212 Do you want to give me a surprise? Catch that surnamed Gai to warm the bed (please subscribe)

“In order to compete for the top 100 in the clan competition this time, Lingnan City is said to have specially given the Tianlong Baxuan Pill to its young master to help him condense the Tianlong Dharma body. I looked at this Lingnan City and could enter the top 100.”

“The ancient city of Tusang is not bad. For the sake of its young lady, I did not hesitate to send a lot of people to go to the Soulless Ghost Valley to find the flower of the god’s sleeve, refine the secret treasure, and the sun and moon in the sleeve. This is a well-known ancient artifact in the records. , Once hooked, there is no trace, it can be said that it is hard to prevent.”

“What you said can only be ranked in the top 100 at most.”

“If you want me to say, it depends on which of the Pangfan people can make the top 30 this time.

“As for the top ten positions, it has always been firmly controlled by the main clan, and there are many sidelines, and the best ranking is still more than 20.

“But that clan, who was favored by a clan elder from the main clan, stayed by his side, and now it is said that he is about to break through to the Holy Land.”

“It’s really enviable.

Everywhere on the hilltops and in the pavilions, one could hear the voices of the many people talking beside the portraits, with excitement mixed with excitement.

The vast majority of them represent the collateral ethnic groups behind them.

In the ancient cities of the outside world, it is also a person who can attract a big earthquake by stomping his feet, and his power is amazing.

It seems that the masters of some side fan groups are also very excited and hopeful at this moment, and they are looking closely at the ancient battlefield that rises over there.

The rotten brilliance reflected in the sky, and some of them fluctuated and rhythmically exploded in the void, causing exclamations everywhere.

The fight between these young peers has always been a hot topic.

Even the many clan elders in the ancient temple were talking softly, nodding their heads from time to time, quite satisfied and relieved.

“It seems that the foreigners of this generation also have some good seedlings.”

“My portrait is thriving. 99

They smiled, looked away from the ancient battlefields, and gave those young clansmen their expressions of approval.

Of course, the clansmen outside could not clearly see the situation in this ancient temple.

But they know that as long as they perform better, the easier it is to be respected, and it is not difficult to soar to the sky.

“The portraits have a long history of luck, and even people with foreign surnames are all extraordinary and possess unique skills. 93

-The guests are also amazed, expressing admiration and envy.

Most of Huang Minghan’s eyes were on Hua 580 Mingzhuan.

He wondered a little, what did Huang Mingzhuan mean by surprise?

At this moment, she is fighting against a master clan Tianjiao, and the ancient battlefield is shining brightly, and the wind is surging.

She raised her jade hand, and the red glow of the sky fell, like a Dao sword with a slap in the face, making a clanging sound, like a large crowd thrown down, densely packed, astonishingly intimidating.

This is an ancient art, transforming a sword into a cloud requires a very high level of kendo attainment, and it can be used with ease.

But not long after she practiced, she was already in perfect condition, which made many clan elders look strange and amazed.

“If I remember correctly, Mingzhuan will return to the portrait after more than half a year…”

“Even a disciple who has studied this ancient technique for decades is not necessarily as skilled as she is. 93

They couldn’t help but exclaim,

“It seems that Mingzhuan inherited the talent of their lineage. At the beginning, her father showed a very strong perception since she was a child…”

When Huang Minghan saw this scene, he thought of the previous scene in Zuixianju.

Huang Mingyuan’s comprehension power is indeed amazing. It only takes a few short glances to see through the magical powers recorded on the murals.

It’s just that he felt that it was more like carrying some kind of Su Hui.

Judging from the fight between Hua Mingxi and her opponent, she should have no fighting experience, but she acted as if she had experienced many slayings.

Soon, on that ancient battlefield, the battle between Dong Mingzhuan and his opponent came to an end.

The arrogance of the main clan was shot in disbelief, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and his injuries were quite serious.

Among the main clan – Ju Tianjiao, he was also known for his name, and the result was defeated like this, which was really unbelievable and unacceptable to him.

However, Hua Mingzhuan stood there, with a fluttering skirt, cold and refined, causing many people to look sideways.

Then, she fluttered away, waiting for the next match.

However, some clansmen noticed that before she left, she glanced in the direction of the ancient temple and seemed to smile slightly.

This laugh made many young people lose their minds, and speculation began to rise.

“Is this what you said, to surprise me? 99

Dong Minghan smiled lightly.

And when the painting was holding the race, the ancient city of Daoyan, which was hundreds of millions of miles away, the (bhcd) Tianjiao event was also held in full swing.

The arrogance of the various Taoist ethnic groups appeared and gathered here.

Among them, the most eye-catching is naturally the successor of various immortal forces, such as Long Sheng, the new successor of Wanlongling.

Sheng Wuxin of the Holy Spirit, Huang Xu Dao of Chihuang Mountain, Xue Wu Dang, the descendant of the Underworld Blood Immortal Sect, and the rest of the freaks who were born in ancient times.

In the rest of the era, each is an invincible creature that overwhelms its peers, making their peers breathless.

They appeared in this world, although they have not yet fought against the heavenly arrogance of the world, but they have great oppressive force, making many of their peers jealous.

Some are extremely powerful, although their backgrounds are not as good as those of the Immortal Dao forces, they are also eye-catching.

The descendants of such forces as the Golden Statue Clan, the Moling Changxiang, the Bronze Immortal Hall, the Supreme Hall, and the Ancient Temple of the God of War naturally attracted much attention.

However, apart from the appearance of the descendants of the Ancient God of War Temple, the Bronze Immortal Hall and the Supreme Hall were all gone.

The fact that the descendant of the ancient temple of the God of War was defeated by a little-known boy also caused a fever, which made him lose face.

It was the young man who was suspected to be from the Lower Three Realms, which surprised many people and wanted to know who he was.

As for the Daoyan ancient trees in Daoyan Ancient City, they originally only took out some green shoots, but now they have the greenness of green onion, and they are full of green onion police in one day, full of vitality.

Next to the ancient trees of Daoyan, many Tianjiao discussed Dao and met friends by martial arts, which was extremely lively.

One of the most noticeable is the fight between the descendants of the various immortal forces.

There were rumors before that the descendant of the Underworld Blood Immortal was hunted down by Sheng Wuxin, the descendant of the Holy Spirit Lake, and he was able to escape with the help of a powerful secret treasure.

This time, the two encountered each other again, and the immortals of the Mingxue taught that there was no blood disease, and they tried to be ashamed.

The result was a fiasco in the hands of Sheng Wuxin, which shocked all parties.

The party concerned saw with his own eyes that Sheng Wuxin only made three moves to defeat the descendants of the Underworld Blood Immortal Sect, making those ancient freaks jealous.

This level of strength can not help but remind people of another invincible creature of the same generation.

His presence brings endless despair and oppression.

It is a pity that at this Tianjiao Conference, he did not show up, which made many monks feel regretful.

And because of this move, many people saw his shadow in Sheng Wuxin, and there were all kinds of rumors.

Perhaps Sheng Wuxin will become its archenemy.

Huang Minghan will encounter the existence of his peers who can compete with him, he will not be truly invincible, and the heights will be extremely cold.

Of course, at this conference, a lot of things also happened. Taoist Xuantian and Pavilion Master Tianji appeared, trying to create a list of Xuantian Chaos, including today’s Sandi Domain, and even the arrogance of all races in the rest of the ancient world.

The Xuantian Chaos Ranking is just a general title, and the lists in it are all-encompassing.

It has been inherited since ancient times, but in the past tens of thousands of years, few people have mentioned it.

Now the reopening of the Xuantian Chaos Ranking means that the real world is coming.

The Wanjie Banquet is just around the corner, and the first battle of the Conferred God Heavenly Ladder begins. The rhythm of this list naturally has certain reference significance and value.

Xuantian Taoist is the master of Xuantian Taoism, and its origin is quite mysterious.

The Tianji Pavilion is also extremely mysterious, and it seems that there are innumerable connections with the major business alliances behind it.

The eyeliner spreads all over the three-dimension domain, from the top to see Yin and Yang, and from the bottom to explore the nine secluded places.

The Xuantian Chaos Ranking is also equivalent to a true authoritative ranking list, which is far heavier than any wild rankings.

In addition, in the Xuantian Chaos Ranking, various aspects such as the deeds and talents of each Tianjiao will be evaluated, and a comprehensive result will be obtained.

In a great sense, this result represented the true strength of a Tianjiao.

Therefore, after learning that the Xuantian Chaos Ranking will be reopened, all parts of the Three Cans Region will continue to be so sensational and exciting.

From this list, we can also clearly see the real gap between myself and the rest of my peers.

In addition to these things, there is another thing in the ancient city of Daoyan, which has attracted the attention of all parties.

The vision of grapes that was passed down before was believed by many people to be the birth of a strange treasure, and they came one after another.

But now I learned that it was the brilliance of the Qin Dynasty reflected by the Cangming Mountain outside the ancient city of Daoyan, and it accidentally shone into the ancient city of Daoyan.

Cangming Mountain was named after Cangming Evil Ancestor, who was once a powerful tyrant of the evil dao.

In order to attack the realm of Immortal Dao, this evil Dao giant did not hesitate to harm all spirits, and launched the ancient blood demon formation to help him break through.

Cangming Mountain is the eye of the ancient blood evil formation, which gathers endless blood evil spirits.

Of course, this evil Dao giant was naturally surrounded and killed by the forces of the Immortal Dao. He was killed in the sky and blood stained the universe, but it also created his fierce name.

Too many strong men died in that battle.

Some of the Immortal Dao forces have also lost their vitality and have not recovered for a long time.

The ancient city of Daoyan is actually not far from Cangming Mountain, and it can even be seen from the city wall.

It can be seen that the towering magic mountain shrouded in evil spirits seems to have existed when the world opened up, and it is breathtaking.

The thick fog shrouded in the surrounding area, and there was no green scene.

The vision of the ancient city of Daoyan came from Cangming Mountain, which naturally disappointed many monks and souls who came to hear the news.

After the Tianjiao Conference ended, they left each other, and it was impossible to take the risk and go to Cangming Mountain.

There were some cultivators who were profound evil cultivators, trying to find the inheritance of Cangming evil ancestors, and ventured to Cangming Mountain.

But before he could get close, he died on the way, was corroded by the blood evil spirit, and became a strange creature.

“Everyone said that you should come join in the fun and stay in the village, wouldn’t it be good? Now, it’s okay, I was hit by the descendant of Wanlongling. 33

“In front of you is Cangming Mountain, it’s over, I think I am a peerless fairy, so big that I haven’t even touched a man’s hand, and I’m going to be buried here.

At this moment, in the hills outside Cangming Mountain, two tall and thin figures are running for their lives at a rapid rate.

It was Qi Mei and Wang Yu.

The person who spoke was Tang Mei, who was still wearing the heavy makeup she had before.

But now, his face was full of anger and indignation. He grabbed Wang Yu’s arm and moved as fast as blue smoke, as if some beast was chasing him behind him.

According to the original plan, the two women naturally went to the ancient city of Daoyan to try their luck, and by the way, they joined in the excitement of this Tianjiao Conference.

As a result, as soon as he entered the city, he was stared at without saying anything.

When he was about to leave, he was hit by Long Sheng, the descendant of Wanlongling.

He didn’t know what method he used to determine the identities of the two women.

Tang Mei and Wang Yu had no choice but to leave outside the city and flee all the way, but were forced to come to Cangming Mountain.

In front of it is the famous forbidden area of ​​San Da Yu, and there is no living creature that can come out alive.

That’s the equivalent of a real Jedi.

Therefore, Ting Mei couldn’t help screaming, her face was full of resentment, and the people behind Wanlongling were still chasing after them, and it seemed that they would catch up with the two women and would not give up.

“It’s not that you fooled me to come to Daoyan Ancient City, can you blame me?

“If you weren’t too greedy, we would have left long ago, and there would be no such thing.

As soon as he heard this, Wang Yu was so angry that he wanted to hit her, and if something went wrong, he directly put the black pot on her head.

Before the Tianjiao Conference ended, she had a bad premonition and urged Qi Mei to leave quickly.

As a result, the goblin stared at the budding Daoyan ancient tree, and stayed there for a long time.

Then they were bumped into by Long Teng, the descendant of Wanlongling.

This guy who was occupied by a ghost seems to be able to determine Wang Yu’s identity, no matter how she changes her face, she can confirm her identity.

The two women, who had nothing to gain, had no choice but to start their escape route, escaping from the ancient city of Daoyan all the way, and were forced to go outside Cangming Mountain.

Tang Mei also knew that she was at a loss, and she couldn’t stop the thought when she had a small problem of greed for money.

She gritted her teeth and looked head-on at the Wanlongling pursuers who were chasing after them. She said fiercely and authentically,

“Auntie fought hard, if she survives this disaster, she will definitely catch the guy surnamed Huang to warm the bed.


Wang Yu originally thought she was going to say something cruel, but when she heard this, she was stunned.

However, Qi Mei no longer gave her a chance to react, and took her straight into the boundless suffocating aura, and soon disappeared into it.

“They actually dared to rush to Wancangming Mountain.

“It’s just courting death.”

Afterwards, in the sky, several divine rainbows swept over, landed here, and the people of Wanlongling who had been chasing and killing all had ugly and angry faces on their faces.

They didn’t expect that the two women would really dare to die, and would rather be corrupted by evil spirits than be caught by them,

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