Don't be afraid, everyone. Han Xiao is experimenting with new gunpowder. Let's go back to work.

Looking at the people who were attracted by the explosion, Abedo quickly activated his skills and stood up, then stood in mid-air and took out his trumpet to appease everyone.

Seeing Albedo, everyone knew that this was the alchemist master from Mondstadt, so they all returned to their jobs and continued working.

After calming everyone down, Abedo handed over the subsequent affairs to Xu Wan.

He followed the sound of the explosion that still didn't stop and looked for it.


So awesome, so awesome, Brother Hanxiao!

Watching Han Xiao hold up the lucky star and pull the trigger, the elemental power pushed the miniature bouncing bomb out of the barrel and hit the target in the distance, causing a violent explosion, and countless large rocks were blown into powder.

Keli raised her hands high and jumped around, shouting loudly.

It's such a great feeling.

It can aim at a target, has a range of about thirty meters, and can fire continuously.

It feels better than dropping a bomb yourself!

Brother Hanxiao, I want to play too!

Seeing Han Xiao finish the 'bullets' in the lucky star in one breath, Keli quickly ran to Han Xiao and looked at him with a pleading look on her face.

Keli, please be careful.

Don't worry, brother Hanxiao, Keli will pay attention.

Taking the Lucky Star from Han Xiao, Keli took out the miniature Bengbeng from her arms and refilled it.

Then raise your lucky star, aim at the boulder in the distance, and pull the trigger.


This uninhabited small valley once again sounded a continuous roar.

Hahahaha, you can blow it all up!

When Abedo followed the sound and arrived, what he saw was a small valley full of gravel and big holes, as well as Han Xiao and Keli who were sitting on the ground discussing the improvement plan.

Ah, brother Abedo!

The sharp-eyed Keli saw Albedo's arrival at a glance, and quickly let out a exclamation, then swished behind Han Xiao and hid, occasionally sticking out her little head to peek.

Keli, Hanxiao, you...

Hey, Abedo, why are you here?

Han Xiao straightened up and blocked Keli a little while smiling and greeting Albedo.

Why am I here? You are making too much noise.

Abedo looked at the two people speechlessly, pretending that nothing happened.

Although he knew that such a day would come since he asked the two to communicate more, but this day came too fast.

Tell me, what have you studied?

Here, this is the Lucky Star Hand Cannon developed by Keli and I.

Hand cannon?

Taking the lucky star handed over by Han Xiao, Albedo asked subconsciously.

Does this look like Solstice's blunderbuss?

Yes, we shortened the barrel and made the weight of the gun using a light and strong alchemical material, so it can be held with one hand.

When talking about Lucky Star, Han Xiao couldn't help but introduce their research and development process to Abedo. Even Keli, who was hiding behind Han Xiao, couldn't help but interject:

Brother Abedo, Brother Hanxiao and I have also improved a new formula, which is five times more powerful than the original formula!

Listening to the two people showing off, Abedo could say nothing, but he couldn't say anything.

They are indeed two young explosives geniuses that he personally recognized.

This talent is incredible.

Seeing Keli looking longingly at the hand cannon named Lucky Star in her hand, Albedo had already envisioned what would happen when they returned to Mondstadt.

Presumably, Captain Qin’s face will lose the smile.

It can be seen from your lucky star that you really listened to my suggestion that you combine mechanism skills.

Passing the lucky star in his hand to Keli, and seeing her joyful expression, Abedo looked at Han Xiao seriously:

The products we have developed are very good. We should make more products like Stain Sheep No. 3 in the future.

Uh, okay.

In the end, under Abedo's personal supervision, only four Lucky Star hand cannons were produced, two each for Han Xiao and Keli.

Han Xiao's two weapons had some changes in appearance, removing the wings and replacing them with dragon pattern paint.

Abedo also added mechanical kinetic energy to the elemental launch circuit, allowing Han Xiao to launch without an elemental core.

At the same time, he also added many anti-disassembly and anti-imitation methods to the Lucky Star Hand Cannon.

After all, this thing is too dangerous, and it would be terrible if word spread.

In this regard, from research and development to production and finalization to removal from the shelves, in just half a month, the Lucky Star Hand Cannon was declared temporarily out of print.

But on the way back, Han Xiao and Keli whispered to each other behind Albedo:

Keli, you said we add a little more electric crystal to the formula. Do you think it will produce the effect of thunder and lightning?

I think it's better to add flame flowers. The heat generated by the explosion will be higher.

You two, come here!

Chapter 54 Plan 34

Due to Albedo's intervention, Keli and Han Xiao had to temporarily give up the development of the Lucky Star Hand Cannon.

Han Xiao's previous plans to develop air cannons and electromagnetic hand cannons could only be put on hold temporarily.

But in his mind, he was thinking about how to get a large sum of money from Ningguang.

Because of its small size, the Lucky Star Hand Cannon can easily pose a life threat to ordinary people, so why not just enlarge it and make it a military product?

Anyway, isn't Ningguang building the terminal? It's much cheaper for him than building the terminal.

Domestic products are cheap and solid.

Although he didn't quite know what Han Xiao was thinking, Abedo also knew that it was impossible for the other party to give up research in this area.

After all, he can also see the value of the Lucky Star Hand Cannon.

It’s just that Abedo also knows something about Kanria, so he is still quite cautious in this regard.

For the sake of the personal safety of Han Xiao, his new friend, Abedo still hinted in obscure words:

Hanxiao, sometimes wisdom is the enemy.

I see.

Hearing Abedo's hint, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then indicated that he understood.

Seeing that Han Xiao's expression seemed to know some secrets, Abedo changed the topic without asking any more questions:

By the way, the convoy will leave for Mondstadt tomorrow. I will take Keli back first then, and then I will come back after I have taken care of Mondstadt's affairs.

You're leaving now and don't want to play for two more days?

Hearing this, Han Xiao suddenly felt reluctant to leave and quickly spoke out to persuade her to stay.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that he can't let go of Abedo, but of Keli.

Hmm...that's not right either.

Abedo has signed the contract and will stay in Xincheng to work for the next three years. Now he is just going back to explain to Qin that he will come back after a while.

But Keli is different. She probably won't be able to see each other for a short time after she goes back.

Their formula No. 33 has not been finalized yet.

It's been more than a month since we came out this time, and Captain Qin is still waiting for me to go back and report on the specific details of business cooperation.

This is a lie.

Abedo had already detailed the details of his discussion with Han Xiao in his letter.

The reason why I want to go back is entirely to bring Keli back to Mondstadt.

After all, in just one month, these two young geniuses developed more than thirty explosive formulas.

There are not only original explosion formulas, but also special formulas with wind vortex and freezing effects.

If they continue to develop like this, Abedo himself will be fine, and Captain Qin will probably be in trouble.

In order to ensure that he could still see a smile on Captain Qin's face in the future, he had no choice but to do so.

In that case, I won't stop you.

Seeing this, Han Xiao didn't do much to persuade him, but decided in his heart to find a way to get the remote intercom out.

By then, he and Keli would be able to discuss formula issues without meeting each other.

The next day.

Keli, who was sitting in the carriage, put her hands on the window and looked at Han Xiao with tears in her eyes, full of reluctance:

Woo hoo, goodbye brother Hanxiao.

Goodbye, Xiao Keli, remember to write to me.

Okay Keli, remember, brother Hanxiao, don't forget Plan 34!

Don't worry, I will never forget it.

Just when the two were still feeling reluctant because they could no longer study the formula together, Mond's convoy also began to move towards the stone gate.

Except for Han Xiao and Keli, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

There was nothing I could do. I could hear deafening explosions every day these days, and sometimes there would be a few blasts in the middle of the night.

If Master Hanxiao and Miss Keli are not separated, they will have a nervous breakdown.

Xu Wan, how has Lawyer Yan Fei done recently?

After the convoy could no longer be seen, Han Xiao turned to look at her secretary, and her whole body returned to the way it had been before Keli came.

Miss Yanfei and Master Ningguang have completed most of the laws and regulations. It is estimated that they will be completed in a few days.

How is the work of the new batch of people doing?

“We have basically entered the state, which has greatly alleviated our manpower shortage.”

Are there any particularly capable people?

Yes, there is one, but...

Xu Wan suddenly paused, her face a little more tangled, as if she didn't know whether to say something or not.

What's wrong, who is it?

Seeing that Xu Wan suddenly became hesitant in speaking, Han Xiao became curious and asked quickly.

It's Zhiyi.

As Han Xiao's secretary, Xu Wan had been working in the General Affairs Department. How could she not know that this Zhi Yi was the rival of her current boss in the competition for Seven Stars.

It's him?

Hearing the other party's name, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Of course he knew who Zhiyi was. The other party, Qianwei and Mingbo were the previously determined candidates for Tianshu Star.

Logically speaking, the two are competitors. How could the other party come to his territory?

Xu Wan, go and invite Mr. Zhiyi to my office and tell him that I want to interview him about something.

I understand, Lord Hanxiao.

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