224 Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield Appears, Alarming the Real Events in Sandi Domain (Subscribe)

This kind of feeling is really too strange, it is like a light on the back, as if there is an invisible existence spying on him.

Lin Li even wondered if some of Gai’s old antiques noticed his abnormality and took this opportunity to spy on him?

This made his heart shudder, and he didn’t dare to reveal too many strange things, so as not to be painted by those old antiques as someone with bad intentions.

Originally, he was thinking about whether to find an opportunity to test Zhou Chanxuan’s attitude, or to inquire about her.

But thinking about it now, Lin Xue still gave up.

Now he is on the site of the portrait.

Who knows how many unfathomable masters are hidden in this ancient and huge family?

Once his identity is revealed.

I am afraid that even the Xuannv Palace will not be able to save him.

“Let’s take one step and count one step at a time. The enmity between me and Zhou Chanxuan, this bitch, will be counted later. 93

“The top priority now is to ensure the safety of one’s own life. 11

Lin Lai’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and some regretted that he had just blended into the portrait.

However, he is not a simple-minded person, and he recovered quickly and began to think about Zhu’s next plan.

At present, he can’t get in touch with Dong Mingyuan.

The only thing he can do seems to be to gain the trust of Proof Lan and make his identity more stable.

The Three Rough Dao Territory is not peaceful. Recently, Cangming Mountain outside the ancient city of Daoyan has gathered too many sights.

Many Taoist forces are paying attention.

In addition, some relics of ancient times also revealed their diligent deeds, and were bumped into by some young geniuses.

Such an opportunity can only be encountered, and there are many secrets hidden in the relics of “May 97” in ancient times.

There are not only the inheritance of exercises from ancient times, but also various instruments, medicinal pills, etc., and every time they are born, they will attract competition from all parties.

I have to say that in such a golden age, there are just too many opportunities, and there are various ancient inheritances.

In some ancient worlds, there are even some ancient battlefields of Tianjiao, which are ancient battlefields recognized by the will of heaven.

No one knows how many layers there are.

Just like the battle of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder, only Tianjiao Ji is qualified to enter this battlefield and fight in battle.

Each layer of the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao contains different fortune-telling mysteries, and there are countless opportunities, creating endless powerhouses.

On each floor, only those who have defeated a sufficient number of Tianjiao will be able to obtain the battlefield imprint and go to the next floor.

It’s just that the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao has always been mysterious. It is not in a fixed place, nor is it only one place, it seems to travel through the entire vast universe.

Among some ancient worlds this time, the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao appeared ahead of time, manifesting traces, which immediately caused an earthquake-like sensation.

Many Taoist forces were shocked, and then they became excited, and hurriedly recalled Tianjiao from all over the world.

This is the real event that disturbed the Three Cans Domain.

And many Tianjiao who got the news rushed to Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield in the first time, trying to seize the opportunity.

Because no one can be sure when the Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield will be closed.

The sooner you go to it, it means that there are more opportunities, you can seize the opportunity, go to a higher level, and you will be able to go against the heavens.

You must know that the famous and peerless characters in the past all came from the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao, and they got many opportunities in it.

Even if it is to change his life against the sky and change his life, it is still easy.

It can be said that the appearance of the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao this time really exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Many geniuses in the ancient city of Daoyan, after learning the news, rushed to the past quickly, not wanting to miss this opportunity.

Although the matter of Cangming Mountain is eye-catching, it is also the matter of the Golden Elephant Clan, and it also involves a figure from 100,000 years ago.

The younger generation is at most just watching the excitement around, and can’t get any benefits.

Therefore, after thinking about it, many people set off to the ancient world where the ancient battlefield of Yun Tianjiao was displayed.

In a quaint and magnificent bronze fairy hall, the rays of the sun are intertwined, the radiance of the gods is flowing, and the fairy mist is lingering, a sacred scene.

There is an extremely ancient pool in it, constantly fighting the mist.

Some of the broken ancient swords and ancient knives ups and downs, as if the sword energy and the sword energy are intertwined, which is extremely amazing.

Huang Mingxian was sitting on a pouf, between his eyebrows, a bronze immortal sword was suspended, the size of a palm, and the blade was simple and simple.

Mu Ran, her eyes opened suddenly, and her beautiful face was cold and calm.

“The ancient battlefield of Tianjiao is now in the world?”

“I didn’t expect it to show up so quickly, much faster than I remembered. So, the heroine from the Chiming Realm is about to show up?”

She murmured and asked, although she was practicing with her eyes closed before.

But a lot of news from the outside world was informed by secret methods.

In the memory of the book-piercer that she obtained, after the Banquet of Ten Thousand Realms, the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao will be manifested in turn.

As a result, before the Wanjie Banquet began, rumors of the manifestation of the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao were reported.

Does this mean that a lot of things have changed? There is a force somewhere that is correcting these?

In Hua Mingxian’s view, the heroine in the memory of the book-piercer is her own enemy.

If you don’t solve it in advance, I am afraid that it will really grow up and become a terrifying enemy in the future, and really hinder the two of them.

Although she is Gai’s little princess and also the successor of the Bronze Immortal Palace, she is also afraid of the heroine.

Because, the horror is that she is the one who is favored by the gods, and the innate spirit is extremely tyrannical.

At the same time, his luck was monstrous, and when he was reincarnated in his previous life, he encountered a rare disaster in the underworld.

I don’t know why, the underworld collapsed, the nine secluded places were chaotic, the ghosts were in harmony, and the world was in chaos.

Even the Yin Tianzi and Sifang Ghost Emperor in myths and rumors are missing.

Although it is only the underworld of a certain lower realm, the impact is also extremely terrifying.

But the heroine was a blessing in disguise, did not drink the Meng Po soup that washed away the memory of the past, and did not cross the Huangquan Road.

I even watched the chaos of the underworld, and then strayed into the space-time rift, watching the beginning of the heaven and the earth, and the chaos and division.

If you get a picture of Chaos Opening the Heaven, you can evolve the secret technique of opening the sky, observe and exercise your soul from time to time, which is comparable to the innate gods and demons.

Still have the method of nine secluded body refining, can refine the body of the nine secluded gods and demons, and the poor and blue will fall to the yellow spring, and they will not die, not be destroyed, and will not be empty.

These many opportunities have caused the heroine to have an extraordinary talent for heels from the moment she was born, and her peers can’t even see her shadow.

Of course, according to the memory of the book-piercer.

Although this heroine has such a heaven-defying opportunity, she has also risen from a small place step by step.

She was born in a certain lower realm called Chimingjie, in the vast wilderness, the daughter of the patriarch of a middle-class tribe with two older brothers.

The great wilderness is dangerous, all ethnic groups are attached, many fierce beasts lie in bed, and human races, barbarians, and various ethnic groups are fighting and fighting, and war and bloodshed can be seen every day.

The ethnic groups of various tribes have cultivated their bodies since childhood and are accompanied by fierce beasts.

And the female protagonist Yun Sheng has her own wisdom roots and can learn everything quickly. When she was still in the womb, the strength of her divine soul was beyond the reach of the strongest in her tribe.

Later, after she was born, she showed an extremely powerful talent, leading from your tribe, annexed the surrounding tribes, and grew stronger day by day.

Moreover, the mother of the heroine is a disciple of an ancient sect of cultivation in the Chiming Realm.

In terms of background, it can be regarded as the top of the Chiming Realm.

Of course, this is what happened later. The heroine’s mother, regardless of the sect’s objection, insisted on eloping with the heroine’s father and came to Tianhuang.

On the way, the heroine’s father was injured by the pursuers, and the cultivation base could no longer advance, but he was also a famous powerhouse around.

Because of this, the sect of the heroine’s mother, based on many clues, found the Great Wilderness, and wanted to kill the traitors and purge the sect.

At the same time, it was also because the hostess’ mother had taken away a treasure of the sect called the Seal of God.

Only Huang Mingxian knew about these things. She hadn’t told the others, and it was difficult for her to determine the authenticity of the book-piercer’s memory.

But many things have happened all along, so she has to believe it all.

“According to the memory of the book wearer, this is the first encounter of the heroine.”

“Later, because of her extremely terrifying talent, she joined the hostile forces of her mother’s sect.

“The back of the Chiming Realm was invaded by other ethnic groups, the rules of heaven and earth were disordered, and the way of heaven was not obvious. The heroine brought the will of the Chiming Realm to calm down this difficulty.

“With the luck of the world, the will of the heavens is manifested, and the paths of the heavens emerge, which can be combined with many ancient worlds such as the Three Cans Domain. 9

“After the Wanjie Banquet, she will gradually become famous on the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao…”

“I just don’t know, now that the timeline is advanced, she will rhyme in the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao..

After thinking for a moment, Hua Mingxian got up from the puppet, and the bronze immortal sword rattled, turned into a stream of light, flew into her eyebrows and disappeared.

She flicked her dress, and many maids suddenly appeared in the palace, kneeling down respectfully.

“Pass my order, gather all the followers, and go with me to battle the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao.

Huang Mingxian’s brows were filled with the air of Lengzhou, and he raised his hand, like a peerless female sword fairy in charge of the battle, and said directly.

“Yes, ma’am.”

When all the maids heard the words, they all responded in unison.

At the same time, the Three Cans Domain is a territory full of chaos and war.

In a sea of ​​crimson fire blazing into the sky, large tracts of islands ups and downs, as if they were floating on the sea.

On an island, there is a city sitting on it, pavilions and pavilions spread, row upon row, and there are creatures of all ethnic groups, which are extremely prosperous.

This is the realm of sin, and it is one of the most chaotic areas in the Sanqi realm.

Even the Dao Lineage forces, including the Immortal Dao forces, were reluctant to get involved.

Over time, this place has also become a gathering place for many murderers or demons in the Sanzhen region to escape. When they are desperate, they will flee to this place.

In the eyes of many monks, werewolves are everywhere here, and their reputation is not as good as that of the Lower Three Realms.

“Tianjiao Ancient Battlefield?”

A young man with a slightly dark skin showing his upper body, sat cross-legged on a floating stone the size of a hill, absorbed the scorching aura around him, trained his body, and suddenly grinned.

What seemed to be a little upright at first turned out to be a little ferocious.

“The three is not far from here, I should go to revenge, portrait…”

“I should settle it with you guys.”

The dark-skinned young man was muttering to himself, but his eyes were filled with bitter hatred and coldness.

He couldn’t forget that the book of death that he had accidentally obtained was taken away by the girl surnamed Huang who was aloof.

Then he was forced to jump off the Scarlet Flame Cliff.

During this period of time, those scenes were like a dream, reminding him all the time.

He wants to take back everything that belongs to him and kill the enemy.

“If it weren’t for my fate, I accidentally awakened the Charcoal Swallowing Immortal Body under the Red Flame Cliff, which can swallow the fires of the world for my use, I’m afraid I really have to be buried there.”

“Speaking of which, I still have to thank you. If it wasn’t for you, I might not have awakened the Immortal Swallowing Body so quickly.”

The young man sneered, and his eyes became even colder when he thought of the encounters at the beginning.

The book of death that he accidentally obtained was snatched away by the other party, and he almost died.

If it wasn’t for 2.3, he would have died under the Red Flame Cliff long ago.

These grievances, he is bound to – and the other party to liquidate.

This time, the ancient battlefield of Tianjiao appeared, and he just rushed to the past to solve all this with his own hands.

The next moment, the young man took out a bronze mask and put it on, put on a robe, and left the place.

At present, it is already in a magnificent and simple palace.

On one of the ancient sacrificial seams, sitting cross-legged was a thin figure, clad in black robes, with sunken eye sockets.

“I’m leaving the realm of sin.

After the young man came here, he opened his mouth indifferently and said to this thin figure.

“Because of what?”

A dry sound like the rubbing of stones resounded, echoing in this silent hall.

This thin figure raised his eye sockets and looked at the young man with a calm voice.

Murder “, revenge.”

The youth’s response was also very simple, with only two words.

“Then go away.”

“The prestige of my Ten Thousand Immortals Religion should also resound in the gap between the three realms.

Hearing this, this thin figure nodded slightly.

Ten Thousand Immortals Sect, there is another name that makes all living beings talk about it, the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Sect, which almost unified the countless star regions south of the Three Is It Territory, and the background is extremely terrifying.

Dare to be named Wanxian, you can see his spirit.

It was just that it was surrounded and suppressed by many immortal forces, and it was almost destroyed.

But over the years, in fact, he has been recuperating in the depths of the sin domain, waiting for the day he returns to the world.

The young man in front of him is one of the young seeds of the Ten Thousand Immortal Demon Sect, not a descendant.

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