This is not a dramatic story, and it will not be a joke if it is discovered!

Don't worry, according to the speculations of the three of us, Tinari will not be in danger.

Seeing that Desiya was a little worried about their plan, Elhaysen comforted her.

After all, Tinari is also a disciple of the sage Nafis of the Shenglun sect. Although the sage Nafis himself may have been imprisoned, he is still one of the six great sages of Sumeru.

Azar's previous order to him was to capture Tinari alive and bring him back to the Order.

Therefore, personal safety issues can still be guaranteed.

After sending Tinari to the Order House, what do you want me to do next?

Since Elhaysen had given his word and even Tinari, the person involved, had no objections, Desiya did not dwell too much on this matter, but instead asked what she should do next.

In the meantime, I will use the void system to attract all the guards from the Order Academy. You and I will be responsible for dealing with them.

After hearing Desiya asking about their next plan, Elhaysen readily told them their plan.

This is why they came to Desiya as a helper. If they want to eliminate all the guards of the Order in one fell swoop, it would be difficult to do so without superb force value.

you and me?

Desiya's eyes widened involuntarily, and her right index finger moved back and forth between her and Alhaysen, her tone full of surprise.

Are you sure you can do it?

Although the number of guards in the Imperial Academy is not as large as that of other countries, there are still about two hundred people.

Two against two hundred.

Emmm, Desiya thought that with her many years of mercenary experience, she could lead them around and drag them out, but this was just a delay.

Although the owners of the Eye of God are far superior to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness and other aspects, they have not yet reached the point where there are dozens or hundreds!

Is Elhaysen serious about wanting to get rid of all the guards of the Order with just the two of them?

Don't worry, since I chose to do this, I am sure of it.

Regarding Desiya's doubts, Elhaysen seemed confident, and he obviously had a trump card.

What about this one? He's not with us?

After hearing what Erhaisen said, Desiya immediately turned her attention to Seno, who had been silent from beginning to end.

I have always heard of the reputation of Mr. Senuo, the former Gale Disciplinary Officer of Xumi. Can't he help us deal with the guards together?

I have another mission.

Only then did Sano speak and explained in a calm tone.

When the time comes, I will confront the Great Sage Azar and force him to release the imprisoned Little Lucky Grass King.

Tinari will find other scholars imprisoned by Azar in the Holy Order and take the opportunity to capture Azar's accomplices.

There's one more thing...

After Seno finished speaking, Elhaysen took up the topic and at the same time turned his gaze to Dina Zedei who was standing aside.

Miss Dina Zedai, I wonder if you can contact other believers of Little Lucky Grass King?

Oh, me?

Dina Zedei, who was suddenly called by her name, was startled at first, and then she realized what she was doing. After thinking for a moment, she said:

There are not many followers of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King. The only one I know is Miss Nilu from the Grand Bazaar.

Just one, that's enough.

Elhaysen did not feel disappointed when he learned that Dina Zedai only knew Nilu, a follower of the Little Lucky Grass King.

The reputation of the great dancer Nilu is still very popular in Xumi City, especially the Grand Bazaar.

Miss Dina Zede.


I hope you can contact Miss Nilu and ask her to organize some people to find ways to attract the attention of other scholars and students in the Order Academy. Can this be done?

should be okay.

Hearing Elhaysen's question, Dina Zedei recalled Nilu's ridiculous popularity in the Grand Bazaar and nodded immediately.

It's just to attract the attention of other students and scholars in the Teaching Academy, which Nilu should be able to do.

That's good.


After recruiting Dina Zedei and Disiya into the group, the three of Elhaysen entered a state of cultivation.

After all, the mental load the three of them endured in the dream cycle was too heavy. If they didn't rest for a few days, they might not be able to exert even half of their combat power.

At the same time, Dina Zedei, who was assigned to the task, also started her own actions. She soon found Nilu under the escort of Desiya.

No one knows exactly what was discussed between the two, but the end result was that Nilu agreed to participate in the operation.

Three days passed in a flash like this.

After completing the task of recruiting Nilu to join the gang, Dina Zedei took Disiya to find the three of Elhaysen as agreed.

Thank you for your hard work, Miss Dina Zedai.

Knowing that the other party had reached an agreement with Nilu, Elhaysen nodded slightly and thanked him, then turned his attention to Tinari.

Tinari, how are you recovering?

Although three days is a bit short, my strength has recovered to 30 to 40%, which is enough to deal with the next troubles.

very good.

Hearing Tinari's answer, Elhaysen hummed, and then said to Disiya:

Then it's up to you, Miss Desia.

Oh...Okay, I'll go find Mr. Asfad.

Seeing that the person involved in Tinari was well prepared, what else could Desiya have to say?


Just as Elhaysen and others were about to take action, Han Xiao in the underground testing site heard Nasida's voice again.

Miss Nasida, it seems you have recovered?

In the Jingshan Palace, Nasida opened her eyes that had been tightly closed. It was the first time that she used so much divine power to bless her, but she didn't have a good grasp of the scale.

After so many days of rest, she finally recovered.

Well, how is Xumi's situation now?

Everything is going according to plan, but...

But what?

Elhaysen and the others are a little anxious.

Through the bionic animal-type unmanned reconnaissance drone he purchased from the chat group, Han Xiao naturally monitored every move of Elhaysen and the others.

Therefore, I feel a little sad that these people will implement the plan before they recover.

He obviously gave them more than ten days to recover, so why be in such a hurry.

Chapter 536: The Current Situation of Rice Wife

In fact, as early as the dream experiment successfully guided the power of the Grass God's Heart, the heroic spirit summoning can be directly carried out.

It's just that Han Xiao deliberately delayed the assembly progress of the instruments required for the summoning of heroic spirits, and then fooled the great sage Azar into believing that it would take ten days to conduct the experiment.

The main reason why he did this was to take this opportunity to completely relieve the mental load of Elhaysen and others who had just escaped from the dream cycle.

According to Han Xiao's idea, ten days were enough for them to recover their bodies to their peak, but it was a pity that Elhaysen and the others did not appreciate it.

After only three days of rest, they began to drag their bodies, which were less than half recovered, to prepare for action.

It's really a waste of Hanxiao's good intentions.


Hearing Han Xiao's words, Nasida didn't know what to say for a moment.

The other party's idea of ​​giving Elhaysen and the others a good rest in ten days was a good idea, and it was also very humane.

The problem is that Han Xiao and Azar did not record this matter into the void system. Elhaysen and the others are not gods, so how could they know about this matter.

In their eyes, the Teaching Council has used dreams to draw the entire population of Xumi City into the experiment. Who knows if there will be more terrifying experiments waiting for the Xumi people in the future.

In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, Elhaysen and the others had to drag their bodies, which were less than half recovered, to move.

Hey, didn't I record this matter into the void system?

Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, then quickly checked the console, only to realize that he had indeed not recorded this matter into the void system before.

No wonder Elhaysen and the others urgently chose to take action without waiting for their bodies to recover.

Originally, he thought it was because Elhaysen and the others were acting too aggressively due to the mental load caused by the dream cycle.

He was negligent in co-authoring it.

...This is the first time I've seen you miss something.

Seeing Han Xiao's reaction, Naxida burst into laughter, and her words were a little more narrow-minded.

Since she met Han Xiao, she has never seen him make any mistakes. He only has strong control over everything.

Therefore, when she discovered that Han Xiao would also make some small mistakes due to temporary confusion, Nasida laughed out loud.

Well, maybe it's because my Sumeru is finally coming to an end that I'm a little dazed.

...Anyway, thank you very much, Han Xiao.

Hearing this, Nasida was silent for a moment, and then she opened her mouth to thank him.

Thank you, Miss Nasida. We can each get what we need.

Han Xiao shrugged, not seeming to be particularly concerned.

He indeed spent a lot of time in Sumeru. Not only did he painstakingly complete the Heroic Spirit Summoning Plan, but he also helped Nasida instigate the Sumeru people to rebel against the Order.

But it was all worth it for Han Xiao.

After all, the value of all the things he has done so far is not as high as the reward he received.

Thinking about it, there are very few treasures on the continent of Teyvat that are as valuable as the Heart of God.

The Fools of Winter are collecting the Heart of God under the pressure of offending various countries, and he only needs to easily complete the transaction with Nasida to get the Heart of the Grass God. The level of difficulty is completely different.

So thinking of this, Han Xiao naturally wouldn't find what he was doing in Xumi so difficult.

But speaking of fools...

I don’t know what’s going on with Inazuma recently. Has the Thunder God’s Heart been taken away by skirmishers?

Moreover, the Lantern Festival is coming soon, and I wonder if Yingmei and the others can come back in time to celebrate the festival?


In fact, while Hanxiao was busy helping Nasida solve the problems in the Imperial Academy, Inazuma's country-locking order that had been maintained for more than two years was finally completely overturned due to the efforts of Ying, the 'ultimate tool man'. Curtain.

After Ying defeated the unrestrained Lei Keqing through the state of willing power, Inazuma's stagnant situation also ushered in a great change.

First of all, the war between Kaiji Island and Narukami Island officially declared a truce. Although the anger between the two sides was still a bit fierce, under the suppression of Kujo Sora and Coral Palace Shinkai, the current state was still passable.

It's just that if you want to completely resolve the grievances between the two parties, this is a long-term matter.

It is estimated that it will take at least 180 years before the two sides can live in harmony.

In addition, in addition to the truce with Kaijijima, Inazuma's political arena also experienced great turmoil.

The first to bear the brunt of this turmoil are the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family who are in charge of the implementation of Tianling and the implementation of the determination.

After all, the collusion between Tianling Zongxing and Jianding Zhongxing and the fools was found by Yingmei in black and white, and there was no room for them to deny it.

Therefore, after the thunder movie reappeared in front of the world, the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family that made mistakes suffered an unprecedented blow.

There were even rumors that Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke were going to be executed.

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