On the main road to Xumi City?

After quickly determining the location in his mind, Abatui couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Kakata once again violated the instructions he entered.

Because he was expelled from the Ecclesiastical Council, his research at that time was already of a shameful nature, so it was set in Kakata's program not to go to crowded places.

Unexpectedly, the other party violated even this instruction.

This time he obeyed the instructions, and the next time he disobeyed them. Kakata's strange behavior made Abatui scratch his head, not understanding what was going on.

Seeing Abatuyi's confused expression, Tinari became more and more certain that something must have happened to his junior brother to cause the other party's mechanical creation to 'get lost'.

However, he did not clarify the matter, but asked calmly:

Abatui, what are you going to do next?

Of course we have to find Kakata first.

What to do, what else to do, of course, is to find Kakata.

Abatuyi sighed slightly. Originally, he was still imagining whether Han Xiao had guessed wrong.

But now that so many facts were in front of him, he had to admit that something was really 'wrong' with Kakata.

Then I'll go look for it with you.

Tinari didn't know what Abatui was thinking at this time, but after the other party finished speaking, he immediately conducted a test on his junior brother.

No, I won't bother you, senior.

Hearing that Tinari wanted to go with them to find Kakata, Abatui quickly shook his head and rejected the other party's suggestion.

Mr. Roman and I can just go look for it.

The roads in the rainforest are complicated, and there are even extremely dangerous places like the Dead Zone. Can you two... really do it?

Don't worry, senior, Mr. Roman and I will be fine.

Abatuyi immediately stood up from the chair and at the same time signaled Han Xiao with his eyes.

After Han Xiao also stood up, he said to Tinari:

We have to find Kakata first. Senior, Roman and I won't disturb you.

After saying that, Abatui took the lead and strode out of the room.

Ranger Tinari, Abatui and I will take our leave first.

Seeing the other party leaving the room quickly, Han Xiao simply said goodbye to Tinari and then left the room.

Watching Han Xiao and Abatui leave towards the outside of Huacheng City, Tinari walked out of the room and stopped in place, his face full of thoughts.

He didn't know if it was his own misunderstanding or if he was too suspicious.

Ever since he discovered that something was not right with his junior brother, Tinari always felt that Abatuyi seemed to have become a lot stranger, as if he was a different person.

Is it because we haven’t seen each other for several years?

He was a little unsure.

No, now is not the time to think about this!

Tinari shook his head violently, and quickly picked up the bow and found Nasreen who was patrolling.

Nasrin, please inform the other rangers that I may not be able to participate in the patrol in the next few days and ask them to narrow the scope of the patrol.

Mr. Tinari, where are you going?

Hearing this, Nasreen looked at Tinari with some surprise. The other party had not been absent since he became the ranger. What is going on today?

Upon hearing Naslin's inquiry, Tinari turned his head and looked in the direction where Han Xiao and Abatuyi disappeared, and said in a faint tone:

There are some things that I care about, so I need to find out.


Your senior seems a little suspicious.

In the rain forest outside Huacheng City, Han Xiao suddenly spoke to Abatuyi beside him.

Senior Tinari has always been the smartest among the mentor's students. It's normal for him to be suspicious.

Hearing Han Xiao mention that his senior might have noticed a problem, Abatuyi shrugged.

The reason why he dragged Han Xiao away from Huachengguo and went into the rain forest was because he didn't want his keen senior to follow him.

Chapter 482 The cold night in Abatuyi’s eyes

Aren't you afraid that he will follow you?

It shouldn't be... right?


Han Xiao stared at Abatuyi meaningfully, and the look in his eyes made the other person's heart tremble before he said slowly:

I'm afraid he won't give up that easily.

You mean, senior, he might follow you secretly?

It's not possible, it's certain.

Why do you say that?

Seeing that Han Xiao's tone was so certain, Abatuyi's curiosity was aroused by the other party.

He remembered that this was probably the first time the other party had seen Tinari. How could he make such a quick judgment?

Let me ask you, what is your senior's character like?

Well, he behaves steadily and is quite cautious in his work.

Look, you have already told the reason yourself.

When Abatuyi finished speaking, Han Xiao couldn't help but laugh.

Although this was the first time he had met Tinari, he had heard about this senior's deeds from Abatuyi before.

After meeting the person, Han Xiao found that Tinari's character was more stable than Abatui said.

Just like in the previous conversation, the other party clearly noticed the change in Abatuyi, but kept silent.

So Han Xiao was sure that Tinari would definitely choose to follow them soon after they left.

What should we do?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Abatuyi immediately felt a little embarrassed.

Han Xiao also had some secret things with him, which Tinari could not discover.

When he thought that they would not have met Tinari in the first place, and that it was entirely because of his and Kakata's affairs that they got into such a mess, Abatui's face didn't look very good.

After all, if something happened to Han Xiao due to his own fault, he couldn't afford the kindness of the other party to 'resurrection' him.

Don't worry, don't worry.

The corner of his eye glanced at Abatuyi's slightly worried face. Han Xiao instantly understood the other person's worries and directly spoke of relief.

He was not teasing Abatui, he really wasn't worried about Tinari's problem.

Your senior can't find us.

How is that possible? Senior Tinari is a senior ranger. The rainforest is like home to him. It's not easy to find us!

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't seem to take Tinari seriously, Abatui quickly persuaded him not to underestimate his senior.

Since I dare to say it, it means I am sure.

Regarding Abatuyi's reminder, Han Xiao's attitude remained unchanged, but seeing the uneasy look on his face, he decided to show his hand.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao suddenly stretched out his right hand and put it on Abatui's shoulder, and asked with a smile:

are you ready?

Ready? Almost...

Abatuyi was just about to speak, but before he could finish his words, he felt the surrounding environment suddenly become distorted, and his whole body seemed to be lifted up by Han Xiao's big hand on his shoulder.

Next, there was a muffled buzz in the rain forest, and the figures of Han Xiao and Abatui disappeared directly.

After about ten minutes, Tinari appeared in this area carrying a bow and arrow.

The footprints...are gone?

Squatting on the ground and carefully checking the conditions on the ground around him, Tinari's brows could not help but lock together.

This is really weird. I followed the footprints all the way here, but why did they suddenly disappear here?

Could it be that his tracking was discovered?

After much deliberation, he could only think of this explanation.

Because this was the only way to explain the disappearance of the footprints. It was probably Han Xiao and Abatuyi's cover-up move to get rid of themselves.

Tinari knew Abatui's abilities very well. He had good academic standards, but his anti-tracking methods were inferior.

Abatuyi cannot do this method of almost disappearing into thin air.

Therefore, the only one who can do this should be...

Romani Solomon, when did such a person come to Xumi?


On the other side, deep in the rainforest.

With the sudden distortion of the space, the figures of Han Xiao and Abatuyi appeared in the open space as if they were inserted into a frame.


As soon as his feet touched the ground, Abbatui immediately knelt down with a look of discomfort on his face.

Obviously, he had not experienced space teleportation and his body had not yet been completely integrated. This transfer was a bit difficult for him.

Han Xiao casually leaned on a tree trunk, folded her hands on her chest and looked at the other person. After waiting for a moment, she asked:

How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?

much better.

Abatuyi, who felt the dizziness in his brain gradually receding, nodded after hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

Is this how you get rid of Senior Tinari?

Why, can't we get rid of this?

Of course, I just didn't expect you to have such skills. You are indeed a man who dares to touch taboos and make deals with the Order. I really learned a lot today.

After recovering, Abatuyi couldn't help but express that his eyes had really been opened today, and he could actually see the extremely rare ability to teleport through space.

It's not that he hasn't seen the world before. The ability to teleport through space is not unknown in the Teyvat continent, but it has always been a power that he has heard of but has never seen before.

So after experiencing space teleportation for a while, Abatuyi would certainly be surprised.

Let's get down to business.

Regarding Abatuyi's praise, Han Xiao was quite calm and turned the topic to business without changing her expression.

Can you find out the whereabouts of Kakata from Tinari's story?

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't want to talk more about spatial abilities, Abatuyi wisely didn't mention it again.

Although he had known that Mr. Roman who resurrected him would not be simple, he really didn't expect that the other party could not summarize it in one simple sentence.

Abatuyi did not see the Eye of God hanging on the other party.

A person without the Eye of God not only possesses extremely rare spatial abilities in the Teyvat continent, but also possesses forbidden knowledge that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

He now feels some pity for the Order. The Order will probably suffer a big loss if they make a deal with such a mysterious and powerful person.

But what does this have to do with him? Anyway, the Order was not lenient when it attacked him.

While mourning for the Imperial Academy in his heart, Abatui did not forget to answer Han Xiao’s inquiry:

If what the senior said is true, then we will wait near the incident site. According to the procedures, it may come back.

Okay, let's go to the place where the incident occurred now.

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