Of course, Han Xiao doesn’t have to have the heart of God.

If Raiden can come up with something of similar value to the Heart of God, he can also agree to resurrect Raiden.

However, judging from Han Xiao's experience in playing games in her previous life, it seemed that Dao's wife at this time really couldn't come up with anything comparable to the Heart of God.

In other words, in addition to the Heart of God, it's okay as long as I can come up with something of comparable value?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Lei Qianqian's face brightened slightly.

Although the conditions proposed by the other party are very harsh for today's rice wife, at least they are not impossible to complete.

In addition to Dream Yishin, how about I add three artifacts!

Thinking of this, Lei Qianqian said quite confidently.

Since the value of dreaming alone is not enough, then she will add some more to make up for it.

As a forging master who can stably produce artifacts, it is still possible to spend some time to create three artifacts.

Moreover, the value of artifacts on the continent of Teyvat is not low.

Even though you can get five-star weapons in the game by spending money, and there are quite a few to choose from, in the real world of Teyvat, five-star weapons or artifacts are really rare.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the Han family where Han Xiao lives and the Yun family where Yun Jin lives.

As a forging family, the weapons passed down by the Han family and the Yun family for thousands of years are only four-star level.

The sword in the hand of Keqing, who was also born into a noble family, is also the four-star level Xia Li Long Yin. Even Xiang Ling, who is a disciple of the Immortal, holds the Xia Li Mie Chen from the Xia Li series.

There are very few people who actually hold artifacts (five-star weapons).

They are either half-immortals who have survived for a long time, such as Gan Yu.

Either it's the family and country's heritage, such as the Fuhawk Sword in Koto's hand, the Goma in Kurumi's hand, and the Kirigiri and Haran of the Kamisato family.

Therefore, Lei Movie's addition of three artifacts is indeed very sincere.

Three is too few.

However, facing the confident Lei Qiyue, Han Xiao pondered for a moment and then slowly shook his head.

Brother Hanxiao, three artifacts and one dream are worth as much as the heart of God, right?

Seeing that Han Xiao still didn't nod, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but interrupt the two of them.

Isn't it too much to blindly open your mouth like a lion!

In terms of value, four artifacts are indeed worth the heart of God.

Hearing the intervention of Yae Shenzi, Han Xiao first admitted that the value of the four artifacts was indeed enough to pay the price this time.

However, before Raikage and Yae Shenzi could speak, his conversation changed:

The problem is that you are a little unlucky, and the value of the artifact has dropped a lot to me.

Oh, can I ask why?


Without saying a word, Han Xiao went to the file safe standing in the corner of the office and rummaged around, then pulled out a document and came back and spread it out on the table.

Please see, this is a summary of the forging records of Kun Jun, the new master craftsman in Guili City.

Master craftsman?

Hearing Han Xiao say the word Master Craftsman, the hearts of Yae Shenzi and Lei Shiqing on the other side of the mirror twitched at the same time, and an unpleasant feeling arose spontaneously.

Without thinking, Yae Kamiko reached for the mirror and looked at the document with her best friend.

After reading the summary report of the documents, the two found that their previous bad premonition was indeed correct.

The content of the file is actually not much, but the amount of information is extremely rich. It records the series of weapons Kunjun has built since he became a blacksmith.

The weapons with the first three or four stars are skipped directly, and the really important part is the record in the last paragraph.

Divine Weapon·Xia Ming Zhao Shuang

Divine Weapon·Qiyao Series

The information that a total of eight divine weapons are arranged in order makes the movie of Yae Shenzi and Raid really exciting.

Especially the finished picture of Xia Ming Zhaoshuang, they are very familiar with it.

Isn't this the weapon in the traveler's hand?

So it turns out that the magic weapon in that little guy's hand came from Master Kunjun?

Liyue contributed a lot in the crisis that broke out before. Naturally Qixing won't be stingy with people who have contributed to Liyue, right?

That's not their problem!

Yae Shenzi and Raikage looked at each other, and both noticed a hint of helplessness in the other's eyes.

Compared to the weapons in Ying's hands, what they cared about was the great craftsman Kun Jun.

Xia Ming Zhaoshuang's ability as a weapon can be said to have been personally experienced by Lei Mo, so she knew very well that this weapon was indeed at the level of an artifact.

So by extrapolation, the Qiyao series is probably true.

No wonder Han Xiao had previously said that the value of the three artifacts had depreciated a lot with him. This was because besides Morax, another divine craftsman who could create artifacts was born in Liyue among mortals.

Although judging from the records, the master craftsman named Kun Jun used a huge amount of materials when building the artifact, and the success rate was not particularly high.

But the success of the other party can already explain a lot of things.

This is really not good news for them.

Han Xiao, you plan to ask for a few divine weapons before you are willing to take action.

After reading the record, Lei Movie sighed silently and chose to let the other party make the price.

There was no way around it. The artifact she built might be a little better in ability and quality than the artifact built by Kun Jun, but after all, it didn't escape the category of artifact, so the gap wasn't particularly outrageous.

Now that Liyue has a master craftsman who can forge weapons at any time, Lei Movie's advantage is much smaller.


Han Xiao silently made some calculations in her heart, and then slowly spoke under the gazes of the master and servant Yae Shenzi and Lei Jingqing:

I can choose not to dream of Isshin, but Inazuma needs to provide twenty artifacts.


Hearing this, Lei Qianqing and Yae Shenzi's faces darkened, and their chests became extremely uncomfortable.

How about I go out and find the Heart of God?

After hearing the price proposed by Han Xiao, Lei Qianqing subconsciously considered whether he should go out and get the Thunder God's Heart back from the unfilial son Xian Bing.

Chapter 876 The contract is completed

Faced with Han Xiao's condition of asking for twenty artifacts, Lei Qianqian suddenly felt that it was not impossible for him to go out.

After all, compared to making twenty artifacts, she felt that it would be easier to recover the Thunder God's Heart from the skirmishers.

Although Lei Movie did not add any backdoor program to the skirmishers, as the Trial Thor Unit 1, she could actually vaguely sense the opponent's location.

But in the end Lei Film gave up this plan.

It's not that she's really so homebound that she doesn't even want to go out.

The real reason is that Lei Movies has a certain amount of guilt about stragglers.

For the sake of eternity, she decided to make a doll to replace herself as the ruling wife, and her body consciousness would enter the Pure Land of One Heart for meditation.

This is how the first machine of Skirmishers was born.

Unfortunately, the skirmisher's body did not meet his requirements, so Lei Movie chose to abandon the opponent and use his own body to create today's General Raiden.

However, what she never expected was that the abandoned straggler experienced a series of changes in Inazuma, which led to his darkening and eventually became the sixth seat of the Fools' Executive.

The change in Shan Bing's personality also made Lei Qianqian feel a little more guilty about him, and he chose to ignore his affairs.

Therefore, stragglers can cause trouble and rain during the lockdown period.

Although compared to making twenty artifacts, it is easier and more convenient to recover the Thunder God's Heart from skirmishers.

But Lei Qianqian didn't know how to face the stragglers who resented her for being abandoned by her, so she chose to give up and agree to Han Xiao's conditions.

Twenty artifacts, I agree!

Shadow, are you serious?

Seeing that his best friend chose to build twenty artifacts for Han Xiao after careful consideration, Yae Shenzi immediately frowned, with a hint of helplessness flashing in his eyes.

As a god like me, I am always soft-hearted in unnecessary places!

Obviously, recovering the Heart of God from skirmishers is a simple and efficient method, but the opponent would rather choose a relatively more expensive condition.

This made her understand that her god's guilt for the stragglers still seemed not to dissipate.

You just let that kid go?

It's also my problem that the country will collapse like this. Let it be.

Knowing that Yae Shenzi was not very willing to make his choice, Raikage still chose to persist.

When Shibing was able to successfully leave Dao Wife with the Heart of God, this was actually a compensation she gave him for the misfortune he had suffered in Dao Wife.

But this time, after giving up the pursuit of God's Heart, Lei Qianqing felt that he had a complete understanding of the cause and effect between himself and the other party.

From now on, she will never apologize to the stragglers.

Alas... who made you the god of Inazuma?

Although he was not very satisfied with Ray's choice, Yae Shenzi thought it would be good if the opponent and the stragglers could use this incident to completely disconnect the cause and effect.

At least if the stragglers want to cause trouble in Inazuma again, Yingke will not continue to miss the old relationship.

Seeing that Yao Shenzi no longer objected, Lei Qianqing looked at Han Xiao who was aside and asked seriously:

Mr. Hanxiao, I will give you all twenty artifacts. I don't know about my sister...

Don't worry, I won't default on your debt!

Before Lei Qianqian finished speaking, Han Xiao reached out and patted his chest and assured the other party with a face full of confidence.

As soon as all twenty artifacts arrive in Liyue, I will immediately arrange a resurrection ceremony!

Then it's settled!

The contract has been made, and those who break their promises shall be punished with salt!

Morax's contract?

Seeing Han Xiao skillfully drafting a contract document engraved with Morax's mark, Lei Qianqing nodded thoughtfully, and then said roughly the same words.

In this name, the contract has been made.

After signing the contract, Han Xiao saw a very standard business smile on Han Xiao's face as he watched Yae Shenzi read the contract from beginning to end seriously, and then solemnly put it into his God's Eye space:

Two distinguished guests, then I am waiting for your good news?

Don't worry, I will send twenty artifacts to Liyue as soon as possible.

Regarding Han Xiao's quick change of face to a warm and welcoming smile, Lei Movie didn't feel uncomfortable at all, or he had a premonition about it.

As for Liyue people, there are all kinds of difficulties and troubles before signing a contract, and they would like to brag about the difficulty of the matter to the world.

But once he signed the contract, he immediately became extremely efficient, completely different from before.

So Han Xiao suddenly put on a smiling face, which is really normal for Lei Movie.

So she just nodded vigorously and disconnected the link with enthusiasm.

Although the price paid this time was relatively high, fortunately, the contract was finally signed with Han Xiao.

My sister's return to the world is finally no longer an illusion.


On the other side, Yae Shenzi, who said goodbye to Han Xiao, also returned to the living room of Kuixing Tower.

Seeing her coming, Kamisato Ayaka, who had already negotiated the breeding contract with Xingqiu, hurriedly greeted her.

Lord Palace Secretary!

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