I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 143 Alice: Something seems wrong [Subscribe]

Alice's emotions were already enough to explode.

Now Jiang Yiming mentions her mother again, and the mood is even more explosive.

"Don't mention my mother!

"Student Alice, this sounds domineering. 35

"Anyway, I warn you! From now on, never mention my mother!

"Did you have any misunderstanding with your mother? If there is a misunderstanding between your mother and daughter, I don't think we should sit down and have a good chat. I think Ms. Nakiri is a good person to talk to. No, the last time we met When she spoke, she was very generous and decent."


Alice stared at Jiang Yiming: "Have you met my mother again?



"last night.


Alice immediately refuted Jiang Yiming's words.

"My mother clearly said last night that she was on business, how could she possibly meet you, you lied to me! 39

"We did meet last night, and she even..."

Jiang Yiming was going to say that Nakiri Leonora stayed one night at Polar Star Dorm last night.

However, after seeing Alice's expression at this time, he did not continue to say what he said later.

"Alice, I just met your mother, why are you so excited. It seems that the gap between your mother and daughter is a bit big.

After a pause, Jiang Yiming continued: "No wonder Ms. Nakiri looked troubled last night. She was troubled by Tōtsuki, and she was troubled by things between mother and daughter.

in this case.

Nakiri Leonora says homelessness.

It's not like lying.

The relationship with my daughter is so bad, if I just quarreled when I came out, I would really not be in the mood to go home.

"Alice, you are also quite old. Although this age is a rebellious age, you should also be considerate of your mother's situation."

"She is usually so busy with work, and she has to take care of your food and daily life, you have to be more considerate. 35

"To shut up!"

Alice is going crazy.

"I have a great relationship with my mom! It's because of you! It's all because of you!"

Alice pointed to Jiang Yiming, "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have quarreled at all! 39


His guess was right.

Girls of this age are also worrying.

It was not very clear about Nakiri Leonora's situation before, but now it can be confirmed from Alice's mouth that there has been a lot of estrangement between their mother and daughter.

Girls of this age are in a period of rebellion.

Probably what Alice wanted to do, Nakiri Leonora objected.

Or what Nakiri Leonora wants Alice to do, and she doesn't agree.

As a result, the relationship between mother and daughter will become more and more tense.

"Alice, did Ms. Nakiri ask you to study at Tōtsuki? You don't want to.""

"Why should I tell you this?"

"I just want to understand some of the contradictions between your mother and daughter, and then prepare to be a bad person. Next time I meet your mother, I can enlighten her. In this way, I will see if I can improve you and you. Conflict between mothers.

"There is no conflict between us.

Alice struggled to contain her anger.

She doesn't want to talk so much to this guy anymore.

Just the thought of her mother meeting this guy without telling her, made her feel angry just thinking about it.

"No, I think the conflict between you is quite deep. When I met your mother last night, she actually said she wanted coffee. Think about it, drinking coffee at night is obviously a lot of trouble.

Nakiri Leonora's behavior might have seemed weird last night, but it's not at all weird now.

Probably because of friction with Alice last time, I had nowhere to go for a while, and then I happened to meet him.

It must be so.

Jiang Yiming found a more suitable reason for himself to explain Nakiri Leonora's behavior.

Although, he thinks this reason is not necessarily correct.

after all.

A successful woman like Nakiri Leonora.

Even if there is nowhere to go.

You don't need to come over to find him, and you're also looking for him to stay overnight.

Obviously unreasonable.

"Student Alice, I think you should go back and have a good chat with your mother now. Now that you are together a lot, there will definitely be many conflicts. When you go to school somewhere else, you haven't seen each other for a year and a half. Once you meet, you will regret it. 995

"Look at me, I'm a good example. As an exchange student of the Dragon Kingdom, if I want to go home, I have to wait until the end of the semester at least. If I want to do an internship after the vacation, then I'm afraid it will take a long time to go home. time.

Jiang Yiming persuaded earnestly, but Alice didn't listen at all.

"I don't care what relationship you have with my mother, I will never be able to meet her again in the future!"

"Look at your attitude, it's no wonder your mother is so worried about you... Well, when I think of your mother's troubled appearance last night, I think..."

"Ah ah ah!

Alice screamed suddenly.

"Shut up! I don't want to tell you! I'll say it one last time! Stay away from my mom!"

After speaking, Alice angrily strode away.

Looking at the back of Alice leaving, a smile appeared on Jiang Yiming's mouth.

"Want to give me an order, you are still tender.

Jiang Yiming doesn't care if Alice and Nakiri Leonora really had a conflict before, anyway, he has already managed Alice's temper.

As long as Nakiri Leonora is mentioned, she will definitely go wild.

Next time, if I meet her and still have this attitude, I can move Nakiri Leonora out to treat her again.

This must be something interesting.

After Alice left, Jiang Yiming returned to the preparation room and continued to rest.

"I'm furious!

"It really pisses me off! 35

Alice is angry.

But now no matter how angry you are, you can only be sullen.

"How could Mom meet that guy last night..."

In my mind, when my mother went out, she said that she had something to do temporarily, and she had to go out for a trip, and she might come back very late.


Alice remembers it very well.

Mom just came back in the morning!


Alice didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Absolutely impossible!

Alice's eyes are firm.

Maybe my mother really went out to deal with something temporarily last night, and then ran into Jiang Yiming.

Although I hate Jiang Yiming, I have to admit that the dishes made by that annoying guy are really delicious.

Mum might have met him, so she talked to him about cooking.

Alice knows, even though her mother is now the head of the Tōtsuki research department, but her cooking level is not low.

At the last Moon Festival event, my mother also ate the dishes made by Jiang Yiming and was full of praise for his cooking.

I met it last night, and it must be about cooking.

Maybe the chat was a little late, and the business was delayed.

By the time it was too late, I stayed at the hotel for one night.

It must be so!

Alice tries to think on the bright side.

But even though I thought about it this way, I would think about it in other ways at the same time.

This caused her mind to explode.

"." Blame that nasty guy! 35

Alice couldn't help complaining again, and then left Tōtsuki.

She felt that there were some things that had to be asked in person. Otherwise, holding back like this will cause internal injuries sooner or later.

But if there is really nothing between my mother and Jiang Yiming, if I doubt it like this, will it make her angry?

Alice tugged at her hair, and finally threw the blame on Jiang Yiming again, putting the blame on his head.

In the afternoon, the competition of the autumn trials continued.

After the third game, it was Jiang Yiming's turn with Imada's Eimi.

In this game, although everyone thinks Imadai Eimi has no chance of winning at all.

But there are more people paying attention than the previous three games.

Obviously everyone thought that Jiang Yiming would win this game 100%, but wondered if a miracle would happen.

There are some things that may have miracles.

But there are some things that a miracle can't happen at all.

For example, when Jiang Yiming and Imadai see this halberd, it is impossible for a miracle to happen.

In the autumn trials, all the cooking utensils in the venue can be used freely, and the players can bring their own ingredients or use the existing ingredients in the venue at will.

From the information I learned, Imadai Eimi is a student who is good at Japanese cuisine.

Jiang Yiming had told Xiaolin Rentan before that he wanted to defeat him with Japanese cuisine.


He can't always break his word.

With the "start of the game" from the host, the fourth game of the autumn trials officially started.

AB groups of 60 people compete.

In the preliminaries, this will be a game that everyone is looking forward to.

Imadai took a deep breath after the game started.

Although he knew Jiang Yiming's strength.

There is absolutely no chance of victory between himself and him.

In a game like the edible halberd, sometimes it is also very important to play on the spot.

Eimi Imada is going to make salmon California rolls today.

Long before the game, he tried to do it many times.

Constantly improving the boat.

Finally made the most satisfying salmon California roll.

After Eimi Imada started making salmon California rolls, everyone wanted to know what kind of dishes Jiang Yiming was going to cook this time.

It was rumored before that Jiang Yiming wanted to beat Imadai Eimi's Japanese cuisine with Japanese cuisine.

Now, everyone wants to know what kind of Japanese food he is going to make.

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