265 This gentleman, please, so respectfully pick up people? (Subscription required)


Huang Minghan also guessed some facts from the expressions of these young people here.

It seems that the Xuantian Chaos Ranking of the Sanji domain that is about to hook the world is not just a list of the geniuses of the Sanji domain.

It’s just very likely that, for some reason, it only manifests the scope of the Three Cans Domain, and does not really encompass the scope of the heavens.

Therefore, before this, the Dao lineage forces in the Three Cans Domain did not know the existence of the real Xuantian Chaos Ranking, and they did not know the situation in the rest of the world.

But now, he accidentally entered the fifth floor of the trial grounds of the heavens, and came into contact with the arrogance of the rest of the heavens and the world, and learned about these things.

The Xuantian Chaos Ranking in their mouths should not include the Three Cans Domain, that is, the Daluotian in Liuli’s mouth.

“So, what is the reason for this, so that the Three Cans Domain, that is, Da Luotian, is not eligible to enter the Xuantian Chaos Ranking?

Huang Minghan pondered in his heart and thought of a lot in an instant.

He created his own self-knowledge method, and he is particularly sensitive to the fate of the qi and fate in the dark, so at this moment, he faintly perceives the general trend of the Sanji domain.

This may be the secret in Liuli’s mouth.

Since the world they live in dares to be named Daluotian, it must have its own deep meaning. Daluo means vast and boundless. If it exists in this realm, it is truly free and eternal.

It seemed that the true origin of the Three Cans Domain was even more mysterious and profound than what Xiao Minghan had guessed.

“I’m used to being idle, and I’m not used to being followed.”

When his thoughts came back, Hua Minghan waved his hand casually, rejecting the idea that Ningyu planned to follow.

His current cultivation level is already beyond the reach of his peers. Even Ningyu, who claims to be in the top two of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, has almost no secrets in front of him.

The power of Huang Minghan’s thoughts spread, covering many young talents here, and many thoughts and thoughts in their hearts could not escape his perception.

Therefore, he quickly figured out why they were so afraid and afraid of him.

The top ten young characters on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking are known as the taboos of youth.

For the same 17th generation, such a character is taboo, insurmountable, incomparable, and incalculable.

Even if the cultivation base is far beyond their older generation predecessors, they may not be able to defeat and suppress them with mana.

In the vast world of the heavens, there are too many worlds, and the arrogance of heaven is as bright as a star, and it is impossible to count them.

The Xuantian Chaos Ranking lists all the arrogances of the vast heavens.

Among the top ten, it can be called a taboo, and there is no one in hundreds of millions, each of which has a great background, luck and opportunity.

“It’s my cultivation base that has escaped a little now, which makes them mistakenly think that I am a young taboo who has not yet discovered the world.

“This young taboo is somewhat of a standard. At first, I thought that the Xuantian Chaos Ranking seemed to be a rhyme of an era. How fast is the change of Tianjiao, not all characters of the era can be included in the list.

“But from the perspective of these geniuses, the impact of this deviation is not very big, because the rhythm of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking is very particular about the luck of the weather, and only the transpiration of the qi will be manifested to a certain extent.

“So that is to say, the era when the Xuantian Chaos Ranking was born must be the most terrifying era for Tianjiao since this era, and the deviation will not have a big impact.”

Huang Minghan also quickly understood the existence of this Xuantian Chaos List.

“And once you enter the list, you will be able to reflect on all the heavens, all races, all Taoist traditions, and all the worlds of all heavens, you can see it, and you will share weal and woe with the fate of the world behind you.

Ningyu was not surprised by Lei Minghan’s refusal, but she still had some regrets.

She has self-knowledge, in front of a suspected existence of young taboos, although she can be ranked first in the Xuantian Chaos List, but it is really nothing.

Among the great worlds she knew, the Sons of the Worlds born in the worlds closest to the rankings had many followers, many of whom were terrifying figures that were enough to rank in the top 100 of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking.

In front of such a terrifying figure, she couldn’t even fight against a finger of the other party.

And those children of the world may not necessarily become age taboos.

Everyone has different thoughts and emotions. Although they don’t know Lei Minghan’s origin, they can’t fake it.

Even the elder-level figures of the ethnic group behind them will probably be easily suppressed by this exiled young man.

Therefore, all the young Tianjiao were also very respectful and did not dare to have any slights.

If it wasn’t for the young taboos listed on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, then once this news was passed back to the world behind him, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Any young taboo is the existence of the various ethnic groups in the world of the heavens, and they can even start a world-breaking war for this, and destroy the surrounding star fields at every turn.

However, they also have self-knowledge, understand the world behind them, and are not qualified to carry a young taboo fortune.

“Sir, this is the first time you have come to the trial grounds of the heavens. If you have any doubts, you can ask Ningyu. I am Ming Yutian in the world of the heavens, although I am not very advanced. The big world, but the background is not to be underestimated, and I know a lot about the secrets of the heavens and the universe.”

At this time, Ningyu spoke again, as if seeing Hua Minghan’s ignorance of some things.

In her opinion, although she can’t become a follower of Prove Han, it’s not bad to be able to get favors.

After all, the fate of youth and taboos is unimaginable, and it can affect anyone around him, even the ancient Taoism must be relied on.

If she can have a good relationship with this mysterious young adult.

That will definitely help you a lot.

Huang Minghan heard the words, but did not refuse, nodded, “Then I will trouble Ningyu girl Xiao.

He did not understand many things in the trial grounds of the heavens, so he just asked through this Ningyu.

As for his origins, he was considering whether to reveal a little or inquire about the existence of Daluotian.

“Sir, you don’t have to be so polite, it is Ningyu’s honor to be able to answer your questions.

Seeing that his words were gentle and casual, without the indifference of being aloof or superior to all living beings, Ningyu’s face was also full of joyful smiles, and she said quickly, her face slightly dizzy.

The young taboos she knew were so mysterious that she was not qualified to come into contact with them at all.

It is said that each of them carries the power of eternity, and with their power alone, they can overwhelm the world and traverse the universe in time and space.

As for the adult who is suspected of being a young taboo, he is very well-mannered at first glance, and he does not have any attitude of overwhelming others, and he is also very polite to her.

In Ming Yutian, she is a goddess who is aloof in the eyes of the world, aloof and revered by hundreds of millions of people, and is one of the strongest talents in the contemporary era.

There is no genius that can enter her eyes.

Even the young geniuses who were ranked very close to her on the Xuantian Chaos Ranking were the same.

If Ming Yutian’s young arrogance, seeing her like this, will be stunned and his jaw will drop.

All the arrogances here are also very envious and jealous of Ningyu, especially some women with extraordinary looks, who ask themselves about their own appearance and are not inferior to Ningyu.

However, they did not have the courage of Ningyu to approach Huang Minghan.

“Perhaps this is the only time we have had such a close encounter with a young taboo…”

The young figure in the Taoist robe also sighed, and his heart was still shocked.

Afterwards, Hua Minghan asked Ningyu about something at random, and also learned the name of this island, Trial Island.

It is said that there are a total of 108 such islands, and some people say that there are a total of three triads, which are distributed in different time and space, and are not a small world.

Only Tianjiao who has reached the fifth floor in the trial grounds of the heavens in their respective worlds is qualified to be led to this island.

Afterwards, on this boundless sea, there will be fishing boats that will lead them to the Temple of Heaven.

In the Hall of the Heavens, there are billions of opportunities listed, and everyone relies on the luck to obtain the Qi of good fortune.

However, only when you go there for the first time, you will receive the blessing of good fortune.

The second time I went there, I didn’t get anything.

The Qi of Creation is an incomparably mysterious and mysterious energy. No one knows how the Qi of Creation will evolve in the end.

These things, Ningyu is also known from the records in the family.

Ming Yutian, the former descendants of the arrogance of the Dao lineage forces, naturally went to the Hall of the Heavens and obtained the fortune in it.

“However, on the way to the Temple of the Heavens, you will meet the arrogance of the rest of the islands. They are all in competition with each other. If you shoot down one into the sea, the greater the possibility of getting better luck in the Temple of the Heavens. 22

“Because it was recorded in the classics that every time the Temple of Heaven is opened, the energy of good fortune that can be obtained is certain, and it is divided equally by the arrogance who passed through the fifth floor and was led away…

When Ningyu said this, she suddenly found that Hua Minghan seemed very interested.

Her beautiful eyes are also very bright, and she is very happy. In terms of the character of this adult, I am afraid that I can get a lot of opportunities as a “guide” next to her.

In fact, Ningyu herself is not fully sure that she can get a chance in the Temple of the Heavens.

The qi of good fortune is too rare. Some people have obtained immortal methods, Taoist scriptures, and there are also supreme elixir and pots of ancient holy medicine… In short, only the world can’t imagine that without the qi of good fortune, it cannot evolve.

Huang Minghan is indeed very interested. If the Qi of Creation in the All Heavens Hall is certain, then the fewer the arrogances who go to it, the more Qi of Creation he can get.

“This good fortune, it seems that I need to decide.” He smiled lightly.

A group of young geniuses here also felt powerless in their hearts. This time, the All Heavens Temple opened and led them to it, but they encountered such a suspected youth taboo.

Who can compete? Absolutely sweeping all the way.

Unless it is a person of the same level, it is just that most of the people of the same level have been to the Temple of Heaven.

“Then Ningyu will congratulate the adults first.” Ningyu quickly congratulated.


At this time, on the sea shrouded in fog, the sound of the waves was earth-shattering, and the outline of an ancient and vague warship appeared there and was galloping fast.

The waves beat and splashed around the ancient warship, creating foam that filled the sky.

“The boat is coming.

All the young figures on this island were shocked, with anticipation and excitement in their eyes. No matter what happened next, at least they were on their way to the Temple of Heaven.


Huang Minghan also got up and walked towards the ancient warship unhurriedly. Ningyu, like a maid, trotted and followed him.

All the young figures here, no matter what their cultivation base or their origins, all showed fearful expressions, and moved away from both sides, giving him a way to go.

The snow-white wings behind Ningyu fluttered gently, and her mood was quite happy.

Although she can be ranked first on the Xuantian Chaos List, she does not dare to say that she will be invincible on this island, and none of the characters who can come here are simple.

If it wasn’t for Hua Minghan, she would not dare to be so arrogant and swaggering, and everyone here would never let go like this.

The lead ship docked on the shore, shrouded in chaotic fog, very mysterious.

On it stood a figure shrouded in robes, whose face was blurred and could not be seen clearly.

After he came here, he originally planned to announce the rules and let a group of young geniuses board the ship one by one, so as not to waste time because of the fight.

However, after seeing the scene in front of him, he was also a little surprised. These young people who are young and vigorous, who do not obey anyone, are so obedient and give way to both sides? To whom?

Could it be that this time, there is an incredible young existence?

This receptionist gave birth to a lot of interest in his heart.


His eyes fell, and it landed on Minghan’s knees, but his whole body was shocked, and his heart was shocked.

He did not know if it was his own delusion, but this young man like an immortal, the moment he eased his gaze, seemed to see through his truth at a glance?

At this moment, his heart was about to set off a storm.

I have been here for so many years, and I have seen too many young beings, no matter how evil they are, they can face them plainly.

But it was the first time he had seen Dong Minghan like this, so he couldn’t see through it, but he seemed to be someone who was seen through by the other party.

Moreover, he took a closer look and walked away, almost gasping for air.

This vast and boundless luck? Can it really exist in a person?

However, when Jie Yeren looked at it again, he found that the surging aura that had just followed the vast surging, vanished in an instant, and seemed to return to peace.

“Senior, stunned here, are you planning to let me on board?

When Dong Minghan saw this receptionist, he seemed to be stunned, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“Sir, please.

The receptionist reacted, hurriedly opened the mouth, and made a gesture of invitation.

And this action of his made the young talents behind Hua Minghan feel boundless shock in Ikoma’s heart.

“It has always been mysterious and attracted people, but I don’t know the origin. Even in the face of the most terrifying Tianjiao, it is still indifferent and indifferent. Apart from the rules, I won’t say much…”

“But today’s reaction seems to be a respectful face to a certain eternity giant and supreme figure.”

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