I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 302 Nakiri Leo Ruola is still nervous 【Subscription】

Everyone can't be surprised.

Because it is none other than Nakiri Sōe who calls out the anti-dialogue.

Nakiri Le Aurora's husband.

In everyone's eyes, Nakiri Sōe must have unconditionally supported Nakiri Le Aurora, but he didn't expect him to vote against it.

To know.

Everyone Dojima Gin supports it.

Since Nakiri Sōe's identity was there, everyone's eyes fell on him after he shouted objection.

Nakiri Le Aurora looks at Nakiri Sōe.

Although she had imagined that even if he did not support it, he would not take the initiative to stand up against it.

Even throwing an abstention would at least keep Nakiri Le Aurora in some of her best fantasies.


She felt that all this was really just her own fantasy.

Gently heaved a sigh of relief.

Nakiri "590" Leo Ruola didn't think it was a big deal for Nakiri Sōe to object.

Because, in her plan, it had long been planned that Nakiri Sōe would oppose it.

Now, it's just developing according to her plan.

Nakiri Sōe didn't go to see Nakiri Leo Laura, because he also knew in his heart that once he objected, it meant that the relationship between the two had come to an end.

Although I didn't go to see Nakiri Leo Laura, but because he has already voiced his objections, he always has to give an explanation.


He is the only one who opposes it, and everyone else votes for it in the end. If no one supports him, it will still be very embarrassing.

"We have witnessed the growth of Tōtsuki over the years. Especially in the past few years, we have sent a lot of talents to the food industry. Moreover, the number of students who enter Tōtsuki every year is increasing every year.""

"Almost all the data can prove that Tōtsuki has made progress in recent years, not regress.

"Since Tōtsuki is making progress, it means that the direction of the plan formulated before is correct."

"If we rashly reform now, who can guarantee that the reform will be good for Tōtsuki? 35

Nakiri Sōe's words fell, and the other shareholders began to whisper again.

If someone else has an objection.

Like Gorogawa Yuki, although as the third shareholder, his opinion will also cause some waves.

But compared with Nakiri Sōe, Gorogawa Yuki's opposition voice is no longer important.

Gorogawa Yuki looked at Nakiri Sōe, and it seemed that things were about to turn a corner.

Gorogawa Yuki doesn't care.

His main business is real estate.

But Tōtsuki is a project that can make money, even if it is not a golden egg, but a silver egg, it can still make him get a lot of dividends from Tōtsuki every year.

Just now he thought that reform was a nail in the coffin.

Unexpectedly, Nakiri Sōe under Nakiri Le Aurora, their husband and wife are at odds with each other.

"Tōtsuki's cruel elimination system is to screen out the elites. Those students who are eliminated, I admit, their talents are definitely not weak. 35

"In fact, the students who can enter the Tōtsuki Academy are all top-notch talents.

"However, in the assessment, why did other students pass easily, but those students who boasted of good talent were eliminated."

"That makes a point."

"Even if every student has a strong talent. But talent is something, and sometimes there are students who are more gifted. 35

"Their talents will indeed be able to stand on their own in the future. But students who can pass the assessment and graduate from Tōtsuki are the elite of the elite."5

"Just imagine, how do you choose an elite compared to a talented person?"

After Nakiri Sōe finished speaking, he glanced at the shareholders present.

In fact, such a choice does not need to be selected at all.

As long as it is not a person with a problem in his mind, he will definitely choose the elite among the elites.

Just now, because Dojima Gin expressed his support for the reform of Nakiri Le Aurora, some originally neutral shareholders have already made preparations for their positions.

Now that they heard Nakiri Sōe's words again, their hearts began to shake again.

No wonder they would be like grass on the wall.

Where is the wind blowing.

They are only minority shareholders.

You definitely need to choose the best interests for yourself.

The voting time has not yet started, and Nakiri Le Aurora will naturally not give up just like that.

Nakiri Sōe would object, which is in the plan.

When I didn't choose to be Nakiri Sōe's mind, I just knew that his mind would definitely not be able to do it...

As long as Nakiri Le Aurora really chooses to reform, Nakiri Sōe will definitely oppose it at the first time.

Nakiri Le Aurora is so sure, of course, because she had discussed it with Nakiri Sōe when the plan for reform came to the fore.

The end result, of course, was that Nakiri Sōe directly rejected her proposed reform plan.

Nakiri Le Aurora stood up, glanced at the shareholders who were still whispering, and sorted out her thoughts.

"Judging from the data on the surface, Tōtsuki has indeed increased in all aspects over the years. But have you paid attention to the data of competitors?

"Let's not talk about it, just compare the data of the cooking schools in the island country in the past few years. Don't look at our Tōtsuki can recruit thousands of students every year, but other cooking schools, their annual enrollment is gradually increasing." 5

"On the contrary, Tōtsuki's enrollment numbers for the past two years actually did not meet the original plan.

Nakiri Leo Laura said while pressing the mouse, and put the prepared data on the PPT.

"You can compare the overall data of Tōtsuki in recent years, as well as the overall data of competitors.""

"Don't look at the fact that Tōtsuki's reputation has risen in recent years. But the total profit is less than in previous years."

"And let's look at all aspects of the competition's data, although it seems to be Tōtsuki's leader, but this percentage is decreasing every year."

"Finally, let's take a look at the 1.1 data. This is the elite talent sent by all the cooking schools in the food industry in the past few years."

"It seems that Tōtsuki is still the leader, but have you noticed that competitors are much more talented than us in terms of supplying talents. 995

The data given by Nakiri Le Aurora is written clearly and clearly.

We all know at a glance.

It looks like Tōtsuki has won.

In fact, the overall loser.

This time.

Shareholders who have already made their choice again.

He hesitated again.

But now, it's time to vote.

Whether the reform can succeed in the end can only depend on the vote.

At this point, Nakiri Le Aurora was still a little nervous.

But one thing is certain.

Regardless of whether this reform is successful or not, her relationship with Nakiri Sōe must be terminated.

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