Before Zhongli could answer, Han Xiao, who was sitting next to him, reached out and rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face:

Today's giant stratified rock abyss is indeed over-excavated, but these have been accumulated bit by bit over more than three thousand years.

Dragon King, when you first fell into madness due to wear and tear, I'm afraid the layered rock abyss was not at this level.

Indeed not!

After being reminded by Han Xiao, Ruotuo Dragon King's expression changed instantly, and he also realized that something was wrong.

I agreed with Morax's plan for Liyue people to make a living through mining, and I also deliberately spread the ley lines everywhere.

It stands to reason that given the strong restorative properties of earth veins, even if it is temporarily damaged, it will gradually recover...

Speaking of this, Dragon King Ruotuo suddenly stopped talking, because the actual development situation seemed to be completely different from what he expected.

It seems you noticed it too.

Seeing that Ruotuo Dragon King fell into silence, Zhongli just took up the topic.

At that time, your wear and tear was so violent and sudden that even I was caught off guard.

If you hadn't regained some of your sanity at the last moment and actively chose to seal yourself, how do you think it would have developed next?

As soon as Zhongli said this, Han Xiao and Ruotuo Dragon King couldn't help but look at each other.

Both of them understood what the other had left unfinished.

The martial arts value of Ruotuo Dragon King and Zhongli are comparable, even the Dragon King standing on the earth with the blessing of earth veins is slightly better.

It can be said that if Dragon King Ruotuo had not chosen to seal himself at the last moment, once the two sides started a deadly battle, either they would both die, or one would die and the other would be injured. In the end, both sides would be injured.

Assuming we really fight to the death, I will be the one who dies with the help of Liuyun and the others.

Ruotuo Dragon King performed the deduction in a calm voice, and Zhongli on the side continued the deduction process very naturally:

But I will definitely be severely injured, and I will never be able to recover without eighteen hundred years of cultivation.

But here's the problem. Five hundred years ago, the man in the sky summoned the seven gods to gather in Kanrea for a battle. Mr. Zhongli, who was not injured, was likely to die on that battlefield together with the God of Thunder.

Han Xiao also added following the conversation between the two:

At this time, there are fewer people who know about The Preface of the Sun and the Moon.

As soon as the words fell, the entire pavilion fell into silence again.

The expressions on the three people's faces were different. Zhongli had the calmest expression because he had made the speculation a long time ago.

As for Han Xiao and Ruotuo Dragon King, their expressions were a little ugly.

If it had really followed the process they deduced, Liyue would have been almost wiped out thousands of years ago.

The most important thing is that in the eyes of outsiders, there is no problem at all, and all factors are very reasonable.

Did Tianli take action? In fact, he didn't.

The other party just secretly added fuel to the flames, without making the slightest move on the surface.

Therefore, no one would guess that she was behind the scenes, and most would only think that this was the fault of the Liyue people themselves.

It's really a terrifying method.

After a long time, Ruotuo Dragon King sighed deeply, and he couldn't help but feel glad that he had regained some consciousness at the last moment, otherwise things would have been really troublesome.

Mr. Zhongli, who above thinks so highly of the contents of that book?

Compared to Tianli's silent methods, Han Xiao is more concerned about the other party's attitude.

If the other party attaches so much importance to Before the Sun and the Moon, then the matter of fishing out Raiden Zhen from the ley line may have to be put on hold for the time being.

That's why I specifically asked you to come here.

Zhongli nodded slowly and then said:

If there is no way to block Barr's memory, you'd better not take any unauthorized action.

I understand, Mr. Zhongli.

Chapter 619 Istaru and Baal

After receiving Zhongli's reply, Han Xiao felt somewhat confident.

It is possible to resurrect thunder and lightning, but you must be fully prepared.

It would be best if the other party could not remember any secrets about Orobus's death, otherwise don't resurrect the other party.

Thinking of this, Hanxiao couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Fortunately, the previous conversation between him and Yae Shenzi did not reach an agreement and the second conversation was scheduled after the Sea Lantern Festival.

At that time, it is completely possible to use rice wives who cannot afford valuable chips to support the other party.

Anyway, Ina-wife, who has lost her heart of God, really can't afford it.

in addition...

Just when Han Xiao was thinking about how Jie Shi could continue to use words to delay the Yao Shenzi and the others, Zhongli suddenly spoke again.

And this time there was a hint of solemnity on his face:

As for Barr himself, I'm a little unsure about the situation.

Why, is there something else going on with her?

Seeing Zhongli's expression become solemn, Ruotuo Dragon King's scarlet pupils quickly flashed with light.

It was rare that he saw Morax unable to fully see through a person.

I don't know the specific situation, I just feel something is wrong.

Hearing Dragon King Ruotuo's questioning, Zhongli organized his words a little, and then slowly told the two of them his true views on thunder and lightning:

One thing you may not know very well is that everyone in the first generation of the Seven Earthly Rulers was not simple.

As far as I know, Baal and Istaru seem to have a good personal relationship.

Istaru, the ruler of time?

Suddenly hearing the name of this eternal great god from Zhongli's mouth, Han Xiao also began to recall information about the other party in his mind.

Whether it was the local records of Teyvat Continent or the records of mystical science in previous lives, they all went through his mind quickly.

As for why Han Xiao even recalled the mysticism of his previous life, the main reason was that he discovered that the demon god on the continent of Teyvat was somehow connected with the mysticism of his previous life.

Especially in certain relationships.

For example, Barbatos, the eighth of the seventy-two demon gods, is a cuckold-wearing archer in a gray cloak in Han Xiao's past life mysticism, very similar to Wendy's image.

Another example is Buyer, the tenth who can bring knowledge and wisdom to mankind, and Morax, the twenty-first, who teaches people how to identify gems and sits on the throne.

Therefore, when thinking about Istaru, Han Xiao would inevitably take out the records of mysticism in his previous life as a reference.

Istaru, or Astaru, in Hanxiao's past life mysticism, has the ability to freely travel back and forth between the past and the future, which is obviously related to time.

On the continent of Teyvat, the other party is also the ruler who controls time.

At the same time, in ancient Phenicia, Astalu and Baal were brother and sister and husband and wife.

So when Zhongli said that Istaru and Raiden really had a good relationship, he subconsciously thought of this allusion.

And following this train of thought, Han Xiao remembered a very interesting situation.

In Canaanite mythology, Astalu is also called the moon god, and she is also the goddess who manages the underworld and wears a three-sun moon crown.

This is slightly related to his previous inference that there is an underworld in a certain moon in the Teyvat continent.

Thinking about it this way, as Istaru is one of the four shadows of Fanes and has a close relationship with the moon, it is more difficult to distinguish the situation of Raiden Jin who is friends with him.

No wonder Zhongli said he couldn't figure out the real details of Leiden.

Mr. Zhongli, please rest assured that Dao's wife does not have the capital to trade with me for the time being. I will not act rashly.

Since he couldn't figure out the real problem of thunder and lightning, Han Xiao decided to put it aside for the time being.

As for Yae Kamiko and the idea of ​​a Rai movie?

Hmm... They couldn't get enough chips, so they even gave away the only heart of God that could be used as a trading item.

Since he couldn't pay the price, he could only say sorry.

That's good.

Hearing Han Xiao's reassurance, Zhongli nodded slightly.

Although this unlucky kid often cheated on him in small things, he never cheated on him in big things.

Perhaps sensing that the previous topic had made the atmosphere between them too dull, Zhongli quickly changed the topic to this year's Hai Lantern Festival:

By the way, Han Xiao, I heard that you and Ningguang have made drastic reforms to the Sea Lantern Festival this year?


Seeing that Zhongli deliberately changed the topic to a lighter aspect, Han Xiao also responded quite cooperatively.

Both Ning Guang and I feel that this year's Sea Lantern Festival is a very important turning point. After all, this is Liyue's first Sea Lantern Festival after leaving Yanwang Dijun.

As he spoke, his eyes specifically fell on Zhongli, and his words were a little more promotional:

Except for a small number of people at the top of Teyvat, most people think that the emperor has really passed away.

So the Seven Stars unanimously decided to use this opportunity of the Sea Lantern Festival to show Liyue's heritage to the other six nations.

No wonder you were so happy when I said I was going to visit the Sea Lantern Festival and meet the diplomats from Zhidong.

After listening to Han Xiao's story, Ruotuo Dragon King suddenly showed a look of enlightenment, and then looked at Zhongli and Han Xiao strangely:

The reason for co-writing is because a certain old and crooked guy faked his own death, and Liyue seems to have no one to support him!

Ruo Tuo!

Looking at Dragon King Ruotuo who was making weird remarks to him from time to time, Zhongli could only show a look of dumbfounding.

He had a premonition that his retirement life would be lively due to Ruo Tuo's return.

There are definitely reasons.

Han Xiao very calmly admitted Ruotuo Dragon King's speculation.

Anyway, even if he knows his purpose, the other party will not do anything detrimental to Liyue, right? Since it is natural, there is no need to hide it.

Okay, it looks like I'm going to have to perform well then!

Seeing Han Xiao nodding, the corners of Dragon King Ruotuo's mouth slightly raised. He was already looking forward to the scene of announcing his return to everyone during the Sea Lantern Festival.

Mr. Zhong Wu, please don't worry about this. The whole territory of Liyue will know the fact of your return.

Facing Zhongli and Dragon King Ruotuo, Han Xiao quickly told the story that he and Ningguang had decided to conduct a live broadcast of the Sea Lantern Festival throughout Liyue.

Wonderful planning, I am looking forward to it even after listening to it.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Zhongli couldn't help but put down his tea cup and patted his palms gently to show his appreciation.

As expected of the Seven Stars, known as the two legends among the people of Liyue, the activity format jointly created by Ningguang and Han Xiao aroused great interest even in him.

Chapter 620: The Not Simple Seven Gods

Just when Han Xiao was about to tell Zhong Li and Zhong Li about the arrangements for the Sea Lantern Festival in detail, the other party raised his hand to interrupt him and signaled that there was no need to say any more.

In Zhongli's words, these should be left as surprises for them to experience on their own during the Hai Lantern Festival. Knowing the layout in advance will make people lose interest.

Knowing that the other party had this idea, Han Xiao did not continue, but simply chatted with Zhongli about other topics.

The three of them all had a tacit understanding of hiding their previous discussions about thunder and lightning in their hearts.


After bidding farewell to Zhongli and Dragon King Ruotuo, Han Xiao walked home alone.

Since it was already evening when he got in touch with Yae Shenzi, and he was approached by Zhongli to chat for a while afterwards.

The sky had darkened at this time, and the cold moonlight shone on his body as if it were covered with a layer of silver gauze.

Walking along the cement road to the door of her house, Han Xiao did not push the door open immediately. Instead, she raised her head and looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky.

Istaru, the Moon Goddess, and Hades.

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