274 Huadong’s heavens and worlds, Xuantian Chaos Ranking (please subscribe)

The All-Heaven Sect was in turmoil, spewing out endless rays of light, as if there was a vast world that glowed, emerging on the other side of the portal.

Huang Minghan bathed in this light and rain, and seemed to feel the most pure and wonderful sound of heaven and earth, the rhythm of the avenue, one after another.

Those jet-black shackles, also under the reflection of this light and rain, continued to emit black smoke and fell, and eventually all disappeared.

He actually didn’t know what would happen when he opened the gates of the heavens, but at this moment, all kinds of wonderful truths sounded, as if there were reincarnations, and the heavens were boundless.

Huang Minghan even had a feeling that he had become the will of the heavens. As far as he could see, he was the territory of the heavens, and the life and death of the endless universe were all in his mind.

And at the moment when Hua Minghan opened the gate of the heavens, the real worlds of the heavens were also undergoing shocking changes.

The Xuantian Chaos Ranking standing in the major worlds made a thunderous rumbling sound, endless rays of light surged on the surface, immortal light, chaotic energy, and all kinds of terrifying substances were boiling.

Each inscription on the Heavenly Dao inscription is changing, as if influenced by the will of the heavens, and the world named Daluotian is slowly imprinting it on it.

Many rankings also changed dramatically in an instant.

“The ranking of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking has begun to change, and there is an extra world named Daluotian…”

“This Da Luotian, why does it feel like I’ve heard it before, but I can’t remember where I heard it. 99

“However, the Xuantian Chaos Ranking will change at this time, most likely because a major event has occurred in the trial grounds of the heavens, which is really amazing. This kind of thing has not happened for a long time.” ”

The changes in the list immediately attracted the attention of many people from all over the world.

And the three words Daluotian caused huge waves.

Some of the older beings have their pupils shrunk and their hearts tremble, obviously knowing some secrets.

The appearance of Daluotian immediately made them understand that in the trial grounds of the heavens, accidents are likely to occur.

Moreover, some of the rankings on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking have also changed rapidly, listing many young creatures from Daluotian.

Among them, the most notable is that in the taboo column of youth, there is an additional name of a young man.

To know the taboos of youth, ten people have always been selected, and if the rest are on the list, you must defeat the people on the list and replace them.

Now, the list has been re-established, and without revealing the reason, another young taboo has been established.

It is equivalent to the fact that there are eleven young taboos in the worlds of today’s heavens, which can be said to be the first precedent in history, which is really shocking.

In addition to being shocked, many people began to wonder who the young man with the surname was, and what qualifications he had, making Xuantian Chaos Ranking an exception.

This matter soon caused a huge sensation in the worlds of the heavens. It was like a big earthquake. The monks who got the news wanted to discuss it.

All ethnic groups and forces immediately dispatched personnel to investigate the matter.

Soon after that, some things that happened before the landing were also spread to all parts of the bay with the return of Tianjiao, causing another major earthquake.

At the beginning, only a few people knew about this, but with the help of people with a heart, the news soon spread to all the worlds and the world. amazing.

What the young man surnamed Huang did in front of the All-Heaven Hall was also widely praised, shocking countless cultivators.

Whether it is to open the gate of the heavens, or to easily kill a young forbidden Dharma body, it is an astonishing and shocking thing.

Wuliangtian’s young taboo Daojiu was also talked about a lot. Who would have thought that a young taboo would appear in it, but he was quickly defeated and the body of the law collapsed and disappeared.

Today’s world of the heavens is connected with each other, news spreads very fast, and all kinds of details are hooked by Tianjiao’s oral narration that he witnessed at that time, as if they were there, and all the creatures who heard the news were amazed.

Of course, some people felt that the young man surnamed Huang was rhyming from the land abandoned by the sky, and was destined to bring ominous and disaster to the heavens.

Instead of letting him grow up, it is better to do it earlier, so as not to be unbalanced in the future and lead the calamity to the heavens.

The heavens and the worlds have different ideas and plans for this matter, involving a young taboo from the land abandoned by the sky,

This kind of thing is not easy to handle.

How prosperous and huge is the fortune carried by the young taboo, how can it be said that checks and balances can be checked and balanced?

If this kind of thing is not handled properly, it will always lead to troubles and endless disasters.

In the depths of the immeasurable sky, in a space-time gap surrounded by immortal mist, Dao Jiu, who is honing a certain secret technique with a torrent of void, is carrying his hands on his back.

A stream of light came flying in front of them, all of which were jade slips from all over the heavens and all over the world, all of which were discussions on this matter in the great world.

His eyes are very cold. Compared with the previous Dharma body, the deity’s aura is more restrained, and there is no such lawless domineering power, but it gives people a more terrifying feeling, like a volcano that may erupt at any time.

“I will kill you with my own hands and wash away my shame this time.” He muttered to himself indifferently, and he was still unwilling to that battle in his heart.

In any case, defeat is exposure, although there is a reason to underestimate the enemy, but that is the truth.

However, this does not affect Dao Jiu’s self-confidence in his own strength, and his ignorance of Dao will not be shaken in the slightest.

At the same time, outside Yumiaotian, an extremely empty palace, Kun Xuan, who had returned from the ground, respectfully knelt down and reported what happened in it in detail.

In the depths of the palace, that slender figure was refining a treasure in the shape of a pagoda, and strands of the power of luck came from all directions and was ingested by her.

“Go on, this young master already knows the matter.”

She opened her mouth lightly, her voice sparse and warm, like a young son, who was polite.

Kun Xuan heard the words and got up and left, and soon turned into a stream of light and disappeared outside the hall. When he was sent out of the receiving ground, Dong Minghan had not yet fought against Daojiu, nor opened the gate of the heavens. These things, he It was only found out later.

He just told the master, the master of the township, what happened when he encountered Hua Minghan on the escort boat.

“Very clever, not only saw through my thoughts, but also disturbed my calculations.”

After Kun Xuan left, the slender figure in the hall was refining the pagoda, shook his head gently, pulled out his hair, and showed a bit of interest on his face.

“It’s a pity, it’s from that place, otherwise I’d like to go and see it in person, but opening the gate of the heavens, does it mean that the contract will be torn up?

“But I don’t know what the contract is. Among the worlds in the world, the top ten worlds have all signed a contract together. Could it be to check and balance that place? Chu Xiuyan couldn’t help thinking. , thought of many secrets.

At the moment when Hua Minghan blasted open the gates of the heavens, not only the worlds of the heavens, but even the inscriptions on the inscriptions on the Heavenly Dao in the Three Cans Domain were also undergoing a shocking change.

Originally, there was nothing about the existence of the Three Cans Domain, and there was no Tianjiao who was qualified to enter the list.

But then, an inexplicable aura descended between heaven and earth, which seemed to establish a certain connection between the inscription of the heaven and the earth and the will of heaven and earth in the Three Cong Tao domain.

On the ancient inscriptions that rose from the ground, Fuguang was like a sea, astonishingly bright, as if alive, and some names began to manifest on it.

Some of the names of the descendants of the Immortal Dao forces are now on these inscriptions, but they are all at the back and can only be ranked in the bottom four.

This change once again stirred up the whole region of the Three Cans, and countless cultivators were shocked, and they had no choice but to shake the existence of this list’s authenticity.

Many younger generations began to look for their names on this list with some kind of expectation.

However, on the inscription of the Heavenly Dao, there is a mysterious power shrouded in it. The higher the place, the more blurred it is, and it requires a strong cultivation base to be able to see clearly.

Not all of them are listed in detail, and some are ambiguous, but have a vague concept of strength.

Many people began to wonder if there was a treasure behind this Xuantian Chaos Ranking that was calculating all of this, and Jie Neng could clearly list the facts and facts of many arrogances in detail.

It’s just that these can’t be determined. After learning about the Three Detour Domain, there may be a more vast, true Queen of the Heavens.

All the great powers also began to make up their minds, and at the first time, they found the existence of the older generation with high strength to determine the rank of Tianjiao on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking.

Apart from the rest of the great worlds of the heavens, they wanted to make it clear that now in the Three Cans Domain, which geniuses are on the list, and what their rankings are, so they have a general idea.

At the same time, the two mysterious angels wearing black and white masks in the ancient palace hidden in the depths of the void did not expect such a change in the end.

However, they have no right to oversee, and have already reported many things that happened in the Three Cans Domain to the place behind them.

After Hua Minghan left, he arrived at the Sanda Realm, but instead of lying in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, he appeared outside.

In the end, he didn’t see what was behind the portal of the heavens, but in the vagueness, it still gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

As for the turbulence caused by the empty atmosphere of good fortune in the Hall of the Heavens, it was not something he considered.

Huang Minghan did not stay in it for a long time, his figure stepped into the sea and was teleported outside.

His harvest this time can be said to be huge, the vast energy of good fortune pushed his cultivation to an extremely terrifying level.

He is already at the fourth level of the holy realm, which is the level of the great holy realm.

The next step is for him to leap to the sky, evolve and condense his own small world, and become the supreme.

And opening up his own small world is also the symbol of the Supreme Realm cultivator, and each of them is a living fossil-level character in all races and traditions.

Huang Minghan has long been prepared for this. The so-called small world means that he needs to make his own prototype of the world real, and condense the true meaning of the world in chaos. , open up a small world.

And the ancient supreme beings with vast mana, after opening up a small world, can create a Taoism in it, and have their own Taoist field.

If you want to jump from the Great Sacred Realm to the sky, you must understand the true meaning of the birth of the world in the chaos, know how the world is born, and prepare for the transition from your own small world to a higher-level world.

When Huang Minghan was in the realm of the king of gods, he condensed three domains, time and space, the innate five elements, and the stars of the heavens, and now the three domains have also been transformed into the three original meanings in the prototype of his world, representing the birth of the first birth. the three avenues.

Generally speaking, the small world opened up and evolved by the Supreme has no so-called rules and great roads. Therefore, it is not so much a small world as it is a lawless “initial” space.

And Hua Minghan, the prototype of the world with three avenues, means that once his prototype of the world becomes real, it will jump to a very high level in one fell swoop. It will form its own rules and have its own avenues. concise.

2.3 This helped Huang Minghan to save a long time of penance.

You must know that many Supreme Beings spent a long time in the long process of cultivation, condensing their own small world and perfecting the rules.

And perfecting the small world requires a lot of resources and mana support. Many supreme beings are trapped in this situation for this reason.

Like Zhou Chanxuan’s master, the mother-in-law of the Supreme Realm Golden Snake, as a painter, because the portrait can provide her with many resources for her practice.

As the young master of the portrait, Huang Minghan will naturally not be short of resources at that time, and he is not worried about this, but the process of condensing will always consume a lot of time.

With these three avenues, countless time and energy can be saved for him.

“At present, it’s still too early to think about these things, but regarding the matter of Da Luotian, this time around the Three Cans Domain, I’m afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

Huang Minghan turned to think about the so-called Da Luotian thing, and he felt that he should find Liuli and ask her personally.

When they received the land, many other great world’s arrogances regarded Daluotian as a place abandoned by the sky, and they were extremely afraid and fearful. So, what should have happened before.

It’s a pity that there is no record of this kind of thing in Sanjiyu.

Moreover, the Three Cans Domain should only be a part of Daluotian, the real Daluotian is estimated to include the real Immortal Domain.

However, Xianyu has long since become a legend in the Sanda region, and it has been a long time since a cultivator ascended to Xianyu and became an immortal. 274.

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