Chapter 744: Popularity Reversal

The cause of the matter is also very simple. Originally, desktop computers had too hard-core functions, so most people felt that there were not many opportunities to use computers. After experiencing it once out of novelty, there was no further use.

The remaining people who often go to Internet cafes are basically the staff of Kuixing Tower. After all, they now use desktop computers for their offices.

In order to become more familiar with the operation, they chose to go to an Internet cafe to learn independently.

Apart from the staff, there are still a small number of people who particularly like reading.

As soon as the desktop computer was manufactured, Han Xiao sent people to set up a local area network in Guili City, so all the machines in the Internet cafe could access the electronic library through the intranet.

The electronic library contains not only Liyue's local ancient books, but also collections of books exchanged from Mondstadt and Xumi.

These are definitely extremely rare spiritual food for book lovers.

And this is also a benefit that Hanxiao gives to the residents of Guilicheng. Now the Internet cafe can directly link to the electronic library through the intranet, and you can read any books you want without spending money.

When the Internet is set up, access to the intranet will be stopped by him and will only be reserved for use within the government affairs department.

If you want to visit the e-library again during the introduction, you will have to apply for an e-borrowing card, which will cost you money.

After all, no matter what world it is in, knowledge is never cheap.

It's a pity that except for some book lovers, most people don't take this benefit seriously.

Sometimes Han Xiao doesn't know if she should use this to promote herself.

The opportunity to view the e-library for free without any barriers for nearly a month is equivalent to the previous life of unblocking all documents in the National Library and allowing the public to view them for free.

You must know that in the previous life, the National Library was generally open to ordinary books, journals, and newspapers.

Some rare books, maps, and epigraphic documents in special collections were not open to the public at first. It was not until the popularization of digital ancient book technology that there was an opportunity to read them for free.

Not to mention that Han Xiao's electronic library also contains a lot of knowledge on alchemy, mechanism, etc., which would have been considered highly sophisticated technology in his previous life.

It's a pity that these benefits he carefully prepared still didn't make much waves.

Desktop computers cool down quickly.

Han Xiao, who found that this road was not feasible, finally changed her promotion strategy and added entertainment functions to desktop computers under the persuasion of Abedo and others.

Have you noticed that there are a lot of games on the desktop computers of Internet cafes recently?

Hey, you just know now that I've played it all!

That's right, I've experienced minesweeper, Liyue Cube, and card games. They're so fun!

On the first day after changing the strategy, many people who often went to Internet cafes to study discovered this and praised it.

Afterwards, people spread the word, and most of them knew that desktop computers seemed to have a lot of new entertainment projects.

That’s why desktop computers have become a hot topic in the market recently.


Kuixing Tower.

Oh...what the hell is this!

Han Xiao looked helpless as Xingqiu handed him the data records about the recent increase in the traffic of Internet cafes.

Since adding several games to the desktop computer, the traffic of the Internet cafe has been increasing day by day.

Although those small games seemed a bit old-fashioned from his point of view, he had to admit that classics were classics. Simple fun and a little gameplay suddenly made desktop computers the focus of people's talk again.

You see, after adding entertainment functions, it will be much faster to promote!

Faced with Han Xiao's sigh, Xingqiu shrugged.

He knew that desktop computers with entertainment functions would attract much more attention than before.

Before I grew up, I thought it was too simple.

I am so big that no one cares about the benefits of an electronic library?

Hearing Xingqiu's words, Han Xiao covered her forehead with one hand and was speechless.

Think too much. It's impossible for everyone to like the benefits you give.

Xingqiu rolled his eyes at him rather speechlessly.

Knowledge welfare is indeed a rare treasure for some people. For example, he chose to live in Kuixing Building in the past few days and browsed the electronic library to find his favorite books to read.

Zhiyi, who understands the value of knowledge, even bought a desktop computer and put it in his office and refused to leave it, absorbing new knowledge every day.

The problem is that these benefits are indeed great benefits for people like him and Zhiyi, but you can't expect everyone to like reading.

On the contrary, the entertainment functions are extremely in line with public preferences.

Even when he gets tired of reading, he sometimes chooses to finish two games to relax, let alone other people.

And the several games you designed are also very interesting, and it is normal for them to win everyone's discussion.

Thinking of the several games he played on his desktop computer, Xingqiu couldn't help but admire his own creativity.

They are obviously a few small games with very simple gameplay, but they can make him play them again and again.

Hearing Xingqiu's praise, Han Xiao felt it was natural.

Although the games he brought out were all old games with simple gameplay and relatively simple gameplay, at any rate these were classics selected through history.

For example, Tetris, which was renamed Liyue Cube, has gone through nearly forty years in its previous life, but its core game-playing gameplay is still alive in the market.

That's right Han Xiao.

Talking about the game, Xingqiu suddenly remembered that there was something he almost forgot to tell his family:

Ning Guang asked you to take some time to talk to her about the game.

Ningguang...Okay, I understand.

When Xingqiu told him that Ningguang had something to do with him, and it was related to games, Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said that he would contact him.


After Xingqiu left the office, Han Xiao took out her cell phone and dialed Ningguang's number.


As the phone was connected, Ning Guang's voice came out from the phone.

Hey, I'm Ning Guang.

It's me, Han Xiao.

Hearing Ningguang's voice, Han Xiao directly spoke to him about business:

I heard Xingqiu said that you wanted to see me if you had something to do?

Yes, I heard that you recently added entertainment functions to your desktop computer?

No, you know all this?

This is our first time, Mr. Tianshu Xing, to promote a product that has not become a hit. Of course, I will continue to pay attention to it.

Qun Yu Pavilion on the other side, listening to Han Xiao's somewhat helpless tone on the phone, Ning Guang smiled at the corner of his mouth and started teasing him unceremoniously.'s nothing, I'll hang up!

Okay, no kidding, I really have something to talk to you about.

Chapter 745 Ningguang’s investment

What do you want to talk to me about?

Interested in adding another game to your desktop computer?


Hearing Ningguang's request, Han Xiao couldn't help but let out a surprised sound. Then he seemed to remember something and asked thoughtfully:

The game you want me to add shouldn't be Liyue Millennium that you invented, right?

Yes, that's it.

Seeing that Han Xiao had guessed his purpose, Ningguang hummed softly:

Liyue Millennium is also a relatively popular game in Liyue. Adding it to your desktop computer can also bring you promotion effects, right?

Haha... I'm afraid the one who will benefit the most by then is not me but you, our Lord Tianquanxing!

Han Xiao held the phone in her hand, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop twitching.

Liyue Millennium's chessboard is made in proportion to the size of Liyue's shops and buildings. The painting style is unique and beautifully made. Many Liyue residents who are not players have become loyal fans in order to see the appearance of Liyue's Millennium. .

In his opinion, Liyue Millennium is very similar to the gameplay of Monopoly in the previous life, and it also has the uncertainty and fun of the game.

So Ningguang's statement that Liyue Millennium has been sought after in the Liyue area is not a lie.

If Liyue Millennium is implanted into desktop computers, desktop computers will indeed be popularized faster in the short term.

However, this is true in the short term, but it will be a bit of a disadvantage in the long term.

Han Xiao is actually not particularly worried about the fact that the desktop computer is slightly cold in Guili City.

Because he believes that even without the help of Liyue Millennium, desktop computers will always become best-selling products after the Internet is completed and some applications that can increase user stickiness are launched.

If Han Xiao really agrees to let Ningguang grow rapidly with the help of Liyue Millennium, by then, Liyue Millennium's influence will increase by one point for every additional desktop computer sold.

Not to mention that if it is sold abroad in the future, Liyue's thousand-year influence will really break through.

By using a small profit in exchange for a larger profit, he should be said to be a top businessman with outstanding vision, Ning Guang.

It seems I can't hide it from you.

Hearing Han Xiao's slightly weird tone, Ning Guang frowned slightly and thought something bad in his heart.

From her point of view, the coldness of desktop computers is only temporary, and sooner or later, it will usher in explosive growth.

As his third love, if Liyue Millennium could ride on the desktop computer, a product destined to take off, its influence could even be expanded several times than before.

That's why when she learned that the desktop computer was slightly cold after its release, Ningguang couldn't wait to contact Han Xiao to sell Liyue Millennium to him.

At that time, the other party's desktop computer can bloom its own charm earlier, and her Liyue Millennium can also take this opportunity to gain future development potential.

It's a win-win situation.

It's a pity that Han Xiao is a smart person whom the Liyue people secretly rank alongside him, and he guessed her purpose after only listening to a suggestion.

Now that Han Xiao has fully understood the return, Ningguang stopped pretending and directly made the topic clear:

That's what I really think. What are your plans?

I didn't mention that you didn't plan to set up the game before, but now that you have modified your promotion strategy, you might as well add a Liyue Millennium.

Liyue Millennium can help you get through the early stages of the promotion quickly, right?

But this is just to increase the speed of promotion for me.

Seeing that Ningguang had put the matter on the table openly, Han Xiao did not back down and also expressed his opinion.

The popularization of desktop computers is a matter of time. Whether you want this small help from Liyue Qianqian or not, it will not affect the overall situation.

It takes a very small amount of money to gain huge benefits. I'm going to suffer a lot by doing this, Ningguang.

Then do you want me to give you some additional investment?

Now that it was all said and done, Ningguang revealed his intention to invest in a desktop computer.

After all, it may not be obvious how important this thing is now, but don't forget that she also knows about the Internet and the void system.

Once a desktop computer is connected to the Internet, the energy that will burst out is completely unimaginable.

With such a good investment opportunity in front of him, Ningguang would be damned if he didn't get tempted.

No, we haven't even reached an agreement on Liyue Millennium, and you're already eyeing the funding channels I've prepared for the future of the Alchemy Workshop?

Han Xiao's face suddenly fell when she heard that Ning Guang wanted to invest in a desktop computer.

How could this woman be so good at hitting snakes and following them with a stick? She was even worried about the research funds he had prepared for the future of the alchemy workshop.

Of course I want to join projects that can make money. This is the instinct of a businessman.

In response to Han Xiao's 'complaint', Ningguang explained with an unchanging expression, and at the same time threw out the cards he had prepared.

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