229 This is a great kindness, a way to ease the cure (please subscribe)

If she couldn’t find the slightest record in the portrait, then she simply didn’t know how to return to the Palace Master.

This time, in order to agree to Hua Minghan’s request, the palace lord did not hesitate to tear up his face with several elders.

Hong Nishang couldn’t help but feel anxious, constantly flipping through these ancient books and documents, trying to find the exact location of Tang Killing.

As for the existence of the Nine Suns Profound Immortal Stone, she could not be sure, there was no record of this divine stone in these ancient books of the portrait.

The originally vague hope, now in the eyes of Hong Nishang, there is no possibility at all.

“If the Jiuyang Profound Immortal Stone cannot be found, and the palace master’s extreme yin cold veins cannot be solved, then her next situation will definitely not be good.”

“This time, after directly ripping off the face with several elders, they will definitely make things difficult for the palace master everywhere.

Hong Nishang is actually much older than Xuanqing.

At the beginning, she was also raised by the previous palace master of Xuannv Palace, that is, Xuanqing’s master.

Xuanqing was an orphan who was brought back from the outside world by the previous palace lord, accepted as a disciple, and taught carefully.

For Xuanqing, her master can be said to be both a teacher and a mother.

It’s just that she died many years ago.

After passing the position of Palace Lord to Xuanqing, many elders of Xuannv Palace began to try their best to make things difficult for Xuanqing to hand over the position of Palace Lord.

The situation over the years has become more and more difficult with the continuous outbreak of the Absolute Yin Cold Vessel.

In Hong Nishang’s view, this time the field team was looking for the Jiuyang Xuanxian Stone, which was the only chance for the palace lord Xuanqing.

If this opportunity is missed, it will be impossible to reverse the situation in the future.

“Five Ninety Seven”

Either the elders took away their rights and took away the identity of the palace master.

Either the cultivation base is abolished and locked in the back mountain, it is difficult for this body to step on the hook for half a step.

These two can be said to have no district police.

The sea of ​​books is vast, which can be described as a sea of ​​smoke, and there are all kinds of classics and documents.

Including the changes and development of the stars around the portrait over the years, the changes of mountains and rivers, and the shifting stars are all recorded.

Changes in mountains, mountains and rivers, and even various aura changes in the many nearby star fields cover almost all kinds of astronomy and geography.

But Hong Nishang could not find any records about Tanggu and Fusang.

The age of mythology is indeed too long ago. Although the portraits can be traced back to the time of the emperor, there may not be any relevant records at that time.

Thinking of this, Hong Nishang’s mouth became bitter.

She seems to think all of this is too ideal and too simple.

Outside the pavilion, Dong Minghan stood quietly and did not go in to disturb him.

He himself is not sure whether there are any relevant records in the pavilion of the portrait, because he rarely comes here to read ancient books and documents.

Usually, he would choose to go to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, which is the center of portraiture.

“Looks like it’s not going well.

He glanced sideways at the sky that was approaching dusk, and shook his head slightly.

Hong Nishang came here in the morning, that is to say, she has been reading the records of the literature here all day.

“I’m sorry, I’m so troublesome to draw Young Master.”

At this time, the slightly tired red robe walked out from the vast sea of ​​books.

She is wearing a red dress, her face is white, her facial features are beautiful and moving, and her whole person looks very cool.

But at the moment it seems a little bleak and weak.

“It seems that there is no gain?” Lei Minghan asked knowingly, with a bit of regret in his tone.

“I didn’t expect that there would be so few records about Tanggu.”

Hong Nishang gave a soft feed, although she didn’t gain anything, she was still very grateful.

After all, Hua Minghan allowed her, an outsider, to come to the pavilion where the ancient books and documents were stored, and it was already a great kindness.

Moreover, she also noticed that from the morning, Hua Minghan had been waiting here and did not leave half a step.

You must know that he is the young master of the portrait, time is precious, but being able to wait here for so long makes Hong Nishang very moved.

He is obviously an outsider, but he is very concerned about it, and what he has promised must be done.

This character alone is beyond the reach of many Tianjiao.

“It’s not too early, or forget it today, I will instruct the maid to take the girl Nishang to rest first.”

“If you come back to read it tomorrow, you may be able to gain something from the police, but not necessarily.

When Dong Minghan heard the words, he seemed to think about the village, and then continued to ask, as if thinking about Hong Nishang.

“This…isn’t that good?”

Hong Nishang was stunned and reacted, but there was a hint of hope in Midland.

Originally, she was ready to leave, but she was full of regret and powerlessness.

But I never thought of Dong Minghan’s suggestion to let her stay and read it again tomorrow.

Doesn’t that mean, give her a little more time?

She really didn’t expect that she would have this opportunity, and she was very pleasantly surprised.

“It’s not a big deal, and I said before, I can provide you with some necessary help, girls. 33

Huang Minghan just smiled slightly and waved his hand.

“Young Master Hua is so kind, and the Palace Master and I don’t know how to repay.

Hearing this, Hong Nishang couldn’t hide the expression of gratitude and surprise on her face, she was about to bow her hands to salute, but Dong Minghan waved his hand to stop it.

“Girls in Nishang don’t have to be like this.

“You have agreed to my conditions, so Dong will naturally try his best to help you.

He smiled and his expression was as gentle as jade.

That night, Hong Nishang lived in Xiao’s portrait under the arrangement of the maid instructed by Dong Minghan.

The courtyard where she was located was quite quiet and quiet, and there were no buildings around, so no one would come to disturb her.

Therefore, after she closed the doors and windows immediately, she began to contact Xuan Qing who was far away in the Lower Three Realms.

A palm-sized communication stone lit up with brilliance, like a mist, sprayed into the void.

Among them, rhyme pictures began to emerge.

Inside the plain and simple bamboo house, there is sandalwood fading, and a thin white woman, covered with blue silk, sits cross-legged on a pouf.

There was not much emotional change on the cold face.

The fair skin is like jade, shimmering with white brilliance.

It is the current palace lord of Xuannv Palace, Xuanqing.

“How are things going?”

She calmly looked at Hong Nishang at the other end of the screen and asked softly.

“Palace Master, I have encountered some troubles, and I have found nothing today. I have read many classics and documents, but I have not found much records about Tang Sha and Fusang…”

With some bitterness, Hong Nishang truthfully reported many things during the day.

Xuan Qing listened quietly.

When I heard that it was the young master of the painter, that is, Hua Minghan asked Hong Nishang to take the initiative to stay, and continued to read the next day, his mood fluctuated.

But calm soon returned.

It seems to her that there are not many things that are really worth noting in this world.

“Since there is no gain today, then you can take a look tomorrow, if it is still the same, then give up and welcome it.


“Don’t worry about Lin’s affairs. Since he has left the Xuannv Palace, no matter what happens, it is his business.

“The young master of the portrait intends to bring his cousin here, so you can also drop by and bring her, which is considered to have abided by the agreement.”

Finally, after Xuan Qing said this, he waved his long sleeves and dispelled the scene in front of him.

On the other hand, Hua Minghan also told Hua Mingyuan, who had left the customs, about the matter, and planned to take her to Xuannv Palace.

After all, Huang Mingzhuan is not a closed door, so it is not difficult to wake her up in advance.

Taking into account the time aspect, Huang Ming Hanfeng had to let her out of the customs and go to the lower three realms, which would take a while.

During this period, the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao might be very lively, and Huang Minghan had to estimate that the time passed.

The Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield involved the next Battle of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder, but it wasn’t that he cared about the many opportunities in it.

It’s just that after the end of the Conferred God Ladder, there will be a battle for the emperor’s road. Since then, the signs of flying immortals have manifested. Dong Minghan intends to open the immortal road in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, there are many means to be arranged in advance.

Regarding the matter of Xuannv Palace, he just revealed something to Huamingzhuan at will, and he believed that Huamingzhuan could understand what he meant.

After all, from various indications, Huang Mingzhuan has indeed obtained many inherited memories of Xuannv.

Huang Mingzhuan naturally had no objection to Dong Minghan’s arrangement, but she was curious as to how Huang Minghan learned that she got the memory of Xuannv’s inheritance.

Huang Minghan didn’t explain too much, just mentioned the man named Lin Geng he met in Zuixianju.

These conclusions were reached by investigating his affairs and after some scrutiny.

After listening to it, Huang Ming was frightened and a little embarrassed and guilty.

Regarding Xuannv’s inheritance of memories, she did not disclose it to anyone, even the people closest to her.

Including all along, the same is true of Hua Minghan, who has taken good care of her and caring meticulously.

However, after learning that she had the memory of Xuannv’s inheritance, Hua Minghan was trying to find a way to contact the Xuannv Palace for her.

She even agreed to some requests from Xuannv Palace, just so that she could visit Xuannv Palace in person to seek fortune.

Looking back at herself, she concealed the matter of Hua Minghan.

This made Hua Mingzhuan a little worried, whether it would cause a grudge between Hua Minghan and her.

However, Hua Minghan didn’t seem to care about this, and his attitude towards her did not change at all compared to before.

This made Hua Ming earn more guilt in his heart.

The next day, Hong Nishang was still immersed in the vast sea of ​​books, constantly looking up the records about Tanggu and Fusang, and did not miss any opportunity.

On the other hand, the outside world was turbulent, and battles broke out one after another on the Cangming Mountain.

Even with the help of the portrait, the golden statue family’s rescue of the Golden King Patriarch was still hindered.

Moreover, many of the clansmen who were sent to Cangming Mountain disappeared like a rock sinking into the sea, and their life and death were unknown.

This made everyone in the Golden Clan feel hazy in their hearts, and if they wanted to rescue Old Ancestor Jun, they would have to make a long-term plan, and it would take a lot of time.

They can only bite the bullet and consume it.

The rhythm of the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao naturally attracted the attention of all parties. Many Tianjiao rushed to the ancient world there. Almost every day, one could see ancient warships passing by.

Ancient chariots crushed the sky, rumbled, turned into divine light, and galloped away.

Many descendants of the Immortal Dao appeared, and some ancient monsters who had been hidden for a long time also appeared in the world, bringing many followers there.

This is still the first ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, but the Tianjiao that has emerged can be said to have covered many areas in the Sanqi region.

Moreover, there has been news that there are young supreme beings who have discovered ancient ruins in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, and obtained the map of mountains and rivers.

The Mountains and Rivers Mysterious Realm Map is a kind of secret treasure in the ancient times, similar to the storage space, but the scope is hundreds of times, or even more difficult, than the storage space.

Among them, there is a complete imprint of mountains and rivers, which can re-evolve the previous scene, and in it, you can explore all kinds of rare treasures.

In addition, there are also young supreme beings who have left their names in some trial places in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, left terrifying records, received rewards from heaven, and shocked all directions. 2.3

Now that the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao has just manifested, there are many opportunities, and this is only on the first floor.

When the number of people in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao reaches a certain level, the trial entrance of the second floor will appear.

Only after meeting a certain requirement will you be eligible to go to the second floor.

Since ancient times, the requirements for going to the next level in each ancient battlefield of Tianjiao have been different.

Sometimes it is required to defeat how many people of the same generation and the same realm, and how many points to obtain, and sometimes it is required to achieve a certain level of cultivation and root bones, and no monk can determine these…

This is the consideration of the will of the heavens for the arrogance of the heavens.

Although the rewards given are far inferior to the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder Battle.

But compared to other opportunities, it is already too rich to imagine.

The portrait, in the attic of the book collection, is still very disappointed and regretful, who has been reading through the books all day.

She still hadn’t found any records of soup shells and fusang.

But in the end, she unexpectedly discovered a page of the remnant scriptures, which actually contained many records about the Jueyin Cold Vessel.

This is a very old manuscript note, it was handwritten, and some parts are quite dilapidated.

But Hong Nishang was extremely excited, took a few deep breaths, and then calmed herself down.

“It records why the yin cold pulse is absolutely necessary, and how to alleviate it, and even solve it completely…”

Her eyes were burning, and she began to carefully write down what was written on it.

But when she saw the back, her expression became a little wrong.

There was also a layer of light rosy color on Bai Chen’s face, which seemed to be a little hot,

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