So he can't turn back into a human being, for his own sake, and for the future development of Tivat.

"Speaking of which, have you been to the street recently?" After breakfast, Suzumiya Yu suddenly looked at Ying and asked.

"It doesn't seem to be the case, because I have been busy dealing with affairs, and I have been reading the light novels that my husband sent me in my spare time." Ying replied truthfully.

"Really? Then, don't you plan to visit Weifu privately? After you came out of Yixin Pure Land, you haven't visited everyone in the city once." Suzumiya You suggested.

Ying thought for a while, just as Suzumiya Yu said, after she came out of Yixin Pure Land, she never went to see everyone in the city, so that she didn't know what Daozuma looked like now.

"Okay, then let me change." Therefore, Kage agreed to Suzumiya Yuu's proposal, and went back to the room to change into a set of casual clothes for going out, and spread out the long hair tied into a scorpion tail, making people I couldn't recognize who she was at first.

After seeing Ying's appearance at this time, Suzumiya You only had one feeling in his heart.

Why does she look so similar to Raiden Mei?

After changing their clothes, the two set off, because they didn't want others to know about their relationship with Ying, so Suzumiya Yu asked her not to act very close to him.

Kage agreed, although she didn't know why Suzumiya Yu did this, but in her opinion, as a wife, she should fully support her husband's choice. Of course, this was taught by Yae Miko.

"Is this the statue the general asked to build for me?" Coming outside the castle tower, Ying saw the statue with thousands of hands and eyes for the first time.

Although she knew of the existence of this thing, it was the first time she saw it with her own eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion.

"It's really exquisite carving. It's completely different from the carving technique in my impression, but it doesn't seem to be what I look like."

Yusuke Suzumiya has always been very curious, this thousand hands and hundreds of eyes are clearly carved especially for Ying, but why do the two have nothing in common?

Or are all statues of gods like this? That's not right, isn't the Aeolus statue in Mond City carved according to the image of Barbatos?

Ying also thought so, but she didn't think it was bad. After all, these things were just belongings outside her body. Now that the eye hunting order has ended, the thousand-handed eyes have completely become a decoration.

"Then that one must be Lord General, right? They look similar."

"Yeah, how could there be someone so similar to Lord General, and the one next to her? Could it be Lord Suzumiya?"

When they came to the street, within a short while, Suzumiya Yuu and the others became the focus of the whole street, countless passers-by whispered to them, but no one dared to go up and talk to them.

That's Mr. General, who is usually aloof, and his majestic image can directly overwhelm people, let alone talk to him.

Moreover, Yusuke Suzumiya beside her was not simple, she was just a mortal, but she had the power to rival a god. It can be said that if these two walked side by side, even the demon god would have to avoid it by three points.

"Everyone. Why do you look so afraid of my name?" Ying looked at the terrified and reverent expressions of the people around him, and couldn't help asking Suzumiya Yu.

"I have to ask the general about this. Her image in front of everyone is a complete ruler, the kind who doesn't care about human feelings at all. It's no wonder that everyone is not afraid." Suzumiya Yu explained.

"It turns out that there's nothing wrong with that, but everyone is like this, how can we visit incognito?"

Indeed, micro-service private visits refer to concealing their true identities to visit people, but everyone in Daozuma City knows Ying, so they are not called micro-service private visits, but simply patrolling the streets.

But it doesn't matter, if Suzumiya You and the others want to, they can forcefully turn the street patrol into a private visit in microservices.

"Let's go there and have a look." Suzumiya You was attracted by a shop as she passed by, and then walked forward with Ying.

Nefuzhigen, this is the name of this store, the meaning is incomprehensible, at least if Suzumiya Yu doesn't understand, not necessarily Kage.

"Fu Gen, has the craftsmanship that existed a long time ago been handed down to this day? It's really surprising." Ying looked at the billboard next to the shop and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Later, she explained to Suzumiya Yuu that Fugen is a kind of ornament that people like to hang around their waists. The style of the ornament can be changed according to the owner's preferences, such as a money bag, or a miniature animal toy.

As for Fu Genzhiyuan's shopkeeper, he was frightened from the very beginning and dared not move, for fear that he might say something wrong and make those two bosses angry.

"This kind of fugen can be customized in any style, right?" Suddenly, Ying looked up at the shopkeeper, which gave him a big surprise.

"Yes, yes, if the general needs anything, the little one will definitely make the fugen you want." The voice was visibly trembling, and the shopkeeper even summoned up the courage to speak.

Ying couldn't help this kind of reaction: "Don't be so nervous. I'm here today just to do some traveling in private. Don't worry about our identities. What's your name?"

"My name is Genichiro Mikyo."

Hearing the owner's name, Suzumiya Yuu and Kage were taken aback.

Yuyu? Isn't that Mikoshiyo's family? Didn't expect that her descendants have not disappeared until now? Not only Suzumiya Yu did not expect it, but even Ying was very surprised by this.

"Yuyu? That's how it is."

Logically speaking, the Mikyo clan should be all ghosts. The reason why Genichiro is human may be because he is the descendant of Mikushin Nagamasa. After all, Mikushin Nagamasa is only the adopted son of Mikushin Chiyo, and he is a human being, not a ghost.

How would Ying feel if she knew that her former friend died at the hands of her own son?

"Then, let's customize a fugen for each of us. In terms of style, we can make it according to the appearance of the two of us." Ying said, she finally came out once, and she had to buy some things as souvenirs.

Fugen is a very good choice, it is light and easy to carry, just hang it on your waist, take it off when you take off your clothes, and put it on when you put on clothes.

Afterwards, the two left Fugenzhiyuan and continued towards the busiest place in the city.

"Well, there is a smell of nostalgia in the air. Everyone is still so diligent, but... this Daozuma Castle seems to be very different from my impression. What is the reason?"

She hadn't been outside for 500 years, so she was naturally very surprised by the changes in Daozuma, but she was a little puzzled why the whole Daozuma city seemed to be rebuilt, which was completely different from what she remembered.

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