The seven gods inside the earth hold power, and there are a bunch of outer gods who hold power outside the world and are watching covetously.

The world is so toxic.

As if he had read the thoughts of others in the group, Han Xiao, who came from the mysterious world, broke the silence in the chat group:

[Secret·Hanxiao]: It seems that my world is not in line with your choice?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: This is not true, it is consistent, it is...

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: The water in your world is too deep. If we don't solve the pollution problem, we may not be able to observe it.

On the sofa, Han Xiao sighed softly. In the whole group, he and Xi Xiao were the most skilled in the Flower of Heart, and they needed to observe the world where authority was revealed the most.

It turns out that the newcomer's world does meet the conditions, but there are huge problems inside.

It can be said that this anchoring failed somewhat.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Let's put this issue aside. We have plenty of time, so we should care about the newcomers first. You have all neglected the newcomers!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I'm fine. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Hey, no big deal, just continue to anchor in the future. The newcomers don't have to mind at all.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: That's right, let's talk about something serious. Speaking of newcomers, are you already a member of the Tarot Club?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Yeah.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: What is your current sequence? Which sequence?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Can I not say it?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: There is a ghost!

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Doubtful!

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: There is only one truth that can make newcomers so embarrassed to mention it, so among the twenty-two sequences, only one can do it!

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Oh... I knew I couldn't hide it.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: You guessed it right, I am Sequence Seven of the Assassin Path.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Pfft!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Ah this!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I knew it.

It has to be said that when the mysterious newcomer Han Xiao revealed his sequence path, everyone in the group had extremely weird smiles on their faces.

Chapter 573: The mysterious Hanxiao’s encounter

Before traveling through time, Han Xiao naturally read that very popular fantasy novel.

And now most of their memories are backed up in the chat group, so there is no such thing as forgetting.

So when Han Xiao, the newcomer from Mystery, revealed his sequence level and path, all the corners of Han Xiao's mouths in the chat group turned up crazily.

Assassin path, sequence seven, isn’t that a witch?

Tsk tsk, the world is indeed so big and full of wonders!

Although everyone in the group knows that since the time-travel mutation caused them to be 'split', Hanxiao in each world has become an independent existence, and everyone's identity experience will be different. Occasionally, there will be some changes. It is normal.

For example, wouldn't Han Xiao in World of Warcraft change her race and become a blood elf?

When the group was talking about it earlier, they imagined that the new race that would come one day would be fantasy creatures like monsters and elves.

From Mr. Hanxiao to Miss Hanxiao...


No, I can’t continue editing!

Han Xiao, who was nestled on the sofa, was instantly overcome with laughter, and her cheeks almost split with laughter.

At the same time, the newcomers from the mysterious group in the chat group seemed to have noticed the reason behind the sudden silence of the chat group, and the words they typed were full of self-destruction.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: You are all laughing, you must be laughing at me, right!!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: is that possible? We won't laugh at ourselves!

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: If you didn't type that word poof, I would still be able to believe it in front of you.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Emmm, newcomer, would you like to share with us your mental journey when drinking the magic potion?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Haha... We are all Hanxiao. I don't understand how you feel about watching the fun.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: If you know it, it's better to tell it quickly. You also know that once we become interested in something, we will never give up exploring it.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Oh! What a sin!

So, under the urging of everyone, Han Xiao, who had traveled to the mysterious place, had to tell her what happened after traveling through time.

Unlike Han Xiao and the others who grew up after traveling through time, he wore the kind of clothes he wore.

After waking up, the mysterious Hanxiao found himself lying in the cabin of a large ship. At the same time, based on the memory left in his body, he figured out one thing.

That is, the predecessor of this body was just one of many orphans in Backlund, and at most he was a little more delicate.

At that time, the Witch Church was helping the royal family carry out human trafficking, sabotage and other activities, so he was unlucky enough to be caught.

After understanding all this, Wei Mi Hanxiao was naturally unwilling to build a tomb for Qiao San, so he had been planning an opportunity to escape.

In order to escape for their lives, Mi Mihanxiao used some PUA skills learned on Earth to continuously 'brainwash' the other people who were abducted at the same time.

Finally, when the ship sailed to the southern continent, a prison breakout riot broke out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mi Mihanxiao not only personally killed a Sequence Nine Transcendent sent by the Gnosis Society, a subordinate organization of the Witch Church, but also took away the extraordinary characteristics extracted from him.

But he also knew that the Witch Church would soon react, and that he, an ordinary person, would not be able to escape the pursuit.

Faced with this almost desperate situation, even if Han Xiao knew that the extraordinary properties in his hands were either from the apprentice path or the assassin path, and that without the auxiliary formula, it was extremely risky, he could only choose to take a gamble and eat it alive.

Everyone knows the result.

After paying the price of almost going crazy because of swallowing the extraordinary characteristics alive, Mi Mi Hanxiao directly became a Sequence Nine assassin.

Although he was a little helpless to learn that he had won the 'big prize' in the choice between apprentice and assassin, he had to admit that the assassin path was really powerful in the lower sequences.

In just Sequence Nine, he gained dexterous steps, agile movements, and the skill of concealing his aura.

With the help of these abilities, Wei Mihanxiao successfully evaded pursuit and sneaked into the home of a wealthy businessman in the southern continent and became a chamber of commerce employee.

Later, with the help of his experience and vision in his previous life, he gradually won the trust of the wealthy businessman and was promoted to a small steward.

After more than two years of lurking and operating, Mi Mihanxiao successfully assassinated an instigator operating in the southern continent and obtained the Sequence 8 formula.

As for the series of things that happened next, he did not go into details. Anyway, the conclusion is that he is now not only a Sequence Seven witch Leticia, but also successfully became the second-fifth member of the Tarot Society to break into the Witch Church.'s also in line with the tradition of the Tarot Society.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: It's incredible. Xiaomei's experience has been ups and downs, which is worthy of admiration!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Indeed.

Han Xiao strongly agreed with Hai Xiao's evaluation.

Although Han Xiao, the Lord of Mysteries, said it roughly, being able to survive such a bad start and become an extraordinary person was not as easy as he said.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: Sister Xiao...believe it or not, I will knock your head off!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Let's call it Weixiao, which has the same pronunciation but different words. I still have a big question to ask you.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: If you have any questions, ask them!

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Do you still remember the plot?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: ...This is what I have been wondering about. I remember the plot.

As soon as these words came out, the entire chat group fell into silence.

This is interesting!

Han Xiao, who was nestled in the sofa, couldn't help but sit up, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Although he had vaguely noticed this during his previous conversation with the mysterious Hanxiao, he still felt a little unbelievable when he heard that the other party still remembered the plot.

You must know that in this mysterious world, knowledge is extremely contaminated.

The mysterious Hanxiao, who has not forgotten the plot, did not directly land in a box. There must be something weird in this.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao directly asked her question in the chat group.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Quie Xiao, are you sure you don't have any other golden fingers that shield against pollution?

[Secret·Hanxiao]: I think there is, otherwise I wouldn't be alive.

[Secret·Hanxiao]: As for whether it's because the Seven Gods fell in love with me, I don't know because my sequence is too low at the moment. I can only say that it's possible.


A week has passed since the new member Han Leticia Xiao ‘Miss’ joined the chat group.

Although according to Xi Xiao's judgment, Han Xiao, who transformed into a demon and controlled power, was still an angel in essence and could completely resist pollution.

But he was not in a hurry to observe the world where the other person was.

After all, there are too many pits in that place, so it’s always good to be careful.

But just when Han Xiao was thinking about how to observe the mysterious world more safely, Yingmei and Paimon suddenly came to the door.

Chapter 574: Ruotuo Dragon King’s Problem

Long time no see, Hanxiao!

As soon as Han Xiao was introduced into the living room, Paimon greeted him with a smile.

It's only been a week since we last saw each other. How can this be considered a long time no see!

Hearing Paimon's greeting, Han Xiao also smiled and joked with him.

After a brief interaction, he asked his sisters why they came to him.

Didn't you go on an adventure this time? Why did you come back suddenly?

Well, I want to consult you and Mr. Zhongli about something a bit tricky.

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ying's pretty little face also showed a serious expression.

I received a mission from the Adventurers Association some time ago. According to the association's information, miners and adventurers disappeared near Liyue's Nantian Gate, so Paimon and I went to investigate.

That's right, Han Xiao, you definitely have no idea what Ying and I discovered!

Just as Ying finished speaking, Paimon on the side quickly added something with a proud smile on his face.

Oh? It seems like you have discovered something very important!

Seeing that Ying did not refute Paimeng's remarks, Han Xiao couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and there was a serious look in her eyes.

After all, even Ying, a master who has mastered the three elemental powers and whose strength has at least returned to around the sixth position of the Executive Officer of the Fools, finds it difficult. This shows that what they encounter is definitely not a simple matter.

What is there near Nantianmen that makes Yingdu feel troublesome?

Han Xiao searched for her own memories in her brain, and then quickly thought that there was such a person in Nantianmen who could make Ying feel troublesome.

That was Zhongli's former comrade-in-arms, whose power was no less powerful than that of Ruoduo Dragon King, and even somewhat surpassed that of Morax!

If it were it, it would be normal for Yingmei to feel troubled.

As expected, the other party's next words confirmed Han Xiao's suspicion.

Paimon and I found a door sealed by a spell under a big tree, and also found missing miners and adventurers.

When Xiang Hanxiao told about the seal she found under the Fulong tree, Ying also showed some palpitations on her face.

The miners and adventurers seemed to have lost their souls and kept digging into the rocks on both sides of the seal, no matter how they tried to stop her.

Of course, this is not the most serious thing. What really makes Ying feel palpitated is the sealed door.

Although I don't know what's behind the seal, as long as I get close to the seal, I can feel warnings from all over my body.

So I'm sure there must be something terrible behind the seal.

you guessed right!

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