286 Looking for a way to go to the rest of the world, the truth of the heavens? (Subscribe)

This time, when the era changed and the new calendar began, 70% of the vast power of luck that surged from the Three Cans Domain came from Hua Hua Minghan.

And now he has only absorbed and refined 30% of these 70%, but this also allows him to let the world prototype evolve into the true meaning of rhythm, and continue to develop and improve, breaking the limit of the Supreme.

Huang Minghan himself was very surprised. He didn’t expect that the power of qi fortune would be so turbulent and vast, as endless as the rivers and Wang Yang.

No wonder in the trial grounds of the heavens, those arrogant people will look at him with that kind of eyes, it turns out that they have long known the benefits of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking.

“According to the rules, before the Xuantian Chaos Ranking has been finalized, everything is possible, and the rest of the great worlds probably don’t want to let such a massive amount of power of luck in the Yongwan Sancai Domain.

Hua Minghan guessed that, judging from the current situation, he occupies a position in the taboo of youth, which means that he has divided up the air transport resources that the rest of the great world deserves.

How can those big worlds be reconciled?

This is just an era change, and on the first day of the new calendar, there will be such an amazing reward for the power of luck.

After the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle is over and the rankings are settled, the power of luck obtained will definitely be hundreds of times, even a few sugars, tens of thousands of times.

Under the blessing of such a power of luck, one side of the world can definitely undergo earth-shaking changes, and more talents and powerhouses will be born, and the strength will be greatly increased.

In the rest of the big world, I am afraid that he has been regarded as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

Huang Ming has to consider these things that he will face in the future, but he is not too worried. Judging from the current situation, the rest of the great world may not have the means to come to Sancai Domain.

And there is currently no way for the Three Is Domain to go to the rest of the Great World.

Unless the trial field of the heavens is opened again, through the teleportation array in it, go to the temple of the heavens, and at that place, you will be able to contact the spiritual monks in the rest of the worlds of the heavens.

It’s just that Huang Minghan doesn’t know when the trial site of the heavens will open, and the place where the trial site of the heavens is located is not necessarily in the heavens.

At that time, Dong Minghan just felt it at will, and found that the fluctuation of the world’s breath surpassed a hundred kinds of chaos, as well as many dimensions, time, space, and latitude.

The so-called trial grounds of the heavens are probably just a disorderly place filled with the chaotic atmosphere of the heavens.

“As long as my strength improves fast enough, even if the creatures from the rest of the heavens come, it will not have any effect on me.

Although his current strength has surpassed the limit of the Supreme Being, he controls the real world of one party.

But Hua Minghan didn’t intend to stop his cultivation, there was still a full 70% of his luck power.

His real world has already possessed all the qualifications to manifest in the real world, but the scope and territory are not comparable to the real world.

You must know that even the old-fashioned Supremes in the Taoist forces do not necessarily control the power of the real world, and are still struggling to understand.

It is rude to say that Huang Minghan’s current real world has already formed a complete prototype, and can be used as a real world to nurture life and multiply civilization.

This alone makes many supreme beings out of reach.

“Above the Supreme is the realm of enlightenment, and it is also called the realm of emperors by the world. When you touch the threshold, you can call it Emperor Hua. Only when you open the door and succeed in nirvana, you can call it an enlightened person.

“A person who has become a Taoist is already the pinnacle of humanity. The next step is to accept the baptism of the rules of immortality and become an immortal. Let’s not talk about whether the immortal realm really exists. Since these years, the enlightened person who has appeared in the three is the realm. , a lot of…

“Since there are enlightened people, then above enlightenment, there must be a higher realm. As for whether it is a fairyland, it is hard to say.”

Huang Minghan fell into contemplation again, and concentrated on refining this huge power of qi, as if everything in this world had nothing to do with him.

In the real world, wisps of chaotic golden light pervaded, as if it had turned into a solid foundation, making the world’s barriers stronger.

And when Hua Minghan didn’t know it, he knew the space of the sea, and he was emitting a dazzling light, like the great sun of the eternal book, hanging high in this real world.

He is turning his will into the will of Heaven in the real world.

And in this process, Huang Minghan himself didn’t realize that the world he nurtured and evolved was familiar to many places, as if he had seen it before.

It’s just that he didn’t pay attention, he just kept refining the majestic power of luck and nourishing his own world.

At the level of Supreme Being, monks must condense the world imprint of thistle, which is the world that is condensed and condensed by real control.

However, Huang Minghan’s approach is more direct and simple. He directly uses his own will to replace the rules of the heavenly way and turn it into the imprint of the heavenly heart and the personality of the world.

Only in this way, he finally truly controls the real world of this side, and his mind is the will of this side of the world.

In the days that followed, Huang Minghan continued to expand his territory while improving the rules and order of the real world.

At the beginning, there was only one star field, but it gradually expanded to the size of several square star fields.

During this process, Huang Minghan began to change the substances in the real world, and some of the most primitive substances appeared, such as dust, liquid, solid, and mist.

Soon, sand, temperature, light, green trees, green hills, tender grass, and streams also appeared…

Some substances that will evolve for countless years and will appear in the future are hooked into the real world in Hua Minghan’s thoughts.

He is like a creator, adding bricks and bricks to an empty world, creating all the substances he can think of into it.

However, he doesn’t know exactly what his real world will evolve into in the end, he is just creating it by feeling.

“The world level, at the back, will definitely jump to a level comparable to the Three Rough Dao Realm, or even a higher level.” Qi.

“So it can’t be an ordinary world. It must have extraordinary power and means. It is inevitable to cultivate Taoism and become immortal…”

According to his original plan, Huang Minghan is creating this world in smudged, and he has already begun to think about changing the material level to create a spiritual energy that can be used for the birth of spiritual intelligence and continuously stronger.

He didn’t know how long this lasted, until the huge and vast power of luck disappeared in the evening, and Huaming Hanjiu came back to his senses from this state.

“There is already a prototype of a universe, with a hint of a small rough world…

Huang Minghan sensed the current situation in the real world on his side and was quite satisfied.

But he didn’t know if it was his own illusion. It seemed that when he created this world, he possessed omnipotent magic power, and the whole world seemed to be his thoughts.

All sentient beings are happy, angry and lamented because of his one thought, and they are also disillusioned with life and death because of his one thought.

At this time, the majestic and vast power of luck seemed to belong to him.

Under the blessing of such power, Hua Minghan only feels that he is almost omnipotent. He can understand the past and present in the future, create the cycle of birth and death, and take charge of the destiny of the heavens.

Of course, Dong Minghan also knows that this is just his illusion, and his current strength cannot reach this level.

“I don’t know how long it has been?”

Huang Minghan slowly opened his eyes and scanned the scene in front of him.

Everywhere on the top of the mountain, there are a large number of living beings gathered, looking at the place where he is reverently and respectfully from a distance.

Seeing him wake up, these creatures were also disturbed, and many figures wanted to approach, but Hua Minghan thought for a while, and the figure disappeared from the place with a swipe.

He didn’t know how long he had been cultivating in this place, but the increase in strength could be described as terror.

This even gave Hua Minghan an illusion that the mana in his body was endless, as long as he wanted to, there would be endless mana pouring into the world for him to use.

He himself seemed to be at one with the world.

After that, Hua Minghan returned to the portrait. It was half a year since he disappeared. The matter of Kunlun Holy City has already faded from the vision of many geniuses, and the eyes of many Taoist forces are now placed in many lower realms. Send Tianjiao to go, grab the opportunity, and frantically improve the strength.

During this period of time, the rankings on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking were also changing rapidly. Almost every day, the rankings of Tianjiao had undergone amazing changes, either by inheriting them, or by obtaining valuable treasures.

Many young people in the Sandi domain have also begun to show their prominence.

Of course, what attracts the most attention is the name of the young taboo on the Xuantian Chaos List. In the past six months, there has been another woman named Chu Xiuyan, from Yumiaotian among the heavens.

She has always regarded herself as Young Master Lemiao, and was the first person under the taboo of young people on the Xuantian Chaos List outside the realm.

But this time, it was a strong defeat of one of the young taboos, occupying the ranking that originally belonged to the young taboo.

Of course, there are still eleven young taboos on the Xuantian Chaos List. Dong Minghan’s rhythm is an accident, and Daluotian was not included in the category of the heavens at first.

Where is Yu Miaotian, the Taoist monks in the Three Cans Domain do not know.

Just through the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, after knowing that there is such an ancient and powerful world in the heavens, it is one of the most powerful worlds in the ten directions.

After returning to the painting, many portrait elders came to him and asked Hua Minghan where he went during this time.

Huang Minghan casually perfunctory, but later asked about what happened during this time.

The portrait also sent many disciples to go to various places to experience, and some of the lower realms attached to Gai also sent young clansmen over.

Hua Minghan has heard about these things, but it is not surprising. As for the old mention of Yiju clan, Huang Minghan doesn’t care about the matter of coming to worship, just let them shirk it.

With his current strength, followers are of little use.

– The elders of the Ju clan naturally focus on the opinions of Hua Minghan, and many people have noticed that Dong Minghan’s current cultivation base makes it difficult for them to see clearly.

This shocked them, but also felt incredible.

In the half year that Hua Minghan disappeared, another thing happened.

Huang Mingzhuan’s biological father was confronted by the clan and asked her where to go, and then went directly to the Lower Three Realms to find Huang Mingzhuan.

As expected by Lei Minghan before, he had been swallowed in a secret realm and could not leave.

After learning about many things that Lei Minghan helped Gai Guo, he really wanted to meet him, but Hua Minghan was not in the clan, so he missed this opportunity.

This incident reminded Hua Minghan that Hua Ming earned money and was considering whether to see her.

Because he thought of the phantom of the woman he saw in the mysterious space, the phantom of the woman had the shadows of Saintess Yaochi, Wang Yu, Su Mingyue and others, but there was no clear picture.

Logically, Dong Mingzhuan is also the daughter of luck, and has deep contact with him, but why does he have no similarities with that woman’s phantom.

If that mysterious space is affecting his sensory memory, then it shouldn’t be so, Dong Mingxiao should also be involved.

“According to Lin Xue’s memory, Dong Ming learned that she has a lot of connections with Jiutian Xuannv of the so-called Xuannv Palace. Could it be this relationship?”

Huang Minghan shook his head, letting go of this idea for the time being.

In that mysterious space, he took the female phantom into the container and sealed it there.

If there is an abnormality, it can be noticed at any time.

“I don’t know where that Liuli is now. If I find her, it will solve some of my doubts. 97

Huang Minghan could only put all these things aside and start thinking about how to plunder more luck, according to the rules of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle.

As long as he defeats those geniuses, he will be able to obtain the corresponding air luck rewards. The higher the ranking, the more air luck he can get.

Because behind those arrogances, there is a party of Taoist forces as support, and even more, there is a connection with the world behind them.

The essence of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle was to plunder their own luck.

It’s just a pity that Huang Minghan still doesn’t know how to go to the rest of the world.

Cross the universe, tear space and time?

This method seems to be unworkable. After all, at the other end of time and space, it can be guaranteed that he can come and find the rest of the big world?

Or is it that there is a layer of barriers outside the Three Cans Domain, and as long as you break through that layer of barriers, you can access the rest of the worlds in the heavens?

It’s a pity that even if he asks the ancestors of the clan, they (Wang Xiaozhao) don’t know about these things, and it is even more alarming that he is looking through ancient books.

Huang Minghan could only rely on finding Liuli.

At the same time, in the great world of the heavens, inside a palace in the deepest part of Lotte.

A white-haired old concubine, fluttering all over, seems to be sitting at the end of endless time and space.

The surrounding is full of the sense of imperial magic cut by time and space, as if nothingness does not exist.

She closed her eyes tightly, as if she had never moved for a long time, the breath on her body was long and long, ancient and vicissitudes.


Below the white-haired old concubine, a slender figure stood respectfully, with blue silk like a waterfall, and a beautiful face.

The whole body seems to have a sense of disillusionment in time and space, which is extremely powerful.

It was Chu Xiuyan, who was known as Young Master Yumiao, and one of the new taboos of young people on the Xuantian Chaos List.

Back then, “We, the worlds of the ten directions, jointly signed and formulated the All-Heaven Covenant, resisted the Great Luotian, and cut off the connection between all the Heavens and it. This prevented it from constantly eroding the luck of all the Heavens, and prevented a tragic disaster from happening. Otherwise, I can’t imagine the consequences. I’m afraid that all the heavens have to be infected by this, contaminated with ominous and dark, and withered vitality, how can there be today’s prosperous appearance…”

“But I didn’t expect that after being cursed and abandoned by the heavens, the covenant of the heavens cut off the connection between Da Luotian and the heavens, and buried it there. After many years, someone will open the gates of the heavens and let the aura of the heavens permeate again. go.”

“The era has changed, and the vast fortunes on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking have been intercepted and plundered. If this continues, once Daluotian is restored to its former appearance, it will be even more for us all heavens. A catastrophe. 93

The white-haired old lady opened her mouth, although her eyes were closed, she seemed to have endless wisdom, she could see the past and present, and see through the world.

“The disciples all know what the master said. Daluotian is not tolerated by the heavens. In many great worlds today, there are still records of the original disaster.” Chu Xiuyan respectfully said,

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