I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 240 Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo: I'm going to be caught by a real girlfriend


Even Jiang Yiming had to turn his attention to the hunting quartet again.

"You are not the only one who is abnormal, I also feel abnormal... Cough, don't think about it, I just feel that, like this rare scene in more than ten years, now I am fortunate enough to see it, and I want to witness it. ."

Decora is blown away!

After all, in front of Xiaolin Rentan, her real girlfriend, her identity is more embarrassing.

After thinking about it, Kikuchi Yuanguo just felt a little nervous, but he had no regrets.

Kikuchienko let out a heavy sigh of relief.

It's exciting to think about it.

At the same time, she actually felt hungry.

If there are not so many people now, and there are so many audiences on the stage, when they are alone, they quietly do some unknown behaviors, it seems...

Jiang Yiming looked at Nanliantaro, and the other party's eyes were also looking towards him.

But Nan Rentaro's dish is not a formal dish, it is equivalent to an appetizer.

A single appetizer will give the judges such a desire to burst their clothes, so if they are combined, if the taste is not lost, what may happen later...

"What kind of food did the other party cook, so that the first-class executive of WGO could eat his clothes. If it hadn't tasted very good, this situation would not have happened at all!"

"Wow! 39

Nan Rantaro had a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and made a smear move at Jiang Yiming at the same time.

If one thinks so, it is shameless.

Decara tasted the dishes made by Kusu Rentaro just now, and then burst out.

After saying this, many people immediately looked at the photos hanging on the wall between the moon and the sky.

But it belongs to the kind of desire between men and women.

This guy is really annoying, how can he hit her PP in front of other people.

"This is a really good show to watch... You don't know, this Nakamura Thistle used to be the son-in-law of the current commander in chief... But because of some things, it seems that he has been removed from the name. If he is still the son-in-law of the commander-in-chief, then he must not And know."

"I heard that the most recent case of bursting clothes dates back to more than ten years ago. After that, the picture of bursting clothes is like a legend! I didn't expect that I was fortunate enough to see bursting clothes today. 55

Otherwise, how is it possible that an appetizer can make the first-class executive of the WGO burst into clothes.


Now it seems that if you don't do your best, I'm afraid you will really fail.

I have to say, Nakiri thistle is still a bit of a skill.

The opponent's side has already mixed.

Even if you guess wrong.

Besides, Jiang Yiming just casually said to hit her PP, that was just casual talk, maybe he didn't have any other ideas.

Kusu Rentaro was pouting.

After all, now he is not the only one with Kikuchi Garden fruit, who can flirt casually.

Don't be ashamed!

Although, they have a good relationship now.

If it's in the dark, it doesn't matter.

How could she have such a wild idea.

"No wonder he was able to train such a good student. It turned out to be Tōtsuki's first seat, so it's not surprising that such a burst of clothes occurs."

In addition to hunger, she actually has the idea of ​​desire.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo didn't know what Jiang Yiming's words just made Xiaolin Gentian think, but after she was nervous, she quickly adjusted her emotions.

"These two must have done something unspeakable behind my back. 35


Although it was a little far apart, Jiang Yiming guessed the voice he said just now.

Kikuchi Yuanguo was screaming in his heart.

Kikuchi Yuanguo cursed himself inwardly.

Like this kind of thing, even if she was given another choice, she would still do it.

But in the end Ann managed to get it under control.

He glanced at Jiang Yiming, and then at Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo.

However, Kusu Rentaro's cooking skills seem to be affected by the butterfly effect, which is much stronger than his impression.

However, her thoughts became very strong, and she actually walked over to Jiang Yiming.

Kikuchi garden fruit smelled the smell.

Almost all the students were shocked!

Ann was startled when she felt that the clothes she was wearing did indeed have a kind of eagerness to move.

Otherwise, she would have to guard her best friend.

"If it is merged, the picture... I guess it's beautiful... I'm looking forward to it. I don't know if this idea is normal. Especially, I'm looking forward to the explosion of the two female judges."

"Yes, that's what we think too.

At the same time, smells of fragrance constantly floated over from there, and filled the entire competition.

Suddenly there was a picture of a burst of clothes, which really caused a sensation.

"Student Yiming, we feel like we are going to lose this game."

It's so embarrassing!

However, she seemed unable to control her thoughts of exploding.

"This is a picture that is not suitable for children!""

Kikuchiyuan fruit blushed.

It is really not suitable for children.

"That's...that seems to be Nakamura Thistle! Once Tōtsuki's first seat!

She must be thinking too much.

"No wonder I felt a little familiar just now, but I didn't expect it to be him!

"Damn it! This news is a bit crazy, it seems that this game, pay attention to the sparks.

What a sincere thought.

"There is a picture of burst clothes!""

The most important point is that to be the son-in-law of the commander-in-chief, he still has a certain strength.

Under such circumstances, she really doesn't need to do it as a first-class WGO executive.

"How could it be possible, Senior Sister is not the time to grow other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige. If you say such things later, you will have to fight PP."5

Jiang Yiming felt that he didn't need to do his best to deal with these people.

Actually, this explosion is not particularly exaggerated, it is just a shock to the two buttons on the chest.

However, that day, she really couldn't control some of her emotional desires, so she did that kind of thing with Jiang Yiming.


Even if it is a small explosion, it is at least an explosion.

However, Kobayashi Rentan felt that he had to be wary of Mujiuzhiyuan fruit when he looked back.

"Now that our four dishes have been identified by the judges as a single dish, now we put the four dishes together and see how it tastes.

Speaking out, Jiang Yiming has something wrong.

Fortunately, they have not yet become best friends.


Although the relationship with being a best friend is even worse.

From the guy's gesture, I can see what it means.

But if it lasts a little longer, maybe, they can really become best friends.

She wants to do some undisclosed secret acts with Jiang Yiming here...

At this moment, there was a sudden sound like an explosion from the other side.

"What is the origin of this central food organization? It can make a WGO first-class executive eat his clothes. Moreover, this is only a dish made by one person, and it will be bursting before fusion."

It seems that there is nothing different, but when I eat it, everything becomes different.

However, at this time, she inexplicably wanted to be alone with Jiang Yiming.

Kukuchi Garden Fruit has to admit that the aroma is really enjoyable.

Kobayashi Rentan noticed the change in Kikuchiyuanguo's expression, and was about to ask a question, as if thinking of something.

It seems to have a feeling of being caught.

After all, it is Tōtsuki's first seat, so he won't be too flustered when something happens.

What's the matter with her today, she would have such shameless thoughts continuously.

It shocked her!

However, these are obviously ordinary foods, how could she have such a strong idea of ​​bursting clothes.

"Student Yiming, I think..."

If he didn't have this ability, he wouldn't be able to be the first seat of Tōtsuki back then.

Taking a peek at Xiaolin Rentan who was standing beside him, he felt a little guilty again.

With a light cough, Jiang Yiming added, "Anyway, at this time, we must cheer up. Now this is just the beginning, whether we can really get the approval of the judges, we have to wait for the four dishes to be combined, and this will be the final. duel.""

But if everyone thinks this way, then this is normal thinking.

She held the chopsticks tightly, wanting to stop herself from eating that plate of fried rice noodles.

Judging from the performance of the four hunting groups, they seem to have the chance to win today's game.

"However, I think the burst of clothes will come very violently. I don't know if the three judges are wearing more clothes. But I just noticed that the person who led the team from the Central Food Authority.

They just simply want to witness a picture of a burst of clothes, so that they can blow it with people in the future.

ah ah ~

It's so fragrant!

Of course, Xiaolin Rentian will not question Jiang Yiming at this time, after all, she is currently in a competition situation, and she does not have any evidence for the time being.

"Look at the photos on the wall in Moon and Sky, do they look like the person who led the team?"

In this case, if you burst your clothes, you will be directly killed by the society.

Not a hunger for desire.

After all, there is not much time left until the first game.

"Kill you."

An sharply turned his head to look.

But the more you don't want to do that in your heart, the more this desire becomes stronger.

"who is it?

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