261 The Legendary Inscription of Heaven’s Path, the world in the mirror (for subscription)

The mysterious inscriptions that suddenly appeared in various places in the Sandi domain caused huge waves.

Whether it is an ancient city or a wasteland, these inscriptions can be seen standing, even in those wild and primitive tribes, there are also inscriptions rising from the ground.

These inscriptions are surrounded by chaotic fog, and I don’t know what kind of material they are made of.

For a time, all kinds of speculations and discussions appeared, and many older generations, former sages, living fossils, etc. who had studied ancient history were all consulting relevant records, trying to find clues.

Some people speculate that this is related to Immortal Domain, and some people think that this may be the fragmentation of a treasure left behind.

After all, everyone at that time saw a blurry mirror surface that disappeared from the depths of the sky.

The ancestor-level figures of the various Taoist forces have personally gone to investigate and trace the clues.

However, such speculation has not been confirmed.

The voices of these speculations were quickly denied by some former sages, and they felt that this should be the inscription of the Heavenly Dao that has been recorded in the classics, which records the mysterious and secret of the world.

They are, the world is bright, the luck is prosperous, and it attracts the heaven and the earth to descend the auspicious scene.

These Tiandao inscriptions are the best proof.

“According to the records of the classics, the inscriptions on the inscriptions of the Tao of Heaven have given birth to the most profound meaning, which is manifested by the will of the Tao of Heaven. The wonders of heaven and earth, and the profound materials of the universe may all appear on this inscription…”

“A long time ago, there were even the most powerful monuments of heaven in various realms. Anyone who can leave a name on it can get the chance to make a fortune, and everyone can slough off the immortals and leap to the dragon gate in one fell swoop…”

“The fact that the ancient battlefield of Xiaotianjiao is now found in the Three Can Domains is the best proof. Today, there are also changes in the ancient battlefield. Many young supreme beings are inexplicably led to the second floor.”

“This is an unimaginable great fortune for the Three Cans Domain.”

“Perhaps when the time comes, even me and others will have to go out to snatch, it is likely to involve changes in the family’s fortune, and it will often involve future development. At the moment when the mirror surface appears in that corner, there are transpiring air fortunes in all parts of the Sandi domain. Going into the sky, the luck of my clan has grown for a long time out of thin air…”

Such voices appear in all races and traditions.

Many old monsters were born, their emotions were surging, they read various books, checked many records, and finally found the relevant records.

Originally, after the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle began, the luck of various races and daoist traditions was involved in it.

But this time, the manifestation of the inscription on the inscription of the Tao of Heaven has changed the luck of the various ethnic groups and Taoist traditions ahead of time.

No matter what the reason, this shows that the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle may have started ahead of schedule.

In Jingyang Xianchao, in a long-established police station, Yue Qingyi, dressed in blue clothes, stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the various changes in the depths of the sky.

She frowned slightly and said to herself, “The celestial phenomenon has been completely disturbed. Although I took the initiative to be reborn, the development of things has exceeded my expectations.”

“Even the climate of Jingyang Xianchao has changed. The image of the greedy wolf and demon star that I set up has been swept away by the huge Xianchao Qi. 39

“Although Dong Minghan hasn’t married me yet, his luck has affected everyone around him. I have also been greatly benefited. Jingyang Xianchao made a mistake and actually found it. Find a solution to the greed of the wolf and the calamity.”

She was very surprised. She originally thought that after the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle was launched, the atmosphere between heaven and earth would begin to change.

But it all happened so early.

“Could it be that there are too many variables that have caused the current development trajectory of the Three Can Domains to deviate from the original world trajectory?”

“Where is the problem in this?”

Yue Qingyi was perplexed, although she was proficient in deducing astrology, but now the weather in the Three Cans Domain is completely chaotic.

The transpiration and changes of the qi of all ethnic groups and dao traditions cover the sky and the sun, and completely cover up the original celestial phenomenon.

At this time, no matter how talented she is, it is impossible to deduce anything.

“elder sister……”

“The mirror in the sky is so big…”

Just as Yue Qingyi was muttering to herself, the little girl Yanyan who was playing alone by the side suddenly looked at the sky curiously and couldn’t help but say curiously.


Yue Qingyi looked puzzled, and followed her gaze, but the vision that had manifested before had disappeared long ago.

The Tiangong is blue and cloudless, which is a rare good weather.

But where’s the mirror?

“Yes, that mirror is so big, it’s the first time I’ve seen such a big mirror.

The little girl Yanyan looked curiously at the sky, and seemed to be able to see what Yue Qingyi could not see.

Yue Qingyi knew that Yanyan was always mysterious, so she didn’t think about it anymore, maybe she could really see some scenes that ordinary people couldn’t see.

a mirror?

Could it be that corner of the mirror that manifested before and then quickly disappeared?

She was thinking when suddenly the little girl Yanyan’s words sounded again, with some fear.

“I also saw that terrifying big brother, how could he be hooked in the mirror…”

With a timid expression on her face, she ran all of a sudden, hid behind Yue Qingyi, and grabbed a corner of her clothes.

fi “That big brother?

The more Qingyi reacted, the more doubts on her face.

The big brother that the little girl Yanyan is afraid of is naturally Hua Minghan, but why does Hua Minghan rhyme in the mirror now?

Or is the mirror reflecting what is happening somewhere?

Yue Qingyi felt more and more confused, if she guessed correctly, Hua Minghan should be right in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao at this moment.

“Could it be that this mysterious ancient mirror really involves the open-air ancient battlefield?”

She couldn’t help but guess.

There are more secrets in the Sandi domain than she imagined. She originally thought that if she was reborn, she would hide her power in the dark, and take the initiative to control everything, so she could sit back and relax, be foresight, and plan everything.

But the further back, the more Qing Yilian found that things were more difficult, and many things were fundamentally different from what she experienced in her previous life.

“You see that big brother, what is he doing inside?”

Yue Qingyi quickly calmed her mind and asked Yan (Wang De’s) softly.

“Big brother, he seems to be looking for something, but the fog is deep there, and I can’t see it very clearly…

Yanyan looked up carefully and replied, “The picture in that mirror has disappeared now.

In Mengmeng’s space, Huang Minghan stood alone.

The four fields are very empty, as if they are in an unknown world, and there are constantly thick fogs that drift from the four fields.

He frowned slightly, looking at this unknown area.

“Is this the fifth-floor trial ground in Liuli’s mouth? Why is it different from my guess? 99

Huang Minghan appeared here after walking through the silver portal.

The surroundings were hazy, and in his view, it was like a chaos that had not yet been opened up, in a state of chaos.

This was similar to what he thought was the fifth floor, there was a large district police, but the police said that there was a chance, even Fang couldn’t find it, and he didn’t know where to go.

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