Facing Gan Yu's hesitation, Han Xiao waved her hand and her words were full of doubts.

For this reason, he even raised Zhongli's banner.

He didn't care whether Qixing really didn't expect it or deliberately pretended not to expect it. If he dared to make a small move on this, he would dare to kill the other party in the name of the Rock King.

The worst case scenario is to agree to Zhongli's proposal. When the time comes, they will all be Seven Stars, and whoever confronts them head-on will be afraid of the other.

In fact, even if he is not Qixing, the power behind Han Xiao cannot be underestimated.

The Han family was one of the first families to follow the emperor. Han Xiao just chose to be independent on her own, and was not expelled from the family by the Han family, let alone the Yun family who had been friends with the Han family for thousands of years.

The two families have always been in charge of the forging industry in Liyue, and the standard weapons of the Qianyan Army are all produced by the Yunhan family.

So despite Han Xiao’s appearance, he is lonely and lives alone in Chihuyan.

If we really want to talk about it, among the so-called noble sons in Yujingtai, look at which one of them dares to trouble Han Xiao.

Just like when two children, Han Xiao and Yun Jin, entered the local puppet industry, everyone else could only engage in normal business competition, and no one resorted to subterfuge.

Isn't it because of the Yunhan family?

I see.

Seeing that Han Xiao and even the emperor had moved out, Gan Yu had no choice but to comply.

Miss Gan Yu, please inform Qixing and the others first, and I will go find someone. Then we will meet at Yuehai Pavilion.


The two stood up and walked out of Han Xiao's residence together, heading in different directions.


Han's old house.

Master Xiao, are you back?

The servant who was patrolling outside the door saw Han Xiao heading here at a glance, and hurriedly greeted him.

Afu, are Uncle Han and Sister Yue here?

The master and Miss Yue are meeting the head of the Yun family in the living room.

Uncle Yun is here too? That's just right. Take me to see them. I have something important to do.

Yes, Master Xiao, come with me.

Following Ah Fu, Han Xiao came all the way to the living room. As soon as she entered the door, she saw her uncle Han Rui and her sister Han Yue discussing something with Yun Jin's father, their faces solemn.

Axiao, why are you back?

As soon as Han Xiao appeared, the sharp-eyed Han Yue saw him and stood up with a look of surprise.

Sister Yue...

First she nodded to Han Yue, then Han Xiao solemnly saluted Han Rui and Yun Jin's father:

My nephew Han Xiao has met the two heads of the Yun family and the Han family.

Hanxiao, why are you willing to come back?

Han Rui was a little confused by Han Xiao's tone and attitude, but no matter what, he was very happy to see the mature junior, so his originally heavy face became a little more smiley.

“Our future art master’s tone is so solemn, it seems he has something to talk to us about...”

Unlike Han Rui, Yun Jin's father's tone of voice seemed a little weird because his daughter had always been close to him.

how to say?

It looks a little sour...


Han Yue quickly turned her face away, her shoulders shaking constantly, obviously she was having a hard time suppressing her laughter.


Han Xiao first showed a hint of embarrassment at Yun Jin's father's strange remarks, and then waved Ah Fu away.

After there were only a few people left in the living room, Han Xiao said to the three of them solemnly:

Miss Gan Yu just came to see me. The emperor has ordered that the Seven Stars and Eight Sects will purchase all the minerals on the market as soon as possible.

At this moment, the expressions of Han Rui and the other three people changed instantly.

Brother Han, it seems something has really happened to Liyue.

Yun Jin's father looked at Han Rui, who also had a heavy look on his face, and sighed.

Seeing that Han Rui didn't speak, Han Yue quickly said to Han Xiao:

Axiao, you don't know, before you came we were discussing whether something happened to Liyue.

It turned out that since yesterday, the Hanyun family had discovered that the Qianyan Army's mobilization seemed abnormal, and other big businessmen in Yujingtai and Feiyunpo also noticed this.

It's just that no one knows the reason and can only guess secretly.

Before Han Xiao arrived, the two families had been discussing the matter to see if they should make any preparations.

Han Xiao, who came after getting the news from Gan Yu, also confirmed their thoughts.

I'm afraid something big has happened to Liyue.

Since it is the emperor's order, the Han family and the Yun family should obey it.

Han Rui, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he confirmed the next plan of the two families.

Yun Jin's father had no doubts about this either.

Although he didn't even look at Hanxiao very much, he also knew that this kid looked lazy, but in fact he had a very good intention in his heart.

Tell me, is there anything else we need to do?

I hope that the Yunhan family will stand by my side and try their best to assist Qixing in acquiring minerals on the market and help Qixing stabilize the market.

Chapter 22 Zhong Erzhu, you stabbed me in the back?

I have to say that Han Xiao's words made the three people present stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other in confusion.

It seemed like he couldn't believe it.

The whole living room was silent.

After a long time, Yun Jin's father was the first to laugh:

Congratulations, Brother Han!

Hearing Yun Jin's father's congratulations, Han Wu also had a smile on his face, Lian Lian waved his hand and said:

The Yunhan family has been on good terms for thousands of years. Hanxiao has this blessing because the emperor shows mercy to our family.

Ah this?

Why do I feel like something unexpected happened?

Han Xiao secretly murmured in her heart, why did she feel that Han Rui and Yun Jin's father were smiling a little strangely.

At this time, Han Yue came to Han Xiao in small steps, reached out and touched his head, her tone was full of sighs:

Our Axiao has really grown up and has become a candidate for the Seven Stars.


Hearing this, Han Xiao's face was full of questions.

When did he become a seven-star candidate?

Wait... Could it be that Zhong Erzhu stabbed me in the back?

Seeing Han Xiao's weird face, Han Yue explained with a smile:

Axiao, even though no one from our Yunhan family has held the position of Seven Stars for a long time, there are also children from our family serving in places such as the Eight Gates and the General Affairs Department.

A few days ago, Qixing directly put you on the candidate list for Tianshu Star.

So you know why my father and Uncle Yun said that the emperor showed mercy.

Take pity on him...drop his balls.

This is obviously Zhong Erzhu who stabbed me in the back!

Why didn't I think of signing a contract with him at that time?

Han Xiao's face was filled with annoyance when she remembered that Zhongli's invitation to serve as the Seven Stars was rejected without any emotion on his face.

I just said that Zhongli didn't react at all. The co-authorship had been secretly decided a long time ago.

Beautifully done, Morax.

When I take office as Seven Stars, I will definitely kill you and make you retire and re-employ.

Want to fish?

no way!

It can be foreseen that Liyue in the future will definitely have a bright (jumping) future.

Hanxiao, go back and tell Miss Ganyu that the Yunhan family will definitely obey the emperor's order.


Feiyun Chamber of Commerce

I can't make the final decision on this matter, Han Xiao.

Thinking of a series of ways to use Zhong Li after his retirement and re-employment, Han Xiao came out of Han's house and went to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce to find Xingqiu.

Except for the true situation of the Strata Abyss and the emperor's instructions, he basically explained everything he could.

He also hopes that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce can stand up and help Qixing stabilize the market.

However, after listening to Han Xiao's request, Xingqiu said with an embarrassed look.

My father and elder brother are taking care of the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce. I can only help you pass on the news, but I really can't help with the rest.

No problem, this is enough. I believe in uncle and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Xingqiu can't be of much help, Han Xiao certainly knows this.

But it is enough as long as I can bring the words to you.

He believed that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, which had always had a good reputation in Liyue, would not let him down.


General Affairs Division

Qixing, who set up his temporary office here, suddenly received a message from Gan Yu.

After reading the documents sent by Gan Yu, everyone's expressions were a little strange.

Some are surprised, some are thoughtful...

Of course, there might also be a hint of embarrassment about being exposed?

No one can tell.

Everyone...what do you think of the documents sent by sister Gan Yu?

Uncle Tian reached out and touched his chin, looking at his colleagues present with inquiring eyes.

I almost forgot that once the Strata Rock Abyss is sealed, prices will rise.

Sure enough, people are getting old and don't have enough energy.

However... these colleagues of mine seem to be a little cautious.

Since it is the emperor's order, we have no objection.

Yao Guang thought about it carefully, then nodded in agreement.

At this time, Kaiyang suddenly said:

We will definitely not violate the emperor's order. It's Han Xiao...it's such an important matter right from the start. Isn't it too...

When Han Xiao was mentioned, except for Tianshu Xing, all the Seven Stars present had a bit of a strange expression on their faces.

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