I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 201 I want to continue to explore the secrets of Mrs. 【Subscription】



Jiang Yiming looked at Nakiri Le Aurora, as if to find out in her eyes whether what she said just now was a joke.

However, at this time, in the eyes of Nakiri Le Aurora, there is no truth or falsehood.

"Ma'am, this is not true...

"What do you think?"

How could he guess this.

Although he has some familiarity with the members of the Nakiri family, he only knows it. As for some details of life, he naturally does not know this.

Moreover, most of what he knew was in a year.

It was as if he had never imagined that he would be related to Nakiri Leo Ruola.

Now that Nakiri Le Aurora suddenly revealed such a shocking news to him, Jiang Yiming was indeed frightened.

"This is……"

Jiang Yiming was just about to say that Nakiri Le Aurora was joking.

But suddenly thought of something.

and many more.

It seems that in a special reward given by Nakiri Le Aurora, then Jiang Yiming found that there was a red dot that should not have appeared.

At that time, Jiang Yiming felt a little strange.

But didn't even ask.

According to Nakiri Leo Laura's explanation, it was when the aunt came and accidentally got the sheets, and there was no time to wash it after that.

As long as it was Jiang Yiming, he wouldn't think about that.

Now to reconcile what Nakiri Le Aurora just said, Jiang Yiming couldn't help staring at her.

Nakiri Leo Laura was stared at by Jiang Yiming, a little embarrassed.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Nakiri LeAurora was a little shy.

"I was just surprised. I really didn't expect that there would be such a big secret. 99

Nakiri Le Aurora smiled: "This is indeed a big secret. You are the third person to know this big secret so far.

"What about the other two?"

"I still have Nakiri."

Isn't Alice Nakiri LeAurora's daughter?

Think about it.

Terrible so!

If it hadn't been said by Nakiri Leo Laura herself, I'm afraid Jiang Yiming would not have thought in that direction at all.

It's just, I don't know why Nakiri Leo Laura suddenly told him such a secret.

If this secret is really exposed, it will have a huge impact not only on her, but also on the entire Nakiri family.

"Ma'am, I think you're kidding me?

"You think so.

have to.

This woman, who has not seen her for a few days, understands psychology.

Although Jiang Yiming was very curious, he didn't ask too much on this topic.

Now that Nakiri Leo Laura has already told him about it, she will follow up on what the truth of the matter is.

"Are you curious?"

"Curiosity is there, but well, now I think it's better to be curious than to be curious, there are other secrets about you that I don't know about. 99

Nakiri Leo Laura felt some fluctuations in Jiang Yiming's body and pursed her lips and chuckled.

"You bastard, it seems that you really want to dig out all the secrets in me. 35

"Of course.

After digging up the secrets of Nakiri Le Aurora once again, Jiang Yiming did not wonder about Alice's identity.

After all, this is a shocking secret, so let this shock last for a while.

Anyway, Nakiri Le Aurora is back, and she will always say next.

"Okay, you have to deal with Kiku-san in the next few days. I'll put the Tōtsuki reform agenda on the board in two days."

Leo Nakiri fiddled with her hair and leaned back slightly.

Attractive figure, Jiang Yiming couldn't help but take a second look.

"Can the board really pass it?"

"In theory, it's not a big problem. Presumably, the members of the board of directors, over the years, have also discovered some of Tōtsuki's shortcomings.

It's just that no one has come forward to mention it. So the drawback has always been there.

The key is to always have one person to stand up, otherwise, if this drawback is not solved, it will remain there forever, and in the end, it may cause a vicious circle.

Since no one has brought it up, I'll be the first person this time. "

As the head of the Tōtsuki International Research Department, Nakiri Lei Aurora is indeed qualified to come forward.

As for the final vote of the chairman, it is still unknown.

"If you can deal with the board of directors, I will deal with Mujiu-senpai.

・・・・ Flowers・・

Tōtsuki Elite Ten, as long as more than half of it, can decide any affairs of the school, even the dismissal of the commander-in-chief.

In the current Elite Ten, if Mujiu-senpai is on his side, Kobayashi Rentan will naturally go without saying.

Adding him, has already received three votes.

Then, next, as long as you need to get three more votes, that's totally fine.

However, he is only the ninth seat now, and seems to have less power to speak.

That being the case...

Jiang Yiming thought of a way to quickly give him the power to speak.

Directly challenge the second seat, Otani's real name.

As a three-year-old student, Otani Maina will be graduating from Tōtsuki next year, just like Kiku-senpai.


According to Otani's real name's plan, when the third-year students graduate, the first seat of Tōtsuki will naturally be Eishi Tsukasa's turn.

Kobayashi gentian is a competitor, but the cooking level is slightly inferior to that of Eishi Tsukasa.

However, Dagu's real name never imagined that Jiang Yiming suddenly came out of a plan that he thought was perfect.

Otani Zhenna himself wanted to be the first seat before, but this position has been taken away by Kikuchienko, so it is normal to want Eishi Tsukasa to be the seat.

However, Ogu's real name did not expect that in the final year of graduation, he would not even be able to keep the second seat.

After returning from the hotel, Jiang Yiming immediately got in touch with Mujiujiyuanguo.

"You want to challenge Daegu's real name?"

For Jiang Yiming's sudden decision, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo was surprised.

"Student Yiming, you should know that we will have a competition with the central food organization in a few days. At this time, if you have a halberd competition with Dagu's real name, will it consume too much energy.

"Sister, do you think such a game will consume my energy?"

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo thought about it, and it seemed that for Jiang Yiming, this was also a sure-fire game.

"I think it's normal that you want to have a halberd-eating competition. It's just that you didn't have this idea before, why did you suddenly have to challenge Daegu's real name?"

"I think he's upset, is this reason enough?" B.

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