252 Miss Liuli is safe, Huang Minghan’s guess (please subscribe)

The depths of the ancient medicine garden were still chaotic, and wars broke out in many places.

Although everyone could hold back at first, when they saw the more precious medicine kings growing in the nearby medicine soil, no one could turn a blind eye.

Huang Minghan’s many followers, occupying many pieces of medicinal soil, also joined the picking team.

Because of Huaming Hanxiong and Sheng Wuxin, the other monks of Taoism saw this scene, and even though their hearts were very hot, they did not dare to snatch it, and honestly went to the police’s territory.

The Saintess of Yaochi did not follow in Lei Minghan’s footsteps and continued to go deeper, but brought a group of female disciples from Yaochi Wonderland to pick those ancient medicines nearby.

The rest of the painting family also occupied the nearby medicinal soil, not letting go of any precious medicinal herbs.

In contrast, the cultivators who continued to chase in were relatively few. Except for a few immortal forces, the rest also stayed in the nearby area.

Lin Qiu originally planned to try his luck, but thinking of Dong Minghan’s terrifying strength, he gave up in fear and continued to honestly pick the medicine king for the portrait.

From the outside, the ancient medicine garden is only a few rough miles in radius, but inside there is a cave, the mist is heavy, some areas are flowing with light, and the patterns are intertwined and inscribed in the medicine soil.

Even if Hua Minghan chased him all the way, he also lost the trace of the immortal phoenix figure.

He fell into the village of thinking, stopped in place, and planned to deduce it, to see if he could determine the figure of the immortal phoenix from the few signs.

However, just as Hua Minghan was deducing, a slender figure appeared in front of him.

He was slightly taken aback and then surprised.

“Long time no see, Miss Liuli, come and be safe.”

Looking at the silver-haired woman who suddenly hooked in front of him, Huang Minghan was very surprised.

He never thought that the mysterious woman he met in the Meteorite Shell would meet again in this way.

Therefore, after a little startled in his heart, he recovered and said hello very calmly.

“You know my name?”

The silver-haired woman had a look of surprise on her face. She appeared suddenly, just to startle Hua Minghan.

But I never thought that Dong Minghan would call Qin Qin by her name, but he was extremely calm and natural.

She remembered that she did not tell Hua Minghan her name.

After leaving Meteor Immortal Killing, she even felt that she might not meet Dong Minghan again in the future.

“The island in the heart of the lake is named Liuli Island, I think you should call it Liuli” Qi. “Dong Minghan replied naturally.

“Oh, then you’re still pretty smart.”

The silver-haired woman, that is, Liu Li, smiled faintly, and the Taohuading between the eyebrows looked extra coquettish and moving because of this smile.

“It’s just a little clever, Miss Liuli is here, could it be that she is also chasing the figure of the fairy phoenix?

Huang Minghan asked, he has not forgotten this woman, but he has lived for at least eight thousand years.

Although because of the oath, he was swallowed on the island in the lake, unable to rhyme.

But her cultivation base has definitely reached the point where ghosts and gods are unpredictable, and it is impossible to speculate.

It’s not something he can compete with now.

“There is such a relationship, but I came here on purpose to find you, that immortal figure is not the elixir of feathering that you think, but the transformation of my family’s immortal phoenix real bone.

“If you keep chasing, you’re likely to die. It’s not close to your current strength.

Liuli didn’t intend to talk nonsense, her tone was very direct.

If it wasn’t for the relationship between her and Huang Minghan, he would be considered hers if he was stamped with a seal at that time.

It is also impossible for her to show up and explain this to him, worried that Huang Minghan will die here unexpectedly.

“The real bone of the fairy phoenix transformed into?

Hearing this, Hua Minghan was even more shocked.

He originally guessed that it was not the so-called Ascension Medicine, but perhaps the divine form of some kind of creature.

But I still didn’t expect that it would be transformed from the real bone of the fairy phoenix.

You must know that a real bone is just like the real feathers of a bird and a beast, it is extremely precious, and only one piece may be born in a lifetime.

“Am I still going to lie to you? If it wasn’t for the fear that you would be dead or alive and continue to chase, I would be too lazy to tell you this.

Lucy rolled his eyes at him.

“Naturally I don’t think Miss Liuli will lie to me, I’m just surprised. The fairy phoenix has long since disappeared. If it really is the transformation of the real bone of the fairy phoenix, even if it is only one ten thousandth of the cultivation level of the heyday, It’s not something I can contend with right now.

Huang Minghan is very self-aware, no matter what the fairy phoenix says, it is all about the creatures of “immortals”.

No matter how strong he is, he is only in the humanitarian field.

However, he did not feel that he might die, after all, there was a suspected immortal fire on his body.

At a critical time, will she still see death?

“It’s good that you know, don’t follow up. When I subdue it in a while, even the aftermath will probably burn you to death. Liuli glanced at him with some disgust. In her eyes, Huang Minghan and the outside world Those monks, not many district police.

The cultivation base is very weak, the figure of the fairy phoenix, it is estimated that it only needs a mouthful of fairy flame to burn him to ashes.

If you stay here, you might have to do it yourself to protect him comprehensively.


It was the first time that Huang Minghan was disliked, and he really couldn’t refute it.

This age is full of eight thousand years, even if the ancestor of the portrait was born, in front of him, he must obediently regard himself as a junior.

However, he was still a little curious. If this person came from the Immortal Phoenix Clan, why would he be reduced to the Sancai Domain?


When she was on Liuli Island at that time, the gentle aura she passed over made Hua Minghan inquire about a secret path of the immortal path in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and realized that the immortal phoenix was immortal.

If she thinks about it this way, she is related to the Xianhuang family, which is understandable.

After talking to Huang Minghan, Liuli ignored him, and the figure swept away, disappeared in place, and went deeper, apparently to find the figure of the fairy phoenix.

Dong Minghan pondered on the spot for a while, and after thinking for a while, he still followed.

He has self-knowledge, since he can’t snatch the real bone of the Immortal Phoenix, it doesn’t matter if he joins in the fun.

If a war really breaks out in a while, then wake Fairy Flame who is sleeping soundly and let her shelter him.

To be honest, Huang Minghan had never seen a battle of this level, but if he saw it in person, it would be a rare blessing for him.

Of course, he didn’t have the intention of picking up leaks.

Although he and Liuli had met twice, which was added to the previous time at Liuli Island, but the other party gave him a good feeling, otherwise he would not show up to kindly remind him of his safety.

Huang Minghan wasn’t so mad that he was going to pull her out.

Moreover, Hua (Wang De’s) Ming Han felt that it was necessary for him to ask some things personally, such as why Liuli would inquire about the three realms now.

Why was she able to ignore the suppression by the rules of heaven and earth here and not be affected?

Huang Minghan felt that her strength was not strong enough to ignore the will of the entire Three Cans Domain.

Otherwise, she would not have been imprisoned in Liuli Island for so many years.

These kinds of doubts made Proving Han want to ask Liuli for clarity.

Especially after comprehending and studying the self-knowledge method, his perception of the power of the mind became clearer and more thorough, and there was a strange feeling in his mind.

This time, the hook world of the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao has become more and more abrupt.

Hua Minghan, who is familiar with various opportunities and bridges, always feels that this place has a deeper meaning, much like the dungeons and trial towers that he is familiar with.

However, he has not yet gone to the next layer of Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield, so he cannot verify this conjecture.

However, the Wan Dao Banquet, the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle, the Xuantian Chaos Ranking…

These series of events had to make Hua Minghan guess in this regard,

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