Chapter 569 The little rich woman’s sister

Ying was actually not particularly satisfied with this trip to Inazuma.

Because not only did she find no trace of her brother in Inazuma, she was also exhausted by the depressive atmosphere in Inazuma.

It can be said that Inazuma’s trip was the most tiring experience among the three countries that I have traveled to.

This was also the reason why she couldn't wait to return to Liyue as soon as the Locking Order and the Eye Hunting Order were released.

Firstly, I came because Liyue’s Sea Lantern Festival was coming soon, and I came back just in time to participate in the festival and relax my tired mind.

Secondly, naturally I came back to get Mora.

Thinking of this, Ying couldn't help but raise her head and look at Han Xiao:

Hanxiao, how is the takeout platform operating while I'm gone?

Don't worry, it's very popular. If you don't believe me, just ask Xiang Ling!

Brother Han Xiao is right, the takeout business is really hot in Guili City now!

Seeing that the topic shifted to herself, Xiang Ling did not hesitate and nodded directly to admit that Han Xiao was right.

that's the truth.

Since mobile phones appeared in Guilicheng, the food delivery industry has gradually improved. Most people are quite satisfied with the service of ordering meals at home through their mobile phones without going out.

However, due to the relatively expensive price of mobile phones, although the food delivery industry at that time was improving somewhat, it was not a particularly profitable industry.

It was not until landline telephones became popular and almost all households in the city were equipped with them that the entire food delivery industry took off in real time.

Wow, doesn't that mean you are very rich now?

After listening to Xiang Ling's introduction, Paimon's face was full of excitement, his mouth was grinning, and his eyes turned into the shape of Mora.

A conservative estimate is that there must be hundreds of millions of molas.

“Oh my God, hundreds of millions of molas!”

Paimon couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then quickly flew to Ying's side and flipped up and down:

Did you hear me, we really have a lot of money!'s impossible for us to take out hundreds of millions of Morads at once.

Regarding Paimon's money-obsessed mood, Ying said that she had long been used to it, and in order to calm him down, she quickly poured cold water on him.

That's true.

Hearing Ying's words, Han Xiao also nodded:

Hundreds of millions of dollars is not a small number. Even if the money does belong to Ying in terms of ownership, if so much money is taken out at once, the capital chain of the entire food delivery platform will be broken.

Killing the chicken to retrieve the egg is unacceptable, little Paimon!

So how many Mora can we take out now?

Regarding Han Xiao's explanation, Paimon thought about it for a while and understood the reason, but she still wanted to know how many Mora she and Ying had now.

Let me think...

After careful calculation in his heart, Han Xiao just gave a number that in his opinion would not cause any harm to the food delivery platform.

About thirty million molas or so.

Thirty million is not too small!

Yingmei nodded with satisfaction. Although it was not as high as hundreds of millions of molas, thirty million molas was still a large amount, enough for her and Paimon to spend a period of time.

“Where can I get this money.”

Just go to Liyue Bank.

Hearing Yingmei's inquiry, Han Xiao immediately took out a beautifully crafted card and handed it to the other party. At the same time, she did not forget to explain to her:

This is a specially made Liyue Bank VIP card. Inside is your exclusive account. I will deposit the dividends from the food delivery platform into the bank one after another in batches.

Just go to the bank and withdraw money while I'm here.

Reaching out to take the card handed over by Han Xiao, Yingmei lowered her head and played with the card carefully.

She didn’t know what material the entire bank card was made of, but it was very similar to the cards she had seen in other worlds.

Thinking of this, Ying suddenly asked: card?

No, no, no!

Han Xiao shook her head repeatedly, saying that this thing has not reached that level yet. This bank card is currently just a simple identity certificate.

It still doesn’t have the function of deducting money with just one swipe.

Perhaps when he and Abedo tinker with the Internet, this function will probably be realized.


After finishing the meal and saying goodbye to Yingmei and others, Han Xiao returned to her home.

As soon as he got home, he sat on the sofa and opened a long-lost chat group.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: What are you guys busy with these days?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Luanxiao, are you done with Xumi's affairs?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Well, we have successfully obtained the Heart of the Grass God. The next stage of our goal is to take over the local Internet in Teyvat.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: That's really good. The plot progress from my side is not too slow. Judiciary Island is in trouble.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Hey, doesn't that mean there will be a war soon?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: With the addition of you here at the Naval Academy, will the ending on top change?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Are you kidding? I'm just a bastard.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Haixiao, if you are a bastard, why are you learning the technological knowledge of the Kingdom of Light from me during this time?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: You don't understand this, Haixiao is probably a teenager!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Uh, why are you talking? Please call me Luffy's uncle!

[Original God Hanxiao]: Good guy, when did you get involved with Long?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: You don't think that I will be a dog to the Celestial Dragons, do you? Although the navy has contributed a lot to the stability of the sea, if the problems of the Celestial Dragons are not solved, I don't want to let my technology help them.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: So Haixiao, you plan to wait for Luffy to make a big fuss, and when the Celestial Dragons are dead, you and Long Zai will step in to clean up the mess?

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Wait a minute, it's not that I look down on Long, but he makes the Revolutionary Army look like a housewife. Can this really happen?

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: No, maybe Hai Xiao and the others can really make it happen.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: I'm not in the northwest now. Hai Xiao specially used some rare metal materials and weapons to ask me to ask the big guys and asked them to formulate a development plan suitable for the existence of extraordinary powers. plan.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Gan, isn't this just cheating?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I am using resources rationally, thank you!

[Locus·Hanxiao]; Then you plan to hang around like this forever?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: That's not true. I've roughly mastered the bloodline factor and domineering theory, and I'm currently saving money for the future.

As friends in the group continued to show up, Han Xiao soon understood what they had been doing during this time.

Chapter 570 Looking for new members?

The first is Hai Xiao, who clearly stated her recent situation in the group.

It seems that the other party has decided to be a salary thief like Kizaru since he entered the naval science institution, so he has been fishing.

The most important thing is that no one else can see that he is fishing. I am afraid that only Vegapunk in the entire naval science organization can see some clues.

However, even Vegapunk himself is not very content, and the other party will naturally not care about whether Haixiao has the idea of ​​​​doing his best for the navy.

So Hai Xiao's life was very relaxed.

On weekdays, I only develop some portable therapeutic props, long-storage military dry food, and other small inventions that are not particularly eye-catching but can be considered useful.

Of course, it was different in private. Hai Xiao not only learned all of Vegapunk's blood factor theory, but even the principles of domineering were analyzed by him with the help of the technology of the Kingdom of Light.

At the same time, he didn’t know when he got together with Monkey D. Long.

Not only did Hai Xiao secretly save money for the future development of the revolutionary army in the scientific institution, but he also specially used metal materials unique to the pirate world to complete the transaction with Ye Xiao, and obtained the genuine 'Red Book' '.

And it's a specially customized version.

In this regard, whether it was other people in the group or Han Xiao, they all agreed that the revolutionary army pulled up by the dragon this time would not be as playful as shown in the original work, and the chance of success was quite high.

Except for Han Xiao, most of the others had a pretty stable life during this period, and only a few people had a very exciting life.

Among them, group members with stable lives account for at least half of the group members.

Aoxiao is stable because she is still learning.

Late night snacks are doing security work in the northwest and are stable.

Jixiao is either driving pilings or on the way to pilings every day, and is extremely stable.

You Xiaoze plays cards every day and is very stable.

The reform in Guixiao has not yet started, so it is stable.

Jo Xiao is not involved in the plot and is stable.

Hai Xiao is still a salary thief, as steady as an old dog.

The remaining few people are considered to have passed the more exciting ones.

For example, Hanxiao has done a lot of things in Xumi, and next he needs to develop the local Internet in Teyvat.

The existence of Moxiao itself is a disruption to the timeline of World of Warcraft, which means it is always causing trouble.

As for Xixiao, he keeps exploring the new world every day, and the other person can be said to be the biggest friend in the entire chat group.

After all, the more worlds Xixiao explores, the more worlds Hanxiao and the others observe, and the faster the Flower of Heart grows.

The remaining Xingxiao were also busy fighting against Ren Li Jianding.

Although most people in the group basically think that this guy will make some strange news sooner or later.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It feels like you are not very active in your home world?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: That's because the world of most of us is not as lively as the world of Yuanxiao you are in.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Indeed, most of the people in the group are in a world like me that doesn't have much extraordinary power at the moment, or the world's local power level is not high.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: “So it’s easy to clear the plot as soon as we start. It’s so boring.”

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: The power level of my world is not low, but it basically has nothing to do with me. It's better to play cards for real.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It seems that everyone is quite bored. Do you want me to come and have some fun for you?

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Oh? Xixiao, what do you want to do?

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: How about bringing in a new member?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the entire chat group fell silent. Even Han Xiao, who was nestled on the sofa, subconsciously sat up straight.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Xixiao, are you sure? Points are still very useful.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Although we have been saving points, everyone knows that there are too many good things in the mall, and sometimes points cannot be saved.

[One Piece: Han Xiao]: Indeed, since I spent a wave of points to anchor Ao Xiao, my current points are basically used to exchange for the technology of the Kingdom of Light, and I can't save them at all.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I have been exchanging various scientific theory books, blueprints and the like. They are cheap, but the quantity is scary. I don't have much on hand.

[Western Fantasy World·Hanxiao]: So I said I'm here to attract new people. After all, the world I'm in is at a high level, I've learned top abilities, and there are many big guys protecting me. Points are really important to me. Not really a must-have.”

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Forget it Xixiao, let me do it!

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Your world is quite dangerous, so keep your points just in case.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: What about you, Jixiao?

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Oh, the taboo dolls are not enough for me to hit with one finger. Do you think I am still interested in playing house with them?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: If I have this time, I might as well make a new wife!

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