It's okay, but brother Hanxiao, are you thinking about Guoba?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Xiang Ling was quite curious as to what the other person was thinking about when he suddenly became distracted.

So be it.

Han Xiao nodded, but instead of telling the truth, she made up a random reason:

You said that Guo Ba has been helping Uncle Mao in the store, so I was thinking that Guili City had launched an induction cooker some time ago. Isn't Wanmin Hall useful?

Oh, are you talking about the automatic heating stove that is similar to an electric light?

Mentioning the induction cooker launched by Guilicheng some time ago, Xiangling smiled sheepishly:

Sorry, Brother Hanxiao, neither dad nor I really like using that stove.

Can you tell me the specific reason?

Originally, he just made up a reason casually, but unexpectedly, the other party's answer made Han Xiao slightly interested.

He really wanted to know why neither Xiangling nor Uncle Mao liked using induction cookers.

How can I put it... In terms of convenience and speed, the induction cooker and rice cooker are really easy to use.

As soon as she mentioned things related to the kitchen, a serious look immediately appeared on Xiang Ling's face.

But using them will save a lot of pyrotechnic fumes.

Firework gas?

Although Han Xiao knew how to cook, he really didn't understand what Xiang Ling meant.

What does cooking have to do with smoke from fireworks? Is it just because burning firewood produces smoke?

Brother Han Xiao, if you are not a chef, you may not know much about it. Each type of firewood actually has its own unique flavor. When firewood is used as a fire source, there will often be an extremely light aroma in the food.

We have tried induction cookers and rice cookers before, but customers who have tasted them said the taste is different from the original ones.

“That’s why dad and I stopped using induction cookers and rice cookers.”

But generally speaking, when it comes to cooking at home, the induction cooker and rice cooker introduced by Brother Hanxiao are more convenient.

There is also such a saying, I have learned a lot!

After listening to Xiang Ling's explanation, Han Xiao finally understood why some people in his previous life always said that firewood rice was delicious. In the past, he always thought it was a psychological effect. Is there such a saying here?

By the way, Xiangling!

Seeing that Xiang Ling attached great importance to any factors that affected the taste of food, Han Xiao reached out from the space equipment and took out a book he had copied by himself, and then handed it to the other party:

This is your Lantern Festival gift.


Knowing that this was Han Xiao's Hai Lantern Festival gift to herself, Xiang Ling suddenly took the book unexpectedly.

What is this, Brother Hanxiao?

I accidentally found some recipes that are not available in Teyvat continent. I think it will be of great help to you to improve your cooking skills.

Really? That's great!

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Xiangling quickly opened the book.

Sure enough, the book contained recipes she had never seen before.

Chapter 614: Reconnecting with Yae Shenzi

Oh my gosh, there are so many novel ideas here!

Xiang Ling opened the book and exclaimed in surprise while reading.

Apparently the book Han Xiao gave her contained many cooking ideas that surprised her.

Thank you, Brother Hanxiao, I like this Hai Lantern Festival gift so much!

It's okay, as long as you like it!

Hearing that Xiang Ling liked the gift she picked very much, Han Xiao also showed a doting smile on her face, as if she was looking at her silly sister who received the gift.

Well, this sentence is actually not a joke.

Among the group of friends Han Xiao and his friends had grown up with, Xiang Ling and Chong Yun were the only ones who were a bit more naive.

Not to mention he and Hu Tao, both were skinned monkeys who were stamped and recognized by Zhongli himself.

Xingqiu, Yun Jin, and Ke Qing, who is a year or two older, are also shrewder than the other.

However, there is nothing wrong with being more simple-minded, so Han Xiao and the others have always tacitly maintained the pure character of Zhong Yun and Xiang Ling.

In addition, Xiangling is a girl, so she is naturally more favored than Chongyun in their small group.

Well, to put it simply, in the eyes of Han Xiao and others, Xiangling is their little sister who needs to be taken care of.

Even though this little sister is not weak.

Brother Hanxiao, where did you find these recipes?

Although Xiang Ling wanted to study the recipes in the book immediately, but considering that Han Xiao was still there, she still closed the book with excitement and asked her doubts.

The reason why she asked this was because Xiang Ling found that the recipes recorded in this book always felt very similar to Liyue's cooking techniques.

Except for the ingredients in some recipes that she had never seen before, the rest of the styles were almost the same.

Even if you just change the names of the ingredients on some recipes and put it out there and say it's an ancient Liyue recipe book, people will probably believe it.

I also got it from someone else. It was probably spread from some secret place.

After hearing Xiang Ling's inquiry, Han Xiao gave her own answer after thinking about it for a while.

Others = Hanxiao from other worlds in the chat group.

The Hidden Place = The world beyond Teyvat.

Well, I feel like there's nothing wrong with it.

It's so mysterious. Brother Hanxiao, do you know where that secret place is?

I investigated carefully and found no clues.

Han Xiao shook his head. He wanted to find clues to the flower grower, but the key was that he didn't have the ability.

While feeling a little sad in her heart, Han Xiao directly changed the topic.

Xiang Ling, how long will it take for you to master this recipe?

With my current ability, as long as the materials are in place, I can now copy the dishes on the recipe!

After hearing Han Xiao's inquiry about her professional direction, Xiang Ling's little face was full of confidence.

The techniques in these recipes are almost the same as Liyue cooking. There are similarities in many places. The only difference lies in the ingredients and certain ideas.

So she was confident that she could make the recipe as long as she found substitute ingredients.

As expected of Chef Xiangling, who has mastered half of Liyue's cooking skills. He is amazing!

Regarding Xiangling's answer, Han Xiao gave a thumbs up without hesitation in praise, and then looked at the other party expectantly:

Then I'll just wait for your good news. I still really want to taste the taste of these dishes.

Brother Han Xiao, don't worry, I promise to make a few dishes for you after the Hai Lantern Festival!


After sending the book containing the recipes to Xiangling, Han Xiao did not disturb her anymore and directly chose to leave.

When he got home, as soon as he opened the chat group, he found that someone was trolling him.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Lanxiao, have you given away the recipes?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Well, Xiangling likes this gift very much. Thank you very much, Yexiao.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: It's small things, as long as she likes them.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Speaking of late night snacks, aren't you in Daxi, where so many recipes are preserved?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Most of the recipes in that recipe are royal recipes. How could such a poor place in the west have such things?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Hey, where did you get this thing?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Where else can I get it from Principal Chang?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: When did Yexiao get involved with Principal Chang?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Oh... I organized a group of people to rob the things that the other party carried away from the Forbidden City.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Good guy, you don't even want to leave Principal Chang his future capital.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Since there is a chance to change, why should I leave it to him?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: That makes sense, well done!

This is really something.

Knowing the origin of the recipe given to him by Ye Xiao, Han Xiao shook his head speechlessly. No wonder the above ideas greatly inspired Xiang Ling. Those recipes he co-authored were once special items for the royal family!

Seeing that the chat content in the group was getting distorted, he stopped speaking and closed the chat group.


The sun sets in the west, and the red light of sunset covers the earth.

After finishing dinner, Han Xiao opened the space jade pendant and was about to find some books to pass the time, when the secret sound transmission device that had been placed inside suddenly made a buzzing sound.

This is...

Seeing the mysterious sound transmission device sent by Kamisato Ayaka making strange movements, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

If this thing rings, it means someone on Inazuma's side is contacting him.

So Yae Shenzi repaired things so quickly?

With a little surprise, he took out the secret transmission device from Jade Perry and turned on the switch.

Hey, brother Hanxiao, you have finally connected to the communication!

As soon as the communication was connected, Yae Kamiko's disdainful voice was uploaded from the device, and then her face slowly appeared on the round mirror.

I put this device in the space and Jade Perry didn't pay attention for a moment. Has Mr. Gong Si contacted me many times?

Including this time, I have contacted you more than ten times!

More than ten times, it seems that Yae Shenzi is really in a hurry.

Thoughts flashed in her mind, but Han Xiao's face showed a very apologetic look quite skillfully:

Sorry, sorry, I will pay attention next time.

Forget it, as long as we can get in touch.

After hearing Han Xiao's apology, Yae Shenzi didn't say much in this regard and got down to business.

Brother Hanxiao, are you free now?

Of course, Lord Palace Secretary, just tell me what you have to say.

Then let's continue the conversation from before.

In the round mirror, Yae Shenzi's expression also became solemn.

Chapter 615 Han Xiao: Trouble

Okay, please say it.

Yae Shenzi wanted to continue talking about the previous topic, so Han Xiao naturally had no objection.

Moreover, he also really wanted to know what kind of mental journey the other party went through before he absolutely agreed to do a deal with him.

Then let me reiterate once again that Daozhi is willing to agree to Liyue's request.

Whether it is the raw materials of jade steel or the forging techniques, and of course some of the secret information and technologies in the hands of my old friend, they can be exchanged for products such as cement and electrical appliances.

Soon, Yae Shenzi recounted Inazuma's plan to Han Xiao's ears.


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