I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 187 Compared with you, your mother is more gentle 【Subscribe】

Erina came here to ask Mujiuzhiyuanguo something, but she didn't expect that she would meet Jiang Yiming here.

She really didn't have a good impression on Jiang Yiming.

Even the food he cooks tastes really good.

Even if she is a person who is extremely picky about the taste of food, she has to admit that she can eat with relish when Jiang Yiming cooks.

Even, after eating, will continue to look forward to the next time.

But this has nothing to do with his poor impression of him.

Erina felt that when she came over today and met Jiang Yiming, she went out without reading the almanac.

I was in a good mood.

After being swayed by him like this, all the good mood is gone.

However, Erina still sorted out her emotions before coming to the office of Kikuchiyuanguo.

Taking a deep breath, Erina knocked on the door.

After a while, the voice of "please come in" came from inside, Erina opened the door and went in.

"Mujiu-senpai, it's me."

Kukuchi Yuanguo was working on some school documents when she heard a voice and looked up to see Erina, which made her a little surprised.

Erina is the granddaughter of the commander-in-chief, which is almost known to everyone.

Moreover, Erina's culinary talent has been revealed since she was a child.

Everyone believes that as long as Erina is promoted to the higher level, she will definitely become a member of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten.

As for which seat she will be able to sit in in the end, according to Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo's previous thoughts, she can linger in the top three positions before Kobayashi Rentan graduates.

After Kobayashi Rentan graduates, she will take advantage of the opportunity to become the first seat.

However, after Jiang Yiming appeared, Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo dispelled the word "May 10".

As long as Jiang Yiming has not graduated, it is definitely impossible for Erina to take the first seat.

However, I don't know what Erina has come to look for her today.

After all, Erina is a student in the middle department, and she doesn't need to handle the affairs of the higher department for the time being.

"Erina, I'm so busy today. Is there anything to do in the middle department? 99

Kukuchi Yuanguo stopped the work at hand.

Erina walked in front of Kikuchi Yuanguo and said, "A few days ago, it was the autumn audition, and many students from the middle school came to watch the competition, so there was nothing to do in the middle school.

The autumn audition has just ended, and it will take two days to engage in activities.

Kikuchi Yuanguo raised his head and stretched.

this pose.

Just a normal posture.

After all, a lot of people do when they sit for too long.

However, Erina saw the moment when Kikuchi Yuanguo stretched her waist, her chest was slightly forward, and then looked down at her situation, she was a little embarrassed for a moment.

Seeing Erina's move, Mukuji Yuanguo also smiled and said: "Don't envy me for being like this, you are still a student in the middle school, and when you get promoted to the higher school, you may have a new body when you grow up. A phenomenal performance.

Besides, it doesn't seem too good to be like me. "

Erina blushed.

However, in her current state, she is too embarrassed to discuss such an issue with Kikuchi Yuanguo.

She doesn't have the capital to discuss with her.

After Mu Jiuzhiyuan Guo finished stretching, he asked, "Are you here to find me something?"

Erina came back to her senses and said quickly, "Sister Mu Jiu, actually I came here to discuss something with you."

"What's up?"

"The students in the third grade of the middle school will take the entrance exam tomorrow. As you know, Tōtsuki's entrance exam has always been strict. Even in the middle school, this entrance exam is very difficult."5

Although, the elimination rate is not as terrible as that of the Higher Ministry.

However, the entrance examination for the middle school will directly affect whether one can directly advance from the middle school to the higher school.

"I actually want to ask my senior to help arrange a few people to go to the middle school and take classes with the students from the middle school, so that everyone can master a little more knowledge. In this case, there may be more students who go straight to the higher school in the entrance examination at that time. .""

Erina didn't want to do this kind of thing.

Her character is not the kind that completely considers others.

But at present, as the head of the middle school, she has the obligation to try to make everyone pass the entrance exam.

If it wasn't for this reason, she would be too lazy to pay attention to it.

If you have time to spare, you might as well study more recipes and make dishes that satisfy you.

Recently, she found that she was more critical about cooking.

Before, she was afraid that this would happen, so she tried her best to restrain herself and try the dishes.

However, after the Moon Festival, she clearly felt that she was picky about food.

Enana could guess something.

The reason for this is mainly because of Jiang Yiming.

If it wasn't for the food she made during the Moon Festival, her picky about food would have remained at a level.

available there.

Immediately soared.

Erina doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

The picky of food has increased, indicating that her requirements are also higher.

However, if it continues to increase, she is afraid that she will lose interest in the cooking made by other people in the future.

Right now, she can only study hard on her own.

As long as you make your own food that satisfies you, probably even if you don't eat other people's food in the future, at least you will eat the food you make yourself.

But now, she still has to find Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit and ask her to help.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo pondered for a while, and said, "If you want to teach a university, then other students may not be able to arrange it. I can only ask in the Elite Ten to see who has time these two days." "

"That's trouble Mujiu-senpai.

"It's not a big deal. If it wasn't for the recent past, with so many things at hand, I could spare some time to pass. But there is no way, the first seat is not a lot of facts. 35

That being said, if there is a chance, everyone wants to sit in the first seat.

Erina yearns for it.

Moreover, she believed in herself that she would definitely be the first seat in the future.

"I'll trouble Mu Jiu-senpai about arranging someone to give lectures. I'll go back to the middle school first, so I won't disturb your work.

"Well, I'll ask the others when I look back."

When Erina was about to go out, she happened to bump into Jiang Yiming.

"Hey, junior girl, you are still here. I thought you had already gone back.

As soon as she saw Jiang Yiming, Erina's mood dropped to rock bottom.

"What are you doing here?"

"Senior-senpai is really interesting to ask. You can come here even in the middle school. As an Elite Ten, I'm here to report to Mujiu-senpai about my work. Isn't this normal?"

Erina frowned.

She didn't want to ignore this guy.

"Then you report slowly, please let me go."

Jiang Yiming didn't turn her side to let Erina go out immediately, which made her feel quite unhappy.

However, because it is now in the office of Kikuchi Garden fruit, it is not easy to attack.

"Please let me go."

Erina's voice fell a little.

Jiang Yiming wasn't really going to provoke the eldest lady of Tsundere, so he turned to his side and let her go.

"Student Erina, wait a moment."

Hearing Kikuchiyuan fruit shout, Erina stopped and turned around.

"Sister, is something wrong?"

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo didn't answer Erina's words, looked at Jiang Yiming and asked, "Are you free these two days?

Jiang Yiming thought for a moment and said, "There should be nothing wrong.

After all, the autumn trials have just ended, so nothing will happen.

As for the matter on the Elite Ten side, it was handled by Kikuchienko, and there was almost nothing to him.

Erina heard the conversation between Mu Jiuzhiyuan and Jiang Yiming, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

don't be...

Erina hurriedly said, "Woo..."

"If you don't have anything to do, go to the middle school in the next two days. Erina said that he arranged for someone to go to the middle school to give lectures. Originally, I was going to find someone else, but you were free. In addition, you just won the championship in the autumn trials. , Everyone is familiar with you. If you go, it will be better than arranging other people to go."

If the most suitable candidate is Jiang Yiming, it must be Jiang Yiming.

I'm afraid, now Jiang Yiming, in the whole middle school, many students have made him an idol.

"Mujiu-senpai, I think he should be very busy, maybe...

"I'm not busy.

Jiang Yiming interrupted Erina's words, "I have free time in the past two days. I can go to the middle school to give lectures. I think my lectures should be more exciting.

Erina really wanted to refuse this guy to go there, but this was arranged by Kikuchi Yuanguo.

If she refuses, I don't know if it will make her unhappy.

In the end, Erina could only accept that Jiang Yiming went to the middle school to give lectures to those students these two days.

She actually had some regrets in her heart.

If I knew I would meet this nasty guy today, I would definitely not choose to come here today...

But now I can't refuse, I can only accept.

"Then arrange it that way.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo said to Erina, "As for when to go, you should discuss this with Yiming. Yiming is a very good person. If you don't understand anything, you can ask him as much as possible.

"Sister is right. I'm very nice, if you don't understand anything, just tell me directly. Also, if you need me to focus on explaining the content, I can circle it for you.

Erina said blankly: "I don't understand anything, I just want you to talk to the other students."

Jiang Yiming looked at the time and said, "It's very early now. I just don't have anything to do right now. I can go to the middle school to give a lecture. What do you think?"

Erina doesn't think so.

But turning to think about it, it is also a good thing to let him finish speaking earlier, and then not face him earlier.

"If you have nothing to do, I will trouble you.

"Okay, let's go now."

After a pause, Jiang Yiming said to Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo, "Sister, I'll go first. If there is anything, you can call me."5

"Go, I have nothing to do here for the time being. If there is something really urgent, I'll let you know.


Coming out of Kikuchi Yuanguo's office, Erina's expression changed instantly.

It's like a completely different person.

"Jiang Yiming, I can warn you. You must not mess around during lectures. If you mess up, I'll stop you.

"Use honorific language. You are a junior, how can you call the senior by his name."


"If you don't need honorifics, I won't teach you. Although you are all cooking geniuses, there will be no big problem without me giving lectures. However, if I teach, maybe it will improve a little."

Erina gritted her teeth in anger.

"I never thought of going to you. 55

"Then go back and talk to Mu Jiu-senpai.

Seeing that Erina didn't move, Jiang Yiming turned around and prepared to return to the hotel in Mujiujiyuanguo.

"Wait a moment!"

Erina became anxious.

She believed that Jiang Yiming would really go to Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo to talk about it.

After thinking about it, Erina still gritted her teeth and said very unwillingly: "Senior, then I will trouble you."

"One more call sir."


"Don't make your voice too harsh, be gentle.

Erina clenched her fists, but called out another student.

"This is a good sound, it's almost able to make the ear pregnant.


"Senior sister, don't you me, time is precious, let's go first.

Erina gritted her teeth and stomped her feet in anger.

However, qi returns to qi, she still remembers important things in 1.1.

The middle section is not very far from the higher section.

If you walk there, it will take about fifteen minutes.

Usually Erina thinks that fifteen minutes is not far at all.

But when she was with Jiang Yiming today, she felt that the journey was too far.

I wish I could fly.

It flew back to the middle department in no time.

"Xuemei, when you are promoted to the higher department next year, come to see the senior, and I will cover you."

Erina ignored it and continued walking.

"Let me tell you, now I'm the ninth seat. I won the autumn trials yesterday, and the ranking will definitely be higher. Maybe, when the next Elite Ten ranking is announced, I will be fifth. I got a seat. I went up four seats directly, and I felt that I was a bit powerful. 35

Erina couldn't help but said solemnly: "Do you still want to rise to the fifth seat? Tōtsuki Elite Ten's ranking rules, if you want to advance your ranking, you need to be critical of the opponent. Even if you challenge the fifth seat , does not necessarily guarantee that you will be able to become the fifth seat.35

Jiang Yiming shrugged: "This is too much trouble. I also thought that if I won the championship, I could be promoted directly to the fifth seat. In this case, if the Elite Ten at the back want to challenge me, I will take it one by one. They will send them home. In this way, when senpai is promoted to the higher department, she can quickly become an Elite Ten."

Jiang Yiming looked at Erina, "Junior girl, are you moved by how good the senior is to you?""

Erina gritted her teeth and finally couldn't help but utter a word.


Jiang Yiming stared at Erina for a few seconds, then dropped his lips and said, "Compared to you, your mother is more gentle. 35

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