Although I am not a real doctor, I still understand the concept of a doctor's benevolence.

Since I have the ability, I won't leave you alone.

Besides, curing a terminal disease like Demon Scale is also a good experience for me.

In fact, the original reason why Han Xiao helped Kelai treat the magic scale disease was largely due to his early investment in order to better deal with Nasida.

It's just that Kelai's series of strong performances during the treatment process made him gradually appreciate this little girl who seemed to be weak and frail.

Therefore, Han Xiao tried his best to treat him in the later stage, and even discussed the treatment plan with his friends in the group.

It can be said that the person who really saved Kelai was herself.

After casually talking about this matter, Han Xiao looked at Ke Lai with a serious face:

Miss Kelai, I leave it to you to do what I said before.

Please rest assured, Mr. Hanxiao, as long as your friend arrives in Xumi, I will definitely entertain him well.

After hearing Han Xiao's instructions, Ke Lai quickly patted his chest and promised.

Then I'll bother you.

Then Han Xiao turned her gaze to Amber who was aside, and reached out to take out a stack of documents full of handwriting from Yu Perry and handed it to him:

Miss Amber, this is the information I sent people to collect in the Qingce Village area. If you want to find your grandfather, this should be able to help you.

Thank you so much, Mr. Hanxiao!

Amber was immediately surprised when she saw the document Han Xiao took out. She quickly took the document and carefully put it into her God's Eye.

After watching Amber put the documents away, Han Xiao continued to speak:

It's almost time, so I won't delay you any longer. It's a long journey, but I hope you both have a smooth journey.

Mr. Hanxiao, goodbye!



After seeing off Ke Lai and Amber, Han Xiao was planning to go home and have a good rest, but just halfway there, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Who called me so early?

Han Xiao pulled out her phone with some confusion and then answered the call.

Hello. Who is this?

Sent away that little girl named Kelai?

As the phone was connected, Ning Guang's slightly teasing words came from the phone.

Oops! Good guy!

Hearing Ning Guang's teasing, Han Xiao seemed a little confused:

No...I just sent the person away with my front foot, and you know it with your back foot?

What is your intelligence gathering speed?

Haha... This is all thanks to your popular mobile phones!

Seeing that Han Xiao was caught off guard, Ning Guang laughed happily.

Two days ago, Beidou suddenly came to her door and tried to make a deal with her. His shameless look made her anxious.

In the end, Ningguang had to spend money to sign a contract with the other party.

Although judging from the results, she did not suffer a loss. Beidou not only had to repay the debt to her in the next few years, but also helped her do things. He only needed to fund the shipbuilding for the other party.

But the feeling of being blocked suddenly is not pleasant.

So after learning from Beidou that it was Han Xiao who came up with the idea, Ningguang had long wanted to find an opportunity to scare him.

No, as soon as Han Xiao saw off Ke Lai and Amber at the gate of the city, her informant passed the information on through her mobile phone.

That's how this phone call came about.

Tsk tsk... I remember that mobile phones are not cheap now. You are really willing to spend money!

Hearing that Ningguang had asked the informant to be equipped with a mobile phone so that he could receive the information so quickly, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked his tongue and sighed at the other party's arrogance.

Due to the powerful communication capabilities of mobile phones, it can be said that they were extremely popular among Liyue people as soon as they came out.

Not only did businessmen and officials greatly improve their work efficiency, but it also allowed wanderers far away in the city to contact their relatives back home at any time.

It is precisely because of this that mobile phone sales are quite popular in Liyue.

However, due to production capacity issues, the production of mobile phones has never been high, so the market is often in short supply.

This has also led to a gradual increase in the price of mobile phones.

Han Xiao was even asked to arrest a group of scalpers who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make money, and introduced a purchase restriction policy for this purpose. Although it was not a perfect solution, it also curbed the problem of scalpers to a certain extent.

Most of Ning Guang's intelligence spies are her personal power, and these people are spread all over Liyue.

That's why Han Xiao lamented that even though Ningguang was rich, he was also willing to spend money to equip these people with mobile phones. The total amount of money was not a small amount.

As the old saying goes, to do things well in advance, you must sharpen your tools first. What intelligence pays attention to is timeliness.

Hearing Han Xiao's sigh, Ning Guang on the other side of the phone explained nonchalantly.

I'm not short of money, why don't I use such a useful tool like a mobile phone.


Suddenly, Han Xiao silently recited the word information several times, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind.

You have reminded me that we should indeed provide intelligence officers with some sharp weapons.

Oh, what did you think of?

When Han Xiao said this, Ningguang immediately became interested.

After all, every time the other party has a flash of inspiration, he will come up with something that can change Liyue.

Of course she wanted to know what good things Han Xiao thought of from the word intelligence.

Tools that would allow intelligence officers to do their job better.

Facing Ningguang's inquiry, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and directly spoke out the inspiration that came to her mind.

Chapter 466 Didi’s Radio Station

“Tools that would make intelligence officers better at their job?”

In the Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang put down his cigarette rod and slowly blew out a mouthful of white mist, a curious look flashed in his eyes.

What Han Xiao said really aroused her curiosity, and she also took it seriously.

It's interesting, come and tell me!

As someone who has intelligence officers all over Liyue, Ningguang is very aware of the importance of intelligence.

So when she heard that Han Xiao had the idea to add some sharp weapons to the intelligence personnel, she was naturally very interested.

The tool I plan to equip intelligence personnel with is called a radio. The specific principles are similar to those of a radio station.

Seeing that Ning Guang was so interested, Han Xiao directly told him what he planned to make. What he planned to make was a radio tool for transmitting information remotely.

Yes, it’s the kind of ‘Didi Didi’ that often appears in war movies.

The principles of this kind of radio station and radio station are roughly the same, and both use radio communication technology.

The only difference is that the wavelength of the broadcast station is shorter and the transmission distance is relatively long, which can ensure considerable clarity.

The wavelength of the intelligence radio station is very long. Although it cannot guarantee the continuity of the call and can only make a simple sound of beep, beep, beep, the transmission distance is very long. If the power is enough, it is not a problem to transmit half a terawatt. .

With a radio station that can be used across borders, Liyue's intelligence personnel can use the radio station to immediately transmit the information back to Liyue through special transmission techniques after detecting information in other countries.

This is great stuff!

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation to the radio station, Ning Guang's eyes immediately lit up. As she said before, the most important thing about information is its timeliness.

If she goes by what the other party said, doesn't it mean that she can receive information from Inazuma, Sumi and other places in a timely manner?

Thinking of this, Ningguang couldn't help but 'complain' to Han Xiao:

The radio is such a useful thing, why did you just take it out now?

Hey! Didn't I forget?

Regarding Ning Guang's 'complaint', Han Xiao on the other end of the phone stretched out her hand to scratch her hair in embarrassment.

There were many things that could be used to help Liyue develop in his previous life, but he could not remember everything clearly.

If he hadn't talked about intelligence with Ning Guang today, Han Xiao might not have known when he would be able to remember such a little thing.

When will the finished product be ready?

Ningguang didn't dwell too much on this matter. Instead, he directly asked Han Xiao how long it would take to create the real thing.

Because after listening to the other party's explanation, she couldn't wait to put this thing into actual use.

The principles and everything are ready-made, and it can be done within a few days.

Really just a few days?

Hearing Han Xiao's recovery, Ningguang couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face, and at the same time she didn't forget to confirm the truth of the matter with the other party.

It's natural.

Han Xiao seemed extremely calm about Ning Guang's suspicion.

He and Abedo had already mastered the radio communication technology required for the station when they were studying mobile phones and radio.

Now all we need to do is design a machine that can send and receive long waves. With our previous experience in the research and development of radio and mobile phones, we can probably build the radio station in a few days.

Then I'll be waiting for your good news!


After talking to Ningguang, Han Xiao went directly to the alchemy workshop, picked up the alchemy tools and walked to the experimental table for the first time in a long time.

About an hour later, Abedo's figure appeared at the door of the workshop.

What kind of wind is blowing today?

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Han Xiao who was busy in front of the experimental bench. He couldn't stand this, so he immediately joked:

Why did you suddenly come to the workshop to do experiments?

I just thought of a little thing, and I'm going to make it and try it out.

Hearing Abedo's teasing, Han Xiao, who was standing in front of the experimental table, replied without looking back.

Let me see what little thing it is...

Seeing Han Xiao's serious attitude, Abedo raised his eyebrows, walked quickly to the experimental table, picked up the drawings placed aside and started to read.


After reading the drawings drawn by Han Xiao in his hand, Abedo felt familiar from the beginning. After looking at them carefully for a long time, he realized that the principle of what the other party wanted to build was similar to that of mobile phones and radios.

Is this a radio station?

Well, a radio station that can send and receive messages over long distances.

It's interesting, I'll help you too.

Abedo, who already understood the function of the radio station on the drawing, immediately joined in.

With Abedo's help, the radio station's research and development progress was shorter than Han Xiao had expected.

In less than two days, a radio station capable of sending and receiving long waves was born from the hands of two people.

nailed it!

Looking at the brand new machine in front of him, Han Xiao had a look of satisfaction on his face.

This thing looks small, but its effect is definitely not small.

With it, intelligence personnel can get news in the morning and send the news back to Liyue in the evening.

You have built this building, but it needs a lot of supporting facilities.

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