I'm in Food Wars: My Wingman is Rindō Kobayashi

Chapter 108 The mouth opened up, hit others, but also hit myself 【Subscription】

"I feel that the assessment this time is even more hell than hell. Nian

"I think we're living in eighteen layers of hell right now.""

"I feel so too.

"Can you give up the assessment? I think, even if you are eliminated now, at least it won't add a blemish on the way of future chefs.

"I also want to give up."

"Originally, I thought that with a little more luck, I should be able to pass this assessment. But now, I feel that the next assessment is so terrifying, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to be a chef in the future..."

"Hey hey hey, don't worry about one by one, this is not what the assessment is. Maybe, it's just to scare everyone.

"That's Mr. Dojima Gin, known as the living legend of Tōtsuki. Do you think it's a joke coming out of his mouth? 35

There were people who were a little bit lucky just now, and when they heard this, their minds collapsed directly.

"Let's listen to it first, what kind of assessment is it?"

Even dead.

Have to die clearly.

Maybe, if you are really afraid that you can't pass, you can choose to eliminate yourself now.

Dojima Gin glanced at it, and the students who were talking about it immediately stopped.

"This assessment is the final assessment of this accommodation training. 99

"In the next few days, we will assign you to a number of restaurants as real students. 35

Real XI students?

No way……

Is it going to be a real XI birth so soon?

It stands to reason that this would not happen so early.

When they participated in the residential training before, they had learned a lot of information, and they just wanted to increase the possibility of passing the assessment.

did not expect.

The accommodation training this time has actually changed the previous assessment.

Something must have gone wrong.

Jiang Yiming looked at the students who were starting to get restless, and was guessing in his heart.

After thinking about it, I wonder if it was because of the halberd-eating match between him and Shinomiya Kojiro.

Because Shinomiya Kojiro lost that game and temporarily resigned as an assessment instructor, the plan changed.

At the same time, on Tōtsuki's side, a new assessment plan was formulated.

It was originally a hell-style elimination training activity, but now the assessment difficulty of the training activity has been increased.

When the real XI students.

It seems very difficult.

If you can follow the requirements of the restaurant and the chef, it is not difficult to complete the assessment.

Jiang Yiming knew that, like Dangshisheng, they would eventually go through it.

It's just that it's too early now.

"For this four days and three nights, the actual student assessment. What you have to do is to complete the restaurant's requirements during these four days and three nights, and at the same time, you must ensure that every customer who comes to the restaurant is satisfied.

"Before the end, cook a restaurant's signature dish and pass the chef's assessment. Then, this training assessment will end.

"If you can't pass the assessment, then it means that you are not qualified to be a chef...

"Then, at the same time as being eliminated, this entry will be added to your personal record. 35

"I know that this is very harsh and unfair to you. But only in this way, may you be able to exert your greater potential, instead of being assessed for the sake of assessment.

Dojima Gin's words fell, and the students rioted again.

It's really not fair to them.

It's just a test.

Not being eliminated from Tōtsuki is heartbreaking enough.

To have to add a record of unbeatable chefs to the personal records is simply inhumane.

This is really a bit hegemonic.

"Now you have two choices."

"Those who want to continue to participate in the assessment stay where they are. 99

"If you want to automatically abstain, go to the right.

Taking the initiative to abstain... Thinking about this, it still makes people feel sad.

This sounds like a sense of incompetence.

In fact, it is more like a slacker behavior.

than be directly eliminated.

The elimination of self-abstention is even more shameful.

"If you die, you will die. I don't believe it. It's not good to be a real person. If it's not good, you really don't need to be a chef."

"I would rather die standing than live lying down! 35

"You won't die if you participate, what if you can survive?

Although one by one said the words as if they were dying.

But a few students still stood up.

They bowed their heads.

This is a shameful act.

But the rules allow them to do so.

"Has anyone else voluntarily abstained?"

"If not, other students will gather at the bus in the parking lot at the back, and then the driver will send you to the restaurant that has been arranged for their four-day and three-night real-life assessment."

Hundreds of students got on the bus.

One by one was apprehensive.

Konishi Kanichi squeezed into Jiang Yiming and sat down.

"Student Yiming, did the person in charge of this residential training suddenly twitched. It's so good, how can it become a real student's assessment.

"The most important point is to leave such a stain on personal experience."

"Isn't this cutting off the future. 99

Jiang Yiming said in a low voice: "Then just listen to it... If what I said before is true, this sentence must be bluffing.


"Student Xiaoxi, your hair is so styled, can't your head match a little bit?"

Konishi Kanichi didn't understand.

After a while, he reacted.

Jiang Yiming is turning a corner and saying that his IQ is not enough.

Konishi Kanichi stroked the exaggerated hairstyle of his good self.

"This has nothing to do with hairstyles. Besides, if it really has something to do with hairstyles, it means that there is no hair on the head of Wisdom."

Konishi Kanichi also didn't care what Jiang Yiming said.

He paid more attention to what Jiang Yiming just said.

"Ichiming-san, do you think Mr. Dojima is frightening us?

"Frightening is not frightening. If you are really eliminated, there may be such a record. 99

"Isn't that bad?"

Jiang Yiming rolled his eyes: "Xiaoxi classmate, after you graduate in the future, you will be interviewing to be a chef, do you think you are interviewing to be a civil servant? 35

"If you make a bowl of rice that is mouth-watering, do you think the restaurant owner would care about such a record?

Konishi Kanichi was stunned.

Seems to make sense.

"Besides, you are just a student now, and you suddenly run to be a real student. The time is too short, causing customers to complain, and the chef is not satisfied with the dishes you make. Isn't it normal...

Konishi Kanichi thought for a while, then muttered: "It seems to be normal...but why does Mr. Dojima say that..."

"If you say it like this, you can start a little deterrent. As Mr. Dojima said, everyone will realize their maximum potential because of this.

"If everyone feels that they are real students and cannot pass the assessment, they will be eliminated in the end.

"And those students who thought they couldn't pass the test would probably just deal with it casually.

"You know, to arrange you to each restaurant, the school needs to communicate with the person in charge of each restaurant.

"If the students who are there as real students, because of their careless work and complaints from customers, their restaurant will be affected. At the same time, Tōtsuki's reputation will also be affected."

Konishi Kanichi suddenly realized.

66 "Student Yiming, you still think far-reachingly. I heard this just now, but was scared to death. You know, what I do best is rice bowls, and if I go to a French restaurant, it's torture for me.

"The more you are afraid of something, the more likely it will come."

Jiang Yiming looked at Konishi Kanichi, "I have a hunch that you will be placed in a French restaurant. 35

"Don't scare me about this..."

"I mean, who knows.

"No matter how much, anyway, according to what you just said, even if you are really eliminated, it will not have any impact on your personal resume.

"That's just my guess..."

Konishi Kanichi's expression suddenly became worried.

So is he going to take it seriously, or take it more seriously...

Jiang Yiming ignored Konishi Kanichi and closed his eyes for a nap.

He also didn't know which restaurant he would be assigned to be a real student.

As for what Dojima Gin said, it should be pretty much what he guessed.

After all, even Tōtsuki doesn't have that much power to decide one's future destiny.

However, hundreds of students were suddenly assigned to various places as real students.

This temporary plan must have been discussed by the decision makers after staying up all night last night.

Jiang Yiming sighed inwardly.

In order to eliminate the students, they really did their best.

I'm afraid, this is the only school in the world that just wants to eliminate students desperately.

The bus is running.

Every now and then someone would get off the bus and be taken to a designated restaurant. (is it good)

Konishi Kanichi has been praying in his heart that he can be assigned to a good restaurant.

The most important thing is to be assigned to a restaurant that can play his rice bowl.

Jiang Yiming doesn't care.

Anyway, no matter which one is assigned, it is the same to him.

"Konishi Kanichi, your restaurant has arrived.""

Hearing someone shout, Konishi Kanichi hurriedly stood up.

"Excuse me, what restaurant should I go to?

“French restaurant.


Konishi Kanichi had an urge to abstain, but eventually got out of the car.

However, before getting off the bus, he complained to Jiang Yiming, who was gloating at the misfortune.

Thinking that it is his crow's mouth, he will be arranged in the French restaurant.

With fewer and fewer students in the bus, Jiang Yiming was soon left alone in the bus.

Jiang Yiming couldn't help but ask, "Where should I go to Shixi's restaurant?


After the car stopped, Jiang Yiming got out of the car with a salute.

"This is your real restaurant, good luck.

After the bus left, Jiang Yiming raised his head and glanced at the restaurant where he was going to Shixi, then walked in.

A waiter stepped forward.

"Welcome, I need to eat...how is it you!"

Jiang Yiming looked at the waiter in front of him and was a little dumbfounded.

This is really a bit of an enemy Lu Zhaiqiao.

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