I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 296 Big surprise given by senior sister 【Subscription】

Suddenly, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo took the initiative, which made Jiang Yiming a little unexpected.

With Jiang Yiming's ability, he will definitely be the first seat in the future, but now the time has been advanced.

Although she is no longer Tōtsuki's first seat, she still needs to do what she needs to do.

Changes that are unfavorable to Tōtsuki can be rejected as long as there is more than half of the votes in favor.

"Do you like this surprise?"

It's just that she was very curious and didn't know what Jiang Yiming meant by the big reform.

"I didn't hear about it, but I was involved in it. Although I didn't participate in the reform plan, I knew about it."

Something like this happened to Tōtsuki before, but it was rejected by the Elite Ten.

There are many things, if the Tōtsuki group has made reforms, if the school thinks it is unreasonable, they can use the ability of the Elite Ten to veto it.

"The Great Reform?"

・・・・ Flowers・・

"What's going on here. Where did you hear this news?"

If it is really discovered, there is really no way to stay in Tōtsuki in the future.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo opened her mouth, she wanted to refute a few words, but she seemed unable to refute.

"As expected of a senior, you can easily guess. 99

"Sister, I didn't expect you to give me a surprise. 35

So, she has to help him deal with this matter. Otherwise, it can't be said.

So, taking advantage of this time, it would be better to leave first.

Although a little nervous, but thinking about it, it is still very exciting.

"It's hard to say now, because everything has to wait for the reform plan to be passed.

But strange is strange.

Kikuchi Yuanguo felt that if he continued to stay here, other people would really come over, and it was hard to explain.

In fact, there are not many things to deal with in school now, but some trivial matters cannot really make Jiang Yiming act.

Mu Jiuzhiyuan glared slightly, "Since it's a surprise, it can't happen casually.

Definitely lose.

Kikuchiyuan fruit was stunned.

Kikuchi Yuanguo didn't quite understand.

"That's up to the Elite Ten to take a stand. 35

If Tōtsuki carries out reforms, it must be approved by the general meeting of shareholders.

He glanced at Jiang Yiming, his expression was a little serious, and it was estimated that this time it would really be a big reform.

You know, a well-known cooking school like Tōtsuki, let alone a big reform, even a small reform will cause a lot of noise.

Replace with someone else.

Kikuchienko admits this.

"Okay, a surprise for you, I'll go first."

Not only her, but also Jiang Yiming might be implicated - maybe.

If the elimination mechanism is reformed, it is equivalent to taking one of the most important points of Tōtsuki to reform.

However, the impulse is over now.

Because Jiang Yiming was not so strong for the position of the first seat at the beginning.

"That's why you suddenly want to be number one?"

Moreover, this is a big reform.

Not even small reforms.

"But from the last time the Central Gourmet Organization came to challenge it, Tōtsuki Academy, despite its reputation, has gradually fallen behind in overall strength.

"Tōtsuki has thousands of students every year, but in the end, there are only a few dozen students who can graduate, and the number of students is too different.

In Tōtsuki's current situation, there should be no need for major reforms.

If the general meeting of shareholders fails to pass, then Elite Ten will ultimately decide.

Now Jiang Yiming has become the first seat, which shows that he supports this reform.

After all, since she entered Tōtsuki until now, even if she was the first seat before, she has never seen Tōtsuki reform.

Moreover, the last time the game was won, it was because of the existence of Jiang Yiming, which seemed to be a bug.

On this issue, Jiang Yiming naturally didn't talk too much with Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo.

"Tōtsuki's students, their talents are of course visible to the naked eye. But because of the cruel elimination mechanism, some may have been eliminated from the competition without fully exerting their talents. Some of these people will choose other gourmet institutions to participate in the training. , or another cooking school."

Everything is calm now.

"Of course I like it. In fact, you can come to a surprise like this several times.

"What if it doesn't pass?"

Tōtsuki Gakuen is an institution under the Tōtsuki Group, but is completely independent of the Tōtsuki Group.

"So, this time the reform plan is mainly aimed at this aspect. I hope that the elimination mechanism can be more perfect.35

Kikuchi Yuanguo felt that he was still a little moved.

Because the graduates of Tōtsuki are almost engaged in food business, they are all extraordinary, and the reputation is naturally higher.

"The reform of the elimination mechanism, how will it be changed?

Jiang Yiming stopped Mujiujiyuanguo who was about to leave.

"Like the last few people, they are the students who were eliminated by Tōtsuki and joined the central food establishment. Among the four of them, if it is one-on-one, I am afraid that Tōtsuki really doesn't have many people who are their opponents.

And last time, he suddenly wanted to be the first seat, which made Kikuchi Yuanko feel strange.

Besides, what Jiang Yiming can't do, she always has to share.

She was really curious about how to change it.

You know, Mukuji Yuanguo is not such a bold person.

“This is because of the cruel elimination mechanism. 35

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo did not know what kind of reform Jiang Yiming was talking about.

"Actually, senpai, did you notice that the popularity of Tōtsuki Academy is much higher than before. It is undeniable that this is because the graduates of Tōtsuki Academy are distributed all over the world, and they promote Tōtsuki Academy, so the more famous they are. come bigger.99

Kikuchi Yuanguo feels that the current elimination mechanism of Tōtsuki, although a little cruel, can indeed filter out better talents and send them all over the world.

Because of the last game, they really lost the first game.

Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit thought for a while, and said, "Although I think the current elimination mechanism is indeed cruel, but if you really want to reform, do you think the commander-in-chief can pass it?" B.

"Sister, wait a minute."

"If this major reform can be successful, the elimination mechanism in the future Tōtsuki will most likely be changed.""

Now that Jiang Yiming mentioned the reform of Tōtsuki, I can guess the reason why he became the first seat.

Kukuchi Yuanguo had thought about this before.

"In these two days, I am afraid that Tōtsuki will usher in a major reform.

Besides, it is naturally impossible for him to do those trivial things.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo glanced at Jiang Yiming, "What you said just now is that the elimination mechanism needs to be reformed? Then how should it be changed?

After a long time, Jiang Yiming looked at Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo thought for a while, then stared straight at Jiang Yiming, as if thinking of something.

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