Chapter 24 Morax the Tool Man

What exactly is going on below?

When Ye Lan said that what was going on was very serious, Ning Guang did not panic, or in other words, she was already mentally prepared.

The source of the black mud is unclear, but it must be related to the earth's veins.

Yelan first gave Ningguang and Keqing a detailed description of the black mud she saw under the giant rock abyss, and then shared her guess.

Down below, she visited almost every corner of the mining area, and all she saw was black mud spewing out everywhere.

Yelan also tried to dig up a place to take a look, but it turned out that the black mud seemed to appear out of thin air and did not exist underground at all.

This situation made her rule out the idea that people from other six countries were responsible for the trouble, and instead thought of the only explanation.

That's the ley line.

Ye Lan saw an introduction to earth veins when she was looking up ancient books. The book said that earth veins are the concept of recording everything that happens above and below the ground.

As for the detailed records, there are no detailed records, or the author of the book did not dare to say it clearly. He only said that the earth veins had been infected by the power of the abyss and had undergone unknown changes.

So after being unable to find the source of the black mud, Ye Lan instinctively suspected the earth veins, or the earth veins that were contaminated by the power of the abyss.


After saying his guess, Ye Lan's face became a little gloomy.

I also discovered an unknown space below. The traces of some spells on it are very similar to the spells passed down by my Boyang ancestors.

This is another reason why I suspect there is something wrong with the ley lines.

I remember you and I once said...

After hearing Ye Lan's explanation, Ning Guang squinted his eyes slightly, as if he thought of something:

Your ancestors disappeared during the 500-year invasion of monsters, right?

Yes, I suspect that the Strata Rock Abyss was probably one of the battlefields back then.

Five hundred years ago.

Keqing carefully recalled the books she had read and relied on her memory to find the information she wanted.

I thought about it. I saw some records in Gan Yu's data inventory. Five hundred years ago, the Warcraft invaded the Strata Abyss. This is where the Qianyan Army and Warlocks resisted foreign enemies.

The war situation at that time seemed to be very unfavorable for Liyue. If it weren't for the help of a nameless Yaksha, the defense line seemed to have been almost breached.


Outside the Golden Pavilion, Zhongli had just returned from the underground.

There was no other way. Although he really wanted to give Han Xiao a chance to shake things up, others brought the contract to his door, and they made it clear that it was for Liyue.

Do you want to sign the contract or not?

Zhong Li also understood that Han Xiao was currently the only person in Liyue who knew that he wanted to retire, and by doing so, Han Xiao was also preparing for Liyue in the future.

After all, after he abdicates, he will not create Mora again.

At that time, once there is a problem with the currency reserve, it will be another trouble.

So even though Zhongli wanted to warn Han Xiao who dared to use Morax as a tool so boldly, he still had no choice but to sign the contract in the end.


Just when Zhongli lamented that Han Xiao was so courageous, a breeze suddenly flashed behind him, followed by a steady voice.


Zhong Li turned around and lowered his head to look at the person who came. It was the Demon-Conquering Great Sage Mandrill who was currently living in Wangshu Inn.

Emperor, Mandrill has something to ask the emperor.

You want to ask about the Strata Rock Abyss, right?


The Great Sage of Conquering Demons nodded and looked at Zhongli seriously.

Emperor, the power that appears under the giant layer rock abyss this time is obviously the remnant of the invasion war that year. Why don't you let me go and deal with it, but let Qixing take over.

Although he respects the emperor very much, Mandrill is very aware that there are huge problems in the Strata Abyss.

In addition, the nameless Yaksha from the Layer Rock Abyss also made him very concerned.

So Mandrill didn't understand why when he wanted to solve the problem, Zhongli, the incarnation of the emperor, suddenly appeared in front of him and prohibited him from going to the Layer Rock Abyss.

Now is not the time.

Faced with the doubts of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, Zhongli shook his head.

Now the rocky abyss is filled with black mud infected by the power of the abyss. It is not a good choice for you to go now.

If anyone wants to know who knows the history of Liyue best, who else can it be except Zhongli, the Rock King?

He knew very well how dangerous the Strata Abyss was at this time.

If Mandrill goes there rashly, he will inevitably get trapped in it.

But Zhongli also knew that Mandrill was very concerned about the ‘Unknown Yaksha’, so he thought about it but didn’t stop:

Let's do this. When the black mud dissipates, if you still want to investigate the layered rock abyss, I won't stop you.

Yes, Emperor!

Seeing Zhongli say this, Mandrill could only agree.

You just need to wait for the black mud to disperse before you can go there, so there's no problem in waiting.

Emperor, is there something else that I don't understand?

What do you think.

Since the Strata Abyss is so dangerous, why didn't you stop Qixing from taking over this matter?

Because Qixing must face it.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the layered rock abyss, Zhongli's tone sounded a little ethereal in Mandrill's ears:

Excessive protection can also harm people. Sometimes giving them some cruelty may help them grow better.


Moon Sea Pavilion.

How about it? Are the merchants in Liyue doing anything now?

Han Xiao asked Gan Yu without raising her head while writing various instructions.

Most merchants sold their inventory to the president of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Taking aside the information that the secretaries had just sent, Gan Yu looked at it carefully before answering to Han Xiao.

It seems there are still some people who don't want to give up this opportunity?

Yes, according to our investigation, Maocai Gong and a small number of businessmen are still sending people to purchase supplies privately.


Hearing this, Han Xiao handed the newly written instructions to the secretary beside him. He couldn't help but clicked his tongue, with a trace of ridicule on his face.

Sure enough, there is no shortage of such courageous people anywhere.

There's nothing we can do about it. There are many businessmen in Liyue, so it's normal to have different ideas.

Gan Yu also disliked businessmen like Mao Caigong who clearly wanted to 'gather wool', but they did not violate the current laws of Liyue.

Just remember it first, and wait until a list of the top ten honest businessmen in Liyue is released later.

Although Han Xiao also has no way to deal with these people, it does not prevent him from making a note of these people first.

Presumably Qixing doesn't like this kind of people very much. When the crisis is over, let Qixing find trouble for them.

List of the top ten honest businessmen in Liyue?

Gan Yu had no objection to Han Xiao's desire to write down those people in a notebook. Instead, she was more interested in the 'list of the top ten honest businessmen in Liyue' that Han Xiao mentioned.

Chapter 25 I will avenge this grudge.

Liyue Port.

Did you hear that something big happened!

What happened?

I heard from some merchants passing by Liyue that something happened over there in the Layeryan Abyss. There are many Qianyan troops there.

Yes, I also heard that Master Ningguang led the Qianyan Army to seal off the Layer Rock Abyss. Didn't you see that all the jade pavilions above our heads floated away!

Something happened to the Strata Rock Abyss, what should we do? My family is still in the mine!

How about we go to the General Affairs Department and ask?

Yes, let's ask together!

Although Qixing tried his best to block the news, the news eventually leaked out.

For a time, people in Liyue were talking privately, and everyone's face looked a little more uneasy.

You must know that most people in Liyue rely on the huge layer of rock abyss for their meals.

Now that there is a problem with their support, how can these people sit still?

As soon as the idea of ​​going to the General Affairs Department to inquire about the situation was raised, it quickly won the approval of most people.

Soon, groups of ordinary people in Liyue put down their work and rushed towards the General Affairs Department together.

Naturally, the big businessmen in Liyue also received accurate news.


Maocai Gong's Mansion

Master, the matter is basically clear. Something happened at the Layer Rock Abyss, so the General Affairs Department started to purchase supplies.

Hmph, no wonder the president of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce suddenly came to have tea with us. So that's what happened.

Then Master, can we still collect supplies?

Accept it, why don't you accept it, Chang Hu, please bring someone to buy me everything I can buy.

Why shouldn't I earn the money I picked up for free? That law in Liyue says you can't buy supplies?

But Master, now everyone in Liyue basically knows...

Stupid, how did I teach you before, use your brain!

In addition to Mao Cai Gong, a small number of businessmen who did not agree to Xingqiu's father's tea invitation also made similar decisions to Mao Cai Gong at the same time.


Moon Sea Pavilion

Lord Hanxiao, the news has spread, and a lot of people have gathered outside the General Affairs Department.

Qixing has prepared their words, just believe them.

Listening to the secretary's report, Han Xiao directly waved his hand to the secretary to skip the matter.

Qixing had already made preparations to explain it to the people, so he didn't take it to heart.

Tell me about the actions of those merchants.

Maocai Gong and several chambers of commerce in Yujingtai are secretly sending people to purchase supplies before Qianyan Army.

Very good, keep an eye on them. If there is any forced buying or selling, we will take them down immediately. After the materials are confiscated, we will notify those guys to go to the General Affairs Department to pay the fine.


After receiving the instruction, the secretary responded loudly, and then quickly walked out of Yuehai Pavilion.

But what Han Xiao didn't notice was that the other secretaries working at Yue Haiting lowered their heads.

Cruel, their new boss is really cruel and vicious.

You must never offend this Lord in the future.

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