I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 123 Xiaolin Gentian: It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today [Reque

Word out.

Kikuchi Yuanguo felt that something was wrong.

This sounds misleading.

"I mean, you're the one who has the chance to take the first place in the fall trials, and I'm definitely concerned. If you miss the registration, it's a loss to the whole Tōtsuki.

Jiang Yiming spreads his hands.

"I thought Kiku-senpai was paying special attention to me. It turned out to be for Tōtsuki. This made me happy together.

"Okay, and I'm being rude here. I treat you better than others. After all, you are also a special existence now. 35

"It seems that in my sister's heart, I am still a special one.

"I'm optimistic that you will become the first seat of Tōtsuki, and I must be special to you. After all, I feel that the seat of the first seat is quite comfortable for the time being. I have to let you not pay attention to it for the time being, so that If so, there is no crisis for my position in the first seat for the time being."

"Senpai really has a good plan. No wonder I'm so nervous about signing up.

"Of course. Otherwise, I would be too lazy for you to sign up. 35

"Then I'll get the registration form back first, so that I can challenge you for the first seat.

"If you want to take it now, I won't give it to you."

After finishing speaking, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuan Guo hurriedly put away the registration form.

Jiang Yiming made a gesture to grab it.

Kikuchiyuan fruit is placed left and right.

Because the movement of the body was a bit large, the body suddenly slanted to the right, and the two fell down together.

Mu Jiuzhiyuan fruit pressed on Jiang Yiming's body.

Although it didn't completely fall to the ground, Jiang Yiming was able to have a great sense of touch due to his good development because Mujiuzhiyuanguo was pressing on his body at this time.

Kukuchi Yuanguo hurriedly stood up straight.

She didn't feel how the different squeeze she had just now felt to her.

Sometimes, when a person is in a state of deep sleep, or when the sleep is not particularly good, he will also sleep on his stomach.

Therefore, her feeling is not affected much.

But Jiang Yiming's impact was a little bigger.

"Student Yiming, have you met somewhere?"

Jiang Yiming stood up straight, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, but did you hit me?

Kukuchi Yuanguo checked and did not seem to feel any pain in his body.

"Then will it hurt here?""

Jiang Yiming gestured with his hand.

Kikuchi Yuanguo was stunned for a moment, and then blushed instantly.

"You bastard, when did you become so bad?"

"I'm not afraid that you just lay on top of me and caused an impact.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo blushed and said: "It's definitely okay. It's all your fault, what are you robbing. Fortunately, I didn't fall, if I fall on my head or my hand, I won't be able to participate in the next trials.

"If I can't participate in the trials, my sister's first seat will be at stake."

"So, from now on, you must not be able to do any dangerous actions. At least until the end of the selection period, all kinds of strenuous exercise must be stopped in moderation."

"It's just a dish, not so exaggerated..."

"Even cooking is a very important thing."

"Okay, okay, then I'll try not to do strenuous exercise. But if you're a senior, don't put any pressure on me next time. With your weight, I'm afraid I'll be severely injured. If I have internal injuries, then it's true. The game is over."

"Hey, you guy!"

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo is going to fight.

But thinking of where they were now, and the fact that she almost fell just now, she just raised her hand and didn't really fight.

"Okay, the registration form has been handed in. If you have nothing to do, you can go first. I still have some work to do."

"Oh, Gentian is looking for you everywhere. Because your phone is turned off, she is afraid that you won't come to sign up, so she should be in a hurry...

Jiang Yiming thought for a while, and probably guessed why Xiaolin Rentan was so eager to find him.

Probably because of what she said later.

I thought I really didn't sign up.

"My phone is out of power now, senior, please call and tell her that I'm here with you. 35


Kukuchi Yuanguo called Kobayashi Rentan.

Haven't connected yet, but heard a phone ringing outside.

A few seconds later, the office door was pushed open, and Xiaolin Rentan stood at the door with his mobile phone in his hand.

When Xiaolin Rentan saw Jiang Yiming, he was stunned for a few seconds.

After a few seconds.

Kobayashi Rentan shouted loudly.

"Why is your phone turned off!"

"out of battery!"

"Didn't you come to sign up, why can't you find anyone!"

"I forgot to charge my phone last night, it happened to be out of power at that time, I was going to find a place to charge it.

"But I didn't meet you."9

"I walked the other way, from the north gate.

Kobayashi Gentian wanted to say something more.

But seeing Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo standing behind Jiang Yiming, after thinking about it, he could only take back the breath that was about to be released.

Taking a deep breath, Kobayashi Rentan asked, "Have you signed up yet?"

"I just handed in the form, and Mu Jiu-senpai also recorded the data here.""

After Kobayashi Gentian heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the application deadline has not yet reached the deadline.

But if Jiang Yiming really didn't come, then he might not be able to catch up.

Now Jiang Yiming has caught up with the registration. For her, at least it is a relief.

If Jiang Yiming didn't sign up because of what she said at the end, she would definitely regret it very much.

"Since you've signed up, I'll go back to the seminar first.

"I'll go with you.

Kobayashi Gentian did not refuse.

It's no use for him to stay here anyway.

Walking out of the Elite Ten office building, Jiang Yiming suddenly said, "When I came to sign up, I met Eishi Tsukasa.

Xiaolin Rentan stopped, turned his head to look at Jiang Yiming, didn't seem to understand, he suddenly said what he meant.

"That guy is now regarded as my biggest competitor. 99


"Maybe he thought that after Mu Jiu-senpai graduated, it would naturally be his turn for the first seat. After all, with his strength, I'm afraid no one can compete with him."

After a pause, Jiang Yiming added, "Your current ranking is very close to him. If you really compete with him for the first place, it is also a potential competitor. Perhaps, you were once his imaginary enemy. Now If so, he should have aimed his competitors at me even more.

Rinda Kobayashi thought for a moment and said, "What you said is not unreasonable. Eishi Tsukasa, his ability is still there.

"Looks like he's interested in you...

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Xiaolin Rentian immediately denied, "I really have nothing to do with him. Besides, even if he is interested in me, but I have no interest in him, you must not misunderstand.

Jiang Yiming smiled: "Sister, you don't need to deny it in a hurry. I didn't say that you are related. I just said that he is interested in you... Of course, you don't look down on him either."

Xiaolin Longdan glared at Jiang Yiming: "I'm not denying it, I'm telling the truth. If I don't explain it, you think I'm tacitly agreeing."

"That won't happen.""

"Cut, so sure. 35

"It's not for sure, as long as I know you have no interest in him.

Kobayashi Rentio looked at Jiang Yiming: "Forget it, don't talk about this. You said that Eishi Tsukasa regards you as a competitor, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing. Although your cooking level is indeed very high now. But there is an open competitor. , at least will not make you too proud.

"Eishi Tsukasa's strength is really good, but for me, he is not my competitor. At least so far, in the whole Tōtsuki, I have not met a student that I really regard as a rival.

This sounds crazy.

But Xiaolin Gentian didn't think Jiang Yiming's words were crazy.

Because he does have this capital.

"Tōtsuki does not have your competitors, so it seems that no one is your competitor. 35

"There are still competitors.


Jiang Yiming thought for a while and said, "Sister, I don't know if you've heard of a late-night cook."

Xiaolin Gentian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

She has never heard of cooking late at night.

"We are all table cooks, and some of us are actually called late night cooks. Those people, their cooking level is higher than everyone in Tōtsuki.

Xiaolin Rentan looked surprised.

"Is he taller than Mr. Dojima?""

"Maybe it will also be higher than his cooking level.

You must know that even Caibo Seiichiro had a complete defeat in the end.

Xiaolin Gentian was shocked.

In her consciousness, the best chefs in the world are from Tōtsuki.

People like Dojima Gin and Shinomiya Kojiro, their cooking level, even if they have not tasted all of them personally, but have heard a lot about their deeds.

And in this world, there are actually people with a higher level of cooking than them.

Not one or two people.

It seems that this late night cook belongs to an organization.

"Student Yiming, have you met them?


"Then where are they?

"Those people are not so easy to meet. Perhaps, it is easier for them to find you.


"No matter which organization it is, they are all eager for talents. Like many students in Tōtsuki, many students are actually very talented. But because Tōtsuki's elimination rules are too cruel. Some people were eliminated before they had time to exert their talents. And this kind of people, many of them will be discovered by late-night cooks, and then they will be recruited.

Kobayashi Gentian pondered.

"If, as you said, the cooking level of the late-night cook is so high, and they get together again, is there some conspiracy?"

"I don't know if there is a conspiracy. But one thing, as long as these people get together, once something really happens, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire cooking industry. 99

Kobayashi Gentian also agrees with this.

She had never heard of such an organization.

"So, if you win the fall trials, they might come to you."

"As expected of a senior, you actually think so far."

Xiaolin Rentan rolled his eyes: "That's not what you said. If they also need to continuously recruit talents, they will definitely not miss the champion of the autumn trials."

"If they do come to solicit, I will promise them.


Xiaolin Gentian immediately refused.

"Since those people are called late-night cooks, they must be some shameless people. If you join their organization, even if it is not a criminal organization, it doesn't look like a good organization.

"But by joining them, you can learn a lot. Because the ingredients they use are almost in the sky. Any ingredient, even if it is an ingredient that many people think can't make delicious food, once it falls into their hands , The same can be cooked out of delicious food.

"I still won't agree. 99

'Senpai is so worried about me joining them, is she reluctant to let me go?'

"Of course I..."

When the words "reluctant" came to his lips, Xiaolin Rentan took it back.

"Who would miss you.""

Xiao Linlong (is it okay) gave him a bold look, "Even if I really can't bear it, I can't help it. Don't forget, your relationship with classmate Ji Zhiguo is different now. She was designated as a betrothal to you, Mingyi On, it can also be said to be your fiancee.

"That's just a famous discussion. But well, the misunderstanding is cleared up, Ji Zhiguo is indeed a good girl. She usually seems to have no words, but she is actually very gentle.

Xiaolin Gentian felt a sour taste in his heart when he heard Jiang Yiming's evaluation of Ji Zhiguo's Ningning.

Also, her heart was inexplicably tense.

I always felt that if the two of them were allowed to have a deeper understanding, Jiang Yiming would really be taken away very soon.

She had to figure out a way.

Stop him from meeting Ji Zhiguo Ningning?

An idea popped into my mind.

Sure enough, jealousy can lead to insidious thoughts.

However, what kind of identity is he going to use now to prevent the two of them from meeting.


The only way to stop them from meeting is to have a showdown with Jiang Yiming.

Tell him directly that he is Asaya, then he may be able to fight for a bigger opportunity for himself.

Otherwise, she really couldn't think of any other way.

Although Kobayashi Rentan's previous plan was to confess to Jiang Yiming after the autumn trials.

Think about it now.

The plan must be advanced.

If it drags on, for her, the sense of crisis will become stronger and stronger.

Picking the day is worse than hitting the day.

Or do it today!

Xiaolin Rentan raised his head and looked at Jiang Yiming, the other party's eyes were just looking over.

The handover of the four eyes is delayed.

Xiaolin Gentian gritted his teeth.

"Classmate Yiming, I have something I want to confess to you."

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