276 Huang Minghan’s plan to break through the curse of the ancient gods

The foot of Yaochi Wonderland Mountain.

Kunlun Holy City.

The weather in the city is rough, and the palaces, towers and pavilions are row upon row, endless and majestic.

The clouds are steaming, the silver waterfalls are falling, and many ancient sacred mountains are located in the depths, soaring so high that they can’t see the top.

The disciples, elders, and big figures of the immortal Dao Lineages, the forces, and the great people are often caught in this city, hiding dragons and crouching tigers, which is extremely lively.

Because some time ago, the Golden Statue Clan rescued the Golden King in this city, attracting all the enemies to invade, the Kunlun Holy City attracted the attention of all parties in the Sandi region.

During this period of time, the city has been bustling like never before. Many ancient warships, climbing cars, and big men descended. One after another, divine rainbows swept from the sky and landed in the city.

The Golden King has been reborn in Nirvana, and his cultivation has reached a new level. It is suspected that he has become a quasi-emperor. In today’s great world, he is an invincible existence that absolutely sweeps the world and traverses the universe.

When all parties came to court, the scene was so grand and magnificent, including the immortal forces, who sent people to send many congratulatory gifts.

During the period when the Golden King was sitting in the holy city of Kunlun, he accepted a woman named Wang Yu as his disciple and announced it to the world.

There were also some immortal dao lineages before, who knew some things about this woman, and knew that she seemed to have a lot of treasures and was targeted by Wanlongling.

In the Yaochi Wonderland, at the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother of the West, she even had a conflict with Wanlongling. Later, thanks to the portrait of the young master, she appeared and helped her out.

This time, he happened to break into Cangming Mountain and learned that the Golden King was caught. It was also because Wanlongling sent someone to hunt him down and wanted to snatch her treasure.

This time, the Golden King accepted her as a disciple and announced it to the world. From a certain point of view, it was also to support Wang Yu.

At the same time, the King of Gold also shouted to Wanlongling from the air, asking Wanlongling to give his apprentice an explanation, otherwise, don’t blame him for being ruthless and bullying the small.

Behind the attack of the enemies this time, some people have also discovered the shadow of some immortal forces, including Wanlongling.

That is to say, Wanlongling also attacked the Golden King this time, and this time the Golden King was reborn in Nirvana, intending to liquidate all parties.

This matter caused a lot of commotion and discussions, and it was also the most eye-catching event after the Xuantian Chaos List was removed.

Many Daoist forces came to Kunlun Holy City for the first time, just to witness this grand occasion. The Golden King is in the sky, and his cultivation base is unparalleled.

Even if the immortal forces faced such a person, they would feel a headache and troublesome, not to mention the golden statues behind the golden king.

This is an ancient ethnic group known as the Uncrowned Family, with a profound background and the courage to call the Banxian Dao forces.

“I heard that the woman named Wang Yu is an ancient god body. It is recorded in the ancient books that in the ancient times, it could be called a terrifying physique that existed in the Way of Enlightenment. It’s a pity that it was born in the wrong era, and now it has been reduced to a waste body. 22

“Even those immortal great sects can’t cultivate an ancient god body at a lot of cost, because she is destined to be unable to open up a spiritual sea, forge a soul palace, and achieve a god foundation. The environment of heaven and earth is already uncomfortable to ask her…”

“But I heard from a friend that he has a good relationship with the Golden Clan. It is said that in order to thank Wang Yu for his kindness, the Golden King decided to use the power of the whole clan to help her break the curse. She married into the golden statue family.”

“It seems that the ancestors of the golden statue family and the ancient golden gods in the ancient gods have many origins…

Huang Minghan listened to the whispers of several monks in the pavilion, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

After learning about this, he crossed the field and came to the Holy City of Kunlun, and wanted to see it.

He knows the curse problem on Wang Yu, but since she is the daughter of luck, she should be able to break the shackles, which is why Dong Minghan was optimistic about her at the beginning.

Apart from the matter about Wang Yu, what he heard the most was the news of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking. In today’s Kunlun Holy City, there is an inscription of the Heavenly Dao manifested on it. The name of the heir.

Many monks and creatures are guessing where he is now. Some people think that he is still in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao and has not left.

However, in the past few days, the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao has been closed, and Tianjiao who entered before has also been teleported, and when the next time is opened, I don’t know when it will be.

As for those Tianjiao, what chance they got in it, it is not something that everyone can guess.

Huang Minghan didn’t care about these things. After he came to Kunlun Holy City, he contacted his subordinates and asked about Lei Mingxian’s whereabouts.

There are some things he needs to ask Hua Mingxian.

In that mysterious space, the power of his mind was inexplicably much stronger, and at that time, Dong Mingxian was also in touch with the power of karma and destiny. Maybe something was touched, and there will be these changes in the future. .

However, the news he received later made him a little stunned. Hua Mingxian had already left the open-air arrogant ancient battlefield a few days ago, and returned to the Xiaotongxian Temple, where he retreated without seeing anyone.

The man in the bronze mask who had been talking about killing before also let go, and did not send him to hunt him down again.

Huang Minghan could only put his eyes on Liuli, but that guy was nowhere to be found, and he didn’t know where Liuli was now, so he couldn’t get in touch with her.

Logically, she should know a lot of secrets about Da Luotian, but when she was in the trial grounds of the heavens, she was very shy and did not want to say more.

Huang Minghan could only give up for the time being, put the matter aside, and see if there is a chance in the future, meet Liuli again, and ask her about it again.

In addition, Huang Minghan is also sending people to find out where the so-called “Jiwu Mountain” is.

This is related to the truth of the sitting true immortal before he was seriously injured. In the dark, it gave Hua Minghan a very important feeling.

Afterwards, after leaving this place, Hua Minghan went straight to the City Lord’s Mansion. After all, the City Lord of Kunlun Holy City was his uncle in name.

In the City Lord’s Mansion, he unexpectedly met Zhao Qingya, now the saint of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

When Zhao Qingya saw him, she was also very pleasantly surprised. She seemed to have a lot of reminiscences that she wanted to talk to Huang Minghan.

However, Hua Minghan just suddenly thought of Mingyue, the daughter of his fiancee luck, and now there is no news, and he doesn’t know where he is.

Since the birth of the Xuantian Chaos List, Huang Minghan is the first time he has revealed his true body in front of outsiders.

Zhao Qingya was kind and understanding, and did not ask much about other things, but only talked about some recent experiences and her ranking on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking.

After the Kunlun Holy City Lord appeared, he was also surprised. Then, according to his habit, he fought with Hua Minghan. The result was shocked to find that he was no longer Gai Minghan’s opponent, and he would even be easily suppressed by him.

This made him sluggish in place for a while, almost unable to regain his senses.

In the early years, he was the cultivation base of the Great Sacred Realm, but in the blink of an eye, how long has it been since he was easily suppressed by Hua Minghan?

All this is too dreamy and inconceivable, and it can no longer be described by monsters and freaks.

Zhao Qingya, who witnessed this scene with her own eyes, was also so shocked that Xiaozui couldn’t ask questions for a long time.

She finally understood why Hua Minghan had become a recognized taboo for young people on the Xuantian Chaos List.

This is an unattainable level and level for her peers. She can’t imagine the level of Hua Minghan’s strength.

Originally, her admiration for Dong Minghan also carried some inexplicable hope, but now, when she saw it, this hope became more and more bleak, making her feel inferior, even if she was a saint who was touted by countless young geniuses in the Three Rough Dao Domain?

I am afraid that only in the great world of the heavens, those equally dazzling and dazzling daughters of the heavens are qualified to stand side by side with him.

Huang Minghan didn’t explain anything, his strength was extremely strong.

It’s not that he was overconfident, even before, he was not necessarily defeated when facing this cheap uncle.

It’s just that the improvement is so obvious now that it’s hard to hide.

After staying in the City Lord’s Mansion for a few days, in addition to Zhao Qingya coming to chat with him, it is peaceful and quiet, and the Kunlun Holy City has become more and more lively, even some of the ancestors of the golden statue family seem to be Appeared.

At the same time, as if to verify the speculations of all parties, the golden car and the divine ship of the Golden Elephant Clan would come from time to time, and it seemed to carry a large amount of resources to be used for crossing the border.

All parties, Yundong, are paying close attention to all this, and many of the younger generation have also rushed over and are very interested.

At the same time, in the residence of the Golden Statue Clan in the Kunlun Holy City, the palaces were formed, and the pavilions were like clouds.

A tall and slender woman in a long palace dress, with a thin and beautiful face, was sitting on a bluestone.

Below is a pond, the water surface is clear, there will be a few fish swimming by from time to time, and the environment is very quiet.

The calf under the dress, slender and white temporarily, like jade, with luster, rippling on the pool surface, causing layers of ripples.

On the side, a purple-dressed woman with a peerless face, propped her chin, and sat on the stone bench, looking a little bored.

“It seems that this senior Golden King really intends to help you clear the border, and has already sent clansmen and sent so many resources. 93

“Just wait for the night of the next full moon to help you open up the spiritual sea, forge the soul palace, open up the territory and break the curse of the ancient gods…”

The woman in the purple skirt said, her tone was a little careless, and she seemed a little envious, it was Tang Mei.

The woman in the palace dress is naturally Wang Yu, she shook her head and said, “I didn’t expect it to be so difficult to break through. If Senior Golden King helps me fail this time, then I will be great Maybe it will fall, and it will disappear directly, this world, it is really uncomfortable to ask the ancient gods to practice.”

She helped the Golden King at first, but she didn’t expect him to reciprocate, she just wanted to repay the kindness that the other party sent her and Tang Mei to leave Cangming Mountain safely.

When the enemies of the Golden Elephant Clan attacked, she had no choice but to think of a way to let all the elders of the Golden Elephant Clan draw her essence and blood, condense it into great medicine, and help the Golden King.

Because she accidentally swallowed a dragon egg, her bloodline underwent some transformation.

The effect of the dragon egg has not been completely refined, and now she is equivalent to a walking humanoid medicine.

If she doesn’t do this, then the Golden King-fallen, she and Tang Mei will die, and there will be no life left.

As for the matter of the Golden King accepting her as his apprentice, it was also considering that the descendants of Wanlongling were concerned about the treasures she carried and wanted to protect her safety.

“.” Senior Golden King attaches great importance to love and righteousness, but I see him, he has already given up his mind, it should be learned that the sweetheart he wanted to rescue has already turned into a sliver of loess.

“Help me this time, I’m afraid I also want to repay the kindness at the end of my life.” Wang Yu said with admiration and respect.

She deeply admires this senior golden king who cares deeply about love and justice.

Back then in Cangming Mountain, knowing that she and Tangmei had obtained the treasure, they didn’t even have the idea of ​​robbing it.

Instead, he told them the correct route to leave, and helped them at the end without expecting anything in return.

In this world, apart from Hua Minghan and Tangmei, the Golden King is the third person who is kind to her, such as her mentor and elder.

“Let’s not talk about this, how confident are you when you cross the border this time?” Tang Mei shook her head and changed the subject.

Hearing this, Wang Yu’s face also became a little heavy. After thinking about it, he replied, “It’s less than 10%.”

She originally thought that she swallowed the dragon egg, and then obtained the inheritance of the ancient gods, and it was absolutely certain that she could break through the border.

But who knows, when they really encounter a bottleneck, they will find out how difficult the light card is, and it will vanish into thin air and shatter into pieces.

“Is it less than 10%? I think Senior Golden King should have expected this as well. In today’s era, the ancient divine body really can’t break the curse. He should be sure to protect your life.

“Also, Senior Golden King, I am afraid that you will be bullied after you lose your cultivation base, and want you to marry into the Golden Elephant Clan and marry that Golden Tuo. (Wang Liao Zhao)”

“Thinking about it like this, it’s really hard work.” Tang Mei thought of this and couldn’t help but admire.

When Wang Yu heard this, he just shook his head and said, “I rejected Senior Golden King’s marriage plan, no matter what the final result is, I don’t want to marry someone I’ve never met, not to mention…

“Besides, you already have someone in your heart, right?” Tang Mei suddenly smiled and snatched her last sentence.

Wang Yu glared at her and said, “You talk too much.

Tang Mei ignored her, just said to herself, “Your sweetheart, but now the taboo person on the Xuantian Chaos List, as far as I know, outside the Three Cans Domain, there are countless other people with The world is also vast and vast, and the Xuantian Chaos List lists the geniuses in these worlds. Among them, Young Taboo only takes ten people, and he occupies one of them impressively.”

“I can’t even count the darling daughter of heaven who admires him. Where can I get you tons. 99

“You have no chance with him. I advise you to get rid of this idea as soon as possible. The little sparrow still wants to eat swan meat, hum.”

Although Wang Yu was already used to her nasty words, he was also annoyed at the moment, and he wanted to join her.

“I don’t know who said before that the policeman was to be taken to warm the bed, and you swore to promise me that you would go if you could, the policeman made me look down on you…”

“Okay, how dare you say this, I don’t know who had a messy dream one day, and called the policeman’s name. After waking up, he hurriedly got up to change his clothes.”

Hearing this, Qi Mei was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and began to expose her shortcomings again.

Soon the two women were playing together and frolicking in one column, dissipating the heavy atmosphere that had just been around.

Wang Yu’s mood was also inexplicably better, and finally said to Tang Mei with itchy teeth, “I tell you, don’t bully the poor girl, maybe one day I will eat the swan meat, you old goblin, only You can look greedy.”

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