Maybe this is how rich women spend their money!

Precisely because there are many alchemists who are good at magic under his command, Qun Yu Pavilion has a wide variety of defensive formations.

At the same time, Ningguang's collection also contained many ancient books on magic techniques that were derived from the magic techniques of the Immortal family.

On the day of the operation, I, my two senior sisters, and my friend, the four of us will form a vanguard team and go deep into the Nantianmen seal area.

I will try to treat Ruotuo Dragon King in the meantime, and it will be up to you, senior sister, to contain the other party's actions.

After confirming that Ningguang had mastered many techniques, Han Xiao revealed his arrangement.

As for Ningguang, I need you to drive the Qunyu Pavilion to the sky above Nantianmen and be prepared just in case.

If something unexpected happens, we will have to rely on magic to seal the Dragon King Ruotuo under the Fulong tree again.

Hearing Han Xiao's request, Ningguang couldn't help but sigh with relief:

Fortunately, the Liuyunxian family gave me a lot of fairy spells when I passed Ossel last time. Otherwise, I really wouldn't dare to take on your job.


After confirming the course of action, Han Xiao and the others split up to prepare for the next action.

Ning Guang rushed back to Liyue Port in the Qun Yu Pavilion that day, and then brought a large number of alchemists to the Nantian Gate and began to lay out layer after layer of defense and sealing arrays around the Fulong Tree.

Gan Yu and Shen He specifically approached Yingmei. The three of them got together and began to hone in on a three-person battle formation that Qianyan Army had used during the Demon God War.

After all, the three of them will be the main force to contain Ruotuo Dragon King.

As for Han Xiao, he plunged into the alchemy workshop and kept tinkering with something under Albedo's confused eyes.

Inside the alchemy workshop.

Hanxiao, why did you build such a thing?

Seeing Han Xiao standing in front of the experimental table with an oversized syringe gradually taking shape, Abedo's face was full of weirdness.

He had seen syringes before, but never such a large one.

This syringe is over one meter long and half a meter wide.

If it weren't for the slender metal needle in front of the syringe, he would have thought Han Xiao was making cannonballs.

Of course it's useful.

Hearing Abedo's inquiry, Han Xiao replied to him without raising his head, and was busy preparing various reagents in his hands.

His power of power was tested on Zhongli before. Although it could eliminate wear and tear, the effect was not particularly ideal and could only eliminate a small part.

To completely eliminate the wear and tear on Zhongli's body, it would take at least one to two hundred years with Han Xiao's current strength.

Not to mention the Ruotuo Dragon King, which is even more seriously worn, will take at least five hundred years to lay its foundation.

Therefore, Han Xiao did not expect to solve the problem of Ruotuo Dragon King in one go. This time, he only needed to awaken the other party's good intentions and prevent him from being corroded by malicious intentions.

It turned out to be the legendary Ruotuo Dragon King who followed the Rock King Emperor?

After learning Han Xiao's plan, Abedo frowned. Wasn't the other party sealed by the Rock King himself a long time ago?

Is there something wrong with the seal?

Hey, you know it very well after all!

Han Xiao put down the reagent in her hand and looked back at Abedo in surprise.

Nowadays, not many locals in Liyue know about Dragon King Ruotuo. At most, they have heard the story about Lord Yan’s creation of dragons and eyes from storytellers.

But most people only heard it as a legend, let alone the fact that Ruoduo Dragon King was sealed.

He didn't expect that Abe, a Monde man, would know the situation of Dragon King Ruotuo better than most people in Liyue.

Master mentioned that existence when he was chatting with Aunt Alice before.

Regarding Han Xiao's doubts, Abedo gave his explanation quite concisely, his frown still showing no sign of relaxation:

Han Xiao, are you preparing this for that Dragon King?

That's right, this is the special version of the super tranquilizer Dragon King that I made!

Are you really sure you can do it?

Abedo looked at Han Xiao with suspicion.

According to what his master and the others said during their chat, Ruotuo Dragon King, as the top creation of the elements, can receive a steady stream of blessings from power just by standing on the earth.

It can be said that as long as he stands on the earth, the opponent's strength is even two points stronger than the Rock King Emperor who was originally known as the God of War.

Are there any special versions of this syringe made by Hanxiao for tranquilizers, can they really work?

You are looking down on me, aren't you?

Seeing that Abedo was doubting himself, Hanxiao couldn't help curling his lips and immediately introduced his latest work to him:

Look at the shell of this syringe. It's made of mithril with excellent magic-guiding properties. It's strong and thin!

Look at this needle again. This is source metal created by the violent collision between elements. It is enough to pierce the elemental body of Ruotuo Dragon King Rock.

It sounds quite bluffing.

Although he didn't know what the source metal in Han Xiaokou was, Albedo knew about mithril, a metal commonly used in alchemy. It was an extremely rare metal in the Teyvat continent.

I guess source metal is also an extremely rare treasure.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but continue to ask:

What about the special version of Super Tranquilizer Dragon King?

This is a bit complicated to say.

Han Xiao scratched his head and didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

After all, this special version of Super Tranquilizer Dragon King is mixed with many materials from other worlds.

After pondering for a long time, he finally chose to talk about his ideas rather than the materials.

You also know that the Ruotuo Dragon King itself is an element creation, and its body structure is completely different from that of flesh and blood.

So I borrowed the principle of tranquilizers and formulated a potion that can amplify the inertness of elements.

As long as it is injected into the body of Ruotuo Dragon King, the active elements in the opponent's body will quiet down at an extremely fast speed, thus acting as a tranquilizer.

There is actually a potion with this kind of effect?

After hearing Han Xiao's thoughts, Abedo's eyes immediately brightened.

If you go by the effect the other party said, wouldn't it work on all elemental creations?

In this case, they can use 'sedatives' to calm down some elemental creations that are difficult to study in vivo, such as the Pyroblast Tree.

Chapter 577 Abedo: This thing is very useful

It should be possible.

Regarding the question raised by Abedo, Han Xiao gave her own answer after thinking for a moment.

Most of the Explosive Flame Trees and Freezing Trees are elemental creations formed after the siltation of earth vein elements. In essence, they are not much different from the Ruotuo Dragon King.

Since the 'tranquilizer' he made can be used on Ruotuo Dragon King, it will naturally also have an effect on the Explosive Flame Tree.


Han Xiao looked at Abedo with a strange look in her eyes:

How did you come up with the idea of ​​conducting living research on elemental creations like the Explosive Flame Tree?

Because it's a good subject.

Abedo didn't notice the strangeness in Han Xiao's eyes and said with great interest:

Actually, scholars from Teyvat Continent have long ago had the idea of ​​conducting living research on elemental creations such as the Explosive Flame Tree. Unfortunately, the aggressiveness of elemental creations is too strong, which has led to research that has been stuck in living body contact.

If the tranquilizer you developed is really effective, it will greatly promote our research.

Oh? It's interesting. Tell me about it!

After hearing Abedo's explanation, Han Xiao suddenly became interested.

Well... let me give you the simplest example. Do you know that there is a lightning tree in the Xumi area?

heard about it.

Han Xiao nodded, he had really heard of this stuff.

The lightning tree is a monster formed by huge vines that absorb the high-voltage current conducted in the earth's veins. The special thunder element organ can condense the positive pole stamens or the virtual pole stamens.

When the two stamens exist at the same time, they will also attract each other and trigger a powerful charge explosion after collision.

It may be because it is contaminated with the thunder element, so few people in the Sumeru area would provoke such a ferocious monster.

Yes, it is precisely because the lightning tree itself has a violent temperament that it has caused great difficulties in studying the lightning tree.

Seeing that Han Xiao knew the general situation of the lightning tree, Abedo quickly took out the map from the nearby bookshelf and spread it out in front of the two of them.

Then he picked up the pen and marked on the map while explaining his thoughts to Han Xiao:

If your sedative works, we can contact each other, remove the seeds and transplant them to Liyue.

Our current electric energy is produced from charcoal, slime, and electrical crystals, and the efficiency has always been very low.

The lightning tree is different. It is a monster that is born with the ability to absorb thunder elements. As long as we design some devices and install them on its two stamens, we can get huge amounts of electricity.

Ah...what should I do if I feel a little excited!

Although Abedo's idea is a bit unhumane, it is really attractive to Han Xiao.

After all, as a series of electrical appliances such as electric lights and electric vehicles have become popular in Guilicheng and Liyue Port, the electricity consumption of the entire Liyue has jumped significantly, and it is expected that it may reach load status before the end of next year.

His original plan was to expand the size of the slime power station to cope with the increasing power consumption.

Now it seems that it would be better to replace it with a lighting tree.

But there is still a problem before us. The size of the electrical switch tree is not small. How can we ensure safety when transplanted?

Abedo, who saw that Han Xiao was already attracted to this idea, quickly revealed the difficulties in his idea.

These are all things we need to solve.

If that's all, it wouldn't be a problem at all!

Hearing Abedo's troubles, Han Xiao couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on her face.

The 'terrain modifier' created by him and Alice using the Heart of the Rock God can completely solve these difficulties.

Guili City is surrounded by mountains on one side. As long as a large site is carved out from the mountains, and the direction of the earth veins is adjusted to form a siltation environment, the living space of the electric tree can be satisfied.

If that's the case then there's no problem!

Knowing that Han Xiao had a solution, Abedo's eyes flashed with joy.

Not only the power-destroying tree, we can also transform the area where the Explosive Flame Tree is located and create a thermal power generation machine. The combination of the two will fully meet Liyue's future electricity needs.

Discussions on this aspect will wait for now.

Seeing that Abedo was very interested and had the desire to continue the discussion, Han Xiao quickly interrupted and stopped him:

We haven't decided on the horoscope yet, so let me finish the experiments on sedatives first.


Abedo calmed down when he thought that the sedative made by Han Xiao had not been tested and it was not known whether it had any specific effect.


Since the idea proposed by Abedo would play a big role in Liyue's subsequent construction, Han Xiao immediately invested more energy in developing super tranquilizers.

To this end, he added various calming materials from other worlds based on the analysis of Teyvat's traditional potions.

For example, the Ningshen Flower in the World of Warcraft, the extraordinary materials in the Mysterious World, etc.

After repeated trials and errors, the super tranquilizer was quickly deduced into the Promax version.

The new version of the super tranquilizer is not only effective and fast, but also has a very good effect on elemental creations.

This can be seen from the fact that the liar flowers and slimes kept in the experimental park around the alchemy workshop have been in a comatose state during this period.

Although it seems to work well...

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