Given a design drawing by themselves, these people can quickly reproduce it through alchemy and mechanism skills.

Because of this, the progress of the experimental site completely exceeded Han Xiao's expectations.

In less than half a month, all the instruments were ready.

Mr. Roman, all the instruments are operating normally.

Very well, let's inform the Great Sage about this. I'll go take a rest first.

After hearing the reports from the scholars, Han Xiao nodded slightly, then gave some instructions and then found an excuse to temporarily leave the experimental site and return to the resting residence provided for him by the Teaching Academy.

After entering the room, he first checked the facilities inside the room as usual, and after confirming that they were correct, he set up the magic circle.

After doing all this, Han Xiao took out the Dudu communication device and contacted Nasida.

Han Xiao, why did you contact me so quickly?

About a quarter of an hour later, Nasida's voice came out from the communication device, with a touch of surprise in her words.

Obviously, Han Xiao's sudden contact with her at this time was beyond the other party's expectations.

The progress of the experiment is a bit fast, and our plan is expected to be carried out ahead of schedule.

Hearing Nasida's inquiry, Han Xiao also replied somewhat depressedly.

Originally, according to his plan, it would take more than a month for the Imperial Academy to complete the construction of the instrument.

Unexpectedly, Xumi's scholars were really awesome. It only took half a month to reproduce all the required instruments based on drawings.

Nasida was not frightened by this sudden news. On the contrary, she calmly asked Han Xiao.

When do you think the experiment can start?

This depends on when the Great Sage Azar can provide enough energy.

I know, I will also speed up the action.


Have all the experimental instruments been set up?

Yes, Lord Azar.

Setare stood in front of Azar with a respectful expression and reported to him the news that had just been sent back.

According to the news from the laboratory, Mr. Roman and the scholars unanimously confirmed after inspection that all the instruments have been successfully set up.

This is really good news!

Upon hearing the news, the great sage Azar couldn't help but show a look of ecstasy on his face, but he soon forced himself to calm down.

Setare, inform others of this news and tell them that the Dream Plan is ready to begin.

Yes, Lord Azar!

Ha ha ha ha!!!

After Setare left, the great sage Azar could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart. He laughed loudly in the office and became extremely crazy.

Five hundred years, they have been planning for five hundred years.

The long-cherished wish of the great sages of the past will finally be realized in his hands, and the god Xumi is about to return to the world!

After laughing like this for several minutes, Azar slowly stopped laughing. With a smile that still lingered on his lips, he opened the door and walked to a cell underground in the Order.

Looking at the motionless figure sitting on the bed in the cell, he asked him in a happy mood:

Old friend Nafis, are you getting used to living here?

Hearing Azar's voice, Nafis, who was meditating in the cell, slowly opened his closed eyes and replied in a sinister tone:

Who did I think it was? It turns out to be the busy man Azar!

Why did you think of visiting me as a prisoner today? Could it be that you plan to be my companion?

Azar didn't care at all about Nafis's eccentricity, and directly took out a document from his arms and threw it into the cell.

Look at this, old friend Nafis!

What's this?

You'll know just by looking at it.

Seeing that the other party did not take any direct ridicule and instead let himself read the documents, Nafis glanced at Azar in surprise, then got up and got out of bed and picked up the documents on the ground. After just one glance, he was stunned. Living.

This...this is impossible!

The contents of the document were completely beyond Nafis's expectations. Abatuyi, who died of illness a few months ago, actually came back to life.

And the entire teaching institute has made all preparations to resurrect King Daci Shu.

Why, old friend Nafes, you can't believe the facts before your eyes!

Looking at the shocked Nafis, the great sage Azar could not help but feel extremely happy, and he did not forget to laugh at him:

Do you feel very regretful? My old friend, the long-cherished wish of all generations of the Order is about to be fulfilled in our hands, but you are the rebellious one.

Regret, it's not certain who regrets it.

After slowly calming down from the shock, Nafis retorted without showing any signs of weakness.

Chapter 513 Elhaysen: My peaceful life has been broken?

Why, are you so angry?

Hearing Nafeis's retort, the great sage Azar smiled instead of getting angry. In his opinion, this was just the other party's sharp tongue.


Throwing the documents in his hands aside, Nafis sat back on the bed, folded his hands on his chest and leaned against the wall, looking at Azar with a mocking smile on his lips.

It seems that you don't believe the content in the document. Do you think I am lying to you?

Seeing Nafis staring at him without saying a word, Great Sage Azar raised his eyebrows, thinking that the other party did not believe the contents of the document.

But he thought wrong.

After hearing Azar's rhetorical question, Nafes shook his head and said calmly:

No, I know you didn't lie to me, and I also know that the content recorded in this document should be true.

Ah this...

This time it was the turn of the great sage Azar to be a little confused.

Since Nafis believed the contents of the document, the other party should know that the Heroic Spirit Summoning Plan was going to be successful and that the Great Merciful Tree King was about to return to the world.

Doesn't he know that apart from himself, the other sages will become the greatest contributors to Xumi's history?

Why can the other party remain calm?

No matter what the great sage Azar said next, Nafis did not speak, and just kept looking at him with his arms folded.

Seeing the other party's behavior, Azar, who had no sense of accomplishment, finally chose to leave.

Azar, Azar, you have been dazzled by the coming success.

After the Great Sage was no longer in sight, Nafis lowered his arms, and the sneer that had been hanging on the corner of his mouth disappeared, replaced by a worried face.

The contents of that document were recorded in great detail. Judging from his own knowledge, the experiment has a high probability of successfully awakening the consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King through the depths of the earth's veins, as the other party said.

But he did not lie just now. Azar will definitely regret it when the time comes.

Because Azar forgot one thing. According to the documents recorded five hundred years ago, the main purpose of King Daci Tree leaving the void system was to fight against the pollution of the World Tree.

Wantlessly using everyone's brains as computing tools has even caused death. This is not the original purpose of the void system.

When the Great Merciful Tree King returned from his slumber, he found that the void system he had left for the Sumeru people to fight against the pollution of the World Tree was not only not used in the right way, but was used indiscriminately by the sages.

Even if He is a benevolent god, he will be angry when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Nafis couldn't help but sigh.

Perhaps soon, these people will face the wrath of the gods.


On the other side, after receiving the task of finding Tinari and trying to control it, Setare took the hired guards and searched for the whereabouts of the other party in the major hotels in Xumi City.

Soon, they found the hotel where Tinari stayed after arriving in Xumi City.

It's a pity that Setale and the others arrived a step too late.

You said he has checked out?

Yes, Mr. Tinari checked out not long ago.

Faced with Setale's unkind question, the hotel owner responded cautiously, fearing to offend the other party.

...let's go.

Glancing at the hotel owner with a stiff smile on his face, Setare pursed her lips and then left the hotel with the guards.

But what she didn't know was that in a corner not far away from the hotel, two sets of eyes were watching their every move.

Thank you, Alhaysen!

Watching Setare leaving with the guards, Tinari couldn't help but shift his gaze to Elhaysen beside him, and thanked him repeatedly.

Back to this afternoon.

While Tinari was waiting for news in the hotel as usual, a stone wrapped in paper was suddenly thrown in from the window.

When he opened it, he found that the only words written on the paper were check out immediately.

Although he didn't know who sent the message, this obvious warning made Tinari choose to be cautious and went directly to the hotel owner to check out.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, he saw Alhaysen waving to him in the corner.

After walking over, Tinari was pulled into the shadow of the corner before he could speak, and then motioned for him to pay attention to the direction of the hotel.

Full of doubts, Tinari chose to follow the other party's suggestion and set his sights on the hotel not far away.

And soon, when he saw Setare and others rushing to the hotel excitedly, he understood the reason why Elhaysen did this.

Time returns to the present.

Hearing Tinari's thanks, Alhaysen waved his hand indifferently, and then told the other party some bad news:

Seno has resigned as the Gale Disciplinary Officer and has gone into hiding for the time being.


Tinari's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Elhaysen in disbelief.

Are you sure you're not kidding?

I never make bad jokes like this.

But isn't Senor a gale discipline official?

Even the Gale Disciplinary Officer was appointed by the Great Sage, and Sainuo is not yet capable of going against the Great Sage.

In response to Tinari's shock, Alhaysen acted very calmly.

What happened to the Gale Disciplinary Officer? The power of the Gale Discipline Officer also comes from the six great sages.

Now Sano applied for investigation with the evidence of the other party's crime. After being flatly rejected, didn't he only have the only option to run away?

So, Abatui's matter is indeed related to the Great Sage and the others?

Well, the disappearance of your mentor Nafis is probably related to several other sages.

After briefly explaining the current situation, Elhaysen ordered Tinari:

You can't stay in Xumi City anymore. Find a place to hide outside first, and leave the rest to me.

So you're willing to help?

Upon hearing Elhaysen's words, Tinari was immediately overjoyed.

The other party was a genius recognized by his mentor himself, and he also served as the secretary of the Order Academy.

With his help, we might be able to find out the problem of Abatui and what terrible things the sages of the Order are planning.

Those big guys are violating some boundaries that they shouldn't be violating.

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