I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 235 Xiaolin Gentian is not calm 【Subscribe】

Just as Jiang Yiming was about to step forward, Nakiri Mana suddenly opened his eyes.

"You're finally back.

It wasn't until he saw Jiang Yiming come in that Xiaolin Rentan let out a sigh of relief and ran over to hug him.

After all, she doesn't have S-level kitchen utensils.

Although it was a little late and an hour was a bit long, it was still acceptable.

But he knew very well that this should be the last time Nakiri Mana could eat his food.

At this point, she felt a little regretful.

Nakiri Mana didn't dare to think on the bright side.

"I didn't expect that certain WGO executives would come to you, but what's the matter with her coming to you?

Now I am asking for him.

"You mean Nakiri Mana?""

"Master, Dad, it's good to go."

"There is a kind of kung fu in Longguo called golden bell hood and iron shirt. It just so happens that I have practiced to the perfect level, and now I am invulnerable. Therefore, I carry my kitchen utensils on me, which is very safe.

Kobayashi Gentian hasn't slept yet.

next time?

Muttering, Jiang Yiming opened the door and went in.

Xiaolin Rentan looked puzzled: "A person with a special status? Male or female?

Instead, it was Nakiri Mana, who blushed as Jiang Yiming wiped the corners of her mouth with his hands.

Jiang Yiming didn't think about it any more.

"My fault. I should have called you in advance to let you know. I was planning to come back earlier, but she invited me to talk about something because she met a special person on the way."

Taking a look outside, Jiang Yiming wondered if he was in the car.

"Nakiri Mana.

"That's for sure."

Jiang Yiming knew that Nakiri Mana would not send him back.

As long as it's a woman like Nakiri Mana, you can't get used to her all the time.


"Actually you can stay here for one night, just like last time. 35

Not caring so much, Nakiri Mana hurriedly drove out.

His behavior at this time, I don't know if it will annoy him.

Nakiri Mana suddenly thought of something very important, so he didn't care so much, and hurried downstairs to find Jiang Yiming.

I don't know if something unexpected would have happened if she hadn't opened her eyes just now.

Jiang Yiming took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. He didn't know when there was no power, and he took the initiative to turn it off.

Even in maid outfits.

"You say you can change the way my tongue is picky about taste, what's that?"

I haven't seen anyone now, I don't know if I left in a car, or...

This is no exaggeration, Nakiri Mana does have this ability.

Jiang Yiming didn't expect that Nakiri Mana would suddenly open his eyes, and it seemed like he was caught in the face.

Xiaolin Longming was so excited that he burst into foul language.

"Okay, study the recipe yourself, I'm leaving."

"It's getting late, and you're finished with the goulash you wanted. So, will you be able to send me back to Tōtsuki now?"5

Although it was almost eleven o'clock, she couldn't sleep because she thought that Jiang Yiming had not come back yet.

"Let's go back to the room first, so that we can talk while practicing."

She pays more attention to this.

Use it directly.

"What's going on here?

"Are you really going back?"

Jiang Yiming didn't want to stay here anymore.

"You have S-class kitchen utensils, is it dangerous?"

He didn't want to walk back every time.

Nakiri Mana suddenly mentioned this again, Jiang Yiming didn't want to continue this topic.

Last time, she used this method to keep Jiang Yiming.

"Looks like you know Nakiri Mana. 35

Nakiri Mana originally thought that since there were no street lights and no cars outside, Jiang Yiming might choose to come up after going downstairs.

"You've just eaten beef, and there's still some honey juice on it. 35

Jiang Yiming is different from others.

"Of course. That is the specific executive officer of WGO, but she is the idol of many chefs. You know, she can make a food establishment reach the top level with one word, and can also make a food establishment go bankrupt immediately.

Xiaolin Rentian's face suddenly turned red, and at the same time, his heart skipped non-stop.

"It's really unpleasant, actually wanting me to come back, it's useless to call the master father next time.

Before he could finish speaking, Xiaolin Longdan stared at Jiang Yiming with wide eyes.

She turned on the TV, but her mind was completely off the TV.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

"I think we are very skilled in ventriloquism, and we can practice other techniques.

This is because she has needs and wants to cook her a meal, which is (bfbb) an equivalent exchange.

But she didn't choose to do it.

Now, Nakiri Mana is really in a hurry.

"Actually, I think there is only one way, and that is for you to be my exclusive chef.

"Looks like she's too used to her.

Said this, Jiang Yiming's face is not red, and his ears are not irritable.

Jiang Yiming must still be around here if he hadn't stopped the car.

Because she is more and more picky about the taste, she also knows that if she wants to change, it is not so easy for 547.

Then, look at each other.

She didn't know if the corners of her mouth were really stained with honey juice.

Because she knew that even if she performed exceptionally well, she still couldn't make the taste that Jiang Yiming did.

"You didn't come back so late, and you didn't answer the phone, I've been worried all night.


After thinking about it, Jiang Yiming said, "Forget it, I'll go outside and take a car by myself."

She has memorized all the steps and operations of the recipe.

Nakiri Mana didn't believe it.

She really isn't a three-year-old child.

Jiang Yiming went upstairs, it was pitch black outside.

There is also an equivalent exchange.

After a pause, Jiang Yiming added, "Oh, I'm short-sighted. Because I can't see very clearly, I'll move closer.""

I drove along the road, but I didn't see Jiang Yiming.

"Fuck! Isn't that a specific WGO executive?"

It shouldn't be done on purpose.

What if I call my master dad.

"I had already thought about it, but when I saw the honey juice at the corner of your mouth, and you suddenly opened your eyes, I forgot all of a sudden."

That doesn't work.

It took Jiang Yiming nearly an hour to get back to where Xiaolin Rentan lived.

"I have an important game tomorrow. 99


"What technique do you practice?"

This time, the old trick is repeated.

But where is Jiang Yiming's figure?

Looking at Nakiri Mana's expression, Jiang Yiming tried his best to control his embarrassed expression, and reached out and wiped the corner of Nakiri Mana's mouth.

Jiang Yiming looked at Xiaolin Gentian and smiled: "Is there a reward?"

But under this question, she did not ask.

Nakiri Mana immediately dialed Jiang Yiming's number.

"I'll take you back tomorrow.

Nakiri Mana is sitting on the sofa.

Glancing at the villa, Nakiri Mana really didn't come out to deliver.

Nakiri Mana suddenly turned into a cute girl's tone again, making Jiang Yiming almost unable to control it.

"Fortunately, I have learned martial arts, and I have also learned kendo.

"What are you going to do?

"What reward do you want? 39

Especially when he dialed Jiang Yiming's phone to remind him to shut down, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Driving along the road, there is still no sign of Jiang Yiming.

"What if the other party has money. 99

It's only been five minutes since he came down to the present.

"It seems a little...

But it seems she guessed wrong.

But the effect is not ideal.

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