This was not in line with Han Xiao's original intention, so he never realized this technology immediately.

If it weren't for the way he made money today that reminded Han Xiao of the food delivery industry in his previous life, he might have kept the Dudu communicator hidden for a while.

If you have a mobile phone, you can do the food delivery business!

Knowing that Han Xiao was thinking of ways to reduce the cost of making mobile phones, Ying's eyes instantly lit up and her tone became more excited.

Isn't the reason why she chose the mode of running errands a compromise because she didn't have a portable communication tool like a mobile phone.

If Hanxiao can popularize mobile phones, many people will directly use communication devices to contact merchants to order food remotely to save trouble.

But with so many people in Guilicheng, businesses definitely don’t have that many people to deliver food, so the takeout business immediately became popular.

Is it destined by God that I will become the takeaway king of Teyvat?

For a time, Ying had already begun to imagine her future self making a lot of money and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Unfortunately, her fantasy was ruthlessly broken by Han Xiao before it lasted long.

I'm afraid it won't work for the time being. I have already thought of ways to reduce the cost of the Dudu communicator, but I don't have much clue at the moment.

It will probably take some time to really popularize communication devices.

Then why are you telling me this?

When Han Xiao said that it was not possible to popularize mobile phones for the time being, Ying Ye curled her lips in disappointment, which made her happy in vain.

If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future.

Han Xiao reached out to Ying and shook the Dudu communication device in her hand, her tone full of confidence:

I have mastered the theory. It's only a matter of time before I can find low-cost replacement materials.

So you are planning to get involved in the takeout industry?

If you don't know Han Xiao's plan now, then Ying is too stupid.

Hanxiao probably has already planned to build a takeout platform.

Yes, I want to cooperate with you. I'll fund it and you'll come forward and we can build a food delivery platform together. How about we share the shares?

Perhaps because he felt that the girls he had exploited were starting to make money crazily, Han Xiao decided to give him some hope first.

You must know that once the establishment of the food delivery platform is completed, Yingmei can be promoted to a rich person immediately.

He didn't believe that the other party could resist this temptation.

Sure enough, as soon as she heard Han Xiao's drawing of the 'big cake', Ying's heart immediately moved.

If it is true as the other party said, then she can achieve financial freedom in one fell swoop.

Then there will be no need to go to the Adventurers Association every day to take on tasks and do odd jobs to make money.

Thinking of this, Ying's eyes looking at Han Xiao became a little more fiery.

How long will it take for you to make communication devices universal?


Hearing Ying's inquiry, Han Xiao quickly calculated in his mind.

Don't get me wrong, he is not calculating how long it will take to reduce the cost of the communication device.

Han Xiao was thinking about how long Yingmei would stay in Liyue.

The Immortal Invitation Ceremony will be held in less than a month, and soon the ‘main plot’ in Liyue will unfold.

He estimated that Ying would only stay in Liyue for about half a year at most, that is, he would go to Daozhi after the Hai Lantern Festival.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao immediately said:

Give me three months, and I will definitely be able to find materials to reduce the cost of the communication device within three months.

Are you sure it only takes three months?

Ying was pleasantly surprised when she heard Han Xiao's promise that it would only take three months. She originally thought it would take a long time to get it done.

I didn’t expect that it would only take three months. Han Xiao is pretty awesome!

Pretty much, I know the principles and everything. All that's left is to keep experimenting with various materials. Three months is enough for me to find it.

Then it's settled!

Seeing Han Xiao's very confident guarantee, Ying immediately decided to cooperate with the other party.

Next, the two discussed cooperation in detail.

After the discussion was over, Ying walked to the corner and slipped Paimenti, who was still autistic, up and out of the alchemy workshop.

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth raised slightly.

It seems that in the next three months, his quick work brought down the cost of the communication device.

I believe that after she reaps the dividends from the food delivery platform, even if she goes to Inazuma or Sumeru Country, she will still be thinking about this business that can provide her with a lot of small money.

Well, it’s decided. During this time, I have to spend more money to support my sister.

Chapter 224 Han Xiao’s new idea

Perhaps she never dreamed that one day she would be deliberately raised by someone who spent money lavishly.

Well, if it were Paimon, he wouldn't be happy spinning around in the air.

Not long after he left, Abedo also came to the alchemy workshop.

I just heard from the guard outside the door that the Honorary Knight has just arrived?

Walking to his experimental table, Abedo asked Han Xiao casually while sorting out the tools he was about to use.

Well, she plans to make money in Guili City and asked me to help her build something.

It's really getting tighter and tighter.

Hearing Han Xiao's answer, Abedo couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, but he didn't say anything more.

After all, even he himself had been employed by Han Xiao for twenty years, and he had no reason to interfere in Mondstadt's affairs even if he wanted to.

By the way, how's your recent progress?

The research is almost done.

After looking through his experiment log, Abedo answered directly.

The drawings of the electric kettle and induction cooker have been basically finalized and have been handed over to Zhenjun Liuyun for production.

As for the prototypes of refrigerators and air conditioners, we have also made them. We are just waiting to test whether the performance can meet the standards.

Okay, the progress is pretty fast.

Knowing that Abedo had basically finished the refrigerator and air conditioner, Han Xiao immediately turned around and gave him a thumbs up.

What about you, have you achieved anything about the dress issue?

I have temporarily stopped this project. I am now planning to fully overcome the problem of the high cost of Dudu communication devices.

Are you planning to popularize communication devices?

Abedo raised his eyebrows. This was much earlier than what Han Xiao had planned.

According to the original plan, the Dudu communicator project would not be researched until at least a year later.

But after all, it was Albedo who was smart. In a flash, he thought of Ying and Paimon, who had just left not long ago.

Is it because of the honorary knight?

Absolutely. I plan to find the underlying materials for the Dudu communicator within three months and then mass-produce it.

Do you need my help?

Since Han Xiao plans to find materials to reduce the cost of communication devices within three months, Abedo feels that he can also get involved.

He has recently finished reading the 'textbook' that Alice left for Han Xiao. As for his thoughts, he can only say that she is worthy of the legendary genius witch.

Both his knowledge, theory and imagination are top-notch.

No need for now, I have another project I plan to give to you.

As for Abedo's intention to help, Han Xiao thought about it but refused.

The job of finding replacement materials for Dudu communicators is a clumsy job with little technical content. It is really a waste of time to let the other party do it.

What do you want me to do again?

When he heard that Han Xiao had a new job for him to do, Abedo immediately became interested.

The reason why he so readily sold twenty years to Han Xiao was to make up for the loss caused to Liyue by the lost formula in Mondstadt, and secondly because he himself was very satisfied with his work in Guili City. life.

Here in Guili City, he can spend time in the alchemy workshop doing experiments every day, and the project in hand can even be scheduled for a year.

Not only that, Guili City also provided him with rare alchemy materials from various countries in Teyvat Continent, which was no better than researching it alone on the snow-capped mountains.

But if it were Han Xiao, he might think it would be good to do research in the snowy mountains.

After all, maybe wandering around the snowy mountains can trigger the classic plot of Li Xiaoyao first meeting Zhao Ling'er.

Ahem...just a joke, don't take it seriously.

I have made a prototype of the radio before. I plan to ask you to help determine the specifications and then let Master Liuyun start mass production.


Abedo frowned slightly, another new term.

Yes, the radio and the Dudu communicator use the same principle.

Han Xiao put down the tools in her hands, then turned around and looked at Albedo, explaining the principles of the radio.

The principle of the Dudu communicator and the radio are basically the same. They both convert the sound at point A into a signal and transmit it to point B, and then restore the signal into sound.

The only difference is that the communicator can make real-time calls, while the radio is just a machine that receives signals and converts them into audio.

Now that Alice has given him the manufacturing principles of the Dudu communicator, Han Xiao also wants to get the radio out as well.

So the radio is just a receiver?

I have asked people to set up a broadcast center in Guili City. From now on, news can be broadcast at scheduled times in the morning, noon and evening every day. There will also be many interesting programs in the evening.

That's it. I'll study it later.

Abedo immediately understood Han Xiao's plan. He wanted to continue to enrich the life and entertainment of the residents of Guili City.

Liyue Daily, gramophone and now radio.

Tsk tsk tsk, is this all-round coverage?

Abedo couldn't help but smile when he thought that the residents of Guili City would have another way of entertainment.

Why does Han Xiao keep trying to keep the residents of Guili City at home? Why not have some entertainment related to the outdoors?

Well, if Han Xiao knew what Abedo was thinking, he would definitely give a very simple answer, because he needs people now.

emmm, you heard it right, we just need population.

After a year of development, Guili City has perfectly absorbed the population shared from Liyue Port.

And after Han Xiao, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun formed the Three Giants of Scientific Research in Guilicheng, various new products emerged one after another.

New products mean the birth of a new outlet, and a new outlet can drive substantial progress in an industry.

Therefore, even though Guili City has shared a population of nearly one million from Liyue Port, there are still many places that lack a large amount of manpower and are far from reaching saturation.

For this reason, Han Xiao specially discussed with Ningguang and the others to see if more people from Liyue Port could come over.

As a result, this proposal was rejected as soon as it came out.

After the population in Liyue Port has been shared, a relatively balanced situation has been achieved. If the population is transferred to Guili City, Liyue Port itself will face the problem of lack of manpower.

Since Liyue Port was unable to continue to provide support, Han Xiao could only find a way to solve the problem of insufficient manpower.

After much deliberation, he felt that it was still necessary to increase the population base of Guili City.

After setting this general tone, Han Xiao then focused her research on leisure and entertainment, and tried to keep a large number of residents who went out to hang out at home so that they could spend more time with their families in the evening.

Wouldn't there be more time to make little people after this trip?

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