I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 321 Xiaolin Rentan: Will there be special treatment for girlfriend status?


It really stinks!

Everyone subconsciously covered their noses.

Although they have seen what kind of ingredients, like this odor, it is natural~ inevitable.

But now they all really want to cover their noses and escape from here immediately.

"Who of you want to go out. 35

Someone raised their hand.

No one else, but Akane Kubo Momo.

As a person who is only interested in desserts and cute things, she really can't stand the smell now.

When was the last time I smelled this stench.

Akanekubo Momo thought for a while, and finally remembered.

Such a stink, what impressed her was the previous autumn trials.

The last player in the final with Jiang Yiming.

A boy who usually had no impression at all suddenly made a dish that made people want to vomit.

Very smelly.

However, after the judges tasted it, they felt that the food, although it smelled very stinky, made people fall in love with it after eating it.


In any case, from Momo Akkubo's point of view, the stench emanating from the bucket in front of her made her not want to stay here even for a second.

Someone saw Akakubo Momo raised his hand, and then another raised his hand.

Hao Lin Tian Qingzhi.

Another one is actually a long time I follow the rules.

This guy, who is not afraid of such hot peppers, is actually afraid of the smell.

Jiang Yiming thought for a while and said, "If anyone wants to go out, I will not stop them. But I will also announce to the whole school that you are disqualified from participating in the THEBLUE competition.

Akakubo Momo's expression stiffened after hearing this.

Haolin Tian Qingzhi's body was also stunned.

As for Jiu Izhaoji, I have secretly put my hands away.

Akane Kubo Momo was a little unhappy.

But thinking of what Jiang Yiming had said before, this time they were going to do devil training, and he was the devil coach.

Just looking at his current expression, if he really went out like this, he might not have the chance to participate in the THEBLUE competition.

Although he was unhappy, he still sat down.

Jiang Yiming was very satisfied with the expressions of those who raised their hands and sat down.

There was still no expression on his face.

"Gourmet food is naturally crispy and crunchy. However, sometimes, delicious food does not have to be fragrant. Like durian, some people like it, some people don't like it, but its taste, you can't say it is fragrant Yes. And stinky tofu, as everyone knows, it doesn't smell particularly good."

"But when you eat it, it tastes good."

"So, the people we will face next, they come from all over the world, and what kind of ingredients they are good at, no one knows."5

"If we want to be in the game without any threat, then no matter how stinky things are, we have to endure them.

"Now, everyone comes up and grabs something from the bucket to eat. Let's see what you think of the taste of these foods."


The crowd was frightened.

Several faces turned pale in an instant.

Rao is Xiaolin Gentian, and at this time, he was also a little flustered.

She was thinking about whether to avoid it because of her girlfriend's identity.

"No matter who you are or how close your relationship is, you must eat it today. You can not eat it, but I'm sorry, you can participate in the next THEBLUE competition.

After Jiang Yiming finished speaking, Xiaolin Longdan raised his head and stared at him with a sad expression on his face.


It was as if he had told her.

Xiaolin Gentian snorted lightly, looking dissatisfied, but Jiang Yiming turned slightly sideways and deliberately didn't look at her.

"Well, now everyone comes up in order to take one and eat it. Then half an hour later, I'll come over and ask for the answer."

"If someone doesn't eat, or can't give an answer that I can accept, then I'm sorry, the next THEBLUE competition is waiting for you."

Damn it!

Everyone is now scolding Jiang Yiming to death.

This guy, relying on his status as the first seat, can exercise special powers and squeeze them to death.

They were considering whether to join forces with other students to pull Jiang Yiming down from the first seat of Tōtsuki.

Of course, it is not easy to pull this guy down from the first seat.

At least.

Shouldn't be able to pull it off now.

But, so stinky, is it really eaten by humans?

While everyone was hesitating, Eishi Tsukasa came up.


Someone shouted secretly.

Although everyone knows, it will definitely go up in the end.

After all, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

...for flowers »

The most important point is that they really believe that Jiang Yiming will not let them participate in this THEBLUE competition if they don't eat it.

However, no one thought that the first person to go up was Eishi Tsukasa.

I saw him come to the plastic bucket, took a look inside, and then his unnatural expression made everyone see it.

Eishi Tsukasa's character, on the surface, seems to give people a feeling of being indifferent to the world.

But those who know him well also know in their hearts that he is only superficially indifferent to the world, and does not really have an attitude of indifference to anything.

The Moon Festival was defeated by the Game Cooking Research Association led by Jiang Yiming. In fact, I felt unwilling in my heart.

Later, Jiang Yiming became the first seat, and I felt a little envious.


But this is also a normal human thought.

In fact, Eishi Tsukasa is not the kind of person who specializes in fighting for a winner.

It's just that now he saw the contents of the barrel, it was pitch black, and even bubbling, with some black objects floating on it, and he didn't know what it was.

He had a feeling that he wanted to gag.

Fortunately, his concentration is still relatively sufficient.

However, the people below, because they haven't seen the contents of the barrel, and Eishi Tsukasa's expression is so ugly at this time, are all guessing how bad the contents of the barrel are.

Not up yet.

One by one began to tremble inwardly.

This Jiang Yiming, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like he is giving them special training, but instead looks like he is avenging private revenge.

"let's start.

Jiang Yiming said something.

Eishi Tsukasa looked at the black stuff with a disgusting smell in the bucket, and the blisters, like it was in a sewage ditch, and finally looked away and reached out to pick up something.

I don't even know what it is, I just put it in my mouth.

that taste.

Eishi Tsukasa is beyond description.

It really stinks.

He wanted to vomit.

"If you vomit, you will also lose your qualification to participate in the competition.

This ratio!

Eishi Tsukasa has an urge to curse.

But good upbringing made him hold back.

But this thing really stinks.

How can this thing be eaten! B.

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