311 Husband, you are sick, what should I choose for me? (Subscribe)

The armies of the heavens and the worlds come and go quickly.

The dazzling gate of light disappeared at the end of the Tiangong, and the terrifying pressure that was suppressing the heads of all the monks and creatures in the Sancai domain also dissipated like a tide.

In the holy city of Kunlun, Huang Minghan looked at Luo Jiutian who stayed by his side, and the two were silent for a while.

Luo Jiutian was also extraordinarily calm at the moment. When she saw Dong Mingzhuan, she had a fantastic feeling, as if the two had the same rhythm and had some kind of connection.

It’s just that Hua Mingzhuan didn’t care about her, so naturally she couldn’t say anything to her.

“You also know that this world may not really exist, you can choose to stay by her side, leave with her, and go to the worlds of the heavens, where for you, going around is more important. The vast world.” Dong Minghan was silent for a long time, and finally said.

He thought that bringing Luo Jiutian with him might have other uses, such as restraining Jiutian Xuannv.

But obviously, his guess was wrong. Jiutian Xuannv seemed to have a purpose from beginning to end, as if to make him realize that this world was only illusory and non-existent.

To wake him up?

Although Luo Jiutian was another soul of Jiutian Xuannv, Hua Minghan didn’t plan to embarrass her, because it was meaningless.

Luo Jiutian glanced at him with a complicated expression, and finally accepted the fact that Hua Minghan had no ill intentions towards her.

“I want to see this world with my own eyes…”

She said goodbye and didn’t stay long. If this world is illusory, then the things she has experienced in the past are also false?

Her parents, family, and several uncles who treat her like their own daughters, are all fake?

Luo Jiutian was a little unacceptable. She walked out of the original world with the intention of experiencing the vastness of the world and seeing with her own eyes the scenery her parents had never seen before.

But when she really came into contact with all this, Ji Muran told her that it was all illusory and didn’t exist at all?

Including her existence, is actually just a wisp of soul from a very powerful existence.

Huang Mingsai stayed in the holy city of Kunlun for several days. During this period, people with portraits approached him and asked him about his experience and traces during this period.

He didn’t mention much about the truth of this world, but told them that he was just practicing in retreat somewhere.

The portrait – Mongolian people, is not entirely convinced about this, but Hua Minghan has no plans to say more, and they do not ask more.

As for what the various races in the heavens intend to commit, it has also spread rapidly in all parts of the Three Cans Domain, and there are different versions of speculation and rumors.

During Dong Minghan’s stay in Kunlun Holy City, many familiar people also came to him.

Including Zhao Qingya, the goddess of the Heaven Bending God Sect, who has always admired him.

Zhuan Mingyue, his fiancée who had made an engagement with Hua Minghan before, also came to him, and talked with him about some recent experiences, with a bright smile on his face.

Her master escaped safely from the restricted area of ​​life, and is now recovering from his injuries in the Heaven Repairing Sect, while retreating and deducing some things.

This made Zhuan Mingyue feel a lot more at ease, and many of the worries and worries in the past disappeared.

Huang Minghan also did not talk to many acquaintances about the many things that happened during this time. Whether the existence of the Three Cans Domain was real or not was actually not important to him.

At least these people are alive in front of them.

If according to what Jiutian Xuannv said, when you really woke up, this great void dream collapsed, then does all this mean that it will disintegrate and dissipate?

However, many things did not seem to be as Hua Minghan wished. In the months after Jiutian Xuannv left, he had a continuous dream.

This is a very long dream. In the dream, the three-dimensional realm is still prosperous.

Tianjiao has risen, all ethnic groups have prospered, and the entire Sandi domain has grown stronger and more prosperous.

And a hundred years later, the Immortal Gate appeared, and a light rain of becoming immortals swept over the entire Sancai domain.

On the other side of the portal, a more vast and dazzling ancient world revealed its outline, radiant with divine light, filled with endless longevity substances.

In the past hundred years, Hua Minghan’s cultivation has reached an unbelievable level, and he has ascended with all his relatives and friends. In the immortal realm, there are longevity substances everywhere, and everyone’s lifespan has reached an unimaginable level. It is not an exaggeration to describe it in terms of longevity and Tianqi.

It is a world in which true immortality can be realized, truly detached from the world and undisturbed by samsara.

When he attains eternal life, all souls in the world will have eternal life.

However, after waking up from this dream, Hua Minghan opened his eyes and found that the entire Three-Dad Realm had changed, and there were ruins everywhere. He didn’t know what kind of disaster had happened. There are a lot of corpses floating in the middle, and many monks seem to be frozen, and they are frozen in a certain space and time.


For some unknown reason, the once glorious world of this side has dried up and died.

Huang Minghan walked through many places and saw one after another withered or shattered corpses, some of which had been turned into ashes, and some of which remained the same as before.

Endless death energy suffused the entire sky, and there were corpses everywhere, either scattered in the mountains or in the rivers…

In the huge universe and world, there is no longer any vitality.

Huang Minghan walked through various Taoist regions and never saw a familiar person again. He finally welcomed the Kunlun Holy City and sat here for a long time.

He opened his eyes again, and the scene in front of him changed again. It was no longer the familiar Sanqi domain, but a more vast and prosperous world. The grand occasion was unprecedented. The world was full of fairy lights, dazzling and dazzling.

The real immortals can be seen everywhere, preaching at random in various dojos, and the rich immortality aura pervades and interweaves under every piece of heaven and earth.

He seems to be sitting in the center of the heavens, and he also seems to stand at the end of time and space, overlooking every universe.

This is an unparalleled era. Immortal Dao has multiplied to the extreme. Endless time and space and universe are all surrendered to this.

Outside of time and space, there is a pure land that is detached from the world. Among them is a fairy mountain called Jiwu Mountain. Above the fairy mountain is a magnificent and simple dojo.

On the other side of the dojo, there is a small courtyard, accompanied by a lake, with rays of sunshine flowing in the air.

“At the end of the Dao of Heaven, everything will come to an end, and only reincarnation is the ultimate destination for all living beings…” A figure dressed in a simple silk Tsing Yi quietly flipped through ancient books in the small courtyard, without any cultivation. Fluctuate, like an ordinary person.

Huang Minghan looked at this figure, and this figure seemed to be looking at him too.

“For you, how would you choose?” This figure was him, and he was looking at himself and seemed to be asking himself.

Huang Minghan shook his head and did not speak.

“Husband, you are sick…”

Another voice rang out, which sounded like heaven and seemed to be responding to this question. This was an extremely beautiful woman. It was like a dream, not close to reality. Hua Minghan saw many familiar shadows in her.

It was the female figure he saw in the space filled with hazy mist.

“Haha, how is Qingyi’s cultivation? I haven’t considered her for a long time. Her talent only needs to be diligent. Sooner or later, she will get to that point, but she is too lazy to know. As a teacher, you can Keep staring at her a little…”

“You don’t even know how to teach your own apprentice, let me watch it for you…”

“Qingyi can be considered as you have grown up with your own eyes. She has such a lazy personality, but she has nothing to do with you. 99

“I know it’s my fault…”

“Ha ha……”

On the top of Jiwu Mountain, in the courtyard, Huang Minghan looked at himself as a person from the past, experiencing this era.

He looked at himself, every day in the courtyard, reading ancient books, as if frowning and thinking, or staring attentively, to see what to see, and he never walked through this courtyard from beginning to end.

During this process, he saw a woman who looked exactly like Yue Qingyi coming over and asked about his practice.

On the other hand, he smiled gently, telling her all kinds of essentials and main points.

It can be seen that this woman, who is exactly like Yue Qingyi, respects him very much, and often stays in the courtyard for a whole day, refusing to leave his side for half a step.

And at this time, his wife would always hook up and take her away with a helpless face.

This situation continued for many years, but in the end, a problem appeared on his body, a wisp of black air overflowed from his nose and mouth, and quickly dissipated.

How could his health be so bad at such an incredible level?

But he really found a problem. The black mist seemed to spread all over his body, and his Tao was gradually eroded by the unknown black.

“My deduction is not wrong. There is no immortality in this world. Even if I am beyond the open air, I can’t let everyone around me live forever with me.”

“If that’s the case, what’s the use of the big wish you made at the beginning?”

(Is the king okay) “When I have eternal life, even my relatives, Hongyan, can’t live forever. What’s the use of this eternal life?”

“Although I have stood at the end point, this road still has no end. Reincarnation is the eternal destination of all living beings, and only detachment from reincarnation can truly immortalize.

“This is the road that the eternal life and all souls will take.” He whispered to himself, all the ancient books in front of him were being burned and swallowed by black flames.

“Husband, you are really sick. The reincarnation you think is just a new soul carrying an old body. Such eternal life has no meaning…”

“You don’t understand. What you see is just a simple reincarnation. The true meaning of reincarnation is for the realization of true eternal life.”

His voice became cold, even in the face of his incomparably loving wife, he was never half as warm as before.

Seeing this, Huang Minghan seemed to already know what would happen in the future, he just sighed softly, his heart throbbing.

He opened his eyes again, and what he saw in front of him was still the familiar Sanji domain. It seemed that all the sights he had seen before were all illusions.

The scene of Kunlun Holy City has not changed at all.

Huang Minghan released Chu Xiuyan and the others who had been blocked by him and told them to leave. Although Chu Xiuyan and others did not know what happened, it was naturally rare for them to regain their freedom and new life. .

“For me, how do I choose?” His eyes were calm, deep and unwavering,

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