I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 242 Erina's fear 【Subscribe】

As the stipulated time expires, both parties stop cooking.

Tōtsuki lost the first game.

"But you should understand that if you lose the first game, you may continue to lose the second game. In fact, like this kind of team competition, the first game is very important. If you can't even win the first game Down, but it will affect morale a lot."

The first game was indeed lost.

Erina closed her eyes, some memories that should have been forgotten for a long time, suddenly hit the whole brain at this time.

But now, for the first time, she actually wanted to cheer for him.

Although Alice has always had a bad impression of Jiang Yiming, she was equally surprised when she heard that Tōtsuki lost the first game.

Erina would not have come to watch this game if he had known that the Central Food Authority had something to do with him.

After tasting the dishes of the hunting quartet, it was Tōtsuki's side.

But the strength shown by the central food organization is indeed beyond her expectations.

She completely believes in Jiang Yiming's cooking skills.

She actually wanted to keep her eyes closed like this until this game was over.

She obviously hates Jiang Yiming very much, but why does she watch every time he plays.

But now this game is about Tōtsuki's reputation, not Jiang Yiming's personal reputation, Alice doesn't really want to see Tōtsuki lose.

The most important point is that every time I look at his comparison, I think that it would be better if he lost the game, but in the end he won the game.

Nakiri Leonora was also surprised.

"I know that guy is very strong personally. But don't forget, today's game is not about personal ability, but the strength of the team. If in the next game, you can't win the next game, Then no matter how strong that guy's personal strength is, there is no chance of him taking a shot." 5

Hisako clenched his fists: "I absolutely believe that Ichiming-senpai will win.

Because before they all felt that it was very easy for Tōtsuki to win the first game.

In her heart, she became even more panicked.

However, the hunting group of four had already brought the prepared dishes to the judges.

But Erina didn't know if Jiang Yiming could win.

Erina was equally surprised.

And at the same time, she thought in her heart that there were some memories that she had to face.

Because she has watched every game of Jiang Yiming.

She has always hated this guy.

Erina didn't want to see Tōtsuki lose either.

Unexpectedly, they lost the first game.

If you run away from it, you will never be able to eliminate the fear in your heart.

At the same time the body is shaking.

She kept her eyes closed.

Because the judges have tasted their dishes before, it has exceeded their expectations.

"Sir Erina, are you feeling well? If not, let's go to the doctor first.

If it weren't for the need to fill her stomach, she would really want to go on a hunger strike.

But she couldn't help but open her eyes.

This doesn't seem right.

Nakiri Thistle!

Erina didn't speak.

She wanted to witness it for herself.

This is an underachiever.

In the end, the voting result of the first round ended with 3:0.

"Wow! Tōtsuki lost!"

She just wanted to hear a result live.

Although the four dishes are now blended together, the taste is not only not unpleasant, but more intense than before.

But she seemed to be a little bit complacent.

In fact, after eating his dishes, other people's dishes hardly have any appetite.

As soon as they sat down, the game had already started.

Erina's face was ugly.

Hisako saw Mr. Erina closed his eyes and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

her father!


The audience below discussed one by one.

Three wins out of four.

Can you win?

That's not to say it's surprising.

"I lost the first game, so I'm afraid I won't have a chance to win the next few games.

"It's really surprising. I thought that it didn't take four games at all, and only three games were needed to win the opponent directly. Unexpectedly, the first game was lost.

And Erina is the person who knows her father best, she knows, I am afraid that Tōtsuki will have no chance of winning in the next few games.

But she didn't want to miss such a moment.

Hisako, who was sitting next to him, seemed to sense that there was something wrong with Rina's situation.

As long as Jiang Yiming can win the central food organization, perhaps his impression of him will be slightly changed by 1.1.

However, Tōtsuki, led by Jiang Yiming, actually lost the first game.

A man who left a huge shadow on her childhood!

A question mark popped up in Erina's mind.

"Yeah. This is completely beyond my expectations. I thought that for a chance like this, Tōtsuki won, and there was no need for the "five-five-three" to blow dust. Now it seems that I will look at Tōtsuki's strength. too high.

Glancing at the leader of the Central Food Authority, Erina was stunned, and then her body trembled inexplicably.

After a while, she slowly said, "I'm fine... I probably didn't eat breakfast in the morning, and now I have a little anemia. I'll just close my eyes and rest for a while."

She did not expect that the leader of the central food organization was actually him!

Hisako glanced sideways at Erina, and couldn't help but say, "Sir Erina, this is only the first loss. 39

Although, the taste of the pho is also amazing, but it is still slightly inferior to the hunting foursome.

No one dared to make a ticket.

If the next two games are lost in a row, it seems that there is really no need to compare the individual games.

She came a little late with Hisako.

But she still believed in Jiang Yiming's strength.

Now, Tōtsuki lost the first match.

Hisako naturally understands this.

"Lord Erina, what's wrong?

Especially seeing Hisako's shocked expression, Erina hummed, "See, they lost the first comparison.

like being sick.

Erina glanced at Jiang Yiming.

Therefore, her attention was only on the personnel of the competition, and she did not pay attention to the leader of the central food organization.

Not only Nakiri Leonora was surprised, many people were surprised.

Either lose or win.

Although I feel some fear in my heart.

After all, the cooking level shown by the opponent in the first game, in terms of the overall strength of the team, has clearly surpassed Tōtsuki's side.

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