298 The person in the mirror or the person outside the mirror? Tianyuan riot (subscription required)

Xuanqing did not disappoint Hua Minghan. After digesting these memories, he opened his eyes and said to him, “I already know everything you want to know, and I can tell you.”

Chu Xiuyan frowned and was about to open her mouth, but Hua Minghan had already sacrificed to the Beiming Immortal Guangding and took her in again.

At this time, she no longer has any effect, and staying here is an eyesore.

Xuan Qing looked at this scene and hesitated for a moment.

“Don’t worry, for your sake, I won’t touch her for the time being.” Dong Minghan said.

He also didn’t know what was the relationship between Xuanqing and Xiuyan.

But judging from the current situation, the two definitely have a deep connection.

Moreover, he has also killed Chu Xiuyan now, this person has more restrictions than other young people.

Xuanqing nodded, and then told Xiaolei Minghan all the memories he knew about Chu Xiuyan in detail.

Including some of Chu Xiuyan’s experiences, already in Yumiaotian’s identity, and her master, Linglong Sage, known as one of the Ten Great Sages of the Heavens.

This time, Chu Xiuyan and other young taboos will come to Daluotian. Ten sages will work together to write decrees and summon the younger generations of all ethnic groups in the world of the heavens.

And their purpose is to bring chaos back to justice, so as not to divide up the power of luck that belongs to the heavens and the worlds.

Moreover, in Chu Xiuyan’s memory, Daluotian and Zhutian stood on opposite sides, and they once invaded and conquered the worlds of the heavens and the heavens.

If it wasn’t for the goddess of the Nine Heavens showing her holy hand to stop her, the heavens today would have already withered their vitality, enslaved by Daluotian, and would no longer be splendid and prosperous.

This point is completely opposite to the news that Hua Minghan got from Liuli.

Liuli said that the heavens had invaded Daluotian and wanted to divide Daluotian’s resources and snatch Daluotian’s Taoist inheritance.

In Chu Xiuyan’s memory, on the contrary, it was not that the heavens invaded the Great Luotian.

Instead, Daluotian launched a war to devour the worlds of the heavens and enslave all ethnic groups.

“The two of them have completely different rhetoric. From the current situation, we don’t know who said it is true and who said it is false. 5

“However, the Nine Heavens Empress is the founder of the heavens. In that case, the origin of the Xuannv Palace is probably not that simple.”

Dong Minghan sighed softly.

Whether this kind of thing is right or not is not important to him, what is more important now is that the heavens are indeed going to fight against the world.

And he is the first to bear the brunt, and is regarded as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

Even if he took down all the taboos of youth this time, it would be of no avail.

Those saintly monarchs in the heavens, whose strength is inexhaustible and unpredictable, can open up a stable space channel across many time and space universes, allowing a group of young people to come to Da Luotian.

That means that they can determine the coordinate position of Da Luotian, and they can come at any time through various means.

It proves that even if he has a way to kill a group of young taboos, he can’t solve anything.

“According to her memory, that Linglong Holy Monarch seems to have some origins with Xuannv Palace. No, it should be related to Xuannv Empress.” Xuanqing replied.

All the gods and tribes call Jiutian Xuannv Jiutian Niangniang, and Xuannv Palace calls her Xuannv Niangniang, which is not the same.

However, in the Three Cans Domain, there is also the existence of the Xuannv Palace in the Lower Three Realms. After leaving the Lower Three Realms, no one knows about the existence of the Xuannv Palace.

From this point of view, the worlds of the heavens and the three realms are completely opposite.

Proving Han nodded, judging from these many clues, the mysterious lady is probably one of the important causes and effects that run through the two worlds.


At this time, he suddenly thought of the heroine in Hua Mingxian’s memory, she was called Luo Jiutian.

This name, for some reason, made Hua Minghan suddenly think of the Nine Heavens Empress.

Moreover, if it is proved that Xi is the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannv, what is her relationship with the heroine named Luo Jiutian?

“If you look at it this way, it doesn’t look like a reincarnation…” Huang Minghan, thinking of the village, also began to doubt the origin of Huaming’s earnings.

“What are your plans next?”

Just when Hua Minghan was thinking about it, Xuan Qing suddenly opened his mouth and couldn’t help asking.

She learned about this part of the memory, and also knew that Lei Minghan was now involved in a terrifying vortex, and would be shattered at every turn.

The power of the heavens and the worlds, how terrifying, is simply not something that Hua Minghan can compete with.

Just those holy monarchs, just one person, have the power to destroy the Three Cans Domain.

It’s just because of the rules of heaven and earth, and the space barrier that separates the two worlds, it can’t really come, or they won’t send the younger generation to come.

“I plan to find someone first, and then make other plans.” Dong Minghan said.

Xuanqing nodded and didn’t say anything more, but she thought about it for a while, and said, “Thanks to you, I will continue to solve the numbness and pain, no matter what, I owe you a favor, if you need anything ,Please let me know.

“I’ll do everything I can to help you.

“Thank you. 99

Dong Minghan glanced at her and didn’t think too much about it. Judging from the current situation, Xuanqing’s relationship with Xiuyan could not be explained clearly.

Are the two of them the same person, or are they just similar to the person in the mirror and the person outside the mirror?

If this is the case, which side is the world in the mirror?

Three is the realm?

Or all the worlds?

“You’re welcome, I also want to know what is the relationship between me and that woman named Chu Xiuyan.

Xuan Qing shook her head, what she was thinking was not as complicated as painting Ming Han, she just felt that there was some kind of inexplicable connection between Chu Xiuyan and her.

So she guessed, could this be the older sister or younger sister of her own mother?

However, judging from Chu Xiuyan’s memory, the two had no relationship in the past, and they both lived in two completely different worlds a few decades ago.

Moreover, what puzzled Xuanqing was that she and Chu Xiuyan had vague memories of their parents before they were young, and they didn’t know who their biological parents were.

The only memory is that her master brought her when she was a child to the Xuannv Palace, taught her the exercises, and set her on the path of cultivation.

“Perhaps you can rummage through your master’s relics or something. Maybe she will leave you something you didn’t know about before.” Dong Minghan glanced at her and said.

In fact, he didn’t really believe that Xuanqing’s master would bring Xuanqing to the mountain gate because of the coincidence.

Moreover, as soon as I brought her to the mountain gate, I ordered her to go down, planning to make her the future palace lord and take over the Xuannv Palace?

At that time, Xuanqing had a cold pulse of extreme yin, and if he could not find a cure for it, he would not be able to live for long.

But despite this, her master still defied public opinion and made Xuan Qing his apprentice?

There are obviously too many problems here.

Xuanqing knew the meaning of painting Minghan, and she was thinking of it, and planned to sort out the many relics of the master.

Among them, there may be some clues about her identity.

Huang Minghan also stayed in Xuannv Palace for the time being. Although many elders and disciples speculated and wanted to know his purpose, he never explained anything.

Compared to the Three Cans Realms, the Lower Three Realms are still relatively peaceful, and the news about the heavens has not spread to a large extent.

However, Hua Minghan knew that this was only a short-lived calm, and it would not be long before the Three Cans Domain would create boundless waves.

During this time, many younger generations who were looking for opportunities in the lower realm also happened to miss this matter.

For them, they do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

After a few days, Xuan Qing kept sorting out the relics in the courtyard where her master used to live, and finally found some clues.


Her master seemed to have long expected that she would come to rummage to find out her origin in the future, so she left a letter to her early, waiting for the right time, and Xuanqing would rummage by himself.

“Master said that she was entrusted by a vague figure in a dream, and then based on the clues in the dream, she found me, and she didn’t know who my parents were. When she found me, there was no one by my side, and the four fields were silent.

Xuan Qing’s expression was complicated, and the fingers holding the letter were a little white due to the force.

Huang Minghan took the letter from her hand, glanced at it, and remained silent, the matter was similar to what he had guessed.

But who is that figure of Tuomeng?

Xuan girl?

If this is the case, what is the relationship between Jiutian Xuannv and Xuanqing and Chu Xiuyan?

At this moment, Hua Minghan felt a faint tingling pain between his brows, his head almost seemed to explode, and something seemed to be recovered from his mind.

Xuan Qing noticed his expression and couldn’t help but ask with concern, “Are you alright?”

Huang Minghan rubbed his eyebrows and shook his head. The tingling sensation was indescribable in words, as if the primordial spirit was about to split open and something spewed out of it.


He breathed a sigh of relief. The sting came and went away quickly.

At this time, Xuan Qing noticed his hand and grabbed Hua Minghan’s wrist at some point, his face was slightly abnormal, and he quickly retracted it calmly.

Huang Minghan noticed this scene, but pretended not to see it.

“Are some things, it seems, that I am not allowed to scrutinize?”

He sighed softly and looked up into the depths of the Heavenly Palace.

At the same time, it is an endless continent separated by many latitudes of time and space from the Three Cong Dao Domain.

Many figures like demons and gods are standing in front of the boundless terrifying abyss.

This abyss, as if above the sky, opened a terrifying wound in the sky, spreading for thousands of miles.

The endless love wind and chaotic airflow, constantly rushing from this abyss, are enough to destroy everything.

These figures stand guard here, staring at this terrifying abyss at all times, and at the same time tick the ancient runes the size of stars in their hands to stabilize the sky lake and prevent it from collapsing and expanding.

“Just wrapped… Tian Yuan is rioting again…”

“It’s not a good thing that Tianyuan riots again after such a long lapse. Do you want to report to the Three Saints and invite them to come here to prevent accidents. 93

“Once Tianyuan bursts and collapses, the endless death energy will completely drown the endless continent…”

These terrifying figures, like demons and gods, looked at this abyss and whispered softly, but they couldn’t hide the heavyness of their words.

Tianyuan is an opening on the easternmost side of the Endless Continent, and no one knows its origin or when it existed.

I just know that there are countless fierce, bizarre, and grotesque creatures born in the abyss.

They were ordered here to guard Tianyuan to prevent riots.

Those ferocious monsters, strange, and the threat are not very big, the most important thing is the death aura that overflows all the time.

This kind of dead energy, I don’t know how many years it has been silent, constantly eroding the vitality between heaven and earth.

If the outbreak of death energy is not prevented, then this world will sooner or later be eroded and occupied, and become a real death place.

Such a disaster is by no means something that Endless Continent can endure, and even the Three Saints are powerless to stop it.

“The gap in Tianyuan has expanded again, no way, this matter must be reported to the Three Saints and let them deal with it.

Among these figures, some people noticed that the edge of Tianyuan was constantly collapsing and expanding, and the complexion suddenly changed greatly.

Immediately, one after another figure was impulsive, turned into a streamer, and disappeared here.

They were ordered to guard here, just to keep an eye on the movement of Tianyuan, but no one knew what was on the other side of Tianyuan,

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