Immediately, Qingqing walked up to Yun Jin and the others, and patiently explained the behavior of her two colleagues.

It’s impossible without an explanation!

Looking at the looks in Hu Tao, Yun Jin and Xin Yan's eyes, one could tell that if she didn't explain in words, she might think it was an internal disagreement within Qixing.


Keqing was suddenly stunned when she thought of this. It seemed that the relationship between Qixing was indeed a bit unharmonious.

For example, she herself is a firm believer in the rule of man, and Tianxuan also stands on the side of rule of man.

In addition, among the Liyue Seven Stars there are the Emperor Faction composed of the previous Tianshu Star Uncle Tianshu and the others, as well as the Middle Faction where Yao Guang belongs.

Even if Uncle Tian retreated, after Han Xiao inherited the position of Tianshu Star, the other party did not firmly stand on the side and rule by others. Instead, like the woman Ningguang, he just tended to rule by others.

Although now with the emperor's 'departure', Qixing has focused on developing Liyue, but there was indeed some gap in the relationship between them before.

This cannot be repaired in a short while. At most, it can only be said that the small conflicts between them have been temporarily covered up by the big goal of developing Liyue.

Just when Ke Qing was in a daze, Ningguang and Han Xiao also tacitly agreed to withdraw their troops and stopped teasing each other.

Ke Qing, just leave the finishing touches to me. You can go get together with Han Xiao and the others.

After taking a look at Hu Tao, Yun Jin and the others, Ning Guang immediately asked Ke Qing not to be busy with work and to enjoy the festive atmosphere of the Hai Lantern Festival with her friends.

Chapter 641: Several people at the dinner party

After telling Keqing to enjoy the Sea Lantern Festival with her friends, Ningguang left the backstage to preside over the finishing work.

Seeing this, Han Xiao stood up, smiled and said to several people:

That's not bad. How about we all have a dinner together? It can be considered a celebration banquet.

Hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Yun Jin nodded repeatedly.

Having a dinner together is a good idea. We haven't had a dinner together for a long time, right?

Yun Jin's words made the faces of Keqing and others show a look of memories.

Indeed...they haven't been together for a long time.

Before working, the group of them would get together to eat and chat from time to time, but as time went by, most of them had their own careers.

Yun Jin inherited the Yunhan Society, and every day she was either writing plays or performing on stage.

The same goes for Hu Tao, who is running around every day for the performance of Shengshengtang.

Xiangling has been helping out at Wanmin Hall since she was a child, but nothing has changed. Chongyun's situation is similar, and she still fulfills her responsibilities as a magician to subjugate demons.

Xin Yan encountered rock music and gave his strongest voice to Liyue.

As for Xingqiu, Hanxiao and Keqing, the three of them are in charge of the lives of millions of people.

You can call Xingqiu and Xiangling, and let's all get together!

Hutao was the first to recover from the memories of the past and agreed to Hanxiao's suggestion without hesitation.

What about the place for the dinner?

Now that Ningguang has taken over the finishing work of the Hailantern Festival, Keqing, who rarely has free time, also feels that spending the festival with friends who have been playing since childhood is also a good way to relax, and asked with a smile on her lips.

How about New Moon Pavilion?

As the initiator of the dinner proposal, Han Xiao thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

But this idea was quickly rejected by Yun Jin.

No, you have to book a table worth savoring at Xinyue Xuan at least a long time in advance. The freshly prepared dishes don't taste very authentic, and Liuli Pavilion is about the same.

I don't think it's better than this!

Hu Tao rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea:

It's sunny and cold, so the General Affairs Department bought a lot of fresh ingredients during the Lantern Festival. Let's spend some money to buy some ready-made ingredients, and then ask our Chef Xiangling, what do you think of this idea?

Then the place should be my house. My place is the most suitable for our gathering.

After hearing Hu Tao's idea, Han Xiao also thought it was a good idea and quickly suggested that the party be held at his home.

Okay! I'll inform Xiang Ling and the others.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his suggestion, Hutao quickly took out his mobile phone from the space of God's Eye and quickly dialed Xiangling's number.

Then I'll contact the General Affairs Department.

While Hu Tao and Xiang Ling were in contact, Ke Qing said something to Han Xiao, and then found the staff of the General Affairs Department. While giving instructions, she took out a heavy bag from the space of the Eye of God. Maura handed it over to the other party.


Eat at Huyan·Hanxiao’s home.

Soon after Hutao and the others walked into the living room carrying the freshly delivered ingredients, Xiangling, Xingqiu and Chongyun arrived hand in hand.

Brother Hanxiao...everyone! We are here!

As soon as she entered the door, Xiang Ling greeted everyone with a smile on her face.

Happy Lantern Festival!

Happy Hai Lantern Festival, Xiangling!

Han Xiao said holiday blessings to Xiangling, and then nodded slightly to Zhongyun and Xingqiu.

Xingqiu and Chongyun, you too, happy Hai Lantern Festival!

Happy Lantern Festival!

After a simple conversation, Xingqiu and Chongyun came to the living room and joined Hutao and others in their chat session.

Xiang Ling carried the ingredients to the kitchen with excitement on her face.

Xiang Ling, do you want me to help?

Seeing Xiang Ling busying alone in the kitchen, Yun Jin quickly stood up and rolled up her sleeves while talking, ready to go into the kitchen to help.

It just so happens that I can show you my cooking skills.

no, I'm fine...

Hearing Yun Jin's words, Xiang Ling waved her hands to indicate that she could just chat with Hu Tao and the others and leave the kitchen affairs to her.

Brother Han Xiao gave me a very powerful cookbook as a gift for the Hai Lantern Festival. I practiced for several days before reproducing several of the dishes. This time you will be my judges!

Oh, the recipe?

Hearing Xiangling's explanation, Xingqiu looked at Han Xiao with some surprise:

When did you collect the recipes in your hand, and they are the ones Xiangling hasn't seen before?

Ha...I still have a lot of good things in my hands!

Oh, it seems our Tianshu star is getting proud!

Hu Tao crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, her tone full of teasing:

Although it is a bit disappointing to say that the funeral is a big holiday, but I really want to see how many treasures our Tianshu star has in his hands.

Hanxiao, are there any books about funerals that this hall master can learn more about?

You think this can stump me?

Regarding Hu Tao's request, Han Xiao didn't panic at all and directly pulled out a handwritten Burial Sutra from Yu Perry and threw it to the other party.

It actually does exist!

Reaching out to catch the flying book, Hu Tao glanced at Han Xiao in surprise, then lowered his head and read through it quickly, and then carefully put the book back into his God's Eye space.

Okay, this hall master has accepted it!

Hu Xiaotao fell, then who will be replaced next?

Seeing Hu Tao immediately admitting defeat, Xing Qiu also became interested and directly asked his friends.

I come.

With the examples of Xiangling and Hutao in front of him, Xin Yan was also a little curious about how many more 'collections' Han Xiao could take out:

“I want to read books about rock and roll.”

Rock and roll...yes!

Han Xiao thought briefly and then nodded. Although he couldn't directly give a book like The Chronicles of Rock, he still took out a book that focused on describing various styles of rock and handed it to Xin Yan.

Is there any book on exorcism and evil spirits?


What about martial arts novels?


“I want books on institutional bills.”

no problem!

Seeing that their friends all got the books they wanted from Han Xiao, Xingqiu and the others looked at each other, and then spoke out their requests one after another.

As for Xingqiu and the others' request, Han Xiao was very happy to take out a series of books such as The Classic of Three Officials and The Complete Works of Gu Long to meet their needs.

That's great, where did you get these books?

Xingqiu, who was almost attracted by the article after just flipping through a few pages, quickly imitated Hu Tao and put the book into his God's Eye space, and then looked at Han Xiao with curiosity.

It seems that he doesn't understand where the other party got these books from.


Facing the curious eyes of her friends, Han Xiao smiled and said nothing, but secretly sent a thank you in the chat group:

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Thank you all for helping me!

Chapter 642: Chat after dinner

Are these books really okay?

After laughing for a while, while everyone was playing cards, Hu Tao quietly approached Han Xiao and asked in a low voice:

Are these books from another world?

Did you see it?

How could you not see it when it's so obvious?

Hutao rolled her eyes at Hanxiao angrily, then looked at Xingqiu and the others who were concentrating on playing cards and explained softly:

And I think Xingqiu and the others have actually noticed it, but they are too embarrassed to ask.

After all, these books are all hand-copied. Although the contents are very similar to Liyue ancient books, the subtle differences in wording can still be easily discovered.

Don't worry, it's not a big problem.

After listening to Hu Tao's explanation, Han Xiao smiled and gave the other person a no need to worry expression.

Although these books come from other worlds, most of what they record are customs and culture and do not involve secrets.

Alice can often pick up magazines from another world at the border of Teyvat Continent, and she doesn't see any problems.

That's good.

After learning that these books from another world would not cause trouble to the Teyvat continent, Hutao nodded with relief.

She didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to Liyue because of her.

“The food is good!”

At this moment, Xiangling's cheerful voice came from the kitchen.

Okay, let's clean up and get ready for dinner!

The moment he heard the sound, Xingqiu stuffed the cards in his hand into the pile without hesitation, then stood up and walked towards the kitchen in anticipation.

The treacherous Xingqiu, it's obvious that he will lose this time!

He escaped!

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