268 The first person under the taboo, his token is worthless (please subscribe)

What happened in the trial grounds of the heavens has long since grown wings and quickly spread all over the place.

All the worlds in the heavens caused a great sensation, as if a great earthquake had occurred.

The monks and souls who heard the news were all shocked, shocked, and unbelievable.

Dart Miaotian is the great world of the heavens, and it is enough to rank in the top ten great worlds.

The territory is vast, the background is profound, the horror is indescribable and unimaginable, and the vast worlds and relay worlds under its jurisdiction are countless.

And Yumiao Xianzong is Yumiaotian as a tyrannical line of Taoism, which overwhelms the ancients and prosperous.

Even if the lightning dies, it will not rot. It has stood in the long river of time, overlooking the heavens, and it is extremely powerful.

At this moment, in the depths of time and space in the Dao Miao Xianzong, the strong police’s immortal light is surging, and the palaces and pavilions are formed into pieces, magnificent and vast.

The sky is full of rays of light, like a fairy mist, like a fairyland in myths and legends.

“Miss, there is an accident in the things in the Temple of the Heavens…”

A beautiful girl, kneeling in front of a palace, is reporting something.

In the depths of this palace tower, there seems to be a boundless aura of destiny surging, and it is hazy.

From time to time, immortal light and chaotic fog diffused from the beginning of time. Although it was only a wisp, it also caused a world-shattering vision, which was terrifying.

– A vaguely slender figure, sitting cross-legged in the depths, seems to be sitting on the top of endless time and space, and seems to be standing in the current world, extremely mysterious.

“I have already received news from the family. This time, on the way to the All Heavens Palace, there was a suspected existence of a young taboo. I don’t know which day it came from. The strength is unfathomable and unfathomable.”

“No one could resist his palm, and it was all shot into the sea and sent out. 97

“Although Kunxuan was instructed by me to take a ray of good fortune to help me refine the Linglong Eight Lights Pagoda and control a ray of destiny, but with his strength, he is by no means the opponent of that mysterious man. I am afraid it will fail.”

“So, I have used the secret method to instruct Kun Xuan to let him pay attention to the news of the mysterious man. If there is a chance, you can leave an olive branch. If you can get a ray of good fortune, it will be even better…”

“Nowadays, the fate of the great world is unpredictable, the river of fate is hidden, the secret of heaven is not revealed, and the future is uncertain. If I can get that ray of fortune, help me capture and control a ray of destiny, then rely on my talent and accumulated experience. , can be transformed into a young taboo in one fell swoop.

This vaguely slender figure came out with calm words.

“Yes, Miss is far-sighted, and sooner or later will become taboo. 93

The delicate girl who was kneeling below the palace tower was relieved when she heard this, knowing that since the young lady said so, she must have planned and arranged everything.

As the contemporary elder sister of the Imperial Immortal Sect, how terrifying Chu Xiuyan’s talent and strength is, naturally it does not need to be said.

Overwhelming the past and the present, as soon as he was born, he was favored by the heavens and gave the rune of the avenue of time between his eyebrows.

At the age of six, he was invincible at the age of thirteen, and at the age of seventeen, he walked the road of time and beat all the younger generations of the past and present.

Destiny is unpredictable, even more mysterious than luck, but she is confident and can control her destiny.

However, Jing Raoyan Jue is like a young lady, and she stopped before the taboo of youth, and she was barely able to be included in the list.

Although this is because of the special way of cultivation that Chu Xiuyan has cultivated, her realm has fallen into a bottleneck and shackles.

However, Chu Xiuyan took a different approach, refining the Baguang Pagoda, the most precious treasure, in an attempt to make her own strength leap to the level of youth and taboo.

Of course, from now on, we can also see how terrifying and incredible the taboos of youth are for their peers.

“Go on, you pay attention to the rest of the sky, and at the same time investigate the origin of that mysterious man, I know all the strongest peers in the top ten big worlds in the world. Among the young taboos, there is no such person.

Although Chu Xiuyan seemed to be sitting cross-legged in the depths of time and space, her voice seemed to be resounding in this world, fluttering and cold, as touching as the sounds of nature.

After Xuantian’s chaotic list hooked the world, it reflected the heavens.

All peers, because of their strength, talent, and luck, can be included in this list.

This list lists tens of thousands of people, but in the vast world of the heavens, the arrogance is as bright as a star, which is even more amazing than the number of sands in the Ganges River.

It can be seen from this that the 10,000 people on this list are very rare, and there may not be one person in the big world who can enter the list.

The strongest among them, known as the taboo of youth, has ten people in total, and there is no ranking. Unless they have really played against each other, no one will know how powerful they are.

Today, Chu Xiuyan’s ranking is eleventh, and she is called the first person under the taboo of youth.

In the great world of the heavens other than Le Miaotian, a similar scene is happening because of the painting Minghan.

The ancient religions of various Taoist traditions were shocked by this, and they sent personnel to try to investigate.

An existence suspected of being a young taboo cannot be without any background, just like barren land, it is impossible to breed sturdy crops.

In a barren world, those fortunate opportunities cannot support the birth of a young taboo.

A character who can become a young taboo, along the way, I don’t know how many opportunities I have encountered, I can’t count it.

At this time, Huang Minghan didn’t know that because of his appearance, a terrifying earthquake was taking place in the world of the heavens.

According to what people said, this ancient warship finally approached the magnificent palace tower hanging high in the depths of the sea after crossing for a long time.

The faint outline, in the vast fog, is somewhat blurred, with brilliance reflected, dazzling and dazzling, like an immeasurable immortal palace, a kind of ancient vicissitudes that traverse the universe.

However, there are still a group of people who have not been resolved before approaching the palace chest called the Temple of the Heavens.

Huang Minghan got up from the cross-legged sitting, intending to hook his hands and overturn the ancient warship that was galloping towards this place.

There are only two possibilities to get here in such a short time. One is that the opponent’s strength is terrifying, and all the geniuses encountered along the way have been solved.

The second is that the origin of the other party is amazing, no one dares to stop it, and everyone who comes into contact with Tianjiao chooses to retreat.

It’s just that the first possibility, in Hua Minghan’s view, is not very realistic.


“He is the strongest peer of Kun Mitian. He ranks forty-seventh on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking. He is a young giant. I didn’t expect that among the arrogance of the heavens this time, there is still his existence.”

At this time, the sound of Ningyu seemed to be a little shaken, and she explained it beside Hua Minghan.

The rest of the younger generation also got up one after another and looked over in surprise.

Tianjiao, who had been on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking for the first 50 years, used to be called young giants by them.

The top 100 Tianjiao were called giants.

No one would have imagined that a young giant would be found here, no wonder Tianjiao didn’t dare to be an infant along the way.

However, their shock was only an instant, and they quickly recovered.

Many people even looked at Hua Minghan and wanted to know, can this young giant hold a palm in front of him?

After all, between young taboos and young giants, there is a natural moat that can never be crossed, and the gap between them is like the distance between immortals.

“Although Kun Xuan is a young giant, I heard that he was the first person to follow Yu Miaotian…”

“The first person of Yumiaotian, known as the first person under the taboo of young people, is extremely mysterious, and is called Young Master Yumiao by the world. It is said that he once fought against the taboo of young people. The Chaos List does not include this person among the taboos of youth.

Ningyu’s voice sounded again and explained.

Huang Minghan showed a slightly interested look.

Along the way, the strongest person he has encountered should be this person, and the Xuantian Chaos Ranking ranks forty-seventh.

But after hearing what Ningyu said, he was more interested in that Miaotian’s first person.

The ancient warship rumbled, galloping across the waves, and quickly came towards Hua Minghan and the others.

Kun Xuan is a slightly feminine young man, with a pale complexion that looks like he does not bask in the sun all the year round.

He was wearing a purple robe with rolling sleeves, and a purple sea of ​​thunder undulating around him, extremely powerful.

The Yiju Tianjiao standing around him couldn’t help but take a few steps back, unable to bear the pressure around him.

“Suppressing the Thunder Sea, this is the domain of Kunxuan. A ray of thunder light is said to have the power to suppress the world. Under the shroud of the thunder sea, even the older generation of strongmen in the holy realm are helpless and will be easily killed. .”

“I heard that when Kunxuan was in the realm of the gods, he killed a monk in the holy realm in this realm. I don’t know if it’s true or not…”

Huang Minghan heard some arrogant discussions around him, but he still didn’t care.

With the cultivation base of the God King Realm, the more quasi-sage and the saint’s realms, cross the most holy.

· Ask for flowers,

If it is in the Three Cans Domain, it is absolutely incredible, and no one dares to believe it.

But in the mouths of these geniuses, it seems that there are more amazing and incredible achievements than this.

And just when Dong Minghan didn’t want to waste time and planned to do it.

Kun Xuan, who was on the ancient warship, suddenly jumped into the air, a thunder cloud appeared under his feet, carried him down here, and said in his mouth, “There is no malice here, I am just entrusted by others to pass a few words. , this son, don’t have to do it.”

“What’s the matter?”

Huang Minghan was slightly different, raised his eyes and asked.

He really did not expect that this person actually came to pass the word?

It seems that what happened here has caused many waves in the world of the heavens.

“The lord behind me is in urgent need of a ray of good fortune, and is willing to pay a big price to exchange it with this young master. In addition, this is a token of my family’s lord. If the son comes to Yumiaotian in the future, he will hold this token, like me. like an adult.”

“In Yumiaotian, the words of my family members still carry some weight.

Kunxuan looked at Dong Minghan with some trepidation, but he was not talking nonsense.

Between the hands, a streamer flying hook turned into a delicate and beautiful blue jade pendant. The color was slightly darker. ancient characters.

Seeing this scene, all the young geniuses on the two ancient warships shook and felt incredible.

Dart Miaotian is a powerful world that is enough to rank in the top ten among the vast heavens, and its background can only be described as unfathomable and unimaginable.

Young Master Yumiao, as the first person of Hutian’s peers, the strongest under the taboos of youth, his identity is no trivial matter.

A single word can dry up mountains and rivers, collapse the stars, and destroy the world.

His token, in a sense, is equivalent to his personal presence, absolutely unscrupulous and do whatever he wants in Dart Miaotian.

It’s just that from a certain point of view, even the dart son learned about the matter here, and sent someone to give him a jade pendant.

It can be seen that this matter has caused much sensation and influence in the world of the heavens.

“Interesting, I have always given tokens to others, but now someone is planning to give me tokens.”

Huang Minghan didn’t take this jade pendant, smiled faintly, rolled up his sleeves, this jade pendant turned into a streamer and flew back.

Kun Xuan didn’t even react when he realized that the jade pendant had fallen back into his hands.


Kun Xuan froze in place, not knowing what to do for a while.

He acted according to his orders. In the original plan, with his strength, he could get a ray of good fortune, which was a sure thing.

But who would have known that such a terrifying young existence would come out.

Kunxuan knew that he was by no means an opponent of the Huaming Competition, and naturally it was impossible to capture a ray of good fortune from him.

“The adults behind you, if you want the energy of good fortune, then come to see me in person. 99

Huang Minghan waved his hand, his expression unchanged, “His token is worthless in my eyes. 93

Practicing the self-knowledge method has made the power of his mind so powerful that it is unimaginable for ordinary people.

The improvement of this kind of power is not only a one-sided thought, but also a transition of various levels of thinking, mood, and thinking.

To put it bluntly, Hua Minghan can now judge the other party’s intentions and plans by relying on the other party’s words and actions.

If the opponent’s strength is far less than him, he can even understand the opponent’s thoughts and thinking fluctuations, and he is in a real sense.

Therefore, the moment Kun Xuan said this and sent the token, Hua Minghan already understood the other party’s purpose.

The so-called jade pendant token, although it seems to be an act of kindness by the other party, is actually to judge his origin and identity.

The other party can deduce and judge the origin of the jade pendant through his various expressions when he accepts or rejects it.

This is the cause and effect in the dark.

It’s not that Hua Minghan cares about revealing his identity or not, but he hates it, the feeling of being calculated by others.

“Remember, tell my original words to the adults behind you.

Hua Minghan’s expression was indifferent, and he did not give this Kun Xuan a chance to speak.

It shook out in an instant, causing Kunxuan to fly upside down, and without reacting, he fell into the sea again,

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