After learning the reason why Han Xiao changed his mind, Abedo first nodded to express his understanding, and then refused the invitation.

Han Xiao has some free time now, but he doesn't.

There are so many topics waiting for him to study.

It's almost the end of the year. Don't just be busy with your projects. It's good to combine work and rest.

...Forget it, let me go with you.

After hearing Han Xiao's persuasion, Abedo stood in front of the experimental table and thought about it carefully, and found that what the other party said was reasonable.

In the past two years in Guilicheng, he has hardly had much time to rest. He is busy doing projects every day.

Although Abedo enjoyed this research life in the alchemy laboratory, he did lose a lot of free time.

Thinking about it now, it seems that I haven't painted in a long time.

But strangely enough, Xingqiu didn't seem to come looking for the new calligraphy, painting and illustrations she gave him during this period?

Then let's set off to Mingyun Town tomorrow.

Han Xiao didn't know what Abedo was thinking, but seeing that the other party agreed to his invitation, he decided on a time to go to Mingyun Town.


Kuixing Tower.

Steamboat launching ceremony?

Xingqiu, who was correcting official documents, raised his head and looked at Han Xiao in slight surprise, and then rolled his eyes at him rather speechlessly.

I know about this, but do you think I can walk away?

As the second-in-command of Guili City and the actual handler of most government affairs, Xingqiu was very different from two years ago.

Two years ago in the autumn, the gentle and leisurely young man read books and drank tea on weekdays. When he felt like it, he would write two chapters of a novel.

Don’t live your life too casually.

Two years later, as soon as he opened his eyes during the day, he would come to Kuixing Building to listen to the work reports from the secretaries, and then arrange the affairs of various departments according to the urban development framework formulated by Han Xiao.

After dealing with these, there are still some unexpected problems that need to be solved from time to time.

After all the busy work was completed, it was time to get off work in the evening, and he was like a super social animal.

So when he heard that Han Xiao invited him to Mingyun Town to attend the steamship launching ceremony, it was strange that Xingqiu didn't feel speechless.

After all, these tasks on his body are all Han Xiao's.

Well, it won't take more than a few days. I'll handle it with you then.

Seeing the resentment in Xingqiu's eyes, Han Xiao subconsciously scratched his head, his eyes wandering away involuntarily.

I can't believe this hands-off shopkeeper like you.

Regarding Han Xiao's assurance, Xingqiu immediately curled his lips.

He doesn't know what kind of virtue he has since he was a child. He has been a fisherman since he was a child. Although he has improved a lot after becoming a Tianshu star, he still often spends three days fishing and two days drying nets.

Xiaoxiao complained to Hanxiao, Xingqiu reached out and flipped through his schedule, took a quill pen to write and draw on it, and then said:

I'll work overtime today to make arrangements for the next few days. When I leave tomorrow, you can just come to Kuixing Building to pick me up.

Then it's settled!

Seeing that Xingqiu agreed to his invitation, Han Xiao turned around and prepared to leave after saying a few words.

But before he even left the office, he was stopped by Xingqiu behind him.

Hanxiao, please wait a moment.

What's wrong?

There is something I forgot to mention. Please take a look at this first.

Seeing Han Xiao turn to look at him again, Xingqiu quickly took out a document from the drawer and put it on the table, indicating to the other party to take a look in person.

Seeing this, Han Xiao quickly walked to the desk, picked up the file and glanced at it.

Recommendations for putting Guilicheng Theater into use?

What's happening here?

Of course it's the newly built theater where it was founded.

Regarding Han Xiao's doubts, Xingqiu, who was sitting in the office chair, shrugged, organized his words in his mind, and then said slowly:

Didn't you send people to build a new theater in the establishment?

Yes, there is such a thing.

Han Xiao nodded. He and Abedo developed animation and movies, so they built a theater in the city in order to plan for the entertainment industry in the city in the future.

As long as you remember.

Seeing that Han Xiao had not forgotten this matter, Xing Qiu just continued:

I don't know what you have been busy with recently. The theater has been built for a while, but it has never been put into use.

Wait a minute, why hasn't it been put into use?

Han Xiao quickly raised her hand to interrupt Xingqiu's words, and the expression on her face became a little strange:

I remember that I gave the order to open the theater after it is completed?

And when we held the party before, didn't we already train a group of staff to control the projector?

But the key is that there is nothing to put there!

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Xingqiu spread his hands with helplessness on his face.

Albedo has been busy with various alchemy experiments and has no time to draw. You often disappear, and the people below can't do it, so they can only choose to put it aside temporarily.

That's right, it's my fault.

After reacting, Han Xiao immediately apologized and then revealed her plan.

I will implement this matter after Ji Mingyun comes back.

Well, by the way, do you still remember my friend from Yujingtai?

Is this the young man of yours who wants to film Yingying?

Han Xiao thought about it carefully, and then found that memory from her memory.

He has already shot the video, but he himself doesn't know how the shooting will turn out, so he came to consult me.

I was wondering if you and Abedo had made some animated short film before. Why don't you help me take a look at it? After all, I don't understand this stuff either.

Did he really take a photo of it?

Han Xiao was quite surprised that Xingqiu's friend from Yujingtai seemed to have actually made a film.

He originally thought that the other party just thought that Yingying was a strange thing and wanted to try it out, so he never took it to heart.

Didn't expect that the other party would actually do it?

Chapter 434: Shadows taken by friends in Xingqiu

Have you ever seen the reflections he took?

After learning that someone in Liyue had finally filmed Liyue's first film, Han Xiao immediately became interested and quickly asked Xingqiu if he had seen it.

not yet.

Xingqiu shook his head. He had been so busy that he had no time to go to the theater and invite someone to show it.

Do you have the shadow belt with you?

Yes, he took the photo and sent it to me.

After hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xingqiu stood up and walked to the standing cabinet next to him, took out a roll of shadow tape, and then put the tape on the table.

This is the tape he sent.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's take a look now.

Before Xingqiu could sit down, Han Xiao picked up the video tape on the table, grabbed her child with her other hand and walked out of the office.

He planned to appreciate what the first film shot by Liyue people was like. Maybe Liyue's first film director would be born.

Well, the music MV previously shot at the party does not count.

Hey, hey, I haven't finished my work yet!

Hey, it's okay to be delayed for a few days!


Dragging Xingqiu to the theater, Han Xiao quickly found the projectionist and handed the film tape to him.

Then he and Xingqiu sat in the auditorium waiting for the screening to begin.

Is it necessary to be in such a hurry? I haven't finished my work yet!

As soon as he sat down, Xingqiu complained about his family.

Han Xiao can be a hands-off shopkeeper, but he can't. There are so many government affairs waiting to be dealt with.

It's all daily chores. It doesn't matter if you delay it for an hour or two.

Han Xiao directly waved her hand to signal Xingqiu not to be in such a hurry.

Although he doesn't take care of things very much, he still knows the priorities of things.

There will be no new policies released in Guilicheng in the short term, so all that has to be dealt with are daily chores, and Xu Wan can take care of these things for her.

Han Xiao is still very relieved about Xu Wan's ability to do things.

After all, the other party has been with me as a secretary since Guili City was not established yet. He has made no mistakes in the past two years and is fully capable of handling it.

Oh, okay.

Seeing that Han Xiao had made up her mind, Xingqiu sighed slightly and did not continue the argument.

Since the other party said so, he should enjoy the reflection taken by his friend.

And to be honest, Xingqiu was quite curious about what kind of film his friend from Yujingtai would make.

Soon, under the operation of the projection staff, a picture appeared on the big screen of the theater.

The video shot by Xingqiu, a young man's friend, didn't last long and was played in about an hour.

However, as the screening of the movie ended, the expressions on Han Xiao and Xingqiu's faces were completely different.

Xingqiu's face still had a slightly unfinished look, obviously he was enjoying what he just watched.

But Han Xiao's face now showed a rather tangled expression.

Hanxiao, what's wrong with you?

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Han Xiao with a strange expression on his face. Xingqiu couldn't help but turn around and asked curiously:

Why do you feel like your face doesn't look right?

Xingqiu, what do you think of the filming just now?

Hmm...let me think.

How can I put it... It's my first time to come across storytelling as an entertainment method, and it's quite shocking!

“What about the storytelling aspect?”

The story aspect...

After hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Xingqiu pondered for a moment and gave his opinion.

I think it's okay. The scene between the wealthy daughter of Yujingtai and the boy who eats Huyan's entourage and elopes for love is quite interesting, isn't it?

Let me ask you, when did you come to this conclusion?

Of course I saw most of it...oh I see.

Before he finished speaking, Xingqiu immediately realized why Han Xiao's expression was wrong.

Even he, who has read a lot of novels and also writes books, only figured out the whole story of Yingying halfway through reading.

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