255 The proving ground of the heavens, the acting is also realistic (please subscribe)

The fluctuations in the battle just now were quite astonishing. If it didn’t take a while, the rest of the cultivators would probably be alerted to rush over.

After all, Dong Minghan didn’t pick the so-called “Ecstasy of Ascension”, and he didn’t want to stay here for a long time. Liuli was injured at the moment, and he didn’t want to stay here for a while.

The two walked along the penetrated ancient medicine garden and planned to leave from that side. Hua Minghan had a lot of questions and wanted to ask Liuli.

However, Liuli didn’t accept his healing medicine, which made him a little uncomfortable to ask questions.

Although it was just a few questions, the relationship between him and Liuli was not good enough, and she would answer all her questions.

“If you have anything to say, just say it. If I knew, I would consider telling you.”

However, Liuli seemed to have guessed Huaming’s “610” Han’s thoughts, and spoke directly and lightly.

In addition to her pale complexion, she was not much of a district policeman in normal life, and her pace was quite slow when walking.

Dong Minghan didn’t expect her to be so direct.

He is not a person who is beating around the bush, and he is about to inquire about the doubts that he has heard before.

“All Heavens Trial Ground?”

Hearing this, Liuli frowned, and then seemed to remember that this was just their name for the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao.

For Hua Minghan and the others, this place is just an ancient battlefield for tempering Tianjiao and gaining opportunities, and it has nothing to do with the heavens.

In fact, it’s not just Hua Minghan, even the others who are older and have a longer life are not necessarily clear about this.

After all, the Immortal Domain and the Sanda Domain have already been blocked, and the information is not exchanged.

Over time, the creatures in this world will naturally become blocked and do not know many things.

Thinking of this, Liuli was also a little hesitant. Some things, the more the creatures in the Sancai domain understand, the better.

“Could it be that there are other secrets in it? Let Miss Liuli be embarrassed?”

Huang Minghan noticed her hesitant and hesitant expression, and guessed something.

It seems that the three is not as simple as he imagined.

If Liuli really came from Immortal Domain, then the rumors of Immortal Domain and Sanda Domain Jedi Tiantong should not be attacked.

But for a long time, there is indeed no one in the Three Cans Domain who has pushed open the gate of immortality and stepped into the path of immortality.

Even Man Minghan himself didn’t know much about the Immortal Realm. He only knew that it was the goal that countless monks and creatures had been pursuing for a long time.

In his plan, his step-by-step cultivation should reach the peak that can be reached by all beings in this world.

This is also the expectation of all the people of the portrait for him.


Suddenly, Liuli exclaimed, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

The whole body followed, almost unsteady and fell to the ground.

She hurriedly squatted down, wrapping her exposed ankles, slightly inhaling the air-conditioning, as if she had just been engrossed in the matter, but did not notice the terrain.

Huang Minghan looked at her casually hanging her feet, and she just wanted to praise her good acting skills.

With her cultivation level, no matter how serious the injury is, it is impossible to just walk around and cripple her feet.

This is obviously an intention to break the topic and not talk about it more.

But I was also worried that I wouldn’t be able to save face, so I did this on purpose.

However, even though he could see Liuli’s little trick, Hua Minghan didn’t reveal it.

If she was embarrassed and turned to teach herself a lesson, she might not be able to stop it.

“Is Miss Lucy alright?

With just the right look of concern on his face, he walked over.

Liu Li was rubbing her ankle in pain, and when she heard the words, she took the time to give him a police look, and said indifferently, “I didn’t see it, did I slap my foot?”

Huang Minghan felt that her acting skills were also realistic, and her pained appearance seemed to be really the same.

His eyes fell, his bare feet were better than snow, his ankles were woven with fine white fabric, clear blood vessels could be seen, and his toes were as round and sparkling as precious.

“Little thief, where are you looking?”

Liuli noticed his expression, and seemed to be even more angry, and her tone was much higher.

Hua Minghan’s eyes moved upwards, and then he noticed that her ankles were already flushed, and she didn’t know whether it was really majestic, or she was using her own magic power.

But he is more inclined to the second possibility, after all, this is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years…

How can there be such a fool who can walk well and stand tall?

“I have a lot of pain-relieving elixir. I wonder if it will help Miss Liuli?”

Hua Minghan took his eyes back with a calm expression, and recited the elixir that he had rhymed with before.

“I don’t know if the medicines you picked are useful.

Liuli responded coldly, she didn’t expect that she would still be able to walk and stab her foot, but she really humiliated her.

The key is that her source air is now, and she can’t use the spiritual energy of the world to restore her injuries, otherwise how could she be so weak and embarrassed.

Huang Minghan couldn’t believe that she was so weak.

But he could only show a concerned expression, rhyme the few holy medicines with the most amazing value, and then smash the rhyme utensils into pieces.

“Does Miss Liuli apply the medicine herself? Or is she helping you?”

After Hua Minghan mashed the herbs, he took out a neat and clean embroidered handkerchief and poured all the herbs on it.

He glanced at Liuli and asked, but he wanted to know when she was going to pretend.

Could it be that you still want to give her the medicine yourself?

“I will do it myself.”

Liuli snatched the embroidered handkerchief, never thought that one day, she would be so embarrassed.

It seemed that it was the correct decision to let Hua Minghan stay where he was and not to keep up. 2.3

Huang Minghan didn’t care about these things. Since she was going to talk about it, it meant that the things she asked just now involved some secrets and couldn’t say more.

Even if he asks again, Liuli probably won’t say much.

“There are still some effects…”

Just when Hua Minghan was thinking about how to understand these secrets.

Liuli suddenly murmured softly, her amber-like eyes glared at Hua Minghan.

Huang Han some Yaran, if not know her strength, her own almost every pair of acting to cheat over.

But he was down these words down, smiled and said, “There are enough effect, several strains of this holy medicine, but in the outside world easily lead to bloody scramble, the key moment, be guarantor life.

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