300 Unreal mirrors reality? Boundless tiredness (please subscribe)

When Huang Minghan found Yue Qingyi, she was on a lonely mountain, looking up at something.

This place is a barren ancient star outside the Three Detour Territory. There are no people around, and there is no one or any living beings. It is extremely desolate.

He also didn’t know how Yue Qingyi’s strength came to the outside world and found such a barren ancient star.

“The Feixian Island in my memory is near here. If the memory is not biased, there will be a ready-made immortal opportunity here in the future, and you will grab it…”

Yue Qingyi opened her mouth to explain, and pointed to the vast star field in front of her.

From her perspective, she can indeed see a vague and hazy outline, floating up and down in the star field ahead, and many strange and chaotic substances are wrapped around there, which is very mysterious.

Huang Minghan also looked intently and noticed this scene.

“What do you mean by strange matter, is this?” His eyes fell on the floating matter.

Yue Qingyi nodded, if it wasn’t for the memory of rebirth, she wouldn’t have been able to find this place.

Now, in her view, this place seems to be evolving and giving birth to something.

These substances seem to be real, but they don’t seem to be real.

It is in a state of being either true or not, false and not false. This state is not fixed, but will change with the observer.

That is to say, if she feels that this place is real, then this place will evolve into a real place.

If she thinks this place is false, then these substances are likely to disappear, just like a mirage and a mirror.

Yue Qingyi stayed here for a few days, and also went to investigate these substances. When she came into contact with an unidentified illusory and real idea, she found that they were like flowers in a mirror and moon in water. When they approached, they quietly disappeared. .

But when she felt that these substances were real, she could actually touch them.

Even Yue Qingyi saw a phantom of a majestic and ancient portal, condensing in it.

Isn’t that the fairy gate she saw before she was reborn?

“Do you think there is a possibility that it is these strange substances that have evolved into the fairy gate in my memory?” Yue Qingyi couldn’t help but whispered, for some reason, there was a feeling of deep fear. .

“If it develops according to the normal trajectory of the world, it is likely to be as you say…”

Huang Minghan’s guess was similar to hers. In fact, before that, he had guessed at Fang Shijie.

The legend of the fairyland is not handed down since ancient times, but appeared suddenly in a certain period of time.

And because of the rhythm of this legend, many people’s minds have memories of the immortal realm.

This means, is the illusion reflected in the reality, or is the original reality mixed with falsehood?

Huang Minghan tried to approach that hazy place. This strange substance, from a distance, looked like chaos, and seemed to have life, which was quite strange.

However, when he got closer, he found that these substances became faint.

His figure can pass through it, like smoke and mist, illusion and reality coexist.

“A place that is both true and false…”

“Dream outside the dream, outside the mirror in the mirror…”

Draw Ming Han Qingyu.

Although Yue Qingyi was good at divination, but at this moment, there was not enough divination.

She shook her head and said, “You say, the world we are in is also composed of this kind of material, the real and the illusory coexist, when someone believes in the existence of Xianyu and accepts the rumors of Xianyu, then Xianmen will When the rhyme is now, the fairyland will also be hooked.93

“Is this a fantasy reflected in reality, or a big dream reflected in reality?”

Huang Minghan looked at this piece of matter and didn’t know what to say for a while.

He thought about the words that the Golden King wanted to say to him, but he didn’t say it. Could it be because the Golden King saw the so-called truth.

Accidentally spied the truth?

But why can’t we say hook? Because speaking rhyme will lead to the collapse of reality? The whole world is on the verge of collapse?

Dong Minghan was silent, the more he thought about the village, the more he felt a splitting headache.

The eyebrows are about to explode.

Yue Qingyi noticed his expression, “What’s the matter?

Huang Minghan waved his hand, his face was a little pale, and he didn’t know what was going on. Since he experienced this symptom once in Xuannv Palace, the situation has become more serious.

When he wanted to spy on the reality of this world, there was always a thought in his subconscious that stopped him.

If he keeps snooping, what unpredictable things seem to happen?

In fact, he already has some kind of speculation in his heart, but he is not willing to continue to speculate in this way.

He wanted to find a possibility and evidence to overturn his speculation.

“There is no possibility, and there is no evidence…”

Huang Minghan was suddenly a little tired, and this tiredness came suddenly.

Yue Qingyi didn’t know what happened to him, but he felt that at this moment, Hua Minghan’s body seemed to be full of fatigue.

She didn’t know why, but deep in her heart, there was an unspeakable sourness and pity.

“If you can’t figure it out, then don’t think about it…”

Yue Qingyi said, stretched out his hand to live in Huaminghan Tower, and let his head rest on his shoulder.

Huang Minghan frowned tightly, and grabbed Yue Qingyi’s arm with his palm. Because it was too hard, Yue Qingyi frowned slightly, and then stretched it out again.

She didn’t say much, just looked at him quietly and let him recover from this state.

Huang Minghan shook his head, “It’s not that I can’t figure it out, it’s that I can’t figure it out.”

He didn’t know why, but the tiredness at the moment made him have the idea of ​​giving up everything and desperate.

Whether it is the truth of the world or the end of Taoism, it seems that it can be abandoned.

“Why does this scene give me such a familiar feeling, as if it had happened thousands of times a long time ago.”

When Yue Qingyi heard this, she was suddenly stunned.

For a while, for some unknown reason, shy thoughts and memory fragments emerged in my heart, vague and clear, distant and ancient.

In the holy city of Kunlun, Wang Yu originally practiced under the guidance of the Golden King.

After breaking the curse of the ancient divine body, her cultivation progress has been difficult in a day, and she is already catching up with many younger generations.

But during this period of time, she didn’t know why, the Golden King went crazy.

Many members of the Golden Statue Clan came here, and they also asked many respected old doctors to visit, but it was of no use, and I don’t know why.

“Very good, why is the Golden King senior like this?” Wang Yu sighed softly.

In the courtyard, many members of the Golden Statue Clan were there, persuading the Golden King.

However, the Golden King ignored everyone and pushed everyone away, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and his hair was disheveled, a divine martial spirit that had long since disappeared.

“Dieyi is still in the world, why don’t you believe me, I’m not crazy.

“You have to believe me, why don’t you believe me, you are dead people, this world is dead people, there are no living people at all…”


“Old Ancestor, Dieyi Ancestor She has been sitting down a few years ago, don’t worry about it…”

“Ancestor, people can’t be resurrected from the dead, she certainly doesn’t want to see you like this now.”

Dieyi is the former wife of the Golden King. He will go to Cangming Mountain to seek the elixir of immortality, and he also wants to ask his wife to continue her life.

But who knows that his generation of peerless god kings will be swallowed for 100,000 years.

After being rescued, it has long been vicissitudes, and his wife’s body has been turned into dust and loess.

“Since obsession can make me live another life, why can’t Dieyi live another life, as long as I believe that she is still alive, she will reappear sooner or later…”

The Golden King blasted away all the clansmen, turned into a divine light, and left without looking back.

Wang Yu’s expression was complicated, and she also felt that the Golden King was really crazy. Before she broke through, she was still fine.

But it seems that after repaying her kindness, the Golden King began to be wrong, doing some bizarre things and saying some bizarre things.

Tian Yuan “has changed again, it seems that your injury has worsened again, is it almost impossible to suppress it?

At the same time, in the depths of endless time and space, the figure that the Three Sanctuaries of Heaven, Earth and Man met.

At this moment, it seems to be standing in another, more distant and vague space-time, talking to people at will.

This tone, as if talking to an old friend, is simple and casual, and seems to have known each other for a long time.

For a long time, in this empty space and time, a plain words followed, “Yes, so what? 93

“Listening to your voice, you are already very weak. While trying to suppress the injury, you also have to figure it out with me, don’t you think Zheng?” This slender figure let out a few chuckles,

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