217 With the body of the three realms, open up the interior sanctuary (please subscribe)

After the painting family competition was over, many guests also said goodbye and left.

The golden snake mother-in-law, who is enshrined in the portrait, intends to let her apprentice Yun Shi temper it, but she stays in the portrait.

And for this reason, Zhou Chanxuan also temporarily stayed in the portrait.

Huang Minghan intentionally learned something about the boy named Lin Xue from her.

It’s just that this matter, if he speaks, is somewhat inappropriate.

So he thought about it and didn’t ask immediately. During this time, he ordered many people to investigate the matter about Lin Yang.

This is the same as the previous news.

Because the Lower Three Realms were quite desolate, it proved that the manpower that Han had instructed was not easy to penetrate.

But he also learned a lot of useful information.

Lin Qiu and Zhou Chanxuan do have a lot of grudges.

But it is far from the level of perpetual death that Lin Geng said.

This guy who is suspected to be the son of luck is actually about the same age as Zhou Chanxuan, but for some reason, he looks like a teenager.

Huang Minghan guessed that this might be because of his chance, or because of his special practice.

When he was in Zuixianju, Lin Xue was frightened by Hua Ming and stayed there for a long time.

Hua Minghan’s expression was more like seeing something incredible.

So, where is Lin Xue likely to have met Hua Mingying, or knew her?

But Hua Mingzhuan really didn’t know Lin Qiu.

Huang Minghan guessed a lot of possibilities, but thought the most likely one was, could it be that Lin Xue had seen someone who looked exactly like Lei Mingyuan?

Besides, he didn’t know there was a possibility of police.

Speaking of Lin Xue, he has no grudges against Hua Minghan, and he is curious about Lin Xue just because Lin Xue is probably the son of luck.

Otherwise, he would not have specially asked people to investigate him.

And during the period when the painting family competition ended, the Tianjiao event in the ancient city of Daoyan also ended one after another.

Talents of all ethnic groups compete for fame and fortune at the grand event, and they shine, attracting all directions, and the scenery is infinite.

It’s just that after this grand event ended, it was in Cangming Mountain, which was not far from the ancient city of Daoyan.

However, a dazzling brilliance appeared, reflecting the sky, directly dispelling the rolling evil spirits nearby.

This scene caused changes in all parties, and many Daoist forces who had not left the ancient city of Daoyan swarmed away.

Cangming Mountain is a well-known acquired forbidden area. It is rumored that no one can live from it in 597.

The surrounding is full of terrifying evil spirits, and they are dying at every turn, turning into dry bones.

The vision of the ancient city of Daoyan before has caused the situation in all parties, and many monks came to hear the news.

It turned out that the vision came from Cangming Mountain, and many people were defeated.

Now there is another change in Cangming Mountain, the rays of light are bright, covering the sky, and it is suspected that there is a strange treasure in the world, which once again shocked many people, and took great risks to rush to the past.

It’s just that the vast majority of people just stopped at the periphery of Cangming Mountain and did not dare to get too close.

The majestic mountain body is full of purple-black, filled with evil spirits, from a distance it looks like a Jedi of life, revealing a palpitating aura.

It’s just that there seems to be a trembling aura in that place now, earth-shattering, like a wave, constantly beating away in all directions.

The territory of nearly tens of thousands of miles around was affected, many mountain ranges roared, ancient trees collapsed, and a terrifying rift valley emerged.

The beasts and beasts that lived here also fled in all directions, as if there were some terrifying creatures in the Cangming Mountains that wanted to wake up.

Such an astonishing change naturally attracted the attention of all parties. Many Daoists who had rushed to the ancient city of Daoyan before sent people to investigate.

Wanlong Ridge, Scarlet Phoenix Mountain, Ancient Temple of God of War, Golden Family…

Ancient chariots rumbled past the ancient Taoist lineages that could almost be named, driving over with divine light, and looked at them from the outside of Cangming Mountain.

Back then, the Cangming Evil Ancestor had enormous strength, and if he hadn’t acted destructively, he would have been surrounded and suppressed by many Immortal Dao forces.

Maybe he really has to become a generation of evil immortals, and the spleen sleeps for eternity.

Of course, the changes in this place naturally attracted the attention of many geniuses, and they rushed over.

The current descendant of the Holy Spirit Lake, the Holy Spirit Son, with many followers, appeared on another hill and calmly watched Cangming Mountain.

All kinds of brilliance flickered in his eyes, as if he was planning something.

On the other side, Chu Qingxuan, the descendant of the ancient temple of the God of War, and the young master of the Golden Statue Clan, Jin Tuo also appeared, watching the place.


Jin Tuo was dressed in a golden armor, and even his hair was flowing with divine light, and he looked like a hero.

It’s just that the expression on his face now seems to be somewhat emotional and complicated.

Chu Qingxuan, who was on the side, understood what Huang Jintuo was thinking.

This place is known as the Jedi of Life. Even 100,000 years ago, there was a arrogant and brilliant figure in the Golden Elephant Clan.

In the end, he seemed to be trapped in it, and disappeared without a trace.

That peerless figure, known by the world as the Golden King, once defeated the arrogance of all races, and even the successor of the immortal power was not his opponent.

In the past, many people were overwhelmed, and they were at the peak of the sky, and they had never lost.

It can be said that for the golden statue family, he is equivalent to painting Minghan today, and for the portrait of the hidden immortal family.

It is a pity that the peerless genius has never really grown up, and later stepped into Cangming Mountain in order to find the fairy flower who was born in the Nether Jedi.

Only the place where the evil spirit is most concentrated can the Nether Jedi appear.

And Zhuanxianhua is a kind of magical flower, although it is often accompanied by ghosts.

But it is not contaminated with the slightest evil, and it is one of the most sacred things in the world.

Speaking of this Zhuanxianhua, it is necessary to mention the golden king when he was young.

At that time, because he was fighting a peerless enemy, the strength of the two was indistinguishable, and after several days of fighting, it was difficult to tell the winner.

In the end, the two tried their best to fight to the death.

The Golden King narrowly escaped, but was also severely injured, fell into the river, and finally drifted to a small fishing village in the mundane world.

A kind pearl picker in the fishing village rescued him in the river and took good care of him.

In the process of getting along day and night, the Golden King fell in love with this ordinary but kind pearl-picking girl.

Regardless of the huge disparity in the identities of the two, after recovering from his injuries, he took this pearl-picking girl and returned to the Golden Clan.

It’s a pity that this pearl-picking girl has ordinary roots and mediocre talents.

Even if he exhausted all means and used up many ancient medicines and holy artifacts, it would be difficult for her to become a powerful cultivator.

Although compared to mortals, this is enough, and it is easy to live a few rough years.

But the Golden King is not reconciled, he is the golden statue family, the most powerful Tianjiao in these hundreds of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years.

The future is to compete destiny, do immortal ancestral figure.

Hundreds of millions of years of life, and even more distant.

How could he allow himself watched beloved girl, this old, no longer face, turned into a pile of bones.

So he went to the deep blue sea mountain adventure, trying to find where the turn Xianhua, forever beloved woman’s face, let her stay young forever, and reshape her Gengu, so she can live longer.

Unfortunately, this is not to go back, never to swallow Tsang Ming Shan, I do not know life and death.

Later gold like family, have been sent to find, some hope, unwilling to accept from the peerless Tianjiao, which this fact killed.

The fact is, even the gold left in the family, the king of soul lights cut, the fall in the true sense.

Gold up and down like a family grief into tears.

“In a flash, a hundred thousand years later ……”

Gold Billiton looked at this piece is full of evil spirits of the mountains, look very complicated.

All in all, the gold king ancestors who, but he belongs in this vein, he was young, you heard it a lot of rumors.

Unfortunately, such a fine figure of around absolutely brilliant, so trapped died in the deep blue sea mountain, people sigh.

Like many gold race for the elderly, when the matter mentioned, all sighed with regret, very sad. (bhcd)

In their view, the gold king ancestors who, but there is hope gold will be like family, taken to a new height.

“Hundred thousand years later, the chances are slim indeed.”

Ares descendant of the ancient temple of Chu Qingxuan side also, alas, some do not understand who the king of the golden state of mind.

Obviously stood promising future, why choose such a life of ten dead no way?

And in between both of them talk, deep blue sea over the hill, again a vision came.

Red red glow, like a large cloud-like, pushed up from that place, the whole sky was trembling.

Faint among the mountains are shaking the entire piece, so many monks came near, stature instability, falling down from the sky.

Everyone feels aghast, hastily retreated toward the back, not too close.

Little Lord Wanlong Ridge Longsheng, the eyes of some shadow.

He did not know if it will go and rushed Wang Yu and related sugar charm.

But the deep blue sea mountain was more concerned about the people, for him, not a good thing.

These days more and more monks, mountains here along for the ride to the deep blue sea, completely ignored here, but a life-Jedi, known as ten dead without life.

Red Phoenix Mountain Phoenix small ancestral virtual road, standing in another hill, which is also in the spy scene.

“Chaos Tien list open list soon, this kind of thing, or less involved as well.”

He is very cautious, choose to wait and see in the distance, just along for the ride.

In addition to the younger generation, the older generation also came a lot, of which there are some living fossil Yaozu class people, eyes deep, stagnant water Yue Yuan Zhi, strong terrible.

Cang Ming Shan although public pool, but it is undeniable, contains a lot of opportunity here.

The so-called mixed blessing, here crises, but between dangerous and often contains a large fortune.

This vision, in many people’s view, is the sign.

The next few days, the deep blue sea side of the mountain volatility, once again attracted the attention of the parties.

More and more monks and creatures falls, wandering around.

A hill, a white moon appeared earn, black hair flying skirt sleeve of a robe fluttering.

A flash of thought flashed across her eyes, and she also chose to stay put and wait and see.

There are actually quite a few young talents like her, who all rushed over after hearing the news.

It’s just that the land of Canglang is really evil, and not many people dare to set foot in it, even if they just stop around, they have to be careful.

In the past countless years, there have been many living examples, and peerless characters have to be hated.

Portrait, Hua Minghan also got relevant news, but he was surprised.

When he sensed the location of the Queen of Luck Yu, he actually found that she seemed to be on the side of Cangming Mountain.

As for whether it is in Cangming Mountain, he is not very clear, after all, the distance is too far to be sure.

For these opportunities, he has never been interested.

From Hua Minghan’s point of view, there is no chance that he can compare to himself.

With the blessing of God, after obtaining the personality of Tianxin, his cultivation speed is simply beyond imagination.

Originally, because the god base was not created, the relationship between the god fire was not ignited for a long time.

The cultivation base has been pressed again and again, and now it is like that spouting volcano, which is hard to contain.

Some time ago, after breaking through the realm of the gods, Huang Minghan was already thinking about condensing the realm of time and space in the realm of the gods.

He estimated that when the Xuantian Chaos Ranking was launched, he should be able to reach the holy level.

If he considers the true strength that he has not shown, it is estimated that he can compete with the Great Sage above the holy realm, and even the character of the golden snake mother-in-law.

Therefore, he doesn’t care much about these sensational opportunities now.

It’s all about improving your own strength.

No matter how lively the outside world is on Cangming Mountain, Dong Minghan’s side has always been calm.

After the clan competition ended, Hua Mingzhuan retreated again. This time the leader gave her a lot of good things, which took a while to digest.

And the blessing that Toleming earned proves that Han Neng can clearly feel that his luck is growing again.

“The matter of the domain cannot be rushed. In this process, it is necessary to use the huge spiritual power as an introduction to induce inexplicable power around the body to construct its own magic rune…”

Huang Minghan walked between the islands of the gods, meditating and realizing the magic of this realm.

He was born with the strength of the saint realm, and directly jumped over many previous realms, which also caused him to lack the corresponding experience of the previous realm.

Now that the cultivation base is a matter of course, Hua Minghan also chose to go with the flow and did not force it.

Just considering that the mental power he needs is extraordinarily huge, he needs to prepare more.

After all, this is the realm of casting time and space.

Different from the rest of the fields, this is a powerful and supreme power, which is above many fields.

Huang Minghan himself didn’t know whether his Five Elements Creation Domain and Space-Time Domain were stronger or weaker.

In addition, he also intends to condense the realm of the stars, and use the three realms to open up the interior sanctuary.

This is a very bold attempt, but he feels that he should be able to do it. No one has dared to do this kind of attempt since ancient times.

Opening up an interior sanctuary is not as simple as opening up a so-called small world, but the mysterious creations involved are even more profound.

And to open up a small world, at least the cultivation level must reach the holy realm or above, and touch the supreme level, there is such a possibility.

Huang Minghan had no lack of insight into the sacred realm, and he was richer than the older generation of cultivators in terms of the creation of rules.

That’s why he had such a plan.

“In terms of the Tianxin personality that I have now, I should soon be able to meet and ask suitable things to help me condense the realm of time and space.

Dong Minghan’s mood is very peaceful, and he has never been worried about it.

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