However, what surprised Elhaysen was that the door of the guest room was also opened at the same time, and Seno and Tinari, who were covering their foreheads and looking haggard, also walked out of the guest room one after another.

Hey, this is quite a coincidence.

Seeing the two Seno who were only one step behind him as they walked out of the room, Elhaysen raised his eyebrows subconsciously, then without saying anything, he walked straight to the round table in the living room and sat down.

On the other side, Seno and Tinari also walked to the living room and sat opposite Elhaysen.

It seems like you didn't sleep well last night either?

As soon as the two of them sat down, Elhaysen took the lead and asked.

I really didn't sleep well, and I seemed to have heard some conversations that might have been in the real world.

Tinari put one elbow on the table and put his palm against his forehead. He seemed to be out of energy, but he still managed to answer Elhaysen's question.

Did you hear that too?

Hearing what Tinari said, Seno, who had been closing his eyes to meditate since he sat down, slowly opened his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his tone.

He thought he was the only one who heard that conversation, and co-author Tinari also heard it?

I'm afraid it's not just your two.

Before Tinari could answer Seno, Elhaysen grabbed the attention of the two before him.

I also heard conversations that sounded suspiciously like real-world conversations.

Did all three of them hear it?

Tinari raised his head in surprise and glanced at the other two people in front of the round table, and then asked in a tentative tone:

What did you hear?

Could it be that you heard the range of the reference point?

Baoshang Street!

In response to Tinari's doubts, Seno simply uttered three words in shock.

As soon as these words came out, Elhaysen and Tinari fell silent.

Well, now it's proven that all three of them did hear the same conversation.

As a result, the three of them first looked at each other and the other two, and then they all took out a pen and paper from the Eye of God and wrote down the content of the conversation they had heard before.

After they finished writing, they showed what they had written at the same time.

As expected, what the three people wrote on the paper was almost the same.

Elhaysen, you know the most about the void system. Can you tell what caused the three of us to hear these conversations?

After confirming that all three of them had heard conversations that seemed to be in the real world, Tinari turned his attention to Elhaysen, the one who had the most frequent contact with the void system among the three.

It should be because our consciousness is stable.

After hearing Tinari's inquiry, Elhaysen pondered for a moment and then gave his judgment.

One thing that distinguishes the three of them from other Sumeru people is that their consciousness can maintain stable consciousness in countless dream reincarnations because of the blessing of the Little Lucky Grass King.

Although Elhaysen didn't know the specific principle of controlling the void system to create dreams in the Order Academy, the fact that the three of them were not affected must have brought unstable gaps to the structure.

To put it simply, it is like three NPCs suddenly appearing in a game and awakening their self-awareness. Sooner or later, the progress of the game will be disrupted by the three NPCs.

Elhaysen believes that it is precisely because they gained the ability to retain memories in dream reincarnation under the blessing of the Little Lucky Grass King.

And as their actions to find the reference point of the dream disrupted the entire dream structure, some gaps in its operation appeared, allowing them to briefly connect to the real world when the dream was 'restarted'.

In other words, do you think this news is credible?

Seno didn't care about Elhaysen's speculation. He was more concerned about whether what they heard was reliable.

You can give it a try.

Elhaysen did not make a guarantee, after all, he was not sure whether the news was true.

It's just that he thinks that blindly searching for a needle in a haystack in Xumi City is not an option now, so he might as well try this clue.

You won’t suffer anyway, right?

Elhaysen's idea was unanimously agreed by Tinari and Seno, and the three of them quickly left their residence and went straight to Baoshang Street.

After arriving at the target location, Baoshang Street, the three of them began to carefully search for the so-called 'reference points' from three directions.

As time passed, the sun slowly fell to the west.

Soon, as the sunset appeared, the time came to the eve of night.

After searching all day, the three people gathered again at the entrance of Baoshang Street.

How's it going? Did you find anything? I don't have any here.

As soon as they met, Alhaysen told what he had learned today, but his tone was a little helpless.

He found no figure who might be a benchmark.

I didn't find anyone suspicious.

Seno also shook his head. Like Elhaysen, he did not find the existence of the suspected reference point.

I may... have found a suspicious target.

Just when Elhaysen and Seno were not very hopeful about this search, Tinari said something hesitantly that lifted the spirits of the other two people.

Chapter 531 Tinari: It’s so outrageous

Tell me, what suspicious things have you discovered?

Alhaysen, who was already not very hopeful about today's search, heard Tinari say that he might have found a suspicious target, and immediately urged the other party to tell the specific details quickly.

Even Seno has his eyes firmly fixed on Tinari.

It's the blacksmith from Baoshang Street, Archangel. He is the target of my suspicion.

What's the reason?

Hearing that Tinari suspected that the reference point of this dream was the blacksmith Ahangel in Xumi Blacksmith Shop, Elhaysen was a little curious about how the other party made this judgment.

Well... let me think about how to explain it first.

After carefully organizing it in his mind, Tinari expressed his opinion to Elhaysen and Seno.

First of all, we are currently in a dream, so that's okay.

no problem.

Elhaysen and Seno both nodded, indicating that this had been confirmed by them.

Seeing that neither of them had objections, Tinari continued with his reasoning:

Many scholars in Xumi have encountered traps similar to dreams when exploring ruins. According to their research, if you want to get rid of dreams, you must make the person in the dream realize that he is dreaming.

Based on our current situation, if we want to break the dream cycle, we need to make the target person who is the reference point of the dream realize that he is dreaming.

These seem to be topics we have discussed before?

After hearing Tinari's inference, Seno looked at the other party with some confusion.

Aren't these conclusions the results they reached in previous discussions? Why would the other party repeat this question?

Don't worry Sano, the next step is the focus!

A confident smile appeared on Tinari's face.

What do you think is the most incredible phenomenon when people are dreaming?

Of course it's the absurd and illogical images.

Elhaysen clicked his tongue, his face full of disgust.

For a scholar like him who prefers to be rational, dreams that subvert logic and are divorced from reality are really hard to accept.

This thing you hate happens to be the reason why I discovered that Archangel may be the reference point of this dream cycle.

Tinari looked at Elhaysen with a strange expression, and then said:

Although Sumeru people don't dream, they actually do a lot of research on dreams, so we all know that people are almost 'omnipotent' in dreams.

In other words, dreamers can have whatever they want in their dreams.

I think I understand what you mean.

At this time, Elhaysen had already realized the reason why Tinari suspected Archangel.

People can have whatever they want when they dream, so the dream cycle they are in now is also structured based on one person's dream.

The character who is regarded as the reference point can naturally get whatever he wants in this dream cycle.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but curiously asked Tinari his doubts:

What did you find in Archangel? will never imagine how shocking that scene is!

Hearing Elhaysen ask what exactly he saw, Tinara's skin twitched, and then he showed an expression that he couldn't bear to look at.

I saw with my own eyes that Archangel took an iron block and made a sacred weapon in the hand of Inazuma, the god of thunder, Naginusu no Inako.

The weapon shelves in the blacksmith shop behind him are also filled with legendary artifacts such as Mondstadt's Sky Series, Liyue Rock God's Spear, etc.

Well...this is indeed shocking!

After imagining what Tinari had described, Elhaysen and Senor reached out to cover their faces at the same time.

Gods can use iron blocks to create an artifact that only gods can use!

The other party was right, that scene looked really shocking.

Sure enough, nothing is logical in dreams.

Looks like it's him!

After a while, Elhaysen, who gradually calmed down, continued to talk about their previous topic.

He now agrees with Tinari's guess that Archangel should be the reference point of the dream cycle., not should, absolutely!

Who else could do such an outrageous thing as making an artifact out of iron blocks in a dream cycle, except the reference point, the owner of this dream!

Finally we can break this damn farce!

Seeing that Elhaysen had also confirmed Tinari's speculation, Seno suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He did not want to discuss with the other two people how outrageous the owner of the dream could be.

He just wants to solve the benchmark as soon as possible, make him realize that he is dreaming, and then break the dream cycle and return to reality.

Since our former Gale Disciplinary Officer is so impatient, let's set off!

Seeing that Seno couldn't wait any longer, Elhaysen and Tinari stopped wanting to discuss.

Then the three of them walked towards the blacksmith shop together.


real world.

Finally found it!

Sitting in front of his workbench, Han Xiao rested his right elbow on the tabletop and supported his cheek with his palm. He tilted his head and looked at the picture of Elhaysen and the three people on the small screen, his eyes sparkling with interest.

emmm, how should I put it?

He was already a little obsessed with the feeling of being on the outside and watching the 'protagonist' move along the path he had set.

No wonder many behind-the-scenes masterminds in previous movies and TV dramas like to secretly manipulate others to cause trouble.

This feeling is really addictive.

But unfortunately, it seems that this 'game' has come to an end now.

Didi didi——

Just as Han Xiao was sighing, the instruments in the underground testing site suddenly emitted a series of rapid alarm sounds.

Suddenly, the entire space was filled with harsh beeps and panicked shouts from countless scholars.

No, the architecture is collapsing!

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