli laugh angrily. Without saying a word, he came to the alchemy factory and carried Han Xiao's back collar to the pavilion on the rooftop of the school.


Facing Zhongli who had his hands folded on his chest and said nothing, Han Xiao felt bad after reading the reply.

Damn, this Hanxue must be mentally ill!

Does he really think that the random speculations he wrote are true?

very good!

I must propose cultural rectification in Liyue at the Seven-Star Council and crack down on some ‘bricks’ who make up random stories without historical basis!

Just wait for death, Hanxue, I will remember you!

But before that, he had to find a way to deal with Zhongli.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao's face became solemn and she said solemnly:

Mr. Zhongli, it is precisely because the people of Liyue have forgotten the ancestors who made great contributions to Liyue that I asked you to come out, so that the people of Liyue will not forget those who have shed blood and even sacrificed their lives for Liyue. The hero who gave birth to life.”

As for this Hanxue and other 'archaeologists' who wantonly fabricated or distorted historical facts, I will work with Qixing to find evidence that they have tampered with historical facts and severely punish them.

After hearing Han Xiao's assurance, the anger in Zhongli's heart disappeared a lot.

Moreover, under Han Xiao's instigation, Zhongli planned to list the evidence in the next issue and slap Hanxue hard in the face.

Phew~ It can be considered a fool.

After leaving the pavilion on the rooftop of the school, Han Xiao breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

He really didn't expect that Han would learn to commit suicide like this.

Some people might say that the other party didn't know Zhongli's identity, but even so Han Xiao felt that Han Xue, the master of bricks, should be dealt with severely.

A scholar not only has no evidence to support his arguments, but treats them as truth based on mere speculation. He even writes insulting letters to others who disagree with his views.

A person like this is still an archaeologist, so he should quickly find a job in a factory.

What a shame.


northland bank

Fun, really fun.

Looking at the Liyue Daily in his hand, Dadalia felt more and more that Han Xiao was really interesting.

The fire gun soldier who was captured in Wuwangpo last time was finally redeemed by him, although the development of Beiguo Bank in Liyue suffered a huge blow due to the failure to deal with the problem.

Dadalia didn't panic at all. Anyway, if Pantalone wanted to cause trouble, he wouldn't be able to find it, and if he wanted to find trouble, it would be the Doctor's fault.

Therefore, the loss of Beiguo Bank gave Dadalia a lot of leisure, and it was precisely because of this that he focused his attention on Han Xiao.

The Wuwangpo incident shows that Han Xiao's own strength is good.

In addition, the other party's ability to build a new city in Guiliyuan also shows that he is also very intelligent and is a talented person with both civil and military skills.

This made Dadalia feel more and more that Han Xiao was the biggest opponent she encountered in Liyue.

What made him even more convinced about this idea was the most important point.

That is, Dadalia originally planned to make friends with Zhongli, but due to Han Xiao, he had fewer opportunities to meet Mr. Zhongli.

This had to make Dadalia think that Han Xiao was guarding against herself.

In addition to Dadalia's continued interest in Han Xiao, certain contents in the Liyue Daily also attracted Jueyunjian's attention.

Chapter 108 Shen He: Master, are you not convinced?

Mount Ozura

Shen He, what is that in your hand?

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who was staying at home in the cave, saw his apprentice coming back from the mountain. He stared at the paper in his hand and asked curiously.

Master, my disciple happened to save a businessman who was troubled by monsters when he went down the mountain this time, and got this Liyue Daily from him. The article on it is very good.

“Liyue Daily?”

Yes, it seems that it was issued by the descendant of the Han family whom Master you mentioned last time when the Great Sage of Conquering Demons came to see me.

Seeing that his master was a little confused, Shen He calmly explained the origin of Liyue Daily.

It turns out to be that boy.

Hearing that Liyue Daily was from Guili City, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng suddenly realized.

Ever since the Great Sage of Conquering Demons came last time and asked her and Zueyue in a roundabout way if the Han family had any connection with the emperor, she had noticed Han Xiao, a descendant of the Han family.

Originally, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng had planned to personally see what this person who could gain the emperor's attention was really capable of.

But later, because Nantianmen suddenly had a lot of Fools, she and the other two were ordered by the emperor to monitor the whereabouts of the Fools. As time went by, she forgot about it.

Now that he heard the news about Han Xiao from Shen He again, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng naturally remembered it.

Bring the thing over and let me see it.

Yes, master.

Shen He handed Liyue Daily to Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, and the other party quickly manipulated his wings flexibly to read it.

Albedo? That chalk son of Mondstadt is not bad at alchemy.

Yan Fei, oh, it turns out she is that guy's daughter.


Just as Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was commenting one by one, the appearance of a name made her couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Who is this Zhongli?

Looking at the article signed by Zhongli in the Liyue Daily, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun quickly realized that what the other party wrote was exactly what happened to the demon god Mark Hughes.

But logically it shouldn't be possible. It's been so long, how come the author named Zhongli knew it so clearly?

Could it be that she was an old friend, but there was no one named Zhongli she knew.

After thinking for a long time, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng could not help but raise his head and look at his apprentice and asked:

Shen He, have you ever heard of Zhongli when you came down the mountain this time?

Go back to the master and have some.

Shen He nodded and told the news he got after going to Guili City.

It turned out that after she went down the mountain to slay the demon, she stopped by Guili City, where she learned that Zhongli was the great scholar specially hired by Han Xiao to be the principal of the school.

I see, you are a scholar, you can be considered knowledgeable.

Hearing that Zhongli was quite famous as a knowledgeable person in Guili City, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was also slightly pleased.

At least there are still people in Liyue today who remember their ancestors who once fought for Liyue.

By the way, master, I have one more thing to report to you.

Oh, what else?

When my disciple was returning to Li City, he heard that Tianshu Xing Hanxiao had great mechanical skills and invented a two-wheeled vehicle that could run on its own without horses.

Is this true? Tell me in detail. I want to see what the other party's methods are like!

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't help but raise his voice, appearing quite excited.

The mechanism skills are excellent.

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