I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 274 Changes in Ningning of the Kingdom of Ji [Subscribe]

Ji Zhiguo's Ningning blushed slightly, and he spat lightly: "This early morning is not serious."

"Nothing but."

"Tomorrow you have a match with Mu Jiu-senpai, I don't know if I have time to watch it.


If Jiang Yiming is the first seat, there are so many things to do with the school every day, how can he take the time to come to her.

"Well, if you like, I'll try a new skill."

Jiang Yiming seemed to see Ji Zhiguo Ningning's helplessness, patted her hand lightly and said, "As long as you want to meet, you can always find time. Besides, I don't need you to come, I can go to you. ."5

Jiang Yiming naturally held on to the idea of ​​returning to the hotel to appreciate the decoration style, took her hand and said: "If the new store opens, you must go there to help for a while. Besides, you will be busy for a long time, we have a period of time. I shouldn't be able to meet."

Jiang Yiming, like a domineering president, said, "Today you have to listen to me, or I won't come to see you next time.

"Hmm." 9

"But this is about whether you can be the first seat, this is a very important game..."

Ji Zhiguo's Ningning blushed even more.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning showed a bright smile after listening to it.

After leaving the hotel, Ji Zhiguo Ningning took Jiang Yiming's arm.

Gently patted Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's arm, and said softly, "I will try to visit you as much as possible in the future.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning originally wanted to refuse her father to let her help in the new store. After all, she had just taken over the store here, and she was going to the new store to work again, so she had almost no time to rest.

"Let's go then."

Unexpectedly, now it has become a thousand and one.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning put his arms around Jiang Yiming's arm, "Let's have a good stroll today, but I haven't even taken you to the streets seriously.

"However, before going shopping, I think we need to do something more important at this time. Otherwise, after shopping, we will be too tired to do it.

“I think it will be easier when I get the first seat.35

"Okay, it's been explained. Now, where are we going to play?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning looked puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning blushed and pinched Jiang Yiming lightly, "You bastard....

Especially the first seat, there are more things to deal with.

"Let them hate. Who made them too easy. The first seat should only give orders and not do things.

The most important point is that when we arrive at the new store, we have less time to meet Jiang Yiming because it is farther from Tōtsuki.

"However, my dad called me last night and told me to take a look at the new store. Because the new store is preparing to open, there are a lot of things to deal with, so..."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning's eyes lit up and looked at Jiang Yiming, "." Are you really coming to find me?

After asking, Ji Zhiguo Ningning felt that this question seemed inappropriate.

Because she knew that Jiang Yiming would definitely be the first seat after tomorrow's game.

Jiang Yiming thought for a while and said, "Let's just go for a walk. Anyway, it doesn't matter where we play, the key is to have my little Ningning to accompany us, and there are beautiful scenery wherever we go."

Jiang Yiming smiled: "I can't understand the fact that I have to deal with a lot of affairs every day in the position of the first seat of Tōtsuki. How can the first seat be able to do so many things. So, wait until I become the first seat. Afterwards, I will call the other Elite Tens over as soon as possible, and announce that all matters of the school in the future, unless it is a major decision, other small matters will be handled by the second to second seats."

After speaking, Jiang Yiming whispered a few words in Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's ear, and the latter's face turned red when he heard it.

Jiang Yiming knew the reason for her sour taste.

"Actually, you don't need to meet (Li Zhaohao) frequently. I know you will be very busy at that time. If you don't have time, I will come to you after I finish my work at the new store.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was a little puzzled.

Jiang Yiming comforted Ji Zhiguo Ningning, "If you have something to do tomorrow, then go do it first. It's not important to watch the game, just make it up next time."9

That was the real girlfriend that the whole Tōtsuki knew.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning was very moved.

"Don't you think that the decoration style of the hotel in front is good, let's enjoy it and verify for them whether their beds are really imported from abroad."

"If you want to meet, there will always be time. If you can't find time, it means that your thoughts are not deep enough. I miss you so much every day, and it's not difficult to see you."

The previous Ji Zhiguo, Ning Ning, felt very cold and still contradicted him.

"I think if you announce it like this, the other members of Elite Ten will hate you so much.

After appreciating the decoration style of the hotel and verifying whether the hotel bed was imported from abroad, Ji Zhiguo Ningning became refreshed.

Hearing this, Ji Zhiguo Ningning unfastened the apron decisively, then went over to talk to one of the women in the store, and then returned to Jiang Yiming again.

"Be serious with others. In front of my family's Xiao Ningning, why are you serious? If you're serious, my family's Xiao Ningning will dislike it. 35

There is a hint of sourness in the words.

"Yes. 35

Although Ji Zhiguo Ningning knew that Jiang Yiming wanted to appreciate the decoration style of the hotel as an excuse, he was eventually tricked into going to the hotel.

This kind of longing for many days, after completely venting, the whole person will become different.

Jiang Yiming looked at Ji Zhiguo Ningning, who was blushing, and wanted to pull her back to the hotel again and appreciate the decoration style of the hotel again.

Jiang Yiming touched her head.

After a while, Ning Ning looked at Jiang Yiming, "I'm sorry, I should have arranged things well.

"The game is important, but it's not as important as the outside world says."

Moreover, if the business is good for a new store, it will be even more difficult to spare time.

Looking at Ji Zhiguo Ningning's blushing expression, Jiang Yiming said, "Today this store is handed over to someone else to manage, let's go out to play."

"Why are you apologizing?

As for her, if she really compares with Xiaolin Rentan, she will always have some guilty conscience.

However, there is a little emotion inside.

"Because I can't watch your game.

No matter what kind of girl, she likes to hear such words.

Jiang Yiming smiled: "It's just my game, not a very important game.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning originally wanted to go, but when she heard the news, she had already arranged a time.

Moreover, in addition to school affairs, there is also a Kobayashi gentian.

Although she has not entered the Tōtsuki Elite Ten, she will be busy with the work of the Elite Ten.

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