Since escaping from trouble, she has finally found a student who is talented enough and willing to learn runes!


After a simple apprenticeship ceremony, Dai Yang left the alchemy workshop holding a large stack of books on runes given to him by Fa Lushan.

As soon as he left, Abedo took the lead and congratulated Fa Lushan:

Congratulations, Fa Lushan, this child's talent is really good.


In response to Abedo's congratulations, Fa Lushan repeatedly waved her hands to indicate that the other party did not have to be so polite, but her face was filled with a smile.

Dai Yang's talent is very good. I hope you, Senior Fa Lushan, can teach him well to become a talented person.

Han Xiao looked at Fa Lushan seriously and said words of please.

This was the first energetic student he found in school, and he naturally hoped that Dai Yang would have a new future under the guidance of Fa Lushan.

Please don't worry, Hanxiao!

Facing Han Xiao's request, Fa Lushan nodded solemnly.

I use Shiluo Podan Academy as a guarantee, you will never be disappointed.

Chapter 784: Completion of Chat Software

In the next few days, Han Xiao found that Fa Lushan was in a particularly good mood, smiling every day.

Even after returning from teaching lessons to the students in Kuixing Building, his smile remained unchanged.

Moreover, her work efficiency has also been greatly improved, and various beautiful portal designs were born in her hands.

...I just recruited a student. Are you so happy?

In the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao looked at Fa Lushan who happily took the teaching materials to Kuixing Building for class, and finally couldn't help asking her doubts.

Fa Lushan served as a tutor at the Teaching Academy a hundred years ago. At that time, rune literature was not as popular as it is now, and she had many students at that time.

The Teaching Order a hundred years later... No, it should be said that it was how miserable Rune Literature was in the Teaching Order a hundred years later that made Fa Lushan happy for so many days after receiving her students.

This is different, Han Xiao.

Hearing Han Xiao's muttering, Abedo, who was opening a book about another world on the sofa, raised his head and slowly explained:

Although I really want to say that as a teacher, you should treat students equally, but you have to admit that students with good talents are more popular with teachers.

Naughty and mischievous students also attract the teacher's attention, right?

Han Xiao couldn't help but make a comment.

In response, Abedo rolled his eyes at Han Xiao quite speechlessly.

The two have different concerns.

Well...just a joke.

Of course, Han Xiao knew that teachers actually preferred students with good talents. In fact, this could be regarded as a preference shared by most people.

It's like most people hate naughty children, but they yell at smart and sensible children like, Trick me into having a baby.

But having said that, senior Fa Lushan is so optimistic about Dai Yang?

Angus and I didn't lie before. That little guy's talent is really good.

Hearing that Han Xiao was surprised that Fa Lushan attached so much importance to Dai Yang, Abedo closed the otherworld book in his hand, put it on the coffee table, and explained casually:

Maybe you haven't paid attention, but I noticed that through these few days of study, the little guy has roughly learned the Sumeru language under the guidance of Fa Lushan.

Although he can only understand and cannot write at present, his language talent is already very powerful.

Next, Fa Lushan will probably teach Dai Yang the languages ​​and characters of several other countries. Just be optimistic that he will be able to master the languages ​​and characters of the seven countries in less than half a year.

How many days do you learn to speak the Sumeru language, and less than half a year to master the seven languages? Tsk tsk... This is indeed a bit extraordinary!

Knowing that Dai Yang had learned the Xumi language and Abedo's judgment in just a few days, Han Xiao couldn't help but marvel.

Good guy, Erhaisen was really not kidding when he said what he said in Versailles!

Thinking that Elhaysen once said that every young person should learn twenty languages ​​before graduating, he was a little confused about what to say.

The other party's statement sounded like a joke to others, but Dai Yang could actually do it?

This talent is quite outrageous.

Otherwise, do you think I was deliberately messing with Fa Lushan when I said I wanted to take Dai Yang as my student?

Abedo couldn't help curling his lips. He was not joking before. He was really interested in being a student.

You must know that to engage in academic research on the continent of Teyvat, the first and most basic thing is to master the languages ​​and writings of the seven countries.

Otherwise, how can you conduct academic research if you can't even understand the literature of other countries?

Dai Yang's ability to master a foreign language in such a short period of time shows that he is among the best among most people in terms of language talent and learning ability.

If you train him, you might find that he also has a talent for alchemy.

And even if he didn't, with Dai Yang's learning ability, he could barely reach the level of Timaeus.

Stop it!

Knowing that Abedo had had such thoughts, Han Xiao's brows jumped and she was glad that the other party finally gave up her plan.

Although judging from Dai Yang's current learning ability, it is not difficult to master the basics of alchemy.

But no one knows whether the opponent has outstanding talent in alchemy. If not, no matter how hard he memorizes, he will probably be able to barely reach the level of Timaeus and Ying'er.

Rather than doing this, it would be better for him to change subjects.

It's like learning language and writing from Fa Lushan now.

And judging from his current performance, Dai Yang is still very talented in language and writing.

After all, not everyone can master a foreign language in just a few days.

So I finally chose to give up.

As if he understood what Han Xiao was thinking, Albedo on the sofa shrugged.

If he really wanted to compete with Fa Lushan as Dai Yang's student at that time, he would definitely give the other person some knowledge about alchemy to answer, and use this to observe whether the other person had the talent to learn alchemy.

However, considering that he already had Sugar, a student with outstanding alchemy talent, and Timaeus, a passable second disciple, Fa Lushan was still looking at her first student eagerly, and Abedo did not Mix it in.

What about Angus? He doesn't seem to have any students, right?

After hearing Albedo's thoughts, Han Xiao couldn't help but think of Angus.

After all, the other party didn't seem to have any students, and he didn't seem to be trying to steal any students.

Didn't I tell you before that I don't want to accept students?

As soon as Han Xiao finished speaking, Angus's voice sounded behind him.

Looking back, I saw Angus pushing open the workshop door and walking in.

I am currently learning all kinds of knowledge. How can I have the free time to teach students?

Walking to the sofa and sitting down, Angus slowly explained why he didn't want to accept students.

Compared with Abedo, who has been studying for many years, he has been trapped in the body of the demon dragon Dulin until recently.

So even though Angus is very talented, he is still many years behind Abedo in learning time.

So he followed Han Xiao to Guili City. Angus had been busy learning all kinds of knowledge just to catch up with Abedo.

Not to mention that he also needs to participate in Han Xiao's research and development plan. With the two combined, there is no free time to teach students.

Right, let's get down to business.

After briefly explaining the reason why he did not want to accept students, Angus immediately changed the topic and at the same time took out a storage item similar to a 'U disk' from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table.

I've finished the chat software!

Okay, the progress is not slow!

Hearing that the 'U disk' in front of him contained the chat software program, Han Xiao immediately praised it.

Chapter 785 Chat Test

Have you ever tried running the program?

Picking up the 'U disk' on the coffee table, Han Xiao asked Angus curiously.

not yet.

Angus shook his head.

I didn't finish packaging the program until last night, and I didn't have time to run it.

That means there might be a bug in this?

I guess so.

Angus himself cannot guarantee whether there will be bugs in the program.

After all, the entire chat software requires a lot of code, and it is inevitable that there will be some flaws in so much code.

It seems that I will be here to help you find bugs in the next few days.

Knowing that Angus hadn't even tried a trial run, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

It's really a headache to find some inconspicuous errors in countless lines of code.

In that case, why don't we do a trial run now?

After listening to the conversation between Han Xiao and Angus, Albedo immediately suggested.

That's fine.

Han Xiao also felt that Abedo's suggestion was inappropriate, so he took the 'U disk' and walked to the living room where the desktop computer was placed and sat down.

Seeing this, Abedo and Angus also got up from the sofa one after another, followed by Han Xiao, pulled up a chair and sat down.

Under the gaze of the two people, Han Xiao started up the desktop computer with familiarity, and then inserted the 'U disk' into the socket of the chassis.

After a while, as the screen lit up and displayed the computer desktop layout, he controlled the mouse to click on the program in the 'U disk' to load and install it.


As the desktop computer emitted a crisp beep, Han Xiao knew that Angus's chat software had been successfully installed into the system.

I'll install it too. Chatting naturally requires two windows.

Seeing that the chat software icon had appeared on Han Xiao's computer desktop, Abedo immediately started the desktop computer in front of him, then reached out and asked for the 'U disk'.

About five minutes later, the desktop computer in front of Abedo also completed the installation of the chat software.

Very good, let's start testing now!

Everything was ready, Han Xiao couldn't wait to control the mouse and double-click the icon on the desktop.

After just a moment, a relatively simple dialogue window appeared on the display.

The window is simple, mainly because Angus did not beautify the program window and only retained the extremely original system window color scheme.

In the middle of the entire program window are two lines for entering your ID and password. In addition, there are only two buttons of different sizes: apply for an account and log in.

Account number 10000, password 123456.

The moment he saw the window appear, Angus read out a series of numbers next to him.

Obviously, this is the ID and password used to log in to the chat software.

However, Han Xiao did not immediately enter the number that Angus revealed, but directly controlled the mouse and clicked the button to apply for an account several times.

emmm, how should I put it?

When he clicked the button, the web page popped up, but it showed various errors.

Angus, you haven't done the function of applying for an ID account yet?

Well, I don't have enough time. I plan to wait until the Internet is opened before doing it.

Remember to keep some special number segments. You can make a small fortune whether you use them for public or private use.

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